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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 282 The First Batch of Pioneers (Subscription Request)

[Time and Space Gate No. 104 is conducting authorization verification…]

[Energy: Superior]

[Qi: Superior]

[Spirit: ? ? ? ]

[Authorization successful! ]

[Information transmission in progress…]

[Information transmission progress 0%…]

[Information transmission speed 0%…]

[Information transmission speed 0%…]


The deafening sound almost turned into a substantial sound wave and exploded in all directions.

Ignoring the horrified eyes of Konan and Hidan beside him, Ryosuke punched the phantom that suddenly appeared in the hot spring hall.

Thousands of punches gathered at one point and exploded in an instant!

A punch that was enough to shatter the territory of a big country fell steadily on this time and space gate without shaking it at all.

The extremely strong air wave spread out from Ryosuke and this time and space gate to the surrounding area.

The hot spring hall that Hidan had worked so hard to run was turned into ruins in an instant!

In addition, almost all the buildings in the town were affected, and all the buildings collapsed in an instant.

Then, a cold voice like a machine rose in Ryosuke’s mind.

This voice sounded directly in his mind, just like Kaguya Otsutsuki’s voice transmission,

but it was emotionless and extremely cold.

Following closely, a series of strange pictures wanted to flood into his mind, rooted in his mind like memories,

Instinctively, Ryosuke mobilized the huge reincarnation eye beside him and began to use the power of the reincarnation eye to resist these pictures,

After that, the voice became intermittent and could not penetrate into his mind.

“This time and space gate… Is it a technological creation?”

The dust and fog dissipated,

Under the sunlight, Ryosuke’s side was already a ruin.

This nameless town in the east of the country of soup has now become a ruin, and it has been directly removed from the map of the ninja world.

Ignoring the chaotic and desolate situation around him, and even more so ignoring Konan and Hidan who were sneaking under a boulder and ready to escape at any time, Ryosuke’s attention was completely focused on the voice in his mind.

Space-time Gate No. 104…

This battle involves more than a hundred worlds, and this is only the minimum number. Perhaps… there will be more!

Is it possible to measure whether a world has the qualifications to travel through time and space by using the standards of essence, energy, and spirit?


Ryosuke suppressed the chakra that surged out of his body and stopped resisting the images that flooded into his mind.

[Owner of Space-time Gate No. 104: Ryosuke Hyuga]

[Progress of the Ninja World: ? ? ?, data is abnormal! Re-verifying…]

[Progress of the Ninja World: Ten-Tails Chaos? ]

[People in this world have reached the standard for traveling through the world, and have opened the connection between this world and the outside world. They can freely cross the world through this gate. ]

[Through the space-time gate, you will have the power to temporarily summon the space-time gate. 】

【The time-space gate is accumulating energy…】

The extremely complex information chain poured into Ryosuke’s brain, causing his brain, which had long been optimized to surpass humans, to become confused and painful.

Resisting the pain in his head, he waved his hand and put away the time-space gate in front of him according to his memory.

Then, he took a step forward and directly crossed the boundary between countries and returned to his home in the Rain Country.


Without hesitation, Ryosuke fell directly on his bed.

With his control, the use of time-space techniques can be done without anyone noticing.

Progress of the Ninja World: The Ten-Tails Rebellion? Data Abnormality?

The brain absorbed too many memories in an instant, and Ryosuke’s eyes condensed, resisting the nausea in his throat.

In other words, does the creator of the time-space gate, or the person who controls the heavens and the worlds, know the original history of ninjas?

Is he not the only one who traveled through time?

But if he is not the only one who traveled through time, and there are predecessors before him, will he give him so many opportunities?

After obtaining the time-space gate, Ryosuke’s doubts were solved. Regarding the rules of traveling through the world,

Similarly, Shanks’ words were also confirmed, but… there were many more doubts.

