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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 303 Behemoth (Subscription Request)

In the bounded galaxy,

a star emitting faint white fluorescence stagnated in Liangjie’s field of vision.

Compared to the former huge and magnificent, which could not be seen at a glance,

now this moon is completely within his perception coverage, forming a small sphere like a model in his mind.

Everything about this planet has already formed a picture in Liangjie’s mind.

“This is my growth.”

Growth that can be seen with the naked eye.

Liangjie clenched his fists. The speed of this growth has exceeded that of himself as Boros.

At the beginning, it took him more than a hundred years to have the power to destroy small stars.

And now, he has reached this level in just a dozen years.

It is really… the predecessors planted trees for the next generation to enjoy the shade.

If it were not for the talent foundation that Boros had worked hard for, he might not be able to grow at such a speed in this life.

“Then the next step is to surpass Boros first and see if he can awaken more memories of his past life.”

Thinking of this, Liangjie’s originally clenched fists clenched even tighter.

On his body, pale white reincarnation eye chakra began to cover, and in a blink of an eye, it was all over his body.

A steady stream of power surged from his body, which was completely different from the previous state of entering the reincarnation eye chakra mode. This time, the chakra reached the same stage with the body and soul, and the feeling of physical filling was strong and powerful.

After the container carrying chakra became stronger, the quality of chakra naturally changed.

“This is the first time to shatter a star in the true sense.”

Taking a deep breath, Ryosuke’s mood was not as relaxed as it seemed.

Although, in the foreseen future, he had destroyed the moon in front of him nearly ten times, and in the memory of Boros in his previous life, there were countless pasts of destroying stars.

But the real action in this life was this time.

After crossing this step, he would officially step out of the boundaries of his native planet and have the ability to dominate the universe.

Ryosuke’s emotions gradually rose and became excited.

This is the standard of the universe rules in Boros’s world.

Only when you reach the level of destroying stars can you be qualified to be the overlord galloping in the universe.

After this step, he was no longer a creature that needed to rely on stars to survive. Thinking back to the movies and TV shows he had seen in his previous life or the previous life before that, there were only a handful of strong people who could reach the level of star shattering.

And he himself had also reached this step.

Endless heroism extended in his heart. In his palm, a light yellow ball as big as a glass bead gradually grew larger, and then turned into a divine weapon like a lightsaber, which was tightly held in Ryosuke’s hand.

“Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!”

The lightsaber in his hand turned into countless light points at the moment it was swung out, and the size illuminated by its light source was almost the same as that of the moon.

At the beginning, it was a bit difficult to swing this sword when his body was weak, and it was difficult to control it.

But now, it is as easy as using an arm to control it!


The moment the star light source touched the surface of the moon, a loud noise like the reopening of heaven and earth sounded in this different time and space,

Following it, there were overwhelming changes in the environment such as elemental instability, space vibration and fragmentation.

Countless fragments turned into streams of light, gradually drifting down to the small star created by Ryosuke.

After entering the atmosphere of this star, they were quickly affected by the gravity inside, falling down at a very fast speed, turning into meteorites.

Black Zetsu, who was still standing and watching, suddenly fled underground.

Countless meteorites fell from the sky and hit this star that had just come to life, instantly smashing the mountains and rivers into pieces, leaving deep pits.

At this moment, even if Black Zetsu’s body relied on Kaguya Otsutsuki to exist and was almost immortal, he was not sure whether he could survive this kind of earth-shattering momentum.

In his heart, he was extremely conflicted.

On the one hand, he wanted to curse Ryosuke for not saying that the momentum would be so huge, and on the other hand, he expected his mother to come out of the moon.

Taking both into account, he just felt that maybe he shouldn’t come to watch the ceremony, shouldn’t come to greet his mother, but should wait obediently in the ninja world.

As a spectator, he could not bear this welcoming ceremony!

In front of the moon, Ryosuke turned a deaf ear to the turbulence of all the space and elements around him.

Whether it was the huge pieces of rubble that fell or the tearing caused by the distortion of the space, it did not affect his current divine body.

The entire space-time was shaking violently and was about to collapse.

But Ryosuke did not pay much attention to this movement, and quietly watched the light source transformed by the lightsaber in his hand penetrate downward.

The extremely fragile part of the moon’s surface was completely shattered by the light source in the blink of an eye, and all the soil turned into dust, revealing the black soil inside that was as black as ink.

But the light source also stopped at this place.

