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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 293 Final Moment (Subscription Request)

My body used to be very strong.

As he slowly packed up the records and books in the room, Ryosuke had this thought in his mind.

The materials used for the level 24 body-building liquid were already prepared by the most powerful dangerous species in this world. If you want to prepare a stronger liquid for body-building, it should not be possible in this world.

However, the booklet and the records of drug testing can be collected and taken back to the clan.

Maybe… in the future, if there are people in the clan who want to embark on the path of body-building, they can learn from these records.

“But before this, I should have been just an ordinary person.”

After packing up the things and putting them into the storage scroll, Ryosuke scratched his head again.

Before this, of course, it does not mean coming to this world.

But before I was named Hyuga, in that ordinary world without magic and gods, I was just an ordinary person.

Maybe… except for being smarter, more handsome, more capable and courageous, it seems that I don’t have any special advantages.

But why do I feel so familiar?

Before coming to this world, I was an ordinary person who had never made any outstanding achievements in body training, but why did I have the illusion that I was very strong before this?


Before coming to this world, there was also that ordinary world, and I was missing a part in between.

This is what Ryosuke has always believed. He doesn’t know how he died as an ordinary person. After missing a part of his memory, he woke up again in a fetal state.

Maybe… This is his second time traveling.

And when he traveled the first time, he failed and died, so there was this second time, and he was so obsessed with strength.

This is the inference made by Ryosuke based on the unfamiliar fragments in his mind when he was just undergoing the transformation.

The self in that memory was very strange, and did not look like a normal human being. He was white all over, but because it was very blurry, the actual situation was a little unclear.

However, the inference is just an inference. To know the specific situation, you still have to improve your strength first.

As the saying goes, the boat will naturally straighten out when it reaches the bridge.

Finally, after taking a look at the house where he had lived for three years, Ryosuke shook his head regretfully.

We still have to keep moving forward.

Then, he pushed open the door of the house and stepped out.

“Lord Ryosuke.”

The neat and loud shouts resounded through the sky.

In the overcast sky, there was a faint response, and the sound of muffled thunder was heard.

At the door,

Familiar faces were looking forward to it, and teams stretched from the door of Ryosuke’s house to the town entrance.

These are all people from the Hyuga clan, not outsiders.

This town near the imperial capital has been occupied by the Hyuga clan unknowingly in the past three years, and the natives, whether they are willing to follow the Hyuga uprising or not, have been arranged to move to other places in batches.

The war is coming, and it is not good for them to stay here.

“Two-thirds of the country’s population is willing to respect me, Hyuga, as their master.”

“Six armies, 100,000 ninjas, and 200,000 warriors all rose up from all directions in the country, and gathered around the imperial capital from all states and cities.”

“Now, the imperial family is just a commander without troops. The people and the army have already won. They are waiting for you.”

Hyuga Hizashi walked out of the team slowly, stood at the front of the team, and was waiting for him to go out with a smile.

Originally, three days ago, they had waited for the best opportunity and planned to ask Ryosuke to take charge and launch a surprise attack on the imperial capital as the beginning of the general attack, and take down the country in one fell swoop.

But after the news came back, they got a reply from someone who had cultivated to a critical moment and needed to wait for a while.

Esdeath’s imperial weapon has the ability to manipulate ice attributes, and it is not a good time to launch a general attack on the imperial capital in cloudy weather.

But Ryosuke, as the final trump card of this alien world development plan, is far more important in terms of combat power than the opportunity of the battle, so they reorganized the army, repaired on the spot, and put aside all conspiracies and tricks.

Now the armies of various states have surrounded the imperial capital.

The horn of war has been sounded, but it is fair and square, giving the imperial capital time to react.

“Where is Esdeath?”

Ryosuke asked softly.

This is the only general in the empire now, responsible for guarding the imperial capital.

In three years, Hyuga has completely eroded and replaced this corrupt country.

The young emperor has repeatedly sent troops to attack, but has not won many battles. One by one, the imperial generals died in battle. Even Bud, who was originally a royal guard, was sent to the front line and was killed in a battle half a year ago.

