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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 302 Change of Month (Subscription Request)

“…Finally done.”

In the vast universe,

the stars that I saw in the Ninja World, now have no light, except…the moon in front of me, and the sun in the distance.

Cracks like broken mirrors appear in this dark universe,

from the gaps, you can still see that it is also dark, just like the vast universe here.

That alien space was originally divided from the universe, so it is exactly the same.

Standing quietly in the universe, Ryosuke stared at the moon in front of him,

and his mind has already been divided into two, one in this moon, and the other in that alien time and space.

“No matter the speed or mass, it is completely consistent with the moon in the alien time and space.”

Ryosuke raised his hand calmly, “Let’s start.”

Once, before his body could keep up with the realm, he needed to use his own pupil power to condense the Tao Jade to protect his body.

Now, his body has caught up with the realm, almost immortal, so there is no need to protect himself with the Dao-seeking Jade, and he can directly cross the universe in his body without being crushed by the powerful and mysterious oppression in the universe.

Hesitation has never been a rule for Ryosuke.

He just confirmed that the quality of the moon in the real world and the moon he made in the different time and space is the same, so he did not hesitate to exchange them.

The next moment, in less than a second, the world in front of Ryosuke seemed to have changed, but it seemed that it had not changed.

The moon is still the same moon, no matter the external appearance or the impact it brings to the earth, there is no change at all,

But at the core of the moon, the white-haired woman who was originally tied up and sealed with power has disappeared.

“How is it?”

Kaguya Otsutsuki’s nervous voice sounded in his mind, “Have you started?”

But Ryosuke did not answer her, and his pair of reincarnation eyes were firmly locked on the moon in front of him.

After a while, he asked, “What’s the situation in the Ninja World?”

“Nothing has changed.”

Kaguya Otsutsuki replied quickly,

there was something faintly sensed in her tone, with a little joy.

Although the moon is now in Ryosuke’s alternate time and space, because her ability is not enough to completely isolate the alternate time and space from the real world, her consciousness can still rely on Black Zetsu and the sacred tree to connect and occupy Uchiha Madara’s body.


Ryosuke nodded silently and continued to observe the moon in front of him.

Time passed by minute by minute,

the moon in front of him did not change, and Kaguya Otsutsuki in the Ninja World far away did not make any sound, it was very quiet.

One day, two days, three days… one month.

Ryosuke, who was observing the moon in the universe, was very quiet, and in the Ninja World, Kaguya Otsutsuki of the Hyuga clan was also sitting quietly in the courtyard,

and beside her, an ancient tree soared into the sky, and countless branches went deep into the ground, as if constantly investigating the changes of the planet under his feet.

She also sat in meditation for a month in this ninja world, and kept in touch with Ryosuke in the universe.

Although there was no communication, it was always maintained and never interrupted.

“It seems… there is no problem.”

Unable to help it, Kaguya Otsutsuki spoke again, interrupting the silence that lasted for a whole month.

“Indeed, there is no problem on the moon.”

Ryosuke responded slowly.

He sat in meditation in this universe for a month without moving, just staring at the moon in front of him.

Now his reincarnation eye is no longer the same as before. It is firmly locked on this moon, taking in all the operating trajectories inside and outside, and the operation of this moon has not changed at all in this month.


He stood up and took a step forward to leave the universe.

The next moment, Ryosuke had returned to the ninja world.

“How is it?”

In the courtyard of Ryosuke’s house in the Hyuga clan, Kaguya Otsutsuki opened her eyes and stared at the white-haired man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Ryosuke did not answer and closed his eyes.

However, the perception in his body had already dispersed, drilled into the ground, and reached the center of the earth.

“The data of the earth and the moon are the same as those observed a month ago. It seems that we succeeded.”

He turned slowly and looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki, who had already stood up and seemed a little impatient.

They had completed the moon change. Following the opportunity generated by the rotation and revolution of the earth, they directly used the time and space technique to switch the moon in the real world with the moon in the different time and space.