This is the core area of ​​the Six Paths-level Chibaku Tensei, and it is also the cage that imprisons Kaguya Otsutsuki’s body.

“Ancestor, get ready!”

The roar was buzzing, like a thunderbolt.

Ryosuke tightened his grip on the lightsaber once again, and countless Rinnegan chakras in his body poured into the lightsaber transformed from the huge Rinnegan, and the power of its Golden Wheel Rinnegan Explosion was amplified again and again.

On his body, the clothes on his upper body burst open, revealing a strong and beautiful body.

Suddenly, he raised his arm again and held the lightsaber in his hand high.

At the moment he raised his arm, his body swelled like a balloon, but it did not look bloated.

In the muscles that were stacked up like mountains, it seemed that countless beasts were roaring and roaring. His body slowly stabilized in the sound, no longer swelled, but faintly emitted white fluorescence.

The white fluorescence like a bright galaxy flowed on Ryosuke’s body, corresponding to his meridians.

The reincarnation eye chakra that originally circulated throughout his body gradually lit up with fluorescence as Ryosuke’s body gradually lit up, and was constantly refined in his body like a torrent, pouring into the lightsaber in his hand.


Ryosuke’s eyes were extremely calm about the changes inside and outside his body.

As the voice fell, the light source of the lightsaber fell from the air again, slashing on the dark black land.

The powerful sealing force seemed to have consciousness. Before the lightsaber fell, it had already been transmitted from the core area of ​​the moon and poured into the black soil.

But unfortunately, even if it was prepared in advance, the seemingly extremely tough black soil was still easily cut open, just like cutting tofu, and the bright light source continued to penetrate into the black soil.

In just a few seconds, it was completely integrated into the moon.

Those sealing forces that were once extremely troublesome were like a piece of white paper without any resistance at this moment, constantly eroded and swallowed by the light source that was like a raging fire.


In another earth-shattering roar, the black moon that lost its white shell was like a watermelon, breaking into two halves.

Inside, the black soil that lost its sealing power lost its previous toughness and turned into land like the outer shell of the moon, and then gradually turned into dust.

The turbulence of time and space was turbulent in a more violent way as the moon collapsed.

The small star below had already been torn apart by the explosion of the moon. It was expected that the core would explode soon.

However, Ryosuke did not look at the star below. He continued to look at the place where the moon exploded.

At the original core, there was only a white-haired woman who was quietly stagnating.

“It’s time to wake up, ancestor.”

The lightsaber in his hand once again turned into a reincarnation eye like a glass bead, surrounding his body. Ryosuke’s figure slowly floated forward and came to the front of the white-haired woman.

“Sure enough… my body is more comfortable.”

A majestic and slightly satisfied voice sounded from the woman’s mouth, and then, on her fair and delicate face, the white eyes like a white jade plate slowly opened.

At the same time, the nine-magatama reincarnation eye on her forehead also slowly opened.

“Thank you, Ryosuke.”

The grateful voice was more comfortable than when it was spoken in the body of Uchiha Madara before, but at the same time… it was less flattering.

Her eyes were fixed on Ryosuke, and chakra fluctuations were faintly transmitted from his body.

“Don’t pry into my thoughts easily, Kaguya.”

Ryosuke’s smile remained unchanged, and he also looked at the white-haired woman opposite him.

On the other side, Kaguya Otsutsuki’s nine-magatama Samsara eyes gradually emitted red light.

Time passed by bit by bit, and the two people’s eyes alternated.

After a long time, the nine-magatama Samsara eyes on Kaguya Otsutsuki’s forehead slowly closed, and her whole body had been soaked in cold sweat in the previous eye contact, “You are really strong.”

There was no need for them to really fight.

Just now, just by prying into the mind, the victory was decided.

The opponent’s psychological defense was very high. Even if she took the initiative, she did not get any benefit. There was no chance to break through the mental defense around her body, see through the opponent’s heart, and even the internal situation of her body could not be peeped.


The opponent took the initiative and easily bypassed her psychological defense line, locking everything about her in his eyes.

Whether it was the inner or physical changes, they were all exposed in his eyes.

You have to know that before he met this junior, he didn’t have such a strong eye power to see his thoughts, but now he easily surpassed himself.

He really lived in vain for thousands of years, not even as good as a child in his teens.

“You don’t have to be so pessimistic.”

Ryosuke shook his head, but didn’t continue to look at her, “My situation is special, don’t look at me with common sense.”

