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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 295 Scraping (Subscription Request)

Will she lose?


Esdeath adjusted her breath and gradually raised her state to the extreme.

For the first time, this was the first time that her body conveyed fear and trembling to her after she took the imperial weapon, the essence of the devil.

And it was an extreme fear that she had never felt in her life. Her hair stood up and her blood surged rapidly. When she first faced the dangerous species when she was a child, she did not feel the idea of ​​retreating.


Esdeath grinned, and it became more and more interesting.

Death is nothing to her.

But such an interesting thing must be tried.

“Do you want to do it here?”

Some people want to challenge, and Ryosuke did not refuse, “There are so many people here, let’s change the venue…”

From Esdeath, he saw his former self.

It’s… his former self again.

Not the one who challenged the people in the other world again and again, and stole other people’s skills, but he was even more advanced.

It seems that in his missing memory, he was also a warlike person.

But perhaps after the defeat, I gradually hid my warlike nature and transformed it into a madness for cultivation.

“No need!”

The moment the voice fell, Esdeath, who had already adjusted to the extreme, stepped on the bridge with her sharp high heels.

Amid the roar of the dull collapse of the bridge, her figure suddenly rushed forward.

Her speed was extremely fast, and there was only pure physical speed under the flow of blood and qi, without any energy to assist.

In the blink of an eye, Esdeath had crossed the bridge and came in front of Ryosuke, slashing down like a cleaver.

As the action gradually approached Ryosuke, a sharp ice blade appeared out of thin air!

“You are too impatient.”

Facing the figure rushing towards him, Ryosuke raised his arm and used only two fingers to firmly grasp the ice blade that was coming straight at him. “Are you really not going to think about it? This world is so big, there are people stronger than me. It’s a pity that you are determined to fight me to death.”

Also without using any energy, Ryosuke blocked the opponent with the strength of his body.

After coming to this world, his body has been catching up with the progress of the soul level all the time. Now, his physique is no longer human.


Esdeath’s face did not change, “Are there so many strong people in this world? I have become a frog in the well.”

Although she said so, she did not hesitate at all. The moment the ice blade was grasped, it had already turned into water drops and fell through Ryosuke’s fingers.

It turned into an ice blade again in mid-air and chopped down.

She had expected that her attack would be blocked by Ryosuke. Although she didn’t know how the opponent would block her, she had already thought of several ways to deal with it when she swung the knife. But… This time, although Esdeath’s attack avoided Ryosuke’s palm, it still didn’t fall on the opponent. There was no sound, and there was no hard object to stop her, but Esdeath still felt an invisible resistance blocking her ice blade out of thin air. It seemed that even the air was against her. “Interesting…” The unexpected sound was almost squeezed out from between her teeth. Because of the force, Esdeath couldn’t keep her composure. Her strength had been exerted to the extreme. The enemy was right in front of her, and the opponent’s strange eyes were staring straight at her. But the ice blade stopped in front of his eyes and couldn’t go deeper. “You have no chance. The gap between us…” Ryosuke shook his head, “Too big.” “This can’t be called a fight anymore. It’s unfair to you or me.” After speaking, he punched forward. Ryosuke’s swing speed was also very fast, so fast that it was unbelievable and impossible to catch with the eyes.

But Esdeath still relied on her fighting instinct and talent over the years to let go of the ice blade in her hand that could not move forward an inch and retreated.

At the same time, she barely raised an ice wall to block the punch.


The wall shattered. With Ryosuke’s current body, how could a mere ice wall block it?

Even without chakra, his punch could not be blocked by human power!


After the powerful force shattered the wall, the power did not decrease at all. The next moment, it hit Esdeath hard and blasted her out directly.

The tall body flew high and directly crossed the gate of the imperial capital.

“It was not directly blasted.”

Ryosuke was a little surprised. With his own strength and Esdeath’s own physical fitness, it seemed that he should not be able to block this punch.

At least, she should die bravely under the power of this punch.

Since Esdeath refused to accept the offer, he could only regretfully take action.

And if he was going to take action, he would not be light-hearted and delay time.

As he said just now, this battle was unfair to Esdeath because the gap between the two realms was too big.

And it was also unfair to Ryosuke himself.

Because such a battle was too boring.

Yes, boring.

Ryosuke’s eyes passed through the imperial army across the bridge, through the walls of the imperial capital, and looked at Esdeath who fell into the city.

She should be… dying, right?

He knew his own strength and the strength that the other party’s body could withstand.

Although there may be deviations, the specific differences will not be too big.

Thinking of this, Ryosuke’s gaze paused, “He actually stood up.”

Under the gaze of the reincarnation eye, Esdeath’s body fell into a residential building.

The collapsed building completely covered her body. Under the impact of the punch, her internal organs had already been damaged and bleeding.

But even so, she still stood up from the ruins with such a broken body.

There was almost a blood hole in her abdomen, and large pools of bright red blood fell from the wound and hit the ground, but Esdeath’s fighting spirit did not diminish at all, but continued to rise, crazy and unable to hide her excitement.

“What a madman.”

Ryosuke murmured, more and more like this posture and expression.

At the same time, the appearance of the figure in his mind became clearer and clearer.

Unconsciously, Ryosuke’s original intention to continue to move forward and suppress Esdeath without giving her any chance also stopped.