And Esdeath is still staying in the imperial capital and has not gone out to lead troops. It is entirely because the young emperor and the ministers are afraid of death and dare not let her leave.

“Ten thousand soldiers guarding the Imperial City.” Hyuga Hizashi replied, “Although the overall situation is now completely in our favor, the minister of the country and Esdeath do not seem to panic yet, which is a bit strange.” “Let’s not talk about Esdeath. Before she returned to Kyoto, she had a conflict with our small Hyuga army. The strength she showed was far beyond the level of ordinary imperial weapon users in this world. She could even freeze time. Thousands of soldiers turned into ice dust in an instant. You have to be careful.” “Except for Esdeath, the minister did not show any intention of moving the capital or escaping. This is a bit strange.”

“From what we know from the intelligence, this minister is not a loyal minister who will stay in the imperial capital and die with the little emperor. The imperial family may have other means. The military staff speculate that the royal family may have the legendary strongest imperial weapon in their hands, which has the power to destroy the world.” He paused here, and his tone was very relaxed, “But even if it is the strongest imperial weapon, it should not be a big deal for you.” “Anyway, the little emperor is young and spoiled. He has never experienced the tempering of martial arts. His body can’t bear the consumption of using imperial weapons.” Ryosuke nodded, and his perception had already spread all over the field. Below, whether it was the ninjas from the Hyuga clan in the town or the new ninjas who joined the Hyuga clan not long ago, the expectations and curiosity in everyone’s eyes emerged in his heart. The words in their hearts also rang in his mind. As the initiator of the uprising, Ryosuke disappeared after showing up once three years ago. But the Hyuga army has always used his image as a benchmark to inspire people, so whether it is the Hyuga clan members or the outsiders who have just been absorbed for only one or two years, they all look at him with an unimaginable fanaticism.

They almost regard him as a spiritual pillar.

“As for Esdeath, there is also the strongest imperial weapon. I will take care of it.”

Ryosuke looked at Hizashi Hinata next to him, “As for the others, I’ll leave it to you.”

“Although the number of people is nothing to me, I can handle them all by myself, and I can also reduce the losses of each legion, but… the sword is out of the sheath, and blood must be seen.”

“Now the momentum is so huge, if there is no chance for them to do their part, it will inevitably hit the morale of each legion in the future.”

Hizashi Hinata nodded, “I understand, we will attack the city from the east, west, and north gates, you just watch the battle on the side, if Esdeath and the strongest imperial weapon take action, you will take care of it.”

How the legion attacked the city, how to march into the city after the city was broken, how to capture the important strategic locations in the imperial capital and the imperial city, and how to resettle the people in the city, these Ryosuke did not ask and understand in detail.

These are not his business.

“Minister, how is the battle going?”

In the main hall of the imperial capital, on the throne high above, the little emperor looked extremely ugly.

“Morale is almost one-sided.”

The fat and greasy minister was one of the few who didn’t hold food in his hands. “Compared to the high morale of the enemy, our side is in a mess.”

“At the beginning, the rebels’ strength was less than one percent of ours, but now it’s the other way around.”

“Under the evil words of those traitors, our people have turned to that side…”

He stopped talking here.

On the throne, the emperor’s eyes were bloodshot, his palms clenched into fists, and he slammed them hard on the armrests.

At this moment, the beautiful maids who used to serve at any time were no longer in the imperial city. They had all been replaced by elite soldiers in iron armor.

“Why is this happening…” The emperor roared, “Is there something wrong with my rule!” “Of course not.” The minister shook his head, “Even though your majesty lost his parents when he was young, he still works diligently every day to manage affairs for the development of this country.” “There are too many people who just want to fish in troubled waters and bully you when you are young.” “I am wrong. I didn’t help your majesty clear all obstacles before your majesty grew up.” He looked very guilty. As for these words, the soldiers guarding the palace had no expression on their faces, as if they didn’t hear them. “Your Majesty, the people are just confused by the nonsense of some rebels!”

