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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 276 Going Home) (Subscribe)

The time period that can be confirmed when predicting the future may be related to the size of the fate trajectory affected.

The first time, Ryosuke chose to destroy the moon.

He only predicted this decision for half a day, and the impact of destroying the moon was that the entire ninja world and even this galaxy were fluctuating due to the destruction of the moon, and the space was torn and black holes appeared.

There is no doubt that the impact of the fate trajectory in this prediction is very huge, and it may even directly cause the planet belonging to the ninja world to explode.

The second time, Ryosuke contacted Hyuga, causing Hyuga to start to manipulate most of the forces in the ninja world and tear up the interests, which also had a profound impact on the human civilization of this planet.

However, after all, it was not the destruction of the planet, nor did it cause unrest in the galaxy, so the predicted time was extended to one month.

The last time, Ryosuke did not expose himself, but silently observed everything in the ninja world as an observer, so the time was extended to three months, until the consumption was over, and then slowly exited the state of prediction.

“Maybe it should be longer.” Ryosuke made an analysis, “Not intervening may also change the trajectory of fate.” “In the original destiny, I should have changed something, but because of observation, I did not stand up, which led to the destruction or survival of certain forces, which may also have an impact.” After a pause, he made a deeper guess, “But it is also possible that I am not in destiny.” “So every decision I make is changing any kind of destiny trajectory, which will affect the predicted time period…” It is not an easy time to master the ability. It took Ryosuke a long time to develop a pressure eye technique from zero to one, and it took some time to fully master it. Compared with pressure, eighty gods air strikes, which can be used in battle, as long as their power is ensured, the eye technique of predicting the future is more inclined to auxiliary role than the illusory power, and it is extremely difficult to study. This mysterious power will not have the power of the eye technique used in battle to directly give feedback on the damage value and damage range. It needs to be tested over and over again, and summarized and analyzed, so it is extremely troublesome. However, Ryosuke has never been a person who is afraid of trouble. He is afraid that he has no direction.

Time and time again, he has been testing on the moon, and he gradually understands that the ability to predict the future consumes energy and materials such as chakra, and something else is consumed unconsciously.


But when Ryosuke suddenly woke up, it was unknown how long time had passed.

As meticulous as he is, even in the dark, he can still confirm his time through the illusory pendulum in his heart.

But this time, when he came to the moon, he gradually forgot the so-called concept of time.

Every time he predicts the future, Ryosuke can see different content.

Even if there are some repetitive places, most of them will change greatly in the passage of time under the influence of some tiny details.

And this novel feeling makes Ryosuke forget the time. Among his dozens of predictions, more than forty times he returned to the ninja world and spent endless years in it. In it, he gradually lost the time of the real world, and even…

lost the sense of reality!

In the crystal palace, Ryosuke stood there in a daze, his eyes a little dim.

His body had just recovered from the last precognitive state, and he was also clearly aware of the passage of time, and was about to leave the moon.

But just as he took a step forward, intending to use the amplification ability of the huge reincarnation eye beside him to directly construct a time-space technique that could shuttle between two stars, his body suddenly stopped!

The scene in front of him was too familiar, and his intention to leave the moon made Ryosuke wonder whether he should move forward.

The steps he was about to take were directly forcibly suppressed in mid-air, and the whole person stopped there.

Countless scenes of leaving the moon and arriving in the ninja world appeared in his mind. The memories were so real that Ryosuke could not distinguish between reality and illusion.

His head was groggy, and countless memories were sorted and divided in his mind, making it completely unclear whether he was still in the precognitive state or in the real world.

Maybe I should take a break for a while.

Thinking of this, Ryosuke raised his foot and stepped out.

The next moment, he woke up from the ground in a trance, looking blankly at the desolation in all directions.

“I must stop thinking…” Soon, Ryosuke realized that when he discovered the abnormality just now, he was still in the state of foreknowledge. So now… am I real? Without any hesitation, he stood up and stretched his body. At the same time, Ryosuke raised his palm, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. He discovered another sequelae, that his thinking, or the control of his soul over his body, was constantly weakening! The soul was gradually becoming unfamiliar with his body! “There are problems with both the body and the soul.” Ryosuke’s heart, which was fanatically excited because of the ability to predict, gradually stabilized, “After obtaining this ability, I lost my original thinking again and again, without considering the actual impact.”

“The sense of unreality is because I gradually cannot distinguish whether I am real or illusory in the huge memory information.”

“And the deviation between the body and the soul is because the soul has been lingering in the long river of time for a long time, contacting the future me, so that the present me has become unfamiliar…”

Thinking of this, he completely gave up the idea of ​​continuing to predict.

Now, I need a period of rest to make myself feel belonging to the real world again!

Staring at the nothingness in front of him, as the huge reincarnation eye beside him lit up, the chakra in his body gushed out like a spring, and after a long time, the void in front of Ryosuke began to distort.

Without any thought, he took a step directly to cross the distortion…

The Kingdom of Rain,

In a mountain forest outside the capital.


Ryosuke took a deep breath, and the cold wind filled his lungs, which was completely different from the air density on the moon.

Looking up at the blue sky and white sun in the sky, under the sunlight, his already pale skin color was fluorescent like white jade.

Beside him, the huge reincarnation eye always followed, as if accompanying.

“So tired… but there is also an illusion of improvement.”

Returning to the ninja world in person, Ryosuke has an indescribable feeling.

Everything around him seems to be filled with layers of fog,

and there seem to be thin threads in this fog, connecting every living being he perceives, which is extremely complex. Just a glance at this spider-web-like crystal thread makes his head swell faintly.

A glimpse of fate, although not all,

still brings relatively serious sequelae, both physical and spiritual.

But inexplicably, Ryosuke actually feels that his realm seems to have improved.

