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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 283 Arrival in Another World (Subscription Request)

Ice cold, piercing.

The cold wind mixed with light snow whistled on the snow, dyeing the large area white.

In the completely uninhabited snow, a door flashing white light opened out of thin air.

Then, one after another, figures rushed out of it at a very fast speed, and these figures did not hesitate after landing, rushing towards all the cover they could see in all directions.

“Clone Technique.”

“Basic Ninjutsu has been confirmed to be normal and can be used.”

“Ice Release·Ice Needle.”

“D-level Ninjutsu has been confirmed to be normal and can be used.”

Soon, after confirming that the situation nearby was relatively stable, some people began to try to use Ninjutsu to confirm whether the Ninja methods of the Ninja World can be used here.

But they were only small-scale techniques to avoid causing too much impact on the environment and attracting people from this world.

At the same time, many people began to spread outward, their eyes quickly captured the surrounding vision, and their sharp eyes directly passed the whistling wind and snow, and recorded the situation completely in their minds.

Then, one by one, the perception ninjas spread their perception, connecting all ninjas to confirm the situation nearby.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Time passed bit by bit, and when the last person in the time and space gate passed through the gate, the gate quickly dimmed in the dim snow until it turned into nothingness.

At the same time, the team of more than a hundred people gradually spread out nearby,

The personnel responsible for guarding, the personnel responsible for perception, the treatment team, the sealing team, the ninjas proficient in long-range techniques, the ninjas proficient in physical techniques…

In order to avoid exposing their whereabouts due to the large number, although there are only a hundred people, they are veteran ninjas selected by Hyuga with impressive records in the ninja world, and each person can perform at least two functions part-time.

Or they have advantages in physical skills and ninjutsu,

or they have advantages in treatment and sealing…

And the captains of this team all have talents other than fighting. For example, Hyuga Souji has outstanding advantages in physical skills and diplomacy.

Hyuga Iroha has characteristics in physical skills, ninjutsu, and tactical command.

Terumi Mei is proficient in various ninjutsu, illusions, and sealing techniques, and has served as a Mizukage, with excellent command ability.

Although Armin is just a rookie who has just become a ninja, he has good talents in diplomacy, tactical command, and logistics distribution…

This is an extremely elite team. Although there are only more than a hundred people, it will have a great impact in any country in the ninja world.

But now they are only sent out to explore routes and collect intelligence. In the past, it would definitely be a waste of talent.

But this time, none of them complained or despised the exploration mission, and they were all extremely cautious.

“Nothing unusual in the east, no traces of human movement…”

“Nothing unusual in the west, no traces either…”

“Nothing in the north…”

Soon, one intelligence after another was passed to the ears of several captains through the perception ninja.

“Stay where you are, and keep warm first.”

Hyuga Iroha raised his hand and took the command directly.

Although they were all captains, their status was determined according to their status in the Hyuga clan, so no one spoke up to refute his command.

Although the chakra armor equipped by the clan also has the function of keeping warm, under such severe wind and snow, the ability to keep warm is not enough.

Then, the ninja in charge of logistics took out a storage scroll from the ninja bag and opened it with spiritual communication.

One by one, the cold-proof clothes that had been prepared long ago appeared in front of everyone.

In addition to these cold-proof clothes, they also prepared clothes to deal with various emergencies, including businessmen, medical staff, police officers, farmers, workers, diving suits… and other disguised clothes, they were all ready.

Even the logistics department has prepared a lot of rare minerals and resources as hard currency to exchange for the currency of this world.

After putting on the chakra armor of the clan, which is thick but does not affect the movement, all the ninjas gradually warmed up.

“The ninjutsu and illusion are confirmed to be used correctly.”

“The operation and refinement of chakra have not been affected at all.”

“The living environment is also within our acceptable range, almost the same as the ninja world.”

Soon, the ninja in charge of the test reported.

Then, the whole team slowed down.

They were all waiting for new orders.

At this time, all of them were a little dazed. Such a familiar scene, have they really come to another world?

Maybe… that time and space gate will not lead to some other world, and at this moment, they are in the snow country that is eroded by wind and snow all day long?

“According to the original plan, every ten people in a team will move eastward in batches.”

Hyuga Iroha did not hesitate and opened his mouth to command again.

Then, the nearby ninjas quickly split into more than a dozen small teams. According to the original plan, the first team, led by Hyuga Souji, began to move towards the east.

Five minutes later, when the range of the first team’s perception ninjas was about to reach a certain limit, the second team set off.

Then, the third team, the fourth team…

When it came to the fourth team, Mei Terumi joined it.

Then came the fifth team, the sixth team, the seventh team…

Armin also stood up and joined them.

These captains also need to join the various teams in batches and be responsible for the alternation of command.

Finally, Iroha also joined the last team holding the old cat. While walking, their team also needs to erase the traces left by themselves and the previous teams.

The extremely cautious exploration team explored forward tremblingly.

And each of them has a timer watch on their wrist.

About every two hours, they will stop and recover their physical strength to ensure that they can respond immediately in case of emergencies.

They have a month to explore. They don’t need to be too anxious, but just need to be safe enough to collect enough information about this world without being discovered by the natives.

The weather is getting worse and worse. The sky, which originally had some light, is completely dark.

But no one complained, and no one slowed down. The whole army is divided into several fulcrums to form a line, but the length of this line is always the same, and no one falls behind to extend the team.

The wind and snow blew on the bodies of every ninja who was walking, but they did not waver at all.

Chakra attached to the soles of their feet, allowing them to be as stable as walking on flat ground.