It was like a tire rotating at 60 speed, directly replacing the rear tire of a motorcycle running at 60 speed in less than a second, and the mass of the two tires was exactly the same.

In this process, Ryosuke also conducted many simulations and observations through his half-baked spying on fate, and finally determined the result-they completed the moon change.

Although he could see through everyone’s fate, he could not control it, because the development and change of things were irregular, so… he could only make up for it through multiple calculations.

“The next step is to return to that different time and space and destroy the moon.”

The tone was relaxed. The most important process had been completed. Destroying the moon was now easy for Ryosuke. “Grandfather, you should also go back and prepare for the turmoil when the moon is destroyed.”

He turned his head and looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki.

And Kaguya Otsutsuki nodded happily, “I’ll wait for you.”

As the voice fell, her consciousness had gradually withdrawn from Uchiha Madara’s body, and the body that lost her consciousness control gradually softened.

And then, when she opened her eyes again, her gentle demeanor was completely different from a person, and even the nine-magatama Samsara Eye on her forehead slowly closed.

Uchiha Madara’s consciousness was awakened from this body again.

“Thank you, Lord Ryosuke.”

The long-lost Black Zetsu fell off Uchiha Madara and slowly condensed into a human form on the ground, “Thank you for saving my mother.”

He bowed respectfully to thank him, his tone sincere and full of gratitude.

The thousand-year plan was realized at this moment, and his heart was extremely excited.

“Since your wish has been fulfilled, don’t do any tricks under my nose in the future.”

Ryosuke did not avoid it and accepted his gift.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the expressionless Uchiha Madara next to him, “What about you, senior.”

“When the ancestors borrowed your body to travel around the world, it is reasonable that your consciousness was not blocked. You should also know what happened in the ninja world and what happened in Hyuga in the past few years.”

“Next… what are your plans?”

When Kaguya Otsutsuki occupied Uchiha Madara’s body, it was Black Zetsu who helped suppress the other party’s consciousness, so most of the time, only Kaguya Otsutsuki’s consciousness dominated the body.

Now that Kaguya Otsutsuki has left, both of them have been liberated.

“… I want to go back to Konoha for a while.” Uchiha Madara hesitated for a moment and replied.

The arrogance of laying out the world at the beginning had long been wiped out by being suppressed again and again in these years, and even the anger was extinguished bit by bit.

The fact that his life was just a pawn in the hands of others was undoubtedly confirmed in the eyes of bystanders during this period of time.

If it were at the beginning, with his pride, he would never live anymore.

Even if he had to die, he had to restore his reputation as Uchiha Madara, but now… he gave up.

Having been controlled by Kaguya Otsutsuki for so many years, the means used by the other party were completely beyond his cognition. At the same time, he also understood how big the gap between him and Ryosuke was during the Water Country Battle.

His path was arranged step by step by others, and the power he gained was not yet fully controlled.

The other party was the path he walked out of, and was completely under his control.

The difference between the two, I didn’t know when I was arrogant after gaining power, but now I gradually understand it after I have lost my arrogance.

I haven’t fully explored this world, but the Hyuga clan is already exploring another world.

The road of the strong is long and arduous. Uchiha Madara doesn’t want to be cut off here because of his temporary arrogance. He wants to go longer and farther, and doesn’t want to be arranged by others.

But before that… he knows very well that he has to overcome the difficulties in front of him first.

Will Hyuga Ryosuke let him go?

Through Kaguya Otsutsuki’s vision, knowing so many secrets of Hyuga, will he feel at ease when he chooses to return to Konoha? Although he knows that as long as he chooses to join Hyuga at this moment, he will most likely be able to save his life, but… he still wants to go back to Konoha first. “Okay, by the way, please say hello to my old friend for me. As for who it is, the senior should know.” As a result, Ryosuke waved his hand casually, “By the way, if possible, tell him a little about Hyuga. If he is willing, he can also choose to join Hyuga.” Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I saw Naruto. But Ryosuke was not surprised. Just like in Dragon Ball, when Son Goku became stronger, only Vegeta could keep up with him from beginning to end and always appeared in his vision. When he was a child, the partners who needed to fight with all their strength, such as Piccolo, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, etc., gradually left Son Goku’s vision because of the gap between their levels. It’s not that I have forgotten Naruto, nor that this friendship has faded. After the level is different, if you force him to face what you are facing now, it will not be a good thing for him or yourself.