“Let’s go to another battlefield. I think you don’t want to be disturbed by outsiders.” Ryosuke took a step and came to her. At this time, the imperial capital had already fallen into silence. Every household had gone home trembling at the moment the war began. Even if they knew that the rebels outside were good, they knew that even if these people attacked the city, it would not have any impact on them, the common people. But they still had to hide. If they really fought, who would care about them. “Ahem…” Esdeath kicked a big stone at her feet and walked towards Ryosuke with staggering steps, “Then let’s change a place.” As she spoke, the dark black lines on her chest that represented the essence of the devil actually lit up with blue light. The ice-blue lines spread on her body, and in a blink of an eye, they froze most of the injured parts of her body, including the bleeding holes. After taking a deep look at this stubborn woman, the air in front of Ryosuke fluctuated again. Speaking of which, if he could master the secret technique of the Otsutsuki clan, Ame no Michu, then he wouldn’t have to keep inviting Esdeath. He could just change the battlefield with a thought.

The whistling cold wind caressed the bodies of the two people wantonly at the moment it passed through the space fluctuations.

The southernmost land of ice and snow,

This is the northern part of the empire, with the climate environment that Esdeath is most familiar with.

Under the attack of the cold breath, Esdeath’s body, which was originally severely injured by a punch, seemed to come alive.

Even the ice-blue lines that had covered her body were faintly flickering.

In her body, the blood from the super-dangerous ice species was boiling and cheering, corresponding to this beautiful and “comfortable” living environment.

“Did you prepare this specially?”

Esdeath looked at Ryosuke beside her, but this time she didn’t rush to attack, “You seem to have changed your perception of me, are you holding back?”

Her eyes were extremely dangerous.

Compared to the previous straightforward words of Ryosuke, who said that she was not as good as him, this silent “letting go” made her feel more humiliated.

“It’s this look and attitude.”

Ryosuke looked at him casually, and under the intentional effect, the wind and snow around him could not affect him at all, “I’m just looking forward to what surprises you can bring me.”

The familiarity from Esdeath made his memories that had been loosening since he came to this world constantly emerge.

If… if he could recall it.

“I will naturally give you a surprise!”

Esdeath restrained some unnecessary expressions and felt the battle wholeheartedly.

The next moment, her body had come to Ryosuke’s side and kicked out.

But unfortunately, Esdeath was very fast and powerful, but it was still easily avoided by Ryosuke, who turned around and kicked her away.


The powerful energy shot out in all directions like a vortex, and the wind and snow in the sky seemed to be slowed down by the ripples of this momentum.

The flying figure hit the snowy mountain, and the thick white snow directly covered her whole body.

But it was that coldness that made the super dangerous blood in Esdeath’s body constantly fit her body.

This was the first time she felt such a crisis since taking this blood, and it was also the first time she used her imperial weapon with all her strength and exerted everything she had!


Esdeath jumped out of the snowy mountain and attacked Ryosuke again.

At this moment, her speed and strength were one point faster than before. Her physical qualities were improving. Under the impetus of the crisis and the effect of the devil’s essence, she continued to grow.


Ryosuke’s whip kick collided with Esdeath’s whip kick, and the roar like a meteorite falling sounded on this uninhabited frost continent.

Kicked away again.

The price was that one of her right legs was kicked off at the root, and she didn’t know where it flew.

Ryosuke was like an emotionless killing machine, kicking the attacking Esdeath away again.

And every time, his strength would increase as the opponent’s physical fitness improved.

This time, he directly kicked her right leg off.

“This fight is meaningless, why are you so persistent?”

He asked calmly.


But the answer to Ryosuke was no longer human.

A dull roar like a beast sounded from Esdeath’s throat, and she stood up again. The position of her right leg was replaced by a thigh made of ice.

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to her childhood, when she tried her best to deal with the dangerous species under the guidance of her father.

Although it was desperate, it was very challenging.

Abandoning humanity, giving up thinking, and wholeheartedly killing the enemy in front of her.

Only the strong can dominate the weak, and the death of the weak is meaningless.

I will be the strongest.

Esdeath kept repeating this sentence in her heart.

Then, her body, which was almost completely wrapped in a layer of ice armor and maintained life by freezing the wound, rushed towards Ryosuke again.

In her body, the surging chakra was rapidly spreading to her limbs.

She actually extracted chakra!

“It’s almost there again.”

Ryosuke’s eyes were always calm,

but in the calm, there was expectation.

Dragging this broken body, this guy can improve his physical qualities again and again, which is really incredible.

In theory, the first battle is her prime, and she should be the most combat-capable.

Then, the combat power will continue to decline as the physical strength disappears and the injuries worsen.

But… the actual situation is completely the opposite. This guy’s will and the dangerous blood in her body make her body tougher than a normal human should be.

As for chakra.

Hyuga has been developing in this world for three years. Although the spread of chakra refining method is only within the rebels, it is not difficult for the empire to seize it from the rebels in the war.

With the fighting talent shown by Esdeath, refining chakra is nothing.


Like a bloodthirsty and crazy beast, Esdeath’s broken body approached at a very fast speed.

And before approaching Ryosuke, just two or three steps, everything around him suddenly stopped as if it was still!

For the first time, she got close to Ryosuke by freezing time. It was also the first time she had really touched him with her fist since the fight. But… It was so hard! This was the feedback from Esdeath’s fist when it touched Ryosuke’s head. It was like hitting a cornerstone of the world, so hard that her fist couldn’t move forward at all, let alone leave a mark on this face. “I told you, the gap between us is too big.” Even if time stopped, Ryosuke didn’t defend himself, and just looked at the heroic face in front of him calmly. But Esdeath didn’t intend to give up, but continued to bombard his body with extremely fast fist speed. Bang bang bang bang bang! The continuous bombardment sounded from Ryosuke’s body, and he silently looked at the crazy woman in front of him, this kind of persistence. It was too similar to the man with only one eye in his memory. Facing an opponent who was so powerful that he couldn’t be defeated, he kept attacking with the same persistence, just for the persistence in his heart.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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