This improvement is also not substantial, not how hard the body becomes, not how much speed and strength there is, but a feeling of level.

If he can solve the sequelae left by this exploration of ability, perhaps he can go further,

and if he can really figure out his ability to predict the future, perhaps he can reach the realm of true gods, surpassing Kaguya Otsutsuki who thinks he is a god, can control the life and death of all things, and manipulate the long river of time and cause and effect!

But first…

Ryosuke slowly closed his eyes,

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes turned back to the original white eyes.


A violent cough sounded, and in a short time, Ryosuke’s body had become so thin that it was no longer human, and the surging Samsara Eye chakra in his body quickly slowed down.

Just those few glances just now,

the thread of fate and the thread of cause and effect that were entangled in the world almost drained him away instantly.

This was the first time that Ryosuke had exited the Samsara Eye after evolving it.

He has always been committed to controlling his own power, so unlike other people’s pupil techniques that cannot be reversed after evolution, Ryosuke can freely change his pupil techniques.

At present, the Samsara Eye cannot be used as a normal state,

at least before he can figure out how to close and open the ability to see through the thread of fate freely, it cannot be used as a normal state for the time being, and can only be opened briefly in battle.


Ryosuke looked at the huge Samsara Eye beside him in distress.

The huge Rinnegan is definitely the best companion equipment when he is still in the Rinnegan state, but after returning to the Byakugan…

Suddenly, Ryosuke looked at the Rinnegan next to him with some surprise, still listening to his instructions seriously.

With the power of the Byakugan, he can still freely drive this huge Rinnegan!

Or in other words…

The consciousness of millions of Otsutsuki clan gathered in the huge Rinnegan still recognizes him and is willing to listen to his instructions.

“This is a bit unexpected.”

Originally, Ryosuke was a little worried. If he needed to fight a relatively long battle with an opponent of the same level,

For example, if Otsutsuki Kaguya suddenly turned against him and controlled Uchiha Madara to fight him, he would not be able to cope with it.

After all, when the Rinnegan is turned on, he will uncontrollably explore the future, past, and cause and effect of all the creatures around him. This consumption is extremely huge, and it is even possible that he will kill himself before the fight.

But now he doesn’t have to worry. His Rinnegan cannot be used for the time being, so he can use the huge Rinnegan next to him.

Moreover, because this reincarnation eye is formed by the power of many creatures of the Otsutsuki, it is almost the same as a living creature in form. It is a living eyeball!

“Then let’s go home first.”

Ryosuke’s tone suddenly became a little impatient. Thinking carefully, he had not been home for a long time. After losing the concept of time, he didn’t even know how much time had passed.

Using the Byakugan chakra in his body to drive the reincarnation eye beside him, the void in front of him twisted again.

Passing through the twist in front of him, his body directly crossed the distance between the cities and returned home.

In the meeting room of the outer courtyard,

In an instant, more than a dozen eyes fell on him.

“Liang… Master Liangjie?!”

With surprise in their tone, one after another Hyuga clan members quickly ran towards Liangjie who was standing at the door.

At the same time, Hinata, who was originally full of majesty on the main seat, also stood up happily,

But soon, she restrained her joy and showed an extremely indifferent look.

Nodding gently to the tribesmen beside him, Ryosuke looked past them and looked at Hinata sitting in the main seat.

“Master, we will leave first.”

The clan members who were still negotiating something left the room tactfully.

They also had to pass on the exciting news of Ryosuke’s return.

In the meeting room, only Ryosuke and his partner were left soon.

Looking at the girl who was still sitting in her seat, just staring at him coldly,

Ryosuke approached her obediently and stretched out his hand to put it on her hair, but was slapped away with a snap.

“Why don’t you have any news?”

Hinata was very direct and didn’t even want to ask extra questions. “Since you can send so many people back from the Rain Country, then… why can’t you come back to report your safety? This shouldn’t take up any of your time, right?”

She stared at Ryosuke, “Even Uchiha Madara came to the Rain Country to find you, why don’t you have any news as the opponent in that battle?”

“For so long, have you traveled to another world?”

There was a questioning tone in her voice. She couldn’t understand Ryosuke’s disappearance, whether from the perspective of a family member or the head of a clan.

Standing innocently by the side, Ryosuke looked at Hinata eagerly without explanation.

He did do something wrong in this matter. After reaching a deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki in the Land of Water, he could have returned to the Land of Rain to report his safety before going to the moon for exploration. After all, it would only take him less than three minutes.

But he did not pay much attention to this at the time.

Later, after ensuring the safety of his family on the moon, he ignored their inner feelings because of the problem of cultivation.

“Do you know how worried we were about you after you disappeared?”

“Do you know that when Uchiha Madara came to the Land of Rain, we even thought you were dead in the battle! My father even passed the position of the clan leader to me, intending to take revenge with the power of the entire clan!”

“Do you know how desperate I was at that time?!”

As she spoke, Hinata’s emotions got a little out of control.

“I’m sorry…”

Ryosuke apologized silently.

He had seen the same scene more than ten times in his future predictions. After about twenty predictions, he returned home too late, and every time he was scolded by Hinata.

He even knew what Hinata was going to say in the first sentence, but he still listened patiently.

“What’s the use of saying sorry? Do you really regard us as family?”

“Disappeared inexplicably, and appeared inexplicably again.”

“Do you know how worried my father, Hanabi and I were about you when this year just came? We even thought you would finally come home, but you really chose to change outside. Do you know how dangerous that is?”

Hinata scolded him.

But suddenly, Ryosuke’s body shook.

This sentence has never appeared in the future he predicted.

“This year?”

He suddenly realized that something important had been overlooked.

And in his mind, the progress bar that should have been full actually completed a transformation at some point and returned to the accumulation state!

When did it start? When did it end?


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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