But… friendship will fade slowly as time goes by.

“… I know.”

Uchiha Madara was a little surprised at first, but soon he seemed to realize something and nodded dimly.

After that, he stepped forward and broke through time and space to shuttle towards Konoha.

He also learned this move during the time as a bystander.

“The Ten Tails on him, doesn’t the ancestor plan to take it back?”

Looking at the indifferent look of Black Zetsu when Uchiha Madara left, Ryosuke asked.

“The relationship between the sacred tree, the ninja world, and my mother is already closely connected and cannot be separated.” Black Zetsu explained, “It was fine before, but now Uchiha Madara knows that his life’s growth path was arranged by me, and he will definitely not continue to walk on it.” “If he wants to become stronger, he can only leave the ninja world, and if he leaves the ninja world, he can’t take the sacred tree with him, so he will definitely come back on his own.” “But Lord Ryosuke, aren’t you afraid that Uchiha Madara will become uncontrollable after leaving this world, and come back with hatred in the future?” He turned his head and looked at Ryosuke. “I can let him go, so I’m not afraid that he will become uncontrollable.” Ryosuke chuckled and turned his head, staring into Black Zetsu’s eyes, “I am actually looking forward to him surpassing me.”

“And… speaking of hatred, the center of his hatred should be you, not me.”

“You are a scheming guy, but I hope you can stay on the right path and protect Hyuga with your mother.”

When mentioning this matter, Black Zetsu restrained his expression very seriously, “Of course.”

He didn’t want to be lax in this matter and touch Ryosuke’s dissatisfaction.

Hyuga is no longer something he can calculate. In the face of absolute power, some things are useless. Besides… his mother is not as ambitious as before. She just wants to stay in Hyuga quietly. He will naturally help her protect this family.

“That’s good.”

Ryosuke nodded with satisfaction, “Let’s go and pick up the ancestor.”

As he said, everything around him suddenly changed.

They are no longer standing in the ninja world, not in the Hyuga clan, but on a vast grassland.

The air here is extremely fresh, and even the natural energy is much richer than in the ninja world.

“Is this the alternate time and space created by Ryosuke-sama?”

Black Zetsu looked at the stars in front of him in some shock, which were almost the same as the real world.

Whether it was the quality of the air or the completeness of the elements, they were almost the same as the real world, and even more perfect than the real world!

Uchiha Madara could see the outside world with the help of Kaguya Otsutsuki’s vision, so he could naturally do the same.

But Kaguya Otsutsuki only observed the construction of this alternate time and space at the beginning, and how it changed later, because it involved the privacy of other people’s magical powers, she did not participate again.

Kaguya Otsutsuki didn’t know, and Black Zetsu, who shared the vision, certainly didn’t know about this matter.

“But… Lord Ryosuke, do you really intend to blast the moon here?” Black Zetsu asked doubtfully, “If the moon is destroyed in this alien space, it may affect the small star you built.”

“We may be able to return to the real world and fly farther, find a relatively desolate place in the universe, and then attack the moon.”

“No, just do it here.” Ryosuke shook his head, “I want to see what kind of impact the moon will have on this alien space after it explodes again.”

This alien space is not the real universe after all, and it has its limits.

Although the small star under his feet has a completeness that is not inferior to the real world under his construction, even if some people are really moved from the outside world to live in this alien space, it can also be done.

But…he always feels that the planet under his feet lacks something, some conditions that the stars in the real world have.

“Get ready, I’m going to start.” Ryosuke’s body slowly floated up, slowly leaving the gravity of the planet under his feet, and came to this alien space as a part of the universe.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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