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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 10 Uchiha’s arrogance

Kirito was still cursing at himself for being forced to accept the challenge, but when he picked up the scroll that Uchiha Kari left on the ground and opened it to read, his impression of the Uchiha clan instantly changed.

The contents of this scroll are actually chakra training methods and three-body technique training methods.

Moreover, it also gives detailed information, tips and application experience on various chakra and three-body training techniques. It is really full of useful information, which makes Kirito feel like he has found a treasure.

These things may not be considered precious at the moment, because he can learn them when he goes to the ninja school, but his time is precious. If he can’t go to the ninja school to learn these things in another month, wouldn’t it be wasted? One month?

Such a waste.

Besides, this scroll was given by someone from Uchiha, and the chakra training methods and three-kaya technique training methods recorded in it should be much better than the common stuff learned in school.

He originally thought that he was going to be raped this time and that he would be a prostitute for nothing.

After all, he is just a helpless orphan, and behind the other party is the extremely powerful Uchiha clan. If the other party really wants to force him to have sex for free, he has no choice but to passively accept it, but he never expected that he would get it. remuneration.

After the surprise, Kirito began to calm down and think about the meaning of the benefit in his hand.

If you want to take it, you must first give it.

He didn’t think that the Uchiha people would be so kind and would give him such a good thing just for a challenge. The other party could completely replace it with other things, such as simple and direct benefits like money.

Kirito put himself in Uchiha’s shoes and thought about it, and he quickly understood the meaning behind the scroll in his hand.

The reason why the Uchiha people paid him was probably because they didn’t like taking advantage of him. The other reason was that the Uchiha people saw that he didn’t know how to use ninjutsu and hoped that he wouldn’t be too weak to attack Uchiha Chizuru. To the role of a whetstone.

Let him become Uchiha Chizuru’s whetstone. This should be the real purpose of Uchiha people.

From this point of view, the Uchiha people have great confidence in Uchiha Chizuru and think that Uchiha Chizuru will definitely defeat him next time, so they don’t mind giving him these benefits.

Is this Uchiha’s arrogance?

What a nice arrogance.

Very Uchiha indeed.

Although there was a feeling of being looked down upon, Kirito didn’t mind because the other party gave him a benefit.

He thought to himself: “That’s sloppy. It seems like Uchiha people are quite good. Although they are arrogant, they will give them real benefits. I like this kind of behavior that is not free of charge.”

But thinking so, Kirito had no intention of losing to Uchiha Chizuru. Since the Uchiha people underestimated him, he would just use the benefits given by the other party to slap them in the face.

Kirito carried two scrolls and quickly ran to the orphanage.

. . .

The next morning, in the basement of the orphanage.

Originally, the orphanage didn’t have a basement, but ever since Kirito revealed his talent, it had one.

This was done by Kirito himself with the consent of the old dean. The purpose was of course to prevent his cultivation of natural energy from being leaked. He did not want to become someone’s experimental subject.

Today, this basement has become Kirito’s private room.

At the same time, this has become a place where Kirito usually studies and teaches.

At this time, Kirito was explaining chakra training methods to the pharmacist Nonou and the two boys.

Kirito read the chakra training method recorded on the scroll given by Uchiha Kari, and successfully learned it after trying it again. The difficulty of training is much lower than that of natural energy.

It was because he didn’t have the correct method to practice chakra that he didn’t practice it before. Now that he has the correct method, it will come naturally.

After learning it, he decisively called the pharmacist Nonoyu and three others to teach them the chakra cultivation method.

In the orphanage, there were not many people with ninja talents. Counting himself, there were only four of them at the moment.

“Chakra is the power formed by the fusion of physical energy and mental energy, so if you want to refine it, you must fuse physical energy and mental energy. However, this fusion is not a one-to-one ratio. The best ratio is 2.5 to 1, physical energy 2.5, mental energy 1, and the order of fusion is mental energy first and then physical energy.”

Kirito carefully explained the process of chakra training to the three of them, and warned them to be calm and focused enough when practicing.

Yakushi Noonoyu is indeed a talented ninja. Kirito told him that she successfully extracted chakra after several attempts.

As for the other two boys, they had no success due to lack of concentration.

The two boys are named Yamazaki Heizo and Noda Taiga respectively. The former is 8 years old and the latter is 9 years old. Both of them have average talents, but they are both poor children. They are precocious and very perseverant. Even if Kirito does not take the initiative to whip them, they are very capable. Practice hard.

“That’s it for now. You two are already upset. Go out to eat first and calm down before you practice.”

Kirito looked at the time and saw that it was almost lunch time, so he decisively asked Yamazaki Heizo and Noda Taiga to stop practicing.

“Yes, Brother Kirito.”

When Yamazaki Heizo and Noda Dahe heard this, although they were unwilling to do so, they still immediately obeyed Kirito’s orders.

Class exists everywhere, even in orphanages.

Kirito is undoubtedly the strongest person in the orphanage now, and he has given the people in the orphanage enough food, learning to read and write, and precious pocket money. With hope in life, he has naturally won the support of the people in the orphanage. He was automatically supported as the leader of a group of orphans.

In the eyes of orphans, a leader is the big brother who takes the lead.

After the two left, Kirito said to the pharmacist Noonoyu who stayed behind: “Are you really not going to go to a ninja school?”

He had already raised enough money for Yakushi Nonou, Yamazaki Heizo and Noda Taiga to go to ninja school, but Yakushi Nonou was unwilling to go, which was a big surprise to him.

“What if we all go to school, what will happen here? There must be someone at home to protect the younger brothers and sisters, and if I don’t go, I can save 100,000 yen. We can use the money to do a small business. I can’t let you Just keep carrying it all alone.”

Pharmacist No Naiyu shook his head gently.

These days, she has seen Kirito’s efforts for the orphanage and sincerely thanked him.

However, she didn’t want to be the one who was always being given to, let alone a burden to Kirito. She wanted to be Kirito’s support and help Kirito take care of the family.

So mature.

It’s so mature that it makes people feel sad.

Obviously I am only 8 years old.

After Kirito heard the reason why Yakushi Nonoyu refused, he sighed in his heart and acquiesced to her decision.

After getting along with him for a period of time, Kirito knew Yakushi Nonou’s character. Once he decided to do something, he would resolutely implement it and be full of action.

Not surprisingly, when she said these words, she already had a specific plan in mind.

“What small business are you planning to do?”

Kirito asked curiously.

“I made some of the food you taught me to make and sold them in the village. They were well received.”

Pharmacist Nonoyu said with a smile.

As she spoke, there was light in her eyes.

Owning a restaurant of his own was the pharmacist Nonou’s biggest dream when he was in the orphanage and couldn’t have enough to eat.

At the same time, Kirito’s mind flashed through dumplings, wontons, spring rolls, glutinous rice balls and other foods he made himself because of his greed.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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