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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 334 Memory (Subscription Request)

In the silent night, this world is not peaceful.

The wind is rising and the thunder is roaring.

The earth and space are constantly shaking, and from time to time, dark cracks appear in the void, sucking in those who are evading unexpectedly.

Volcanoes are erupting, and the sea of ​​fire buries large tracts of towns.

Tsunamis surge like tall buildings, sweeping away countless lives.

Even if Saitama and Ryosuke stop temporarily, the influence between them on the planet under their feet has never changed.

Or… not just this planet.

At this moment, countless stars in the universe are shaking closely following the footsteps of the earth, and even those bright nebulae seem to be wiped out by a black hand and disappear into the interstellar space.

There are more planets with life in the universe than just the earth, but now all stars with life, any life is experiencing the same disaster.

“Should I stop?”

“Saitama” looked at the person in front of him calmly, and his emotions gradually calmed down in a short time.

At this moment, even his body, which was severely injured by Ryosuke, was restored to its original state.

However, he did not seem to feel sad about the disaster that his planet and world suffered.

Sure enough, although he was conscious, he did not have human nature.

“I won.”

Ryosuke did not answer him, but replied calmly.

He was also very cold and did not care about many people.

“Saitama” stared at him in silence for a long time, “…You won.”

After a pause, he laughed inexplicably again, but he was stunned again after laughing. He stretched out his hand and pulled his face, like a robot that had just learned what emotions were. “I think…you are not like that alien guy.”

While pulling his cheeks and keeping the smile just now, he said: “I think you are very similar to me.”

“You look like a human, but you look like me who is not a human.”

The smile on “Saitama”‘s face was extremely stiff, as if the inadvertent smile just now did not let him remember the release of that emotion.

The person in front of him didn’t feel anything at all in this earth-shattering scene.

Now that the battle is over, he still has to speak up to remind him to stop affecting this world.

Even after he spoke up, the other party’s focus was on who would win and who would lose, which was inevitably a bit inhumane.

“I’m not like you.”

Ryosuke, who was considered inhuman by Saitama, waved his hand, and more than 20 time and space gates opened again. “I can only maintain emotions for a few people. This is why I can still be a human being. I am still selfish enough.”

Rules are invisible and difficult to capture in the eyes of others.

But in the eyes of Ryosuke, they are tangible and can be seen.

Although he cannot describe their shape with words, he can really feel their existence.

Nowadays, the rules of the various worlds in the more than 20 time and space gates are gradually entering this world under the leadership of Ryosuke, like a piece of virus code that is conquering the rules of this world.

This is also the reason why these planets, this universe, and this world are so turbulent now.

At the same time, it is also the reason why Saitama’s seemingly invincible strength disappeared.

For example, the rules of heaven and earth, for example, the rules of human existence,

Although Ryosuke understands that the rules representing the same things may be similar in different worlds, they are only similar after all, not exactly the same.

When he used his ability to open more than 20 time and space gates and introduced the rules of other worlds to this world, conflicts arose between the rules.

The rules representing heaven and earth were originally very complete under the established rules of this world, but when more than 20 worlds representing different rules of heaven and earth poured in, a situation like a crash occurred.

The rules have the ability to improve themselves and correct themselves, but in the process of correction, they will inevitably affect other rules.

Ryosuke used this method to temporarily crash most of the rules of this world.

Although he has not yet completely mastered the rules of this world, and although he has not been able to defeat Saitama by relying on these rules, it does not mean that he will sit and wait for death, or lie dormant for a hundred years before fighting again.

Using rules to fight rules is what Ryosuke thought of.

And in fact, he also accomplished this.

To a certain extent, he suppressed the power of rules in Saitama and fought a battle that was different from the rules.

Compared with Saitama, who was just an ordinary person without the power of rules, Ryosuke was very strong from beginning to end, whether in body, soul, or skills.

As the rules that he had introduced into this world gradually dissipated, the earth-shaking scene slowly stopped.

However, the impact that had already been caused was definitely irreversible, and we could only wait patiently for the world’s own rule correction power to repair it.

“Are we going to talk here? Many people are coming this way.”

Saitama glanced around, “Let’s change places.”

The rules of the world gradually stabilized, and Ryosuke and the other two did not take action, and the other people around were finally able to approach this place.

In the past, he might have been concerned about the consciousness of this body itself, but now Saitama did not want to contact other people in this world.

“Mr. Saitama!”

“Please stop!”

“On behalf of the Hero Association, I hope…”

Many figures coming towards this side began to speak in an extremely cautious manner, trying to appease the two people before they even approached.

But unfortunately, in the public eye, Saitama and Ryosuke gradually faded and disappeared in front of their eyes.

It was still this world, on an uninhabited island.

“Do you have a lot of questions in your mind? Considering that you beat me, ask.”

Picking a coconut casually, Saitama lay on a big rock and drank coconut juice carelessly.

However, from the momentum coming from him, Ryosuke could feel that this Saitama was still not the Saitama he had met before.

After the battle, that consciousness did not leave.

“Where did he go? Is he still alive?”

Ryosuke also found a big rock to sit down next to him, looking at the rising and falling tides on the beach, “I want to know why you chose him.”

“Of course he’s alive. I’m just temporarily existing in this world through his body. After all, I’m invisible.”

Saitama answered the first question first, and then calmly replied: “As for the second question… I can only say that I thought he could make me feel the emotions that a living being should have, but unfortunately, he failed.”

