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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 50 First!

“Come on!”


“Get down!”

The sunset glow spread across the sky.

The ninja school after school was just like usual.

Beyond the wall, outside was a peaceful street.

But inside, it was like a gladiatorial arena filled with the smell of sweat and blood.

Noise and roars came from the school.

The venue, the audience, the passion, the battle, all the elements of a gladiatorial arena were fully reflected in the training ground after school.

Those who stayed in the training ground after school were all those who wanted to become ninjas and were willing to throw away everything to fight, while those who avoided fighting and had reservations had already left school early.

Although there was a teacher at the level of Chunin, he was always on standby nearby, ready to rescue at any time.

But a real battle is not something that can be stopped casually. Many real ninjas can’t do it, let alone just a group of children.

Although it is stipulated that detonating tags and lethal ninjutsu cannot be used, it is still difficult to control one’s behavior at this vigorous age when real fire is really produced.

After entering the school, Ryosuke came to the high platform of the training ground with ease, and looked down at the various training grounds below.

At the first glance, his sight passed through the crowd and saw Hinata, who was extremely eye-catching and dazzling surrounded by a group of girls.

Cold and indifferent.

Her whole body was filled with a gesture of keeping strangers away.

This is why Ryosuke could recognize Hinata from this dense crowd at first sight.

The girl grew up a lot during the time he was away. It seems that because she had been pretending for too long, the cold feeling on her body has been completely integrated into her aura, and she has gradually become accustomed to showing this face to others.

Although the expression on her face and the posture of her body were resisting the crowd.

But the girls around her were endless, and they were like flowers competing for beauty, clustering around Hinata.

From time to time, someone would take the initiative to talk to Hinata.

But her reaction was very cold, and her lips only opened and closed once or twice.

Even more often, she ignored it, or even replied with a slight “hmm” or two, but Ryosuke was too far away to hear it.

“Has she become… the big sister?”

This strange scene made Ryosuke feel very interesting.

The girl looked completely different from what he had seen before, but this feeling was not bad, at least this cold attitude was much better than the timid look before.

This kind of personality may be more suitable for survival in this ninja world.

Ryosuke was more looking forward to Hinata’s current combat power.

Although the gender gap between men and women is not serious in the ninja world because of the existence of chakra.

Under the same level, many powerful female ninjas are not inferior to men at all.

But in the school’s training ground, this situation is still quite obvious.

Girls like Hinata gathered together for actual combat, and boys also gathered in groups.

The two did not interfere with each other, and there was rarely any challenge to each other.

Gently jumping down from the high platform, Ryosuke entered the training ground.

He began to walk towards the training ground with a stream as the environment where Hinata was.

Along the way, many classmates recognized Ryosuke and greeted him kindly, and he responded one by one.

Only Uchiha Sasuke still had that stinky face. Even if he saw him, he didn’t react at all to his nod, pretending not to know him.

But he was really unfamiliar.

Except for Naruto who approached actively, Uchiha Sasuke was the second most dangerous person in this elite class, and Ryosuke had never spoken to him, and they had no intersection.

Speaking of which, Naruto still didn’t appear in the training ground, and it seemed that he was still out of tune with the other people in the class.

“Hinata, are you really going to fight that Inuzuka Kiba tomorrow? That guy looks so fierce, and it’s hard to mess with him at first glance.”

As soon as he walked into the group of girls, Ryosuke heard someone whispering to Hinata.

“I will win.” Hinata didn’t say much. She just uttered four words calmly and didn’t continue. She looked quite confident. Ryosuke’s smile became even bigger. Many girls recognized his identity and began to remind Hinata quietly. Obviously, Ryosuke could feel that Hinata’s body trembled after hearing the reminders from others around her. She turned her head quickly, and the moment she met his eyes, the coldness on her face and the indifference in her eyes gradually faded, and she had spirit and charm. “Ryosuke…” Blinking and staring at Ryosuke, Hinata walked out of the crowd, and others made way for her tactfully. “You’re back.” The girl took a short step and came to him step by step. The childish voice and tone of her speech were the same as before, as if the cold and distant girl that Ryosuke had seen just now was just an illusion. And her appearance surprised the others around her. They all looked at the scene in front of them with unbelievable eyes. “I just got back this afternoon. I thought you should be done with school, so I came to pick you up.”

Ryosuke nodded and turned his gaze to the crowd behind her. “You should be done here…right? It’s almost time to go home for dinner. Hanabi missed you.”

He asked hesitantly, not knowing what had happened in the past month.

But it seemed that the girl who planned to get the first place in theoretical knowledge also had the courage to fight with others, and seemed to have performed well and was very popular in the training ground.

And his reminder made Hinata suddenly remember that her disguise seemed to have just been disconnected.

However, she did not panic like before, but calmly changed her expression in a few seconds, then turned her head and said calmly to her companions behind her.

“I’m leaving first, see you tomorrow.”

“It seems that a lot of things have happened in this month.”

Walking home with Hinata, this scene has not happened for a long time, which makes Ryosuke miss it very much.

“As a ninja, you can’t be without practical experience.” Hinata replied in a low voice, looking very well-behaved.

“Indeed, it seems that you are quite popular. Your actual combat ranking should not be low among your peers, right?” Ryosuke said with a chuckle, “But it’s a pity that I didn’t see you fight today.”

“If it’s the girls’ group, I’ll be ranked first.”

Although Hinata tried very hard to maintain the pride in her tone, she couldn’t suppress her inner joy.

“First… It seems that Hinata is working hard.”

Ryosuke was generous with his praise, but he had expected this.

As a taijutsu family, she has a taijutsu level far beyond her peers.

And before everyone grew up, when everyone was a child, chakra was a common problem for most people.

Mastering powerful taijutsu, as long as Hinata can muster up the courage, in fact, not only the girls’ group, but also some of the boys’ group, she can easily defeat them.

Thanks to the book friend named Fei for the reward support.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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