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Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury — Chapter 046

Outside Iwagakure Village.

Uchiha Ryouto was surrounded by a group of Iwa ninjas.

He faced these men alone.

Guren has already been asked to retreat, it is best to lure some of the Iwa ninjas away.

Everything is going according to plan.

As the Tsuchikage, Onoki’s short body was suspended in mid-air.

He didn’t take action specifically, he first observed the battle situation.

I want to check the strength of Ryoto Uchiha, the most wanted criminal in Konoha.

“What exactly are you going to do?”

Lotus frowned and shouted loudly.

I originally didn’t want to fight Uchiha Ryouto today.

But this guy was too arrogant and dared to attack Iwagakure Village at night.

At this time, the Jinchuriki of Iwagakure Village was not in the village.

The heavy responsibility on Huang Tu’s shoulders is even heavier.

Protecting the village is his will

“Earth Escape·Earthquake Core!”

Huangtu quickly formed seals with his hands and took the lead in launching an attack.

In an instant, the ground around the beloved suddenly rose rapidly, forming irregular undulations, as if the entire ground was roaring angrily.

He smiled softly.

The surroundings undulated erratically. He moved easily among the rocks, showing an elegant posture.

Seeing his beloved treat him with such contempt, Huang Tu’s face sank.

“Earth Escape·Tu Long Spear!”

“Earth Escape·Gangli Style Technique!”

Dozens of more powerful rock spears were fired violently.

These spears directly blocked all the escape paths of the good man. At the same time, two huge clay giants summoned by the ‘Gangli Style Jutsu’ roared

They came out and jumped up.

They waved their fists from the air and violently hit the good man.

In this way, even the good man could barely resist those ‘Tulon Spears’.

But the critical attack of these two clay giants , is enough to beat the beloved to pieces.

It can be seen that Huangtu has really moved at this moment.

Facing such a dense attack, the beloved did not panic at all.

He stood steadily on the spot, his eyes were calm, and his body It exuded a calm aura.

The next moment, there was a swish!

The figure of the beloved disappeared, and he easily dodged the attack of earth escape.

“Um! This is…………”

“It’s so fast, isn’t it?”

Both Onoki and Huang Tu and others who were watching the battle were surprised.

They were very familiar with this technique.

That was the Third Ninja War, and the name resounded throughout the entire Ninja World. The golden flash made Namikaze Minato famous. A unique skill.

At first, it was difficult to deal with just Namikaze Minato.

Now, the Uchiha in front of him not only knows the flying thunder god technique, but also possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Especially the mysterious ninjutsu that can soar in the air. The Iwa ninjas are even more unpredictable.

“Damn it, what kind of ninjutsu does this guy have?”

“It’s amazing, he can even use the art of Flying Thunder God”

“Hey, when we saw Namikaze Minato, we all gave up on the mission.”

“Fortunately, Captain Loess and Lord Tsuchikage are here, otherwise we would all be pissed off.”

The rock ninjas couldn’t help but feel frightened when they saw the powerful enemy in front of them.

“Earth Escape: Mountain Earth Technique!”

The next moment, the earth roared, and the earth and rocks roared.

Countless clods of earth rose quickly, quickly forming two huge hemispheres, hundreds of meters high.

They quickly surrounded the beloved.

The magnificent hemispheres of hundreds of meters of boulders , majestically surrounding it.

It is inde

ed an amazing momentum


Two huge earthen blocks came together heavily, erupting with a loud noise that echoed several kilometers away.

“Hoo, hoo——”

In the distance, Huangtu, who had finished using Earth Escape, was also panting.

Releasing such a large-scale ninjutsu at once was quite stressful for him.

But fortunately, the enemy was finally trapped!

However, I don’t know if the enemy has been crushed into meat patties…

However, Uchiha Ryouto is very powerful and should not die so easily.

As long as he is trapped by his own mountain and earth skills.

Even tailed beasts.

I can’t escape for a while!

Huangtu breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing his tense heartstrings a little.

However, the next moment.

Before he could fully breathe.

Another huge sound broke through the air!


A bright and sharp pitch-black light suddenly shot out from the huge earth ball.

Draw a bright arc from the inside out.

And the extremely hard giant ball of rock and earth became like fragile tofu under the dim light of the axe.

With a slight tear, it was cut into two halves.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant beam of dark light burst out from the cracks in the giant ball.

A pitch-black skeleton Susanoo appeared, basically full of meridians and flesh.

Wrapped in chakra, and able to use his own weapons and ninjutsu

“Cha Cha Cha——”

The beloved’s Susanoo, who was as black as ink, waved the ax in his hand like an ax of destruction.

In an instant, the giant ball of rock and earth was split into countless pieces.

Countless boulder fragments fell to the ground one after another, causing countless dust to rise.

Huang Tu and others in the distance were also shocked and dumbfounded.

“The Uchiha clan is really full of talents.”

“Even Susanoo in this form was displayed.”

This violent chakra couldn’t help but remind the elderly Ohnoki of his youth.

Yes, it was the ‘Uchiha Madara’ who cast a shadow in his heart.

But at this time, the dark ink-black Susana Demon directly put the chakra in his hand. The giant ax was thrown towards Huang Tu and others in the distance.

In an instant, the wind and waves rolled up by the giant ax swept over, bringing boundless momentum.

Huang Tu and a group of rock ninjas felt that their scalps were numb and their hearts were numb. greatly frightened

“Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!”

“Earth Escape·Seismic Core!”

“Earth Escape·Hardening Technique!”

They hurriedly used ninjutsu, and dozens of layers of rock and earth defenses emerged.

This raised more than ten solid earth walls, providing them with powerful defense.

Boom boom boom!!!

More than ten solid earth walls The earthen wall suddenly collapsed.

Some rock ninjas flew backwards for tens of meters, and finally fell suddenly to the ground.

Dust Release: Original Realm Peeling Technique!

After Ohnoki put his hands together, he opened a transparent cube between his palms. Barrier.

Confining the beloved Susanoo in the barrier.

Ohnoki must take action against such a powerful enemy.

Otherwise, it will cause more casualties to Iwagakure Village.

“hehe………Old man Tsuchikage, I am a person who respects the elderly and loves the young.”

After joking, the hero removed his Susanoo state and disappeared in an instant.

He used the flying thunder god technique to teleport behind the Tsuchikage building.

This was the flying thunder god kunai mark placed by Deidara.

Deidara on the other side began to attract the attention of the Iwa ninjas.

He was performing his explosive clay art near the Iwagakure Village.


Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Status: Ongoing


After awakening to fusion consciousness, in order to survive, he began to prepare a plan to defect to Konoha.

On the night when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, he not only secretly collected the Sharingan of the clan members, but also looted Konoha’s treasury, plunging it into an economic crisis.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Upgrade Uchiha Yoshito to a super S-class rebel ninja.”

Mysterious masked man: “Join our Akatsuki organization.”

The Fourth Kazekage: “Damn it, all the refined gold has been looted.”


In order to rebuild the Uchiha clan, a good man needs a lot of money and high-quality genetic inheritance.

Protect Konoha? Join the Akatsuki organization?

“Sorry, I want to create my own dark guild. Not only am I handsome, but I also have a lot of gold.”

“Zabuza, is Kado richer than me?”

“Deidara, follow me, and your art will be more brilliant with money.”

“Obito, I’ll show you a Thunder Release: Riding the Lin”

“Kakashi, you don’t want to go dark? I’ll help you.”


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