The time-space gate has such perfect rules for traveling through the world, which is almost equivalent to treating the heavens and the world as a game. Then… who is the mastermind behind the scenes, or the identity of the god, and what is the purpose of creating this time-space gate that connects everything?

Is it for fun, or… to raise poison?

Regarding other travelers, from a rational point of view, we can only say that this possibility is not ruled out, but it is not absolute. There may be other reasons, such as destiny.


Ryosuke’s always firm eyes gradually became blank.

He seemed to be too obsessed with this word.

From the beginning to the end, since he came to this world, he attached great importance to the illusory and extremely vague concept of destiny, which was completely equal to the improvement of strength.

Ryosuke didn’t know why, but he always tried to control his fate and figure out the trajectory of fate. His grasp of fate, like his obsession with improving his own strength, was deeply rooted in his mind.

However, compared with the improvement of his strength, his obsession with fate was relatively obscure. It was not until recently that he really began to face this ability that he suddenly realized, oh, it turns out that I have been thinking about this thing before.

Breaking the existing system of Hyuga, changing Naruto into a pawn of the Six Paths Sage, directly subverting the situation of the major forces in the ninja world, and even letting Uchiha Madara survive…

Everything Ryosuke did was disrupting the original destiny of this world, and was consciously guiding it, holding destiny in his own hands in another way, just like… he had fallen hard on it before.

Raising his palm, he looked at his palm in confusion.

Ryosuke liked Hyuga very much because Hyuga was a family that matched his ideas and concepts.

Being in this family, surrounded by clan members who hoped to control everything in their hands and make plans, this feeling was very comfortable.

But… I have to start walking out now.

This thing is contrary to Hyuga’s philosophy, and similarly, it is also contrary to himself.

Lying on the bed, his mind had already consumed the memories that were forced into his mind, but Ryosuke still did not move, looking at the ceiling in confusion.

Giving up thinking, giving up everything, he just quietly enjoyed the emptiness of doing nothing.

Time passed by little by little. He didn’t tell anyone about Ryosuke’s return, and the news from the Kingdom of Hot Springs didn’t come back that quickly, so no one came to disturb him in the room.

The sky outside turned from bright to dark, and then gradually became bright again.


Suddenly, a voice sounded outside the house, breaking the silence.

Hinata’s puzzled voice sounded from outside.

“Is it you? Are you back?”

She stood at the door, and before she knew it, many Hyuga clansmen had been summoned to the door, looking at the house vigilantly.

“It’s me.”

Ryosuke calmly got up from the bed and opened the door directly to the outside.

In an instant, the clansmen were a little stunned, and under the glances of dozens of white eyes, they gradually relaxed their fighting posture.

“Why did you come back suddenly?”

Hinata stepped forward and came to him from the crowd.

Before Ryosuke could reply, she was startled again, “You did it.”

With a very affirmative tone, the calmness in her husband’s eyes was almost equivalent to telling her that the big thing was done.

Afterwards, she hurried forward and looked at him carefully for a long time. After confirming that he was not short of anything, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“You are sensible and are willing to listen to me, the head of the family.”

Hinata’s tone was a little happy, but she quickly noticed the situation at the moment, restrained her expression, turned around and looked at everyone, “Tell my father the news of Ryosuke’s return, and urge the cabinet to quickly discuss the candidates for the first development plan.”

Although she knew Ryosuke, she also knew how deep her husband’s obsession with power was.

From the perspective of the family, it was absolutely stupid for him to enter the other world as the first choice, so Hinata had always been against his idea and tied him up with the order of the head of the family.

But from his own perspective, with his obsession with improving his strength to the point of putting himself in danger, he might not necessarily listen to her.

Even if Ryosuke is usually rational and intelligent,

because of his intelligence, he is a little too arbitrary and difficult to listen to other people’s ideas.

But fortunately… he is still willing to accept her opinions.

Hinata was a little happy when she thought about this.