“The so-called revolution is just some nonsense. You must let these rebels know why this country is ruled by the royal family!”

“You must let them understand the consequences of their actions!”

The minister knelt on one knee, “Although… this will cause blood to flow in the country, the dignity of the royal family cannot be violated lightly!”

“Your prestige as a king should not be tarnished by these villains!”

“Now! Those traitors are gathering outside the imperial capital. Although they have not launched an offensive, they may send troops to attack the city at any time. I dare to ask your majesty to take the initiative!”

“You, who have royal blood flowing in your body, can immediately quell this boring rebellion as long as you show your majesty a little!”

“Of course!”

The emperor stood up from the throne with a distorted face, “I am the emperor of the empire!”

“This country is my property!”


The moment he stood up, the whole imperial city was shaking.

Countless majestic buildings collapsed at this moment, and the ground continued to crack.

The imperial city was rising, and the soldiers in it were pushed out of the imperial city by an invisible force and fell into the imperial capital, including the ministers.

In a blink of an eye, the emperor was the only one left in the huge imperial city, and the imperial city under his feet was no longer the same as before.

This inner city in the center of the imperial capital was separating from the imperial capital!

Boom boom boom——

In the eyes of countless people in the imperial capital and the rebel spies, the imperial city soared into the sky.

The huge soil blocks kept cracking and falling off during the flight, until finally, the tall body full of metallic luster was revealed…

“Your Majesty!”

The minister who fell into the imperial capital looked at the huge giant in the sky with a fanatical face!

Beside him, countless soldiers and Esdeath also looked at the sky with a shocked face.

Even Esdeath didn’t know that this imperial city was actually an imperial tool.

The legendary… Supreme Power!

“Take the initiative to attack and kill the rebels!”

A dull voice sounded from the inside of the giant that looked like Gundam, with anger and pain.

Obviously, it is not an easy task for the emperor to control this huge giant.


Such divine power, like a god, directly brought about earth-shaking changes to the imperial army, which was originally in low morale.

After the emperor gave an order, the soldiers in the whole city shouted earth-shakingly.

This army was not the rotten fish and shrimp in the original imperial army that only knew how to burn, kill and plunder, but a battle-hardened army that followed Esdeath back from the border.

Before this, they never felt that there was a possibility of victory, so their momentum was low.

But now, they have His Majesty and General Esdeath on their side, so no matter how many rebels there are, it doesn’t matter!

If the mecha in the sky steps on it, thousands of rebels will be crushed into meat paste.

And as long as they work hard, these hundreds of thousands of rebels are nothing!

Outside the imperial capital, the moat is used as the boundary to divide the two sides.

Facing the mighty imperial army, the assembled rebels were a little surprised.

They didn’t expect that the imperial royal family would dare to give up the advantage of defending the city and go out of the city to meet the enemy when the military strength was so different.

“It seems that the measures we originally took to appease the people of the imperial capital can be avoided.”

At the forefront of the rebel army, Hyuga Hizashi restrained his relaxed look and looked solemnly at the huge mecha in the sky, “Are you sure? Or… call Allen over?”

“Aren can’t beat this thing.” Ryosuke shook his head, “It’s not the size that determines strength. Even if Allen is a giant, his body is still essentially human, and this one in front of him…”

He looked at the huge mecha, and his reincarnation eye had already seen through the precise structure and core of it.

“Even if he knew the weakness, Allen might not be able to solve it.”

It is difficult to smash the surface armor and penetrate the core with human power alone.

After mastering the giantization, although Allen’s strength has made great progress, it seems that it is also because of the influence of the giantization that he cannot extract chakra even with his own help.

Think about it, if Allen in the giant state can act like a ninja, he may become a more powerful alien than Shanks.

“But I admire this little emperor.”

Feeling the fear of the new ninjas behind him facing the huge monster in the sky, Ryosuke’s body slowly floated up, “As an emperor, he can still muster the courage to lead the charge in such a situation. It’s really not easy.”

“If it weren’t for the influence of the ministers, he might have been a good emperor. What a pity.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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