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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 115 The Future of Uchiha

As the third generation and Momoka reached an agreement, various specific measures for the Uchiha clan to participate in the Nine-Tails inheritance operation were released.

After a while, a secret order came from the Hokage Building and quickly spread to the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha tribe, Chizuru family.

Uchiha Homura received a scroll from an ANBU ninja, then opened it and looked at it. A smile suddenly appeared on his face. He said to the ANBU ninja in front of him: “I have received the order from Lord Hokage. Please help me convey it to Lord Hokage.” , the Uchiha clan will definitely complete their mission.”


Upon hearing this, the ANBU ninja immediately bowed and left.

When the ANBU ninja left, Uchiha Homura immediately shouted loudly: “Here comes someone.”

The next moment, an Uchiha ninja appeared behind Uchiha Homura and said respectfully: “Master Patriarch, please give me your instructions.”

“Let all jounin and chuunin in the clan gather in front of Nanga Shrine immediately.”

Uchiha Homura said.


The Uchiha ninja said immediately, and then used the teleportation technique to disappear from the place.

“That boy is really not simple. He actually succeeded. Very good. Whether the future of the Uchiha clan can be changed depends on this Nine-Tails inheritance operation.”

Uchiha Homura raised his head and looked at the sky, and said excitedly, with a rare smile on his face.

At this moment, he felt that the heavy pressure that had been accumulating on his shoulders was reduced a lot, allowing him to breathe a little.

Ever since he took over the position of Uchiha clan leader, he has been feeling stressed and walking on thin ice.

Because the status of the Uchiha clan in Konoha is too embarrassing. Although they have powerful power, they are excluded from the high-level people and are feared by the high-level people. At the same time, they are unpopular and rejected by many people in Konoha. and hostility.

However, many clan members are arrogant, look down on ninjas from other clans, and cannot see clearly the crisis within the clan.

There is no doubt that this is a very dangerous signal for the Uchiha clan.

In the long run, the Uchiha clan will definitely break with Konoha at some point.

At that time, the Uchiha clan will usher in rebirth or destruction.

In this regard, as the clan leader, Uchiha Homura does not want to see such a future for the Uchiha clan.

Perhaps, the Uchiha clan may succeed in a coup in the future.

But is it really possible for the unpopular Uchiha clan to become the new leader of Konoha?

Also, are members of the Uchiha clan really suitable to be the leaders of Konoha?

Uchiha Homura is deeply suspicious of his tribesmen who have always been more emotional than rational.

Therefore, Uchiha Homura is not optimistic about the possibility of a successful coup by the Uchiha clan.

But if the Uchiha clan fails to launch a coup and faces Konoha’s anger, the only outcome for the Uchiha clan will be annihilation.

A future without any light!

This is the future of the Uchiha clan that Uchiha Homura saw after becoming the clan leader.

He was not reconciled to this and struggled wholeheartedly, but with little success. He even lost his son who was more precious than his own life because of this. Until she found out that the person named Kirito whom her granddaughter Chizuru met became a disciple of Uzumaki Mito. Finally, things finally started to turn around.

This orphan is extremely talented, and his strength surpasses the two most talented people of the same generation, Senju and Uchiha, and has become their good friends.

Not surprisingly, with this child as a link, the relationship between Senju and Uchiha has a chance to ease, and the Uchiha clan may have a chance to re-enter the top ranks of Konoha in the future.

But what he didn’t expect was that the child would grow much faster than he imagined.

When he reacted, this child was already a Jonin, and his hidden strength was far more than what appeared on the surface.

Otherwise, how could this child convince the third generation?

In this world, strength must speak for itself after all. Without enough strength, how could a guy like the Third Generation allow the Uchiha clan to participate in the Nine-Tails inheritance operation.

It’s a pity that he was arrogant after all and did not bet on this child early. As a result, the child only saw his granddaughter, not him and the Uchiha clan at all.

Uchiha finally lost to Senju, and he personally lost to Uzumaki Mito.

Fortunately, his granddaughter was more competitive and did not lose to that idiot Shengshu.

“Hmph, at such a young age, it’s really shameful that it was only through my own granddaughter that I finally got the chance.”

Uchiha Homura laughed to himself, then turned his head to look at Chizuru, who appeared not far from the courtyard at some unknown time. .

When Chizuru saw Uchiha Homura looking over, she snorted coldly, looked away, and walked to Nanga Shrine alone without looking at her grandfather.

. . .

Soon after, the Jonin and Chuunin of the Uchiha clan rushed to the open space in front of Nanga Shrine.

This time, Uchiha Homura did not take them into the secret room under Nanga Shrine, but met them directly here.

“Tribesmen, the Third Generation has agreed to allow us to join this big operation in Konoha. Because of this operation, both Iwagakure and Kumogakure have now mobilized a large number of troops to approach the border of the Land of Fire and force us to Konoha. For this reason, The Third Generation Sir hopes that we can go to the battlefield and border lines as soon as possible to provide support.”

He simply explained the secret order of the third generation, which immediately excited all the Uchiha ninjas present and wiped away the previous dissatisfaction with the village and the third generation in their hearts.

And when they heard that they were being transferred to the front line and border defense lines to support them, many people began to gear up, with expressions of excitement and joy on their faces. They were obviously very satisfied with the task assigned to them by the third generation this time.

Of course.

They watched other ninjas in the village make great achievements on the battlefield, and listened to them bragging about their great achievements on the battlefield, but they had to stay in the village as security guards, and were secretly laughed at by some people who didn’t know the truth.

As Uchiha, their hearts have long been unbalanced, and they have always been eager to go to the battlefield to wash away the shame of being cowardly.

Now they finally have the opportunity to show off their talents and let the people in the village understand the power and bravery of their Uchiha clan. This is really great.

“A bunch of arrogant fools.”

Standing in the corner of the crowd, Uchiha Fugaku looked at the tribesmen around him who showed great interest in the war. He sneered in his heart and showed a trace of displeasure unconsciously on his face.

These people have never been on the battlefield and have no idea of ​​the horror of the battlefield.

It’s so stupid to be happy to be able to go to the battlefield now.

For the first time, Uchiha Fugaku deeply understood that his own clan was so arrogant, so arrogant that he lacked enough respect for war.

“If all clan members are like this, the Uchiha clan will have no future.”

Such thoughts suddenly appeared in Fugaku’s mind, and then he couldn’t help but feel a sad emotion in his heart.

Just as he was thinking about how to save the Uchiha clan on his own, he suddenly found someone looking at him.

He followed his feeling and looked over, and found that it was the clan leader looking at him. He immediately lowered his head, stood seriously, and secretly looked at Uchiha Homura with some uneasiness.

Like other Jōnin in the clan, he had fallen into the clan leader’s illusion before.

That feeling of powerlessness made him deeply understand how terrifying the strength of his patriarch was.

In an instant, more than fifty Uchiha jonins with three Magatama Sharingan were trapped in the illusion, and they were unable to break free in a short time.

Thinking about this illusion power makes people feel extremely terrifying.

“This kid is special”

Uchiha Homura looked at the reserved Uchiha Fugaku and thought to himself.

On this stage, he always paid attention to the expressions of the tribesmen. Most of them showed excitement and happiness, while a few had expressionless or indifferent faces. However, this inconspicuous child standing in the corner had an expression on his face that was very rare among the tribesmen. of sadness.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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