After a pause, he explained to himself, “He is a very enthusiastic person, and also a very goal-oriented person.”

“Saitama is the most determined person I have seen in this world.”

“His goal is to become a hero, and he is fighting for this with an incredible drive. Even if he himself does not have any talent or special abilities, even with an ordinary person’s body, he is fighting against those so-called weirdos with an extraordinary will.”

Ryosuke half-squinted his eyes, “Do you think he can have humanity when he is attached to him?”

From the brief contact before, it was not difficult for him to see that this consciousness hoped that he could defeat him.

Now it seems that the consciousness generated by this world rule wants to stimulate itself to have humanity by being defeated.

“Yes, but I failed.”

Saitama nodded, “I don’t know what kind of existence I am. It’s a very… difficult to describe feeling.”

“I have no family, no companions, no tribe, and even no entity. When I have consciousness, I can feel all the changes in the world, but this is not a happy feeling, or… I don’t know what happiness is at all.”

“Every day, I watch the changes in the world idly. No matter what happens, it is difficult for me to have so-called emotions. I don’t even know why I exist.”

“But after all, I am facing a group of creatures with emotions and watching them grow. So over time, I suddenly want to change all this one day. I want to have emotions like humans, love, hate, and seven emotions and six desires, so I chose Saitama.”

Taking a deep breath, his eyes were extremely complicated, “Saitama is the most determined and passionate person I have ever seen. I thought at first that possessing him would make me feel the same emotions as him.”

“But unfortunately, Saitama did not make me have emotions. Instead, I have been influencing him all the time.”

“Although because Because of me, this guy has extraordinary fighting power, but at the same time, because of my influence, his emotions as a human are slowly weakening, and the fire in his heart is gradually extinguished under my heroism. “

“Even later, he gradually forgot the feeling of being a hero, and rarely took the initiative to attack and execute the justice in his heart.”

But after thinking for a moment, he shook his head again, “No, that’s not right, he may have noticed my existence, and also noticed the emotions that were gradually lost because of my existence.”

“He also tried to save himself and wanted to re-stimulate his emotions through fighting, but unfortunately, my power was too strong, so I never re-stimulated him.”

“Later, his thoughts gradually overlapped with mine, and it evolved into us wanting a defeat, and we hope that someone can defeat us.”

Speaking of this, Saitama seemed to remember something again, “Oh, by the way, it is worth mentioning that the second person I met with this extraordinary will was the unlicensed knight, but I met Saitama first, and then met him through Saitama, so it’s a pity. “

Listening quietly to Saitama’s narration, Ryosuke felt that something seemed to be bursting out in his mind.

Although his strength did not improve, his memory seemed to have gradually remembered something because of defeating Saitama and listening to all this.

Ryosuke inexplicably… could understand the feeling in the other person’s mouth.

Being detached from everything seemed to be outside the game, watching everything in the game with an incredible cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness. All changes in the game could not affect the changes of outsiders.

But outsiders also did not know what to do. No emotions meant not standing on any side, which meant that they did not have the motivation and ideas to change the situation, so they could only watch everything happen calmly.

“Born sacred!”

A very calm tone came from Ryosuke’s mouth.

But the voice made Saitama next to him startled.

From the other person, he felt exactly the same feeling as himself, a sense of isolation that kept people away from him.

Obviously, the person was standing here, but it seemed like just a phantom.

“… I remember.”

But the sense of isolation in Ryosuke was only for a moment.

Soon, he sighed and returned to his previous appearance.

“What do you remember?”

Saitama asked doubtfully.

“Remember… where I went after I died.”

Without explaining the changes that happened to him, Ryosuke looked at Saitama with complicated eyes and slowly stood up, “Since this matter is over, I won’t stay in this world for much longer.”

“If you still want to find excitement in the future, you can come to me at any time.”

“I feel that I don’t have to be as troublesome as before when facing you now. I can give you the excitement you deserve and let you understand the pain and suffering you should face as a human being.”

As he said that, something seemed to have changed in him, “And you, Saitama, I hope you can find the life you want, and don’t let others steal your body, goals and the fire in your heart.”

And in front of him, Saitama, who was originally puzzled, suddenly paused.

Then, his body changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The facial features that were slightly dull after the battle gradually became three-dimensional, lively and flexible, and looked like a human.

At the same time, the sense of isolation from the power of rules slowly dissipated.


Saitama blinked his eyes, staring at Ryosuke in front of him, and then looked around, “My power disappeared?”

He lowered his head and clenched his fists.

The power that kept pouring out of his body had completely disappeared at this moment.

“If you want to get it back, just work hard on it.”

Ryosuke’s voice woke Saitama up, and when he looked up again, the person in front of him had disappeared.

But in his mind, there was a lot more knowledge about cultivation.

“This guy… caused me so much trouble, and he just left like that?”

Saitama looked helplessly at the place where the other party stood before leaving, and looked at everything around him in a trance.

At this moment, he was the real master of this body as Saitama.

And the consciousness that had accumulated in his body before and brought him power seemed to have disappeared, or left.

The battle just now, the battle in which the consciousness drove the body on his behalf, Saitama was not without memory, he could clearly see the other party driving his body to fight.

He also clearly understood the conversation between the two, and also knew the source of his power.

Thinking carefully, the source of his power is indeed a bit strange. His efforts are much simpler than others, but he can have such a strong power.

But before this, Saitama himself had never thought deeply about this.

So… I was deceived.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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