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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 336 Hard to Accept (Subscription Request)

After defeating Saitama, getting the last key, and opening the door in his mind, Ryosuke remembered everything completely.

Memories of Boros, memories of himself as an ordinary person but mastering the rules, and memories of the underworld.

Naturally, the rules that he was originally half-familiar with and needed time to master were also mastered in his hands.

But this was not a good thing for him.

At this moment, Ryosuke finally understood why Hinata occasionally mentioned the sense of isolation in her when she was a child.

“For the born sacred, for the law enforcers, everything in this world is really nothing…”

Ryosuke stared at the twenty or so crystals under his hand in a trance.

Regarding the trend of these worlds and the fate of these worlds, he always has them in his hands and can change them at will.

For the law enforcers, the terms such as time and fate are false to them.

Time is originally set by creatures for the purpose of measurement.

But for the law enforcers, time is not a standard.

At a glance, they can see the fate of someone’s life, and can even change time at will.

At this level, when facing some ordinary creatures, it is inevitable that some empathy will be lost.

You can’t expect humans to have empathy for ants on the ground. Occasionally, students will be asked to observe ants in class, and some bored people will casually take some objects to block the ants’ way, tease them, and even some children will dismember or burn ants.

For law enforcers who have mastered the rules of the world, humans are just like ants on the ground, but compared with ants, humans have richer emotional expressions.

But these are nothing in Boros’s eyes.

He is the overlord of the universe, high above, alone, and even the more capable subordinates around him are just subordinates.

After mastering the rules and being led by the underworld, he perfectly integrated into the position of law enforcer.

Even if he has the heart to dominate, he will never look more at the people below.

Boros is a person with a cold heart who only looks up and never looks back at the road he came from or the people on the road.

But the problem is that Ryosuke is not Boros.

With Boros’ help, Ryosuke has an independent and complete consciousness. Although he inherited Boros’ memory, he can only read it without being affected.

Compared with Boros, the lonely man, he has a wife and children, and his family is well-organized and happy.

Under such circumstances, how could he still be as high and mighty as those law enforcers, and how could he perfectly integrate into the corresponding identity like Boros.

Even now, he is a little hesitant about whether to go to the underworld.

Like Boros, Ryosuke was guided by the underworld at the moment when his memory was fully awakened.

Fortunately, his in-depth study of the rules is too much deeper because of his memory, so he has the ability to suppress the power of this guidance.

But it is not a solution to keep suppressing it like this.

Family, Ryosuke is definitely reluctant to leave.

But at the current level of realm, can he really face his family like before?

With a helpless sigh, Ryosuke first turned on the lamp that had just been turned off, then slowly stood up and walked towards the door.

“Knock, knock, knock.”

As soon as he walked to the door, a dull knock sounded.

He took advantage of the situation and opened the door.

“Although, with your current ability, it’s okay not to eat.”

Hinata held a plate with various meats on it, “but if you are upset, eating something will always make you feel better.”

She often does this, eating when she is in a bad mood and overeating.

She is not afraid of getting fat.

Anyway, with her own ability, she will practice when she gains weight, and this will be beneficial to her growth.

“Turn sorrow into appetite?”

Ryosuke’s face was still a little stiff, but after hearing Hinata’s words and the plate in her hand, his face eased.

He took the plate from her and turned around to walk back, but he didn’t mention that he wanted to continue to be alone.

Hinata also understood what he meant, closing the door and following him into the house.

One in front of the other, Ryosuke sat in his seat, and Hinata sat at the desk.


As soon as he sat down, Ryosuke picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, and Hinata laughed, “Suddenly I remembered that when we were young, you, my father and I often had small meetings in the study.”

“At that time, you were always smarter than me. Most of the time, you and my father were talking, and I sat there, memorizing what you talked about.”

“Unconsciously, more than 20 years have passed.”

Today, the Hyuga mansion is built one-to-one according to the Hyuga ancestral home in Konoha Village. This is how Hyuga came to the Rain Country.

Now Hyuga has become the only force in the ninja world, making all countries bow down to it, and it has not changed.

And the furnishings, placement, and layout of this house are exactly the same as before.

But people… have changed.

Since Hyuga Hiashi abdicated, he has rarely been involved in the affairs of the clan, so this study naturally fell to Hinata.

At the beginning, it was the three of them who had a small meeting together.

Later, she was alone here, and occasionally Hua Huo would come over to keep her company.

Later, the affairs of the clan were stable, the departments and coordination responsible for each world were well implemented, the clan produced many talents, and there were few things that needed her, the clan leader, to worry about, so the study became quiet.

“Yes, more than 20 years have passed.”

Ryosuke was also quite emotional.

Although he was more than 20 years old, his memory had thousands of years.

But if he hadn’t had these 20 years of experience, he might not be distressed now.

With his talent, whether he was a member of the Hyuga clan or not, with the paving of his previous life, he couldn’t have walked badly, it was just the length of time.

But he didn’t regret it. If it weren’t for these 20 years of experience, he wouldn’t be Hyuga Ryosuke now.

He wanted to be a person, with someone to rely on, not like Boros, a lonely man, and even less like those law enforcers.


Ryosuke slowly put down his chopsticks and looked at Hinata who was still looking around and missing her childhood.


Hinata stopped her wandering eyes in confusion.

“You should know that I am getting stronger and stronger now.”

For some reason, Ryosuke was not thinking about how to deal with his family at this moment, but what Hinata had said.

She didn’t want to hold him back.

In fact, she also fulfilled her promise and propped up the word Hyuga.

Although it was inevitable that she was a bit arrogant, she was the one who propped it up after all, and Ryosuke only cared about what he was interested in.

