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Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury — Chapter 007

Time passes.

Konoha Village suffered heavy losses due to the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

It was a period of weakness when a large number of ninjas died.

During this period, a lot of things happened.

For example, Danzo Shimura sent his subordinates to assassinate Hiruzen Sarutobi and failed.

But Hiruzen Sarutobi didn’t blame him, and he wasn’t punished in any way.

Instead, he continued to retain the top management of Konoha.

Cloud Hidden Village is also ready to take advantage of the opportunity to launch a conspiracy to attack Konoha.

As a spy for the Leaf Village, Kabuto Yakushi is exploring intelligence from the outside world.

And Liang Ren’s performance in school also gave Fugaku a different idea.

“Dear man, don’t go out of the village casually these days.”

Shisui came to look for him again, followed by Itachi.

Recently, other hidden villages have frequently issued bad warnings.

The problem of Konoha Village is also in danger.

“Shisui, Itachi, you can play, I still have things to do.”

After that, there was a whoosh, and the figure disappeared on the spot.

“Why! This guy is always so unkind.”

Zhishui looked at the figure of his beloved, flying towards the distance, and sighed helplessly.

“My dear, do you not like me?”

Uchiha Itachi suddenly asked this sentence.

This made Shisui beside him laugh.

“Don’t get me wrong, I mean he doesn’t like being friends with me.”

Realizing that something was wrong with Shisui’s smile, Itachi quickly explained.

The departure of his beloved did not affect the conversation between the two close friends.

At this time, Uchiha’s beloved was standing on the Hokage Rock.

From here, he You can overlook the scenery of the entire Konoha Village.

In order to avoid necessary trouble, your beloved has never shown the three Magatama Sharingan in front of others.

Not to mention the Mangekyo Sharingan, this is one of his secrets.

Moreover, He also learned the secret of his own eyes.

The beloved’s kaleidoscope is like a dark void, and with the dark perception, he can infinitely superimpose the eye skills of other kaleidoscopes.

This is the advantage of Gold Finger, he can use the abilities of other kaleidoscopes

“Other gods.”

He murmured to himself, this is the most powerful illusion that a good man wants to get.

But it seems to be difficult for Uchiha Shisui to use it and to understand the secret from it.

Oh, la, la, la!!!

The two hot-blooded ninjas of Konoha Village are once again deciding the winner of the competition.

It is Konoha technician ‘Kakashi’ and the wolf beast ‘Metka’

“I almost beat you, what a passionate youth.”

Metkay was only one step away and still lost the game.

“Well, you’ll be treated to a treat later.”

Kakashi said with a paralyzed face.

But his eyes were looking at the figure standing on the Hokage Rock.

“The clan emblem on the clothes is from the Uchiha clan.”

Kakashi thought, and then thought for a while, but still didn’t take a step.

This made him miss his former best friend, ‘Uchiha Obito’.

Unfortunately, during the Third Ninja War, God Obito died during the Wubi Bridge mission

“Kakashi, let’s go.”

Metkai doesn’t like the Uchiha clan very much.

But it’s not that he hates it. It’s just that the Uchiha clan seems to be very arrogant.

Especially with the ability of Sharingan, Uchiha’s pride and arrogance towards others are promoted..

When Kakashi and Metkai left, Uchiha Ryoto turned to look at them.

Just one glance made Kakashi feel uneasy.

Although the other person was younger than him, his deep eyes , like a dark void

“What’s wrong with you?”

Metkai also noticed Kakashi’s expression and asked

in confusion.

“That guy just entered the ninja school and graduated in less than a day.”

This is the first intersection between Kakashi and Uchiha Ryoto.


Mr. Uchiha was sitting on a big tree, thinking about the so-called conspiracy theory.

Currently, Konoha is in a very corrupt state.

Three generations of old men have been in power just for conspiracy, and there is nothing to say.

In order to stabilize the development of Konoha and its own power, a person in power can do anything without being ruthless no matter who is in that position.

Just what the third generation old man said to Shimura Danzo.

Wherever there is light in Konoha Village, there will be darkness. The two of them set up a stage to sing, one white and one black.

Moreover, Konoha F4 is also a partner who has experienced life and death, and is the student and bodyguard of the Second Hokage.

Also, the living expenses that the third-generation old man gave Naruto was enough to live on, and there was nothing wrong with that.

But the old man is really cruel and has a good way of playing tricks.

Even the original Naruto is used as a chess piece.

If Sandai was merciful, he would suppress the news directly.

In the original novel, Naruto is an orphan brought back from the outside, an orphan from the whirlpool.

There was still a normal childhood, after all, Naruto’s seal was very good.

Others have been blaming Danzo, saying that Danzo leaked the news on purpose.

Will you make your family’s nuclear weapons so that even children know who inherited the nuclear weapons?

Danzo wished that no one knew who the Jinchuriki was.

If other ninja villages randomly send people to inquire about information, they will know that the original Naruto is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Others say that the third generation was trying to protect Naruto and exercise?

Is this how you protect yourself?

Is this how to train your xinxing?

Under such circumstances, Naruto said that he was possessed by another god, and everyone believed him.

There is also the Holy Asura Chakra.

As a young man who traveled through time, Uchiha Ryoto has a sense of self-judgment.

Because a thousand people look at Naruto and have a thousand different opinions.

My current judgment is that the top management of Konoha is very afraid of Naruto.

He was afraid of the nine-tailed demon fox sealed in his body.

Other high-level officials, such as the two advisors and Danzo, are much more straightforward.

In their eyes, Naruto is a tailed beast container that poses a huge threat to the village and needs to be monitored at all times.

It can be said that in the eyes of other senior executives except the third generation old man.

Naruto was not even one of his own, let alone the son of a hero, how could he possibly take good care of him.

So, Naruto’s living environment is good or bad.

Depends on the top of Konoha’s top brass, that is the Hokage of Konoha.

Just look at the attitude of Sunagakure Village next door. People at that time had a similar attitude towards jinchūriki.

In the ninja world for so many years, Kirabi is the only one who can perfectly control tailed beasts.

If Tsunade hadn’t been the fifth Hokage, it’s unclear whether the original Naruto could have been sent to Kirabi to learn to control the tailed beasts.

Uchiha Ryouto thought about these things carefully and planned the next development.

No matter what conspiracy or scheming he has.

As long as it involves his interests, just one sentence and it’s done.

He cannot sit idly by and become someone else’s lamb to be slaughtered.

Don’t die in silence, just explode in silence



Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Status: Ongoing


After awakening to fusion consciousness, in order to survive, he began to prepare a plan to defect to Konoha.

On the night when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, he not only secretly collected the Sharingan of the clan members, but also looted Konoha’s treasury, plunging it into an economic crisis.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Upgrade Uchiha Yoshito to a super S-class rebel ninja.”

Mysterious masked man: “Join our Akatsuki organization.”

The Fourth Kazekage: “Damn it, all the refined gold has been looted.”


In order to rebuild the Uchiha clan, a good man needs a lot of money and high-quality genetic inheritance.

Protect Konoha? Join the Akatsuki organization?

“Sorry, I want to create my own dark guild. Not only am I handsome, but I also have a lot of gold.”

“Zabuza, is Kado richer than me?”

“Deidara, follow me, and your art will be more brilliant with money.”

“Obito, I’ll show you a Thunder Release: Riding the Lin”

“Kakashi, you don’t want to go dark? I’ll help you.”


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