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Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury — Chapter 011

Far away from the battlefield, in the forest of death.

Uchiha Itachi, wearing a fox mask, is rushing towards the clan station.

“Have the tribesmen started a coup?”

“how come?”

Obviously, he had made the decision to stain his hands with blood and bear all the sins.

But why did such an accident happen at this moment? At this time, it was not only Itachi who was in a state of tension.

There was also a mastermind behind the scenes,”Uchiha Obito””, hiding in the dark and observing all this.

He was worried that the genius of the Uchiha clan and the awakened powerful pupil technique would affect his unlimited Tsukuyomi plan.

Therefore, it was imperative to massacre the Uchiha clan.

And those Sharingan Eyes, Obito also wants to take them all for his own use.

On the other side, Itachi has rushed to the Uchiha clan’s station.

However, as a man with the mission of exterminating the clan, he must not expose himself easily.

He chose to continue hiding in the darkness , continue to observe the development of the war situation.

At this moment, the identity is exposed and the mission of assassinating the Uchiha clan will be more difficult to carry out.

“My dear, indeed what Shisui said is right, he is very powerful.”

Itachi exclaimed when he saw his father fighting with his beloved.

He did not expect that both his father and his beloved would activate the Mangekyō Sharingan.

No wonder the Uchiha clan dared to rebel against the Leaf Village and seek power and usurp the throne. Fierce battle at Fugaku

“brush brush brush——”

Soon, a series of harsh sounds broke through the air.

The Third Hokage, ‘Sarutobi Hiruzen’, and the senior officials of Konoha came one after another.

Among them, the Hyuga clan, the Aburame clan, the Inuzuka clan, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan and so on.

Many families arrived at the Konoha Police Department.

Everyone was shocked by the fierce battle between the two Susanoo demons in front of them.

Even the three-generation old man, who is as steady as an old dog, was amazed by it.

“This guy Fugaku actually hid such great strength.”

There is no doubt that, looking back on the history of the Uchiha clan, there are very few strong people who can turn on the kaleidoscope and use Susanoo.

“Is this what is called Susanoo?”

“Who is Fugaku fighting with? Is it an invading enemy?”

“Everyone, be careful not to get involved in the fight, the opponents are very strong.”

Several Konoha family clan leaders were amazed.

“That’s Mr. Uchiha………”

Sarutobi Hiruzen recognized it immediately.

He was the Uchiha genius who enrolled in the ninja school and graduated in less than a day.

He really didn’t expect that Uchiha Ryouto’s strength could actually compete with Fugaku.

On the other side, Shimura Danzo was staring at the figure of Uchiha Ryouto who was fighting fiercely with Fugaku.

His face was full of gloomy expression, and he was even more fearful.

Before, he attacked Shisui secretly and captured an eye.

Now it seems that the Uchiha clan is very hidden.

He possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan and can trigger the power of God, Susanoo.

And that Uchiha Ryoujin probably surpassed Shisui and Itachi.

Such evildoers must be eradicated completely

“Lord Third Hokage, if they continue to fight, it will soon spread to other areas. Do you want to take action to stop it?”

Nara Shikaku, as a military advisor, asked worriedly

“Do not worry. First order the ANBU and Jōnin to give priority to protecting the innocent resid

ents around them.”

“Then set up an isolation area and prepare the barrier class”

“Once the battlefield continues to spread, activate the barrier immediately to prevent their fighting”

“Until then, try to avoid getting involved in the fight to avoid getting wavered.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen issued the order quickly and calmly.

After experiencing the painful experience of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha Village specially strengthened its training for such incidents.

The situation at this moment was relatively orderly.

The Uchiha clan station, far away from the center of the village on the edge of Konoha.

Although the fighting was fierce, fortunately it did not reach the core of the village.

It remained within controllable limits.

The most important thing at the moment is how they can stop this. A battle.

If you rashly participate in it, not only the ANBU ninjas will be unbearable.

I am afraid that many innocent ninjas will die.

Danzo felt anxious when he heard that Hiruzen was about to continue to wait and see.

He quickly shouted,”We can’t wait any longer. Go down, the Uchiha clan will rebel against Konoha.”

After hearing this, all the people present looked at each other and were very surprised.

Such shocking power, once it rebels against Konoha, will definitely bring huge losses to the village.

“Danzo, you must not talk nonsense. You cannot attack the Uchiha clan without any conclusive evidence.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately stopped Danzo, hesitant to take action.

But he already had murderous intentions in his heart, and he wanted to maintain his reputation as a kind Hokage.

After all, all the families in the Leaf Village are gathered here.

“Hiruzen, we can’t wait any longer. If this drags on, the situation will be even harder to deal with.”

Shimura Danzo has been asking to take action now.

He is worried that his plan will fail, and that Uchiha Itachi, who originally agreed to carry out the mission, will suddenly switch sides and help the Uchiha clan.

Not only will his plan be exposed, but the Leaf Village will also have to pay. heavy price

“Danzo, please stop talking. If Fugaku wants to rebel, he will not fight with his tribe.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath from his pipe and showed a stern look. But he had another plan in his heart. He wanted to win over one of them and continue to work for Konoha.

Whether it was Fugaku or that Uchiha good man, there is no doubt that They are all the main force of Konoha Village.

“The Uchiha clan had internal strife, which affected the village and brought harm to many people.”

“This fully shows their ruthlessness and lack of consideration for the village. Their rebellious heart has been shown.”

“Moreover, such ninjutsu will inevitably consume a lot of chakra. This is the perfect time for us to defeat these two people and eliminate the entire Uchiha clan in one fell swoop.”

Danzo still didn’t give up and kept chattering beside him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and said,”Our understanding of Susanoo’s abilities is too limited, and rash actions will only bring more casualties.”

But the next moment, he ordered the Konoha Anbu and various families to make all preparations.

If Uchiha dares to rebel, everyone will swarm in and work together to destroy them. They are indeed the best duo in Konoha Village, singing and harmonizing, and their coordination is perfect.

Hiruzen Playing a white face creates a benevolent image, while Danzo plays a bad face and performs tasks secretly.


Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Status: Ongoing


After awakening to fusion consciousness, in order to survive, he began to prepare a plan to defect to Konoha.

On the night when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, he not only secretly collected the Sharingan of the clan members, but also looted Konoha’s treasury, plunging it into an economic crisis.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Upgrade Uchiha Yoshito to a super S-class rebel ninja.”

Mysterious masked man: “Join our Akatsuki organization.”

The Fourth Kazekage: “Damn it, all the refined gold has been looted.”


In order to rebuild the Uchiha clan, a good man needs a lot of money and high-quality genetic inheritance.

Protect Konoha? Join the Akatsuki organization?

“Sorry, I want to create my own dark guild. Not only am I handsome, but I also have a lot of gold.”

“Zabuza, is Kado richer than me?”

“Deidara, follow me, and your art will be more brilliant with money.”

“Obito, I’ll show you a Thunder Release: Riding the Lin”

“Kakashi, you don’t want to go dark? I’ll help you.”


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