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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 310 Humans should learn to defeat monsters (Subscribe)

The dead silence of the deep mountains and dense forests is extremely rare in today’s technological age.

With the gradual improvement of the level of science and technology, various deep mountains that were once difficult for humans to penetrate are now gradually covered with signals and gradually conquered by the power of science and technology.

At the same time, some monsters hidden in the deep mountains and alien creatures that tried to secretly conquer the earth have gradually lost their hiding places…

“This is the nth wave of alien invasions. Will these guys ever stop!”

Riding the underground Pipa tank that looks like a drilling machine, Zongfang and Lina of the Victory Team are rushing to the place where the abnormal energy fluctuations are coming from.

“Deputy Captain, the communication device has detected the radio of the team members nearby.”

Lina did not respond to his complaints, but drove the underground tank very seriously, “V01, it’s the well digging team!”

“We are almost at the target location. Let’s go back to the ground to understand the situation first.”

Zongfang quickly gave instructions. On the one hand, he communicated with the headquarters to report the situation, and on the other hand, he tried to connect to the radio device of the well digging team members.

“Jujing, can you hear me?”

“What a familiar voice, very clear! Deputy Captain!”

The other end of the radio, Jujing’s voice on the surface was almost crying.

“Is Daigu with you?”

Zongfang asked, while confirming the new order issued by the headquarters, and then confirming the current energy fluctuations on the surface.

“No, he went down the mountain.”

Jujing’s answer came quickly, “He drove the Feiyan No. 1 to try to break through the fog.”

“Going down the mountain? It happened to be at this time, could it be that…”

Zongfang’s face was a little ugly. He and Lina did not find the channel about Daigu in the communication device, let alone the signal of the Victory fighter.

“Deputy Captain, the ground is ahead.”

Lina also learned about this through the channel, and her face was also wrong.

But she suppressed her emotions well, calmly drove the tank out of the ground and returned to the ground.

And the oncoming reconnaissance aircraft through the tank shell, they saw on the screen a thick fog like ashes after a fire.

But inside, there was a ray of dazzling light like the sun.

“Quickly fire the laser cannon at the place where the beam of light is. There is a glowing meteorite in it, which is the energy source of the fog!”

Dijing also realized something, and his voice was full of regret.


The news of the suspected death of the team members was like a haze covering their hearts.

Immediately, Zongfang gave the order to attack without even communicating with the headquarters.

And Lina didn’t even need him to say anything, she had already prepared to smash the meteorite.

But the next moment, when the energy of the entire underground tank was concentrated on the sharp drill bit at the front, a huge figure appeared faintly in the fog.

The nearly 70-meter-high body was covered with disgusting shells like big lumps.

Its mouthparts were like insects, composed of dozens of tongue-like organs.

“It’s a monster!”

Zongfang looked at the screen solemnly.

The next moment, the monster roared at them with its fangs and claws, and its sharp cry easily broke through the hard armor of the tank and reached their ears.

Then, a beam of energy like lightning spit out from the monster’s mouth and shot towards them.


Zongfang, who had already adjusted the angle of the turret, urged.

And Lina chose to fire without hesitation, and decisively concentrated the energy of the entire underground tank on this beam of laser cannon, just to defeat the opponent with one blow.


A sharp collision sound rang out in the air, and the energy beam emitted by the monster collided with the laser cannon fired by the tank in the air.

But soon, the laser cannon was suppressed by the energy beam and was easily pushed back.

“The instrument failed.”

Under the collision of powerful energy fluctuations, the instrument of the underground tank failed.

However, as members of the Victory Team, all kinds of incredible things happened in the battles with monsters again and again, and they have developed a mentality of not being surprised.

“Prepare to evacuate.”

Zongfang looked fiercely at the gradually dimming screen and issued an order to abandon the tank.

Fortunately, the external device of this underground tank is strong enough, and it still has room to breathe under the bombardment of the aftermath of an energy beam.

But just when Lina and Zongfang were about to evacuate, a surprised voice sounded from the radio carried by the helmet.

“It’s a ninja, a ninja similar to that Uchiha Sasuke!”

There was surprise in Dijing’s voice.

Zongfang and Lina looked at each other and accelerated the evacuation.

The reconnaissance device has been destroyed, and they have no vision in this underground tank.

However, it seems that the roar of the monster outside continued, but it did not launch a new attack on their tank and completely destroy it.

When the two came to the outside world, they were stunned after observing the situation near the monster from a distance through the auxiliary reconnaissance device carried by the helmet.

“A… woman?”

In their vision, a woman with blue hair and a good figure was easily stepping on the huge body of the monster, trying to launch an attack from its vulnerable place.

“No, she doesn’t know that the monster can absorb the energy contained in the body of a living being!” Lina suddenly realized something and shouted loudly, trying to tell the mysterious ninja. But unfortunately… her voice seemed extremely small in this chaotic scene. They did not reject this ninja who was also a human being. At least they were much better than the monsters that could only destroy and plunder and could not communicate at all. The profession of ninja was not unfamiliar to their Victory Team. But a ninja who appeared in recent years, Uchiha Sasuke, broke their original understanding of ninjas. This ninja had a powerful force like the Giant of Light. Although when this ninja just appeared, it seemed that he had no knowledge of modern knowledge at all, and he made a lot of noise, and was even wanted by various countries. But after the subsequent monsters appeared, they gradually united their front. After this ninja who seemed to have come from a deep mountain forest and practiced hard learned enough modern knowledge, they chose to hire this former wanted criminal as a peripheral member of the Victory Team. In some cases, they exchanged information and helped each other. However, because this Uchiha Sasuke always appeared alone, they always thought that there was only one person in the profession of ninja.

But now it seems that the group of ninjas is not just Uchiha Sasuke.