Surviving, moving, lurking, and attacking in harsh environments are the job of ninjas. Environmental factors will never become a ninja’s shortcoming, but only an advantage.


Suddenly, a faint voice came from the first team.

Soon, this voice was transmitted through the perception ninjas in the second and third teams, and was intercepted by the perception ninjas of each team.

At the first moment, all ninjas stopped and waited for the situation report from Hyuga Souji in the first team.

“A large number of human traces were found, and there was an abandoned… cabin. There may be a human gathering place nearby.”

Hyuga Souji’s voice soon sounded.

“Are you sure it is human traces? Not animals or something like that?”

Iroha spoke slowly, very calmly.

“Absolutely not. There are many footprints, some shallow and some deep, and you can see that there is a difference in weight.”

Hinata Souji’s voice sounded quickly, and he almost ignored the difference in conversation. “From the traces, these people are wearing shoes. They are about the same size as us, just ordinary humans, not giants.”

“From the depth of the footprints, if it is not that their physical characteristics are different from ours, then the clothes they wear are very heavy.”


Soon, he spoke again, “It’s tobacco. We found the remaining cigarette butts.”

“There is still the smell of alcohol on the cigarette butts. The smoker also drank alcohol, perhaps to keep warm.”

“But from this point of view, the humans here may have a relatively close civilization to us, at least in terms of entertainment.”

And along with the tobacco, they found some familiar living tools from the cabin.

Shovel, axe, and even a set of rusty iron armor and a spear.

“It is a weapon for combat, and the living environment here is so bad…”

Iroha, who has extremely rich battlefield experience, has made up his mind, “Continue to move forward, and change the rest time to one hour on the spot. The rest of the time will be used to survey the surrounding environment.”

After a pause, he called Hyuga Neji from the team, “Your Byakugan purity is the highest among us, and you also have the ability to truly master perspective. You will leave the team and move forward to join the second team.”

“Along the way, every time you arrive at a team, help understand the surrounding situation.”

The Byakugan of ordinary Hyuga, unlike Ryosuke’s Byakugan, can evolve blood.

Their training of ability can only expand the scope of insight, and only Byakugan with sufficient purity has the ability to truly see through objects.

Ordinary Hyuga can only see through the signs of chakra flow in the meridians, and this is a different world, and the humans here may not have chakra, so… the ability to see through is completely reduced.

In the whole team, only Neji’s Byakugan can achieve relatively vague perspective and insight into entities, rather than only insight into the flow of chakra.

At this time, he will be the best scout in the team.

After a long time, when the whole team came to this world for a full day and night, they finally saw people when the faint light in the sky was about to disappear!

In the high walls that surrounded them, billowing smoke rose into the sky, like a black pillar that stood firm in such a wild snowstorm.

Faintly, Hyuga Souji and other people in the first team could still hear the sound of laughter and clinking glasses.

“Be prepared to evacuate at any time.”

Hyuga Souji raised his hand first, confirmed the evacuation routes around him, and then turned his attention to Neji, “Confirm the situation inside the wall.”

“Be as careful as possible in perception and sight. If it is a person of a high level, even if he does not have the ability of anti-perception, he can detect the spying through some kind of sixth sense.”

“I understand.”

Ningji nodded expressionlessly, but his fists were clenched tightly.

These things are all included in the training courses within the Hyuga clan, and are no longer limited to the knowledge that ninjas generally know. They also include a lot of common sense from the worlds of Shanks, Allen, and Gintoki, and even some textbooks that have been revised by Ryosuke.

Many things that are impossible for the ninja world are very likely to be done in other worlds.

Very carefully, Hyuga Neji opened his Byakugan and moved his eyes at a turtle-like speed.

It is not easy to control your own eyes. The human brain will always give some wrong instructions to the body involuntarily under the guidance of various ideas.

And only after things have happened will you suddenly realize what stupid things you have just done.

The more subtle the details, the more difficult it is to control, but at the same time, this is also the most basic practice for a person.

Whether it is a ninja, a pirate, or a samurai, regardless of identity, position, or even the system of practice, the control of the body is definitely an important but basic thing, so this practice is the most strictly enforced in the Hyuga clan.

“They…are weak?”

After carefully scanning the entire barracks, Ningci turned his head in a trance and reported to Hyuga Soji: “Their physical fitness seems to be not weak, but it is just the physique of an ordinary samurai.”

“Other than that, there seems to be nothing unusual about these people, and they did not react to my spying at all.”

Then he talked about the key point, “Inside the wall, there are large and small military camps.”

“The number of people in the entire camp is about a thousand, and the highest official is called Duwei, a tall and strong middle-aged man.”

“There are also titles such as Dubo, Bochang, Shichang, Wuchang…, which seem to be divided according to the number of people in the command team. The military camp system is very strict and perfect, and it is more strict than that of our clan.”

The report was made in a very low voice, and the sound was transmitted to the entire team through the perception ninja.

The military formation system is strict. Although it is close to dusk, the neat team is still stationed and patrolling between the tents.

The fire inside is bright, and almost no place is covered by darkness, which is particularly dazzling in this cold wind.

“They are very weak.” After reporting the situation of the military camp inside the wall, Hyuga Neji finally spoke. But after a moment of hesitation, he added: “On the surface, it seems so.” When you come to another world, you can’t restrain yourself with the concepts of the ninja world. This is the most important point in the training course. None of the Hyuga present will look down on any aliens. Even among the aliens they have come into contact with, the relatively mediocre and seemingly useless Shimura Shinpachi should not be underestimated.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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