And Ryosuke was beside her, and seeing her look, he also slightly suppressed the doubts in his heart.

As I said, when the information is not sufficient, even if you try your best, you can only think of countless speculations without solid evidence,

and speculations are false,

taking false things as true, then you become a psychopath.

The current situation requires continuous progress,

finding enough evidence before you are eliminated to confirm some of the speculations and possibilities in your mind, that is enough!

After obtaining the space-time gate, Hyuga, a precision machine that was already ready to go, started to operate at a faster speed. In just less than a day, the list of the first batch of pioneers was confirmed.

After that, they gathered in the main city of Rain Country, the core area of ​​Hyuga Station.

In the spacious training ground, ninjas in uniform white armor were arranged in a very regular military formation. Most of these people had experienced a battlefield and were ninjas with the strength of a Chunin.

Standing at the forefront of the ninja team were Hyuga Souji, Hyuga Iroha, Terumi Mei, Armin, etc., generals with good command qualifications.

Among them, everyone had undergone pre-survey mission training, including Terumi Mei and other ninjas who had just learned about the other world.

“I believe everyone has clearly understood the content of this mission, but I will still give a brief introduction.”

Hinata stood on the high platform, looking at everyone calmly, and motioned them to move their eyes to the flashing time and space gate next to them.

“This is the time and space gate that can reach another world.”

“And your next task is to go through this time and space gate to another unknown world and survey everything about the customs, culture, history, combat power level, etc. of that world.”

“The people in that world may be very powerful, so powerful that they surpass our world by a lot. But they may be very weak, so weak that they are not as good as our civilians.”

“But it doesn’t matter. Regardless of how powerful the other party is, all you need to do is hide your identity, collect enough information about the people in that world, and then bring the information back intact in a month.” After a pause, she introduced the time-space gate again, “After passing through the time-space gate and arriving in another world, one of you will have the authority to temporarily summon this door.” “The person with authority will be selected by the clan from among several team leaders. During this process, the person with authority is not allowed to mention his identity to others, and other people in the team are not allowed to inquire.” “Violators , everyone around you must be beheaded directly, and no selfishness is allowed! “

“Every time the space-time gate travels through the world, it needs to store energy, and the storage time limit is one month. “

“That is to say, after you go to another world, you need to set a suitable gathering place, and gather after one month to summon the space-time gate, and then come back together. “

“And in this process, if anyone unfortunately exposes his identity, or cannot return in time, the previous training course has already told you the corresponding treatment method…”

Ryosuke stood by and observed the expressions of everyone below.

And what they were thinking in their hearts was also captured very clearly.

Hinata and those who knew about this a long time ago were more likely to accept it in their hearts, and they also had a plan for this mission.

And ninjas like Terumi Mei, who just learned the news, were very volatile in their hearts.

It seems hard for them to imagine that such a thing really happened in this world.

Although many forces in the ninja world have proposed the idea of ​​other worlds outside the planet and the world outside the sky, they believe that there are other worlds outside the ninja world, with other lives, and there may even be foreign lives hidden in the ninja world, secretly planning to control the situation and development of the ninja world.


This kind of thing is a bit too unrealistic. In the continuous wars between countries, people who study these ideas have gradually disappeared.

Who would study other things if they can’t even guarantee their own life safety?

But now this thing really happened around them, which made them a little creepy. There are actually people from another world hiding in the ninja world for many years, and there are even quite a few of them.

At the same time, they are a little excited!

Finally…this cake is no longer a simple ninja world. Hinata found a…or countless huge cakes.

And they are the first group of people to eat the cake.

Hinata ate most of it, and gave them some scraps, which was always bigger than the ninja world.

If…this information is really true!

Thanks to book friends Cangqiong Yuexia, Finger Bleeding, book friend 20210926095311822, book friend 140901174300110, saynol, Mingyueying, Chuerhong, Yeyushanhe, and the King of Involution_Shimeng for their rewards and support.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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