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Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury — Chapter 023

“My dear, how do you want to rebuild the Uchiha clan?”

Izumi leaned on her husband’s shoulder and asked gently.

“Looking for high-quality genes in the ninja world to pass on the bloodline.”

My beloved thought for a while and said in a light tone:

“snort!”After hearing this, Quanmei snorted coldly. She looked up at him and asked with a delicate face,”It seems that you want to marry three wives and four concubines.

The beloved man nodded,”Yes, only in this way.””

He didn’t feel guilty when he said this, that’s the only way

“However, doing so will lead to concentration and imbalance of genes, which may have some adverse consequences.”

Quan Mei frowned after hearing this and expressed her doubts.

“Aren’t you jealous?”My beloved smiled and stroked Izumi’s hair.

“Of course you are jealous, I am your first real girlfriend, right?”

Izumi asked seriously.

“You are my first real girlfriend, but I believe our relationship is solid”

“Well, I, Uchiha Izumi, will not be jealous because of trivial things.”

My beloved smiled after hearing this.

He continued to stroke Izumi’s hair, expressing his love and trust for her.

The moon at night was like a witness between the lovers, quietly accompanying them in their romantic moments.

…………… the next day.

Liang Ren and Quan Mei traveled through the forest.

They want to rush to the black market businessman”Mother Cat” and take out half of the money for the purpose of establishing the organization.

Uchiha Itachi will not appear here for the time being.

This guy has joined the Akatsuki organization and will probably go to Kirigakure with his new partner Loquat Juuzou.

Besides, Itachi even came to the Uchiha clan’s supplier.

Let the Akatsuki organization know that the money in Konoha’s treasury is with their family’s supplier.

Undoubtedly, this huge wealth may be handed over to others.

My husband and Izumi arrived at Grandma Cat’s place.

“You are here.”

Mother Cat knew that Mr. Uchiha was coming.

She glanced at the girl next to him, took a long pipe and took a puff of smoke.

Isn’t this unique temperament of the Uchiha clan?

“Is this a member of the Uchiha clan too?”

Grandma Cat asked curiously


My dear man, it is inconvenient to say too much. The purpose of coming here is to get money.”

“Hello, Granny Cat!”

Izumi greeted with a polite smile.

Grandma Cat also responded with a smile, and then asked her men to carry the b

ox in.

Currently, 30 million taels of banknotes have been washed out through circulation in the black market.

In the world of Naruto, the land of fire is rich in material and real estate.. It is located in a hilly area with a mild climate and abundant sunshine.

The country has ample arable land, a developed economy and a large population.

“Please wash out the remaining money quickly.”

The good man and Quanmei carried the box and left the secret base of Grandma Cat.

Taking 30 million taels of banknotes, they went to the market to buy items.

There were also weapons and the like, and the good man also asked Grandma Cat to help build them.

He I got two sets of black windbreakers, with the Seven Star Sword embroidered on them, and the Uchiha fire fan logo engraved on the back. It’s just that the Uchiha clan emblem has been changed from the red and white ‘fire fan’ to all red.

This represents Uchiha. The clan was wiped out, and the clan emblem was dyed red with blood.

The Seven-Star Sword is one of the six ninja tools.

It contains the meaning of revenge.

“From now on, the Dark Guild is established.”

My beloved is wearing a black windbreaker with a seven-star sword and a red fire fan pattern printed on it.

“Let’s work hard together for our common goal.”

Izumi held her husband’s hand tightly and promised firmly.

The Dark Guild was officially established, with the leaders being Uchiha Ren and Uchiha Izumi.

The secret base was chosen in the country of ghosts.

“Ghost country? What kind of ninja village is that?”

Izumi knows very little about the outside world.

She is also full of curiosity. After she graduated from the Ninja School, she has been responsible for the daily life of the Daimyos in the Land of Fire.

“It was a magical country, a mysterious country with witches from generation to generation.”

The good man chose the secret base there, so he naturally had a plan in mind.

The Kingdom of Ghosts is located in a remote place, bordering between the Kingdom of Snow and the Kingdom of Earth.

“Miko? So there is no ninja village in the country of ghosts?”

“Isn’t it enough to have a miko?”

My beloved looked at the innocent Izumi and answered her with a smile.

Then, they set off for the Kingdom of Ghosts.

My beloved also quietly left a mark of the Flying Thunder God Technique on the way.

This made it easier for him to move instantly when he was traveling. various areas.


Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Status: Ongoing


After awakening to fusion consciousness, in order to survive, he began to prepare a plan to defect to Konoha.

On the night when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, he not only secretly collected the Sharingan of the clan members, but also looted Konoha’s treasury, plunging it into an economic crisis.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Upgrade Uchiha Yoshito to a super S-class rebel ninja.”

Mysterious masked man: “Join our Akatsuki organization.”

The Fourth Kazekage: “Damn it, all the refined gold has been looted.”


In order to rebuild the Uchiha clan, a good man needs a lot of money and high-quality genetic inheritance.

Protect Konoha? Join the Akatsuki organization?

“Sorry, I want to create my own dark guild. Not only am I handsome, but I also have a lot of gold.”

“Zabuza, is Kado richer than me?”

“Deidara, follow me, and your art will be more brilliant with money.”

“Obito, I’ll show you a Thunder Release: Riding the Lin”

“Kakashi, you don’t want to go dark? I’ll help you.”


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