She has been working hard and standing beside him.

“You have always been strong, and now you are even stronger than ever. I know that you can’t find an opponent.” Hinata said with a smile, “You are the confidence of our Hyuga. Such a big plate is built on your foundation.”

As she said, the smile on her face gradually faded, “What happened?”

Since Ryosuke came back, she felt that something was wrong, so she brought the dishes to the study and asked clearly first, so that he wouldn’t be alone in his heart.

“As my strength grows, I will be involved in more and more things.”

Ryosuke waved his hand, and the things on the desk seemed to have never existed. Except for the desk lamp, they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Hinata was not surprised by this move.

It was just some ordinary means. She could do it, but not as cleanly as he did.

But mentioning strength at this time… Could it be that he met an opponent that was difficult to compete with?

She muttered in her heart.

Ryosuke’s strength has long been a mystery. A long time ago, no one had seen how powerful he was.

All the people in the Hyuga clan only knew that no matter what kind of opponent, they were only a one-round opponent in front of Ryosuke, and they were defeated directly. They could not see his upper limit at all.

But soon, Hinata’s eyes were attracted by the prismatic objects that appeared in front of her, which looked like crystals.

In her eyes, the reincarnation eyes slowly lit up, and she could see the pictures on these crystals clearly.

“This is… all the worlds that we Hyuga control now?”

Hinata raised her head unexpectedly and looked at Ryosuke, “Is this crystal a treasure you have newly discovered?”

“No, it’s just a way of showing a rule.”

Ryosuke explained, “It can be a crystal or a sphere.”

As he spoke, the crystal in front of them turned into a sphere again.

“Then these pictures…”

Hinata asked again, looking at the pictures that appeared one by one, and from time to time, familiar figures appeared.

Familiar, but not recognized.

Just like those people wearing the Victory Team uniforms, although she didn’t know them, she also understood that this sphere should correspond to the world where Yuan Dagu was.

The people wearing rings over there, who looked difficult to get along with, looked very much like some mafia, that is the world of Vongola.

These worlds, one after another, appeared in front of her in this way, which was novel.

In the past, when she went to those worlds to patrol, she had to go through the time and space gates one by one, which was very troublesome.

Now with this treasure, it is much easier.

“My strength is very strong now.” This is the third time that Ryosuke mentioned this sentence in front of Hinata. After saying these words, one of the spheres in front of them slowly floated out, and in front of Hinata, the picture on it gradually changed. That was the world where Madoka was. After a long period of peace, the space invaders appeared on Earth again. At this moment, the Victory Team had already reformed with the help of Hinata and became the strongest force on Earth, without a doubt. At the same time, a human light called Ultraman Dyna appeared. But because of the premise of Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Dyna’s human body was quickly found. It was a human named Asuka Shin. Unlike Madoka, he was not a member of the Super Victory Team. However, after discovering that he could also become a giant of light, he was invited by the Super Victory Team… Scene after scene appeared in Hinata’s eyes, until the end, the enemy that Tiga and Dyna faced together appeared-Gransfia. Gransfia is not a simple life form, but an existence similar to Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, who can borrow the power of the planet and coexist and die with the planet.

Even… Gransfia is purer than Hyuga’s ancestor Kaguya Otsutsuki. He completely merged with the star and became a planet with self-awareness.

“This is…”

Hinata stared blankly at the picture in front of her, and only looked at Ryosuke after the speed of change slowed down.

“The world where Dagu is now.”

Ryosuke explained simply, and with a wave of his hand, a space-time gate appeared beside him, “Go and have a look.”

Hinata’s face was extremely complicated for his words. She stepped through the space-time gate without hesitation, and then quickly came back.

The situation over there was exactly the same as the picture on the spherical body.

The two giants of light faced the prying eyes from the universe together.

“Now… I will adjust this timeline back, or even to an earlier time.”

Ryosuke continued to speak.

He did not recall the space-time gate, but once again adjusted the picture on the spherical body in Hinata’s complicated eyes.

Everything was going backwards, from the appearance of Dyna, to Tiga’s transformation into Shining Form to Gatanjea, then Hinata’s contact with the Victory Team, Tiga’s appearance, and even 30 million years earlier…

“I am here, correcting the loopholes in the rules of this world, so that other worlds cannot connect with this world.”

With every move, Ryosuke would speak calmly, explaining the thoughts behind his actions.

Then, the picture on the spherical body changed again. Tiga appeared, defeated the monsters again and again, was knocked down again when he met Gatanjea, and was resurrected by chance, transformed into Shining Form to defeat Gatanjea, the God Light Rod disappeared, and Da Gu chose to retire and go to Mars with Lina.

Then, when the invaders from the universe appeared, Dyna stood up and defended the world instead of Tiga.

But what made Hinata feel a little creepy was that there was never any figure of Hinata in these pictures, and even the picture of the two giants of light fighting the enemy together was not seen at all.

She was the one who facilitated the cooperation in this world, but there was no trace of her in the picture.

The rapid flow of the picture slowly stopped.

Hinata moved her eyes from the spherical body to Ryosuke, and then suddenly woke up and looked at the space-time gate next to her.

Without Ryosuke’s reminder, she had already taken a step and walked into the space-time gate.

This time, Hinata came back a long time later than the last time, and her face was full of disbelief.

“Where are the people stationed over there?”

Hinata murmured to herself, and she already understood something in her heart, but it was hard to accept.

There was no trace of herself, let alone the trace of Hyuga. All the efforts she had made in the past did not exist in that world.

Even the very familiar Yuan Da Gu asked in doubt after seeing her, “Who are you?”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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