The moment the voice fell, his figure and Kaguya Otsutsuki, along with the black Zetsu in the star that was about to explode below, disappeared in this strange time and space in the blink of an eye.

Under the shining starry sky, in this small strange time and space, except for a star that was about to explode, there were only countless broken fragments floating in the air…


A pool of black mud fell to the ground, and Black Zetsu wanted to drill into the ground, but before he could make any move, his body was fixed by Kaguya Otsutsuki’s eyes.

When he woke up, he found that he had returned to the ninja world.

Then, he looked at his mother beside him with surprise.

“I won’t join in your reminiscing.”

Ryosuke looked at the expressions of the two and turned away, “I’ll leave the Hinata in the ninja world to you from now on.”

Without deliberately using a spell to transmit his voice, his voice gradually became quieter as it went farther away, until it disappeared completely.

The matter of Kaguya Otsutsuki has been resolved, and Ryosuke needs to take care of his marriage next.

A few months have passed, and Hinata has probably decided how to handle it. As the male protagonist, it’s time for him to help.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile.

While Ryosuke was busy with his life, an uninvited guest arrived in the ninja world.


In Konoha Village, a monster that stood upright, a bit like a black bear, but with sharp horns, descended into the village.

The monster’s body was covered with dark and dull armor, and inside it was a tough skin, with sharp nails flashing cold light, as if it could tear the sky apart.


In the beast-like roar, there were not many emotions that humans should have.

It seems… this monster is not very intelligent.

“It’s from another world again.”

Figures emerged from Konoha Village in an instant and surrounded the monster at a very fast speed.

The leader among them is none other than Hatake Kakashi, who is known as the Mangekyō Sharingan.

In recent years, the ninja world has seen more and more frequent visits from other worlds.

Although no one except the Hyuga has yet discovered how to gain access to the space-time gate, the major forces have basically noticed the existence of these visitors from other worlds.

And… they also know why the Hyuga is so powerful.

“It’s so big… Use a sealing technique to trap him!”

Seeing this huge, endless monster, Kakashi recalled the battle in the Land of Water, the deep blue giant that was enough to shake the world.

Deciding immediately, he chose to use a technique to trap the monster’s movements, and then use a sealing technique to trap its movements.

Judging from the dark armor, their offensive may not be effective against it.

“Ask for help, we may not be able to solve it with our limited number of people.”

Then, he shouted back.

He signaled the ninjas of the Yamanaka family behind him to pass the message back to the village.

But before they could form a spell, the giant beast that was still roaring at the sky suddenly rushed towards the direction of Konoha Village, not caring about the people around it.

“Earth escape!”

With Kakashi’s order, several Konoha jonin and chunin formed seals at the same time.

Four thick earth walls like city walls rose from the ground, surrounding the giant beast from all directions, forming a cube shape to block the giant beast’s steps.

Then, there were several ninjas from the sealing class waiting on the side. As long as these earth walls trapped the giant beast, they would start the seal at the first time to restrict the movement of the giant beast with the power of the seal.

But then, all their movements stopped.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the monster rushed and smashed into the thick earth wall in front of it with an extremely strong attitude, and then, the thick earth wall that condensed the chakra of several jonin was easily smashed like tofu.

“There’s something wrong with this beast!”

Kakashi and the others, who were already looking very solemn, identified the hardness of the armor that seemed to have grown on the beast at this moment, and their faces changed drastically.


With almost no hesitation, Kakashi’s figure flashed quickly on the ground, with lightning flashing in his hands, approaching the beast at an extremely fast speed.

Then, his body bypassed the layer of armor and wanted to cut the body of the beast.

But then, when Kakashi’s palm, which seemed to be holding a lightning blade, pressed on the body of the beast, he only felt that his palm seemed to hit a rock, motionless.

Even the lightning escape technique with the ultimate lightning attribute only left a few marks on the extremely resilient shell!


Seeing that the offensive failed, several Konoha ninjas in the back shouted, signaling him to quickly withdraw from the attack range of the beast.

And Kakashi had already retreated before they reminded him.

The only exposed Sharingan was firmly tracking the movement of the giant beast.

But soon, they found that the giant beast ignored their obstruction and continued to rush towards the Konoha Village.

It ignored the trouble caused by the ninjas under its feet, and its target was extremely precise… It was as if someone was controlling it!

“This monster’s target is Konoha Village! Send the message back quickly!”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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