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Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury — Chapter 053

“My dear, why do you have to transplant Hashirama’s cells?”

Regarding the choice of lover in front of me, ‘Quan’ can’t understand this approach.

The Uchiha clan is already very powerful, why do they need other people’s cells for transplantation?

“Izumi, Senju Hashirama is the god of ninja, under the Sage of Six Paths…………”

The beloved man slowly told the story of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara to ‘Izumi’.

Hashirama’s cells are immortal human genetic cells that contain powerful vitality and regenerative capabilities.

It is known as the”Taiwan Balm” of the ninja world.

Once controlled, the ninja’s physical functions will be enhanced, making his strength beyond ordinary times or even several times greater.

For the Uchiha clan, which possesses the”strongest pupil technique” within the limits of blood succession, transplanting Hashirama cells will further optimize the use of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Immortal magic!!!

Uchiha Ryouto needs more than just immortal human cells, he also needs to fuse them.

Once you achieve the immortal body, you will be invincible

“Could it be that only Orochimaru can perform transplant surgery?”

‘Izumi was very worried. Orochimaru was one of the legendary Sannin in Konoha.

His strength is definitely not weak. If he tampered with Hashirama’s cell transplant operation, it would be really troublesome.

“At present, only Orochimaru can do it.”

My beloved nodded in response.

He didn’t want to spend too much time slowly developing Hashirama’s cells.

Moreover, the Hashirama cells in Orochimaru’s hands may be somewhat different from those obtained by Uchiha Madara.

“Orochimaru’s weakness is illusion, but not all illusions are useful to him. Only our Uchiha clan is more restrained against that guy.”

In order to avoid accidents in the transplantation of Hashirama cells, Liangren informed Uchiha Izumi of a series of information about Orochimaru.

He would also double-protect himself and monitor Orochimaru’s every move.

“Don’t worry, if Orochimaru dares to make any small move, I will kill him directly.”

Uchiha Izumi is full of love for her beloved in her heart and does not allow anyone to harm her.

Otherwise, even if the entire ninja world is destroyed, she will not hesitate to do so.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Tiannokuni Sound Ninja Village.”

As he said that, my beloved held Quan’s hand.

He had secretly arranged a large number of flying thunder magic seal marks in every corner of Tianzhiguo.

A white light flashed.~~~

The good man and the spring appeared in the country of Tian.

And Deidara has been waiting here for a long time.

Ever since he received the letter from the beloved leader, he has been waiting at the agreed place.

“Who is this?”

Seeing Uchiha Izumi’s beautiful eyes, Deidara asked curiously

“The second leader of the Dark Guild, Quan”

“Oh, um, got it.”

Hearing what his beloved said, Deidara nodded to show that he understood.

The people who founded the Dark Guild were all from the Uchiha clan.

Deidara was very afraid of those powerful eyes of the pupil.

But he was also very envious. Those eyes are so beautiful and artistic

“Let’s go, Deidara, your mission is to take charge of those sound ninjas.”

My beloved laid out the mission, and then headed towards Orochimaru’s secret base.

“You’re a rare visitor. Why do you come to see me?”

Orochimaru was still as usual, speaking in a strange and eccentric manner.

This also made Uchiha Izumi quite hostile to this guy at first sight.

He used the Sharingan of the three magatama and stared coldly.

“Wow, another pair of Sharingan. It’s so wonderful. Is this a gift?…………”

“Orochimaru, you can shut up, he is my partner.”

Before Orochimaru finished speaking, Liang Ren immediately interrupted.

Everyone knows that Orochimaru was very obsessed with the Uchiha clan’s blood inheritance limit in the early days.

Liang Ren wa

s too lazy to talk nonsense.

Coming here is an important thing, that is Transplantation of cells from Senju Hashirama

“Are you sure you want to transplant Senju Hashirama’s cells?”

Hearing that his beloved came to find his purpose, Orochimaru was also shocked.

It is impossible to say that he has no thoughts in his heart.

But looking at Uchiha Izumi next to him, I wonder how strong that woman is?