“Can that woman have the strength of Uchiha Sasuke?”

The eyes of Munakata and others were a little complicated.

If only Uchiha Sasuke had the strength like the giant of light, it would be acceptable.

But if there were a group of people who took ninja as their profession and also had the strength of Uchiha Sasuke, then the United Nations might pay infinite attention to the profession of ninja…

“Chakra… absorbed!”

In the far distance, Hinata, who was originally planning to climb up the body of the monster and attack its suspected flawed mouthparts, found that her chakra was being consumed at an unusual speed during the movement when she was halfway up.

Almost without thinking, she made a judgment.

“We have to evacuate first.”

After confirming the distance between herself and the monster, Hinata gave up this climbing behavior.

I thought that the monster’s huge body was one of its flaws.

But now it seems that I underestimated this extremely strange species!

Her agile body jumped up, and after flexibly dodging the monster’s claws, she landed on the ground easily, splashing some dust.

After making up her mind to try to improve her strength, Hinata completed a relatively ordinary body tempering training under the guidance of Ryosuke.

Her mind and will were strong enough, and enduring relatively ordinary pain was a common thing for her, who came from a physical training family.

It took Hinata only a few months to gradually get used to the level 1 to level 10 body liquid tempering, and under the personal guidance of Ryosuke, she completely absorbed the liquid inside, allowing her body to reach a relatively strong stage for ordinary ninjas, and officially stepped into the body tempering.

After that, Ryosuke temporarily suggested to stop the excruciating pain of the level 10 and above body tempering liquid.

The liquid above level 10 is considered an advanced version of body tempering.

Hinata had wasted so much time in training, it was obviously not so easy to pick it up all at once.

So Ryosuke chose to insert training for improving combat talent in this process.

He used this training ground with monsters as Hinata’s training ground!

“Go to the world of Tiga and try every means to obtain useful materials from three different monsters. This is your training task this time.”

“You chose this path. If you want to gain something, you must pay for it.”

“I will not go to that world with you. Only by truly experiencing the life and death moments in the battle can you complete the transformation.”

Ryosuke’s words are still echoing in Hinata’s mind. The ability of the white eyes has been exerted to the extreme, and the monster can be completely seen inside and out, but it is not so easy to try to break through the defense line.

The shell on the monster, which looks like a lump, she has felt its hardness when she climbed just now.

At least at this stage, it is difficult for her to cause damage to it before finding its flaws.

And the power of this monster, when dodging its claws just now, Hinata has also felt it.

The strong wind brought by the swing, the extreme sense of danger that made her hair stand on end, maybe one blow could make her lose the ability to fight directly!

In addition to these, this monster has other abilities that have not yet been demonstrated, just like the energy beam it used when it bombarded the turret just now, it has never used it in the brief fight just now.

It seems… this monster does not take this weak opponent seriously!

“We have to think of other ways to try to break through.”

With Hinata’s reaction speed and ability as a ninja, it is not difficult to survive under the hands of this monster.

Although its strength is strong, its speed seems to be defective under the effect of its huge body.

However, Hinata’s training is not to survive from its hands, but to kill it and obtain training materials from it!

“You… should be members of the Victory Team?”

After hesitating for a moment, Hinata’s figure shuttled through the deep forest at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, she had come to the side of Souma and others.

Its speed didn’t even give them a chance to draw their guns.

“You are…”

Mongakata looked at the woman who suddenly appeared vigilantly. Her clothes had a deep sense of age, just like that of Uchiha Sasuke.

“Hinata Hyuga is considered Uchiha Sasuke’s superior.”

Before Hinata came to this world, she had naturally learned a lot from Uchiha Sasuke.

Among them, of course, the matter of the Victory Team was also included.

Ryosuke and Sasuke were in a cooperative relationship, and he was Ryosuke’s superior and the clan leader, so strictly speaking, he was also Uchiha Sasuke’s superior.

People in this world don’t know how powerful Hyuga is, but only know how powerful Uchiha Sasuke is.

Pulling this tiger skin, he can reduce a lot of trouble.


Mongakata’s vigilance did not relax, and he looked up and down at the woman in front of him carefully.

He didn’t think that the person in front of him would be stronger than Uchiha Sasuke. At least from the attitude he had just treated the monster, he could make such a judgment.

If Uchiha Sasuke faced this monster, it should be much easier.

That was a strong man who could summon a dark purple warrior that was bigger than an ordinary monster and fight against Golzam!

“Strength does not represent status.”

Hinata saw what he was thinking, “Although my strength may not be as good as his, he must obey my orders.”

“I believe that this point is not unfamiliar to you in the Victory Team. According to the information he handed over to me, the captain of your Victory Team is a woman, and her own strength is not strong.”

“The captain’s function is to coordinate and coordinate!”

Hearing Hinata’s statement, Munakata unconsciously refuted it.

After that, Hinata did not say anything, but looked at him quietly.

“Okay, I believe you are Uchiha Sasuke’s superior, so now… what are your plans?”

Mongakata relaxed the action of pulling out the gun from his waist, “Is Uchiha Sasuke also nearby?”

“Didn’t he send you an email before he left?”

Hinata pointed out his tentative meaning, “He will temporarily leave this planet for a while. As for how to leave this planet, it is our Hyuga secret and it is not convenient to disclose it for the time being.”

The monster is not far away, and she doesn’t intend to test him like this, “Now I need the help of your Victory Team. Obviously, there may be some accidents on the side of Tiga. The monster has appeared for so long, and he has not appeared to stop it.”

“But we humans can’t just watch this monster destroy it.”

“Tiga hasn’t appeared yet, but we have to find a way to stop it!”

In a few words, she has put herself above justice.

Mongakata and Lina looked at each other, “So… what do you need our Victory Team to help you do?”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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