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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 333 Taking Advantage of the Situation (Subscription Request)

“As you said, I am invincible in this world. How do you want to fight me?”

Under the night sky, Saitama stood high in the void, staring expressionlessly at Ryosuke not far away.

There was no cloud or fog blocking the sky, and the huge moon emitted a faint fluorescence, illuminating the bodies of the two.

“You will know naturally.”

Ryosuke smiled at the other party, “Then…”

As he spoke, a ray of blue light suddenly appeared around him.

“Let’s start!”

A ray of blue light quickly opened up, and in just a moment, it turned into more than 20 doors emitting light.

“This is…”

Saitama half-closed his eyes and looked at everything in front of him.

But before he could take a closer look, Ryosuke, who was originally in front of him, suddenly flashed away, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of him, punching him.


The powerful fist hit Saitama’s face firmly.

The amazing force penetrated his face effortlessly, driving the airflow to almost take his head off his neck.

But then, all of Ryosuke’s strength was lost in an instant, as if he had turned back into an ordinary person. His fist hit Saitama’s cheek weakly.

“I said, you can’t hurt me in this place.”

Saitama’s face was against Ryosuke’s fist, and he didn’t feel any effort.

He could even talk to him lightly.

“Is this what it feels like to fight an enemy who controls the rules?”

Ryosuke retracted his fist, “It’s really interesting!”

His tone was extremely excited.

The punch just now was the first time he had used all his strength since he grew up, but even so, he still couldn’t shake the opponent at all.

Ryosuke was not weakened into an ordinary person by the rules just now.

Instead, all his strength was blocked by the rules on the opponent, just like hitting an invisible barrier.

“There’s something more interesting.”

Before Ryosuke could feel it for a moment, Saitama’s calm voice sounded, and he suddenly punched him.

The posture was extremely simple, but the attack was full of strength.

Therefore, having personally felt Saitama’s punch before, Ryosuke had expected the strength of this punch.

Instantly, the complicated and chaotic force of rules extended from the place where his fist touched to his body, and then his body exploded without any surprise.

Under this punch, it was directly turned into nothing.

“Is this all you can do?”

Saitama retracted his fist, but his eyes were always fixed on the front.

He did not relax, nor did he think that this would be a simple way to deal with the person in front of him.

In fact, it was just as he expected.

Ryosuke’s body had recondensed in an instant, and the speed was so fast that it seemed as if it had never been shattered.

“Recovering so quickly…”

Saitama’s original careless look finally changed because of the scene in front of him.

But fast recovery does not mean anything.

“I’m curious, what kind of existence you are now.”

Ryosuke’s body exudes dazzling silver light, covering everything on his body including his facial features, “Is it Mr. Saitama, or… is it the manifestation of the rules of this world?”

There are many things about Saitama that he can’t figure out.

Why can a person be so powerful but not know that he is powerful.

It is not easy to master the rules, let alone to directly use the power of rules without any power as a basis, which is almost impossible.

This matter is equivalent to a person who has never been to school, but he solved a math problem that has troubled the entire mathematics community by chance.

In terms of possibility, there is definitely.

But the probability is definitely not low.

Is it a sudden enlightenment of Yuhuaxian? It’s really too incredible.

But later, as Ryosuke saw Saitama’s current state, felt the sense of isolation and the look in his eyes, he gradually understood something.

The look in Saitama’s eyes now seems to be in a high position, looking at everything in the world without any emotion.

The fate, life and death of any living being are indifferent in his eyes.

This feeling was familiar to Ryosuke, but after combining it with what he saw with his amplified Samsara Eye, he realized what kind of state Saitama was in at this moment.

At this moment, he was not a hero, not Saitama, and perhaps not even a person, but just a world rule with self-awareness.

So… Ryosuke amplified the power of Samsara Eye and looked over, but he saw nothing.

Saitama represented this world in the state of Samsara Eye.

“That’s an interesting way of saying it.”

Saitama didn’t hide it, “I’m not the owner of this body, but I can’t answer you what kind of existence I am.”

After that, he raised his hand again, “But… can you keep recovering? Infinitely many times?”

“The way your body was reshaped just now is very similar to a guy I’ve seen.”

As he spoke, his hand movements did not slow down at all.

Once again, Saitama’s fist came to Ryosuke’s eyes.

And for his fist, Ryosuke found it difficult to dodge, and even more difficult to resist.

Since he couldn’t hide or block, he chose to just punch it!

Fists collided, and powerful air waves spread in all directions like a tsunami.

But once again, Ryosuke’s body broke into pieces and exploded, but it condensed and reconstructed at a very fast speed.

At their level, the use of skills sometimes cannot be put on the stage at all, but will slow down the speed.

This is also the reason why Ryosuke gradually gave up the use of skills in later battles, gradually separated from the techniques, and focused more on the body and soul.

However, in this battle, the body and soul can only be second!

Boom boom boom!

Time and time again, Ryosuke’s body was shattered, but it condensed again, and kept punching and colliding with the opponent’s fist.

At this moment, the planet under their feet has long been in chaos in the constant punching and fighting. Whether it is the climate or the land, it is stirred like a whirlpool in these collisions.

But even if the planet below is violently turbulent, the two did not stop.

And below, the creatures on this planet, whether they are the so-called heroes or the monsters who are hostile to them, they all began to try to stop this battle.

But the air pressure released during the fight between Ryosuke and Saitama alone prevented everyone from getting close.

Whether they were riding on a flying vehicle or had superpowers that could fly, they would be blown away by the air pressure once they approached the airspace here. Some weak people were even crushed directly.