However, unexpectedly, He was brought here by his beloved. He must be strong enough to be a jounin or above.

“takes some time to prepare”

“how long?”

“It would take a day at the earliest, it happened so suddenly.”

Orochimaru gave the required preparation time, and Liangren agreed.

After all, the transplantation of Hashirama cells requires some medical equipment.

Then he followed Orochimaru to the underground test base located in the Sound Ninja Village.

In Here the good man saw Kabuto, who was Orochimaru’s new member.

This also shows that during that time, Orochimaru was also in the Kingdom of Earth.

“You can rest here and the medical equipment for the surgery will be ready soon.”

With that said, Orochimaru began to prepare.

This guy is a research madman, and he wants to know the secrets of the Uchiha clan’s body.

What will happen if Senju Hashirama’s cells are transplanted into Uchiha’s body? Wonderful changes.

All this curiosity made Orochimaru prepare the instruments more seriously

“Deidara, go and wait outside, be careful of those sound ninjas, they are also very powerful.”


After hearing his beloved’s order, Deidara quickly walked out of the underground testing base.

However, when Deidara passed by Kimimaro, the two looked at each other.

“The look in this guy’s eyes……..”

Deidara thought to himself, feeling that Kimimaro was his biggest threat.

There is a murderous look in his eyes, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

But Orochimaru made Deidara a little worried


One day has passed

“Quan, don’t be so nervous.”

Seeing Izumi’s tense expression, my beloved said.

There shouldn’t be any big problems with Senju Hashirama’s cell transplant this time.

With his current strength, Orochimaru doesn’t dare to make any small moves.

The situation is one Oops, my beloved will not be merciful.

After a while, I saw Orochimaru walking over with an excited expression on his face.

“My dear, everything is ready for the surgery.”

“Then let’s get started.”

As soon as the voice fell, Peng let out a sound.

The beloved man used the phantom teleportation technique, and a physical clone appeared beside him.

Not only was the guardian of ‘Quan’, but also his physical clone, which was enough to deal with some emergencies.

Just rely on it. These sound ninjas are no match for them.

With two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan staring at them, Orochimaru is also wary.

“I really didn’t expect it, another Mangekyō Sharingan.”

Orochimaru saw the change in Uchiha Izumi’s eyes, and he was also worried.

His weakness was Uchiha’s illusion.

Orochimaru naturally ignored other illusions, and he could break them.

But the Uchiha clan was born with it. The limit of blood inheritance and the powerful eyes of pupils make Orochimaru have to be afraid. The high activity of Hashirama cells makes them extremely corrosive.

If the transplantation of Hashirama cells fails, it is likely to lead to death.

However , , even if the transplant is successful, it may cause some morphological abnormalities.

For example, the patient’s skin may become pale, horns may grow on the head, a human face may appear at the site, and other abnormalities.

The abnormality of this surgical injection, Orochimaru Still haven’t been able to find a solution

“It doesn’t matter, you can start injecting.”

My beloved, after listening to Orochimaru’s words, he already knew it well.

He has a golden finger at his side, so these visions are harmless.


Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Konoha rebel I looted the Konoha treasury

Status: Ongoing


After awakening to fusion consciousness, in order to survive, he began to prepare a plan to defect to Konoha.

On the night when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, he not only secretly collected the Sharingan of the clan members, but also looted Konoha’s treasury, plunging it into an economic crisis.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Upgrade Uchiha Yoshito to a super S-class rebel ninja.”

Mysterious masked man: “Join our Akatsuki organization.”

The Fourth Kazekage: “Damn it, all the refined gold has been looted.”


In order to rebuild the Uchiha clan, a good man needs a lot of money and high-quality genetic inheritance.

Protect Konoha? Join the Akatsuki organization?

“Sorry, I want to create my own dark guild. Not only am I handsome, but I also have a lot of gold.”

“Zabuza, is Kado richer than me?”

“Deidara, follow me, and your art will be more brilliant with money.”

“Obito, I’ll show you a Thunder Release: Riding the Lin”

“Kakashi, you don’t want to go dark? I’ll help you.”


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