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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 316 Further Cooperation (Subscription Request)

After all, the Claw Organization is a native of this super-powered world, and its sphere of influence is extremely large.

After Suzuki Tongzhilang successfully joined Hyuga and became a member of Hyuga, they soon received assistance from Hyuga, not only in terms of materials, but also in terms of training methods. They all got what they had longed for.

However, these things were not what Ryosuke cared about.

What he wanted to figure out more was the so-called rules of this world-the rules that allowed Ryosuke to easily break through the original spiritual realm after coming to this world.

But Ryosuke never had a clue about the exploration of the rules.

Even if he had the reincarnation eye, it was difficult to capture what kind of material the rules of constructing the world were.

Everything was as if Ryosuke had practiced the Sage Mode with the help of Naruto.

Without ever feeling natural energy, he could not detect the special energy material floating in the air, and this time was the same.

Because of the difference between the two worlds, he knew very well that the two worlds must have different differences in rules, but he could not figure out the meaning.

After a month without any discovery, Ryosuke temporarily gave up the idea of ​​​​exploration.

I think he is still missing something.

However, although he was immersed in cultivation for this month, he did not forget the young wife who was arranged by him to cultivate in the Tiga world.

When Ryosuke opened the time-space gate again and returned to the Tiga world, nearly two months had passed.

Very easily, his spiritual perception detected the location of Hinata and the existence of Uchiha Sasuke.

First, he sent a previously agreed-upon body-tempering liquid to Uchiha Sasuke.

Ryosuke then came to the area where the Victory Team headquarters was located and met Hinata, whom he had not seen for some time.

Because the past of ninjas has a relatively complete record in this world, and whether it is Uchiha Sasuke or Hinata, the appearance has a lot of help to the human forces.

So she was treated well and temporarily served as the commander of the investigation in the Victory Team.

Since she temporarily has the identity of a member of the Victory Team, she is alone in this world, and naturally she is arranged a lounge for her alone.

And this time, Ryosuke did not hide his whereabouts when he appeared. It was agreed that he would come to this world every once in a while to confirm her cultivation progress.


A joyful voice rang out from the spacious lounge.

When Ryosuke saw Hinata again, her spirit and energy had obviously changed drastically from before.

In the past, although Hinata was the clan leader and had the oppressive force that came from being in a high position for a long time, she was unable to show this oppressive force well because of her low strength.

But now… it’s obviously different!

“The first monster, named Magnia, is a parasitic creature from the universe.”

“Although there are many materials found from this guy, there don’t seem to be many flesh and blood materials that can be used to prepare body-quenching medicine.”

“The second monster, I saw a humanoid creature different from humans – dinosaur man…”

The lounge arranged by the Victory Team for Hinata is not small.

It seems that considering that she will do some training that a ninja should do, they arranged a room with various fitness equipment for her.

But in fact, these fitness equipment that ordinary people would use are not of much help to Hinata.

“So for now, I haven’t obtained enough materials.” Hinata said helplessly, “But fighting is indeed very helpful for my strength growth, especially with these big guys who can beat me half to death with just a casual punch.” As she said that, she threw a punch, and the momentum brought by her fist in the air was obviously different from before. Although she could also directly swing the palm wind with the strength of her body before, now her strength is more condensed and the control posture is more comfortable. “Strength, speed, nerve reaction…” Hinata easily showed the secret technique of the Hyuga family in front of Ryosuke. And it has reached a relatively peak standard, two thousand and forty-eight palms! The original sixty-four soft fists have long been developed to varying degrees with the influx of the Otsutsuki secret technique. For example, the increase in the number of punches is based on the fact that they may face enemies from different worlds in the future. Their meridian points may be different from those of the people in the ninja world, and they may even fight against non-human monsters. So… the development of the soft fist has improved the complexity and power of the fist on the basis of sealing the acupoints to defeat the enemy.

Even if there is no acupoint to hit the enemy, the soft fist can be used to penetrate.

Palm after palm hits in the air, and the frenzied airflow surges in this lounge. Even other rooms nearby are affected by Hinata’s air pressure.

Now, after she was tempered with the tenth-level liquid medicine, her body, which was swollen because she could not fully absorb the medicine, has returned to its original appearance.

In her strong body, the medicine that was originally filled has been well absorbed by the flesh and has become the nourishment for her growth.

However, this progress is also natural. As a family of physical skills, most people in the Hyuga clan can withstand the tempering of the tenth-level liquid medicine. What is more difficult is undoubtedly the subsequent physical improvement.

It is not an easy task to destroy the body with the violent and uneasy power brought by the dangerous species in the medicine, or even to control this power, temper the body, and absorb it completely.

Just like the first few gates of the Eight Gates of Dunjia are considered safe thresholds, but after reaching a certain level, there will be dangers that can threaten life.

The dangerous species contained in the medicine after level ten are already extremely terrifying in the world of imperial weapons.

“Well done, but you still need to work hard.”

Ryosuke nodded, reached out and took out a scroll and handed it to her, “This is the next five levels of body tempering medicine. I hope you can think clearly about each attempt to improve the road ahead. After all, the road ahead is very dangerous, and I am not by your side.”

“I understand.”

Hinata nodded and took the materials needed for cultivation.

“When you raise your physical strength to the standard of level 15, I will also try to inject the Samsara Eye Chakra into your body to see if your Byakugan can evolve.”

Ryosuke continued, “During this period, I will also try it on Hanabi.”

“Hanabi’s Byakugan is about the same purity as yours. If she can do it, you should be able to do it, but the time difference is just a difference.”

“But… will it be dangerous?”

Hinata said worriedly, “Let me try first.”