They had no way to stop the fight, and could only silently accept the impact of the fight and pray that the outcome would be decided as soon as possible.

No matter who won or lost, only by stopping could they try to intervene and mediate the conflict and fight that had arisen for unknown reasons.

“You said… can you learn to use my power from my fist?”

Saitama’s fists swung again and again, no matter how many times the person in front of him recovered, he swung his fists expressionlessly, “Then I don’t know what you have learned from so many of my punches.”

And this time, there was no voice in response to his words.

“I remember that you are very similar to the guy from outer space.”

“Same recovery ability, same high fighting spirit, self-righteous look.”

“Perfectly integrated the so-called technique into the battle, but unfortunately… it is still so vulnerable!”

Saitama kept talking.

But he guessed correctly that the guy from outer space he mentioned was indeed Ryosuke’s previous life.

“You have a relationship with that guy, right? You are here for revenge.”

Very affirmative words, without any doubt.

“But although your strength and speed are stronger than that guy, it seems that you have not improved.”

“With your appearance, do you really have a chance to defeat me?”

“Since you define this power in me as a rule, why… don’t you use it at all?”

One sentence after another, the plain words seemed to be gradually stained with a bit of anxiety as he kept punching.

The existence possessed by Saitama did not seem to be so inhuman. He still had feelings and emotions.

But from the words, it was not difficult for Ryosuke to hear that this guy seemed to be angry and irritated about his powerlessness. He seemed to wish that he could have the strength to fight him.

This point… is very similar to Saitama himself.

But even so, Ryosuke did not speak.

He no longer had the extra energy to argue with the other party. Compared with the familiarity of the guy in front of him with the rules of this world, it was not so easy for him to mobilize the rules.

Punching again and again, exploding again and again.

It seemed that the process was the same, but Ryosuke’s silence and uselessness made Saitama on the opposite side gradually disappointed.

Even… he wanted to stop and leave this body.

After all, if such an opponent is not worth his serious treatment.

But this disappointment finally stopped before Saitama stopped.


Another fist fight.

Ryosuke and Saitama’s fists collided again under the moonlight, and the collision of the forces between the two brought up an unimaginable air pressure again.

But this time, Saitama was stunned.


Another punch.

This time, Saitama, who was stunned, didn’t have time to swing his fist to resist, and was hit hard in the face by Ryosuke.

The strong force passed through his flesh clearly and beautifully, passed into Saitama’s body, and transmitted to his senses.

Then, he flew backwards.

He retreated more than a hundred meters in the sky before stopping.

“It hurts…”

Saitama widened his eyes and covered his cheek in disbelief.

Although the force was not particularly strong, it was more of a push, but this punch made him feel too much, what a living being should have.

“Don’t worry, there will be more pain.”

At this time, Ryosuke finally spoke, and after saying a sentence lightly, his body followed closely and punched again.

Although Saitama was a little surprised by the previous punch, he didn’t daze and become a punch target. Without too much hesitation, he punched again.


Once again, Saitama’s body flew backwards.

And this time, the pain in his arm made him grimace, and the creaking sound made him realize clearly that he had an injury that only a living being, an ordinary human, would suffer – a fracture!

The hand bone is broken!

The force that Ryosuke used just now actually broke his hand directly!

Before Saitama could recover, the opponent rushed forward one after another.

As if to make himself pay for the explosions just now, Ryosuke did not hold back at all every time.

But just like that, the side without resistance gradually shifted from Ryosuke to Saitama.

His recovery ability was not as good as Ryosuke. In the attack again and again, the injuries on his body increased, and at the same time, the speed of reaction continued to decrease, until finally he could only stare and take the beating.

However, although he was beaten, there was no fear or fear in Saitama’s eyes, but full of surprise and disbelief.

He didn’t seem to worry about being beaten to death.

But it was also… After all, it was just a certain consciousness that was borrowing Saitama’s body to fight Ryosuke.

“Is your power… only this?”

Finally, Ryosuke broke the quiet atmosphere.

He stopped and looked at Saitama, who was almost in human form in front of him.

The right arm and left leg were empty, and there were blood holes on his body one after another. Apart from these, only the face was in better condition.

Ryosuke deliberately avoided his face, or rather avoided some important parts. After all, he didn’t hit people in the face, and he had a good impression of Saitama, and didn’t want him to be occupied by someone else and die without knowing it.

“How…how did you do it?”

The injuries on his body made it difficult for Saitama to speak.

However, from his tone, he didn’t feel pain or anything like that because of these injuries, but more doubts.

“Have you mastered the so-called rules? Do you have the same ability as me?”

He asked urgently.

“Mastering the rules is not an easy thing. I don’t fully master the rules of your world.” Ryosuke shook his head, “Maybe I can fully control it, but it will take a long time.”

“So it’s troublesome for me to master the rules steadily. If I want to master the rules faster and understand what I want to understand, I need to think of some other ways to shorten the journey.”

“I remembered what an old man once said, to defeat magic with magic.”

After a pause, he waved his hand to retract the twenty or so time and space gates that had been opened behind him, “I just used the rules of other worlds to temporarily check and balance this world and create a relatively fair battle between us.”

From the rules of this world, Ryosuke did not find the reason why Saitama was so powerful.

And as he learned that the other party might be favored by the rules themselves, he looked for another way.

Just at the beginning of the battle, Ryosuke opened more than twenty time and space gates, and borrowed part of the power of the rules of these more than twenty worlds to offset the suppression of the rules of this world on himself.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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