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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 103 Uchiha Fugaku

Uchiha Fugaku was in a rather depressed mood at this time. He originally planned to go out to play with his neighbor’s little sister Uchiha Mikoto, whom he had not seen for a long time. However, he was stopped by his tribe just as he was about to go out, and he had to come here.

To be honest, he had no interest in this boring temporary clan meeting.

He had just returned from the battlefield of the Land of Rain with Lady Tsunade and others not long ago, and he really had no interest in fighting at all.

He hates killing and disputes, and is not interested in the strange sense of honor of his tribe.

Isn’t it bad for the third generation not to let the Uchiha clan participate in the operation? At least the clansmen don’t have to fight or die. Are they satisfied after waiting for people to die?

On the battlefield, day after day of fighting made him deeply tired of fighting, and the deaths of familiar comrades who had had life-long friendships made him feel sad and frightened.

War is not a good thing, not good at all. It is like an evil beast that swallows up all the good things.

There was also the deep darkness in his own eyes that made him feel extremely heavy.

This is a pair of evil eyes that will continue to grow as the people he knows and likes die.

If possible, he never wants to open these evil eyes in his life, never wants to step into the battlefield again, and is not willing to send his descendants to the battlefield.

However, after he returned to Konoha as the hero of Konoha, everything could not go as he wished.

Whether it is his family or other clan members, they all have high hopes for him, hoping that he will be successful in the future, continue to perform meritorious service on the battlefield, bring more glory to the Uchiha clan, and even hope that he will become Hokage in the future.

After returning to the clan, it seemed like there was an invisible big hand pushing him behind his back, forcing him to choose a path he didn’t want to take.

He thought about resisting. But when he thought of his family and other familiar tribesmen, their deep expectations for him and the selfless support they had always given him, he had to accept the reality, force himself to be what they expected, and continue along the way. Let’s continue on the path that our family and clan members expect.

But is this really good?

Fugaku asked himself again and again, but he kept hesitating, not knowing what was really good.

Suddenly, Fugaku noticed someone looking at him.

It was a hostile look.

On the battlefield, he was looked at with this kind of hostile gaze countless times. The source of this kind of gaze was not only the enemy, but also some people in Konoha who were hostile to Uchiha.

Naturally, he got used to this kind of sight, and developed a special intuition to be able to detect this kind of hostile sight at the first time. This kind of directness has helped him to die many times on the battlefield. escape.

Therefore, he was sure that someone was watching him now.

And he didn’t have to look back to know where the sight was coming from, and he quickly discovered who was looking at him.

The source of the hostile gaze actually came from the Chizuru-sama next to him.

Of course Fugaku knows this Chizuru-sama. The clan leader’s granddaughter is the most outstanding genius in the Uchiha clan. Her family and many clan members often regard her as someone else’s child to motivate him.

For a moment, he couldn’t figure out why Master Qianzuru was hostile to him.

He remembered that he had not had many interactions with the other party over the years. He went to the battlefield with some tribesmen just after graduation. In the past two years, he had no chance to make enemies with the other party. How did he provoke this person? The eldest daughter of the patriarch’s family.

Of course, Fugaku was not afraid of Chizuru.

Just kidding, he has narrowly escaped death many times, and his ninja strength is not fake. He got it through the training of iron and blood. How could he be afraid of someone who has never even been on the battlefield? children.

In fact, when his family and clan members used Qianzhe to encourage him, he only felt disdain.

But since the other party was the granddaughter of the clan leader, he just had to endure it for the time being, and as a senior, he had to be more generous.

So, Fugaku turned his head slightly and gave Chihe a friendly smile like a big brother next door.

“Hmph, hypocritical stupid dog.”

Chizuru felt a little disgusted when she saw Fugaku actually smiling at her. She stared at him with even colder eyes and labeled him hypocritical.

She had seen this kind of smile from a certain person too many times.

She just didn’t know why, but it made her feel sick when the person in front of her smiled like this.

He was obviously showing hostility, but he still showed that disgusting smile to her. What a hypocritical guy.

When Fugaku saw Chizuru’s increasingly cold eyes, his smile suddenly froze, and he quickly turned his head away, no longer daring to look at Chizuru. At the same time, he couldn’t help but think of Mikoto, who always showed a shy smile when she smiled at him, and thought to herself: ” As expected, Mikoto is cuter.”

The small movements of Chizuru and Fugaku did not attract the attention of other Uchiha jounin, and the atmosphere at the scene was already more full of gunpowder than before.

Many hawkish Uchiha Jōnin have begun clamoring to go to the Hokage Building to seek an explanation from the Hokage.

If Uchiha Homura on the stage hadn’t expressed his position for a long time, most of the Uchiha jounin below had already started to go to the Hokage Building to find the third generation to ask for an explanation, and there might even have been an incident where they broke into the Hokage Building.

A small number of Uchiha jounin who belong to the dove faction are all worried.

They are one of the few Uchiha people who have a clear understanding of the situation of the Uchiha clan in Konoha. They know that once these hawk clan members really go to the Hokage Building to find the third generation, it will only make the situation of the Uchiha clan in Konoha even more difficult. .

It is a pity that their number is too small, they lack a mass base in the Uchiha clan, and they lack foreign aid. Even though they have been calling on the clan members to calm down, they only get cold looks and cynicism from the hawk clan members, which cannot stop the behavior of a large number of hawk clan members.

Now, the only person who can stop them is the clan leader on the stage.

I hope the clan leader will remain as stable as ever.

Uchiha Homura, who had been sitting firmly on the stage, looked at the tribesmen below who had been clamoring and forcing him to express his position. There was no emotion on his face from beginning to end. He just stared at the tribesmen below coldly and remained silent.

A large number of hawkish Uchiha jounin saw Uchiha Homura’s cold posture and did not react at all to their words, and they felt a little unhappy.

It’s just that every one of them was caught by Uchiha Homura’s cold eyes and subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at them.

Even though Uchiha Homura is already old, an old man in his seventies, and may die at any time due to sudden illness or recurrence of hidden injuries, they still dare not show any disrespect to him.

Because the strength of their old patriarch is still unfathomable, and the terrifying pupil power contained in his Sharingan that far exceeds the ordinary three Magatama Sharingan is the best proof.

Only Uchiha people can deeply understand the terror of Uchiha Homura’s eyes.

He is still the undisputed strongest among the Konoha Uchiha clan.

Suddenly, Uchiha Homura stretched out a hand and made a stop gesture, and the scene fell silent instantly.

Then, he said in a cold voice: “Okay, no need to argue anymore, I have already agreed with most of you and want to participate in the operation, right? No problem, I will go to the Hokage Building to find the Hokage in person later, but You must not act without authorization. If one of you acts without authorization, causing everyone to be unable to participate in this operation, or even causing Uchiha’s reputation to be damaged, then I will not forgive him.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly opened his Sharingan. All the Uchiha Jonin who looked at him instantly realized that they were under an illusion. A huge three-magatama Sharingan emitting a blood-like strange red light appeared in front of them.

They looked at this huge three-magatama Sharingan, and found that their bodies were completely unable to move, and even the power to mobilize the chakra in their bodies to break the illusion was lost.

At the same time, their bodies were distorting, and they felt that time and space were beginning to go wrong.

After a while, a large number of Uchiha jounin who had just looked at Uchiha Homura finally resumed their actions. At this time, each of them was pale and covered in cold sweat. They had completely lost the arrogance they had during the discussion.


Seeing this, Chizuru, who had been clever enough not to look at her grandfather just now, showed a thoughtful expression on her face.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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