She was a little afraid that her sister would have an accident during this attempt, which would make her feel guilty for the rest of her life.

“Hanabi’s talent for cultivation is much higher than yours. If there is any danger, she will be able to overcome it more easily than you.”

Ryosuke pointed out the fact without hesitation, “Besides… Madam, this is not an experiment for you.”

“Little Hanabi’s belief in becoming stronger is much higher than yours. Even if I don’t speak up, she will come to me to ask for help when she knows about this.”

In fact, he has always said that he will not seek personal gain for the fairness of the family.

But no one is perfect. Ryosuke feels that he is still a human being in essence and has selfish desires.

So every time after he refused, he would find a way to provide her with the training materials she wanted through other means.

How could he treat his family badly?

Moreover, her training speed was far faster than her peers, and even faster than most of the tribe members who were older than her. If he didn’t provide her with the materials, it would be a waste of the past few years.

And little Hanabi was also smart. Although she was rejected openly every time, she still came to him and secretly collected things.

If she knew that she could evolve the Byakugan into the Samsara Eye, she would definitely come.


And Hinata’s face froze, and the worries in her heart disappeared instantly.

“Madam, know yourself.”

For Hinata’s cold snort, Ryosuke only felt that she was unconvinced, and warned her inappropriately, “Although your progress is not small, compared with the overall level of the tribe, you are still relatively ordinary. You know what I mean.”

“I understand! I heard it with both ears!”

Hinata was really annoyed.

He poured cold water on her as soon as they met. Why didn’t she realize that this guy was so straightforward before?

“Are you angry?”

“I’m not!”

“You are definitely angry, but I’m telling the truth.”

“I’m not! Go away! Stop bothering me here!”

In fact, Ryosuke finally came here, so of course he couldn’t leave so soon.

He stayed for a day and a night. During this time, although the people from the Victory Team came to Hinata because of the vibration of the room, they were sent away by her.

She didn’t want to expose Ryosuke’s existence to other people for the time being.

Although the people from the Victory Team knew that someone from the ninja force had visited again and had bypassed all the sensing facilities of the Victory Team headquarters without anyone noticing, they still chose to respect this force that was temporarily friendly with them and did not make any moves to provoke disputes.

However… Ryosuke finally experienced some of the beauty between husband and wife for a long time.

Sure enough, persuading Hinata to improve her strength and exercise her physical strength was a correct choice.

“I should go.”

Dressed neatly, Ryosuke turned around and sat on the bed, holding his wife’s hand tightly.

Hinata did not speak, but held it tightly.

Although her vision and status are different, this is her first mission in the true sense, and it is also her first time to leave all her tribesmen and break into an unfamiliar environment alone.

After all… there is still some hesitation and uneasiness.

Ryosuke did not speak, but leaned against the bed silently, holding her hand tightly.

Neither of them spoke, but quietly felt each other’s warmth and breath.

An extremely ordinary tenderness, but infinitely brought the relationship between them closer.

This time, Hinata’s face was not as pale as the first time, but extremely rosy.

Unlike the first time she felt her life threatened, this time she only felt the fullness and fiery beauty.

“You really weren’t around during this time?”

Finally, Hinata broke the silence, “When I first faced the monster, were you really not around?”

Slowly moving her body, getting closer to Ryosuke, she asked softly, as if mumbling to herself.

“Growing up is a hard thing.”

Ryosuke did not answer directly, “If… we have a child in the future, when the child is in danger and I am not here, as a mother, what do you think you should do? Do you think you have the power to protect him?”

Without mentioning the family, he only said a very simple sentence, which calmed Hinata, who was originally a little hesitant.

“Everyone wants to be a child, and everyone wants to be carefree.”

“But people can’t always stagnate, and they can’t ignore and forget their own shortcomings when they find their own shortcomings.”

“As long as you keep filling your own loopholes and arm yourself, you can calmly face all possible threats.”

Ryosuke left quickly.

After saying this, Hinata took the initiative to push his body, let him get off the bed, and let him go without him needing to say anything more.

Perhaps…she was afraid that if she continued to be so gentle, she would give up the idea of ​​growing up, give up the belief that she had finally risen, and continue to return to the tribe to be a clan leader who could only talk about war on paper and manage logistics.

It feels really good to be protected by others.

But people can’t always be protected. They also need to step out from behind the scenes and face the audience who are judging the situation.

However, before leaving, Ryosuke still synchronized some news from the tribe to her, the tribe leader.

The gentle country was so beautiful that he almost forgot about it.

The news that the tribe had discovered another world and had begun to seek cooperation must be synchronized with Hinata.

Now, besides Ryosuke, there is only Uchiha Sasuke who can come to this Tiga world, so he is naturally responsible for conveying the news.

At the same time, the tribe also conveyed the corresponding situation.

For example, in the future, the tribe tends to use a peaceful way of stable cooperation as the main method for dealing with various worlds, supplemented by military deterrence.

Tell people in other worlds how cruel the battle for hegemony in the heavens and the worlds they will face next is, and give them a relatively good plan so that they will not lose the status they should have.

By attracting cooperation, they can solve some troubles peacefully. As for those who don’t listen to their opinions, they will naturally show some force to make them understand that this game is not about whether they want to play or not, but whether Hinata is willing to play with them.

In the room, Hinata, who had quietly digested everything in the scroll, pondered for a moment, took a shower quickly, put on her clothes and left.

With the identity of the commander of the investigation, she came to the center of the Victory Team’s headquarters without any obstacles.

In the doubtful eyes of Iruma Hui, Hinata said seriously, “I got the news from the tribe. We, Hinata, hope to go further with the Victory Team, not just help each other kill monsters.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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