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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 118 Hanzo’s Fear

After a meal of hospitality, the two exchange cups and cups, and the host and guest are in harmony.

After Loess had a sumptuous and delicious meal, he immediately chose to leave, saying that he would convey Kirito’s conditions to Lord Tsuchikage as soon as possible.

When Kirito heard this, he was very wise and did not continue to try to stay, but he personally sent Huang Tu to the door of the hotel and gave him a generous gift.

Although Huangtu was dull, he was not pedantic. He accepted everything Kirito offered him without hesitation.

“Hopefully it will turn out well.”

Kirito watched the loess disappear into the night and sighed.

Then, he turned to look at an old man sitting behind the counter.

The old man saw Hattori Masashige, played by Kirito, looking over.

“Bang~” sound.

A cloud of white smoke appeared from the old man’s body.

The white smoke disappeared, and the leader of Amegakure, Sanshouyu Hanzo, appeared in Kirito’s eyes.

At the same time, some of the maids and attendants in the hotel also changed, and they all changed back to their original appearance.

Many of the people in this hotel were actually transformed by Yu Ren’s people using transformation techniques.

“Let’s talk inside.”

Kirito was not surprised to see Hanzo and many rain ninjas. He whispered to Hanzo, and then walked into the hotel again without fear.

This hotel was originally Yu Yin’s contact point in the border town.

Naturally, it was specially arranged by Kirito to bring Loess here, in order to send a signal to Hanzo.

Hanzo did not disappoint him and came over in person.

In fact, Huang Tu also knew that this hotel was Yu Yin’s contact point, and he had discovered early that many people in this hotel had been replaced, but he still came and went to the meeting alone.

This shows how sincere he is in his transactions, how courageous he is, and how confident he is in his own strength. He is worthy of his status as the son of the Tsuchikage.

Hanzo heard Kirito’s words and stared at Kirito with a cold face for a moment. He nodded to Kirito, and then entered an empty private room with Kirito.

At this time, he was very dissatisfied with Hattori Masashige, played by Kirito, who was good at making deals with Iwagakure.

Although he knew that the two elite puppet masters of Sunagakure were captured by Kirito himself, and Kirito was still a rebel ninja of Amegakure. Strictly speaking, this transaction had nothing to do with Amegakure, but he was still very angry.

The reason is that Kirito is trading with Iwagakure under the banner of Amegakure this time, and he is also directly trading with Iwagakure, bypassing him.

Even though Kirito’s current transaction location was in Amegakure’s intelligence station, which could be regarded as informing him of the leader of Amegakure, he still had a grudge in his heart.

He had already heard about the so-called Amegakure separatist plan from some of his cronies. Even though he did not think that Hattori Masashige would betray Amegakure and sell out his interests, he was indeed wary of Hattori Masashige competing with him for power in the future.

Due to the failure of the war, the country of Rain was reduced to ashes, and his prestige among Rain Hidden had been severely damaged. There were also many voices against him within Rain Hidden, and there were even a large number of rebellious ninja who left the Rain Hidden Village without authorization.

Now that Hattori Masashige has defeated two famous elite puppet masters, Tsunade and Sunagakure, in succession, and he has privately announced that Hattori Masashige is no longer a rebel ninja, Hattori Masashige’s prestige among Amegakure is now only lower than his.

Once Hattori Masashige uses two elite Sunagakure puppet masters to successfully obtain a large amount of resources from Iwagakure and use them on Amegakure Village to help Amegakure Village survive the current crisis, his reputation will inevitably rise to another level. building.

When the time comes, if Hattori Masashige raises his voice, he might actually get many Ame-nin who are disappointed with him, the leader of Agyakure, to follow him.

Judging from Hattori Masashige’s current actions, there are signs of this.

Yugakure breaks up the plan, and he, Sanshouyu Hanzo, has to guard against it.

“You are afraid of me, Hanzo.”

After Kirito and Hanzo entered the room, he made sure that no one was eavesdropping, and he sneered at Hanzo, who had a serious expression in front of him.

“Masaki, isn’t your act of making arbitrary decisions worthy of my fear? You can make a deal with Iwagakure without permission, because those two people were captured by you, and you use them in exchange for benefits from Iwagakure, and I don’t. Opinion, but you should not conduct transactions with Iwagakure without authorization under the name of Amegakure.

The fact that you brought the son of the Tsuchikage here to trade doesn’t mean that you are now a rain ninja? “

Hanzo retorted with reason, his voice filled with anger.

“Hmph, you still have the nerve to say that the reason why I made a deal with Iwagakure without notifying you in advance was not because of your incompetence. I didn’t want to be blocked by you. To be precise, it was blocked by the Sunagakure spies hiding around you. .”

Hearing this, Kirito stated his reasons without any guilt.

“Zhengcheng, what do you mean?”

When Hanzo heard this, his expression changed, and he stared into Kirito’s eyes and said, his body gradually showing a dangerous aura.

“What do I mean? Am I not clear enough, or are you continuing to pretend to be confused? Think about why you foolishly chose to launch a war against Konoha?”

Kirito said coldly.

By the end, his voice was almost a roar.

During the time when he was using the White Zetsu clone to operate in the Country of Rain, he often used the spiritual transformation technique to sneak the clone soul into the Rain Hidden Village to collect intelligence.

Compared to Konoha Hidden Village, which has sealing barriers everywhere and even the entire village is shrouded by a super large sealing barrier, Amegakure Village, which lacks the foundation of sealing techniques, is simply a sieve, with loopholes everywhere, unable to stop him at all. The investigation of spiritual transformation.

Therefore, he relied on the technique of spiritual transformation to collect a lot of useful information, and also obtained some unexpected secrets from some of Hanzo’s close associates without even knowing it.

What surprised him was that many of Hanzo’s cronies were secretly connected with Konoha, Sunagakure, and Iwagakure, and found a way out in advance.

Some of them are spies sent by the three ninja villages to lurk in Amegakure for a long time. Among them, most of them are spies from Sunagakure, and many of them hold high positions and hold many important positions in Amegakure.

In this way, he could fully imagine how the mighty Sanshouyu Hanzo, known as the demigod, would be held back by these spies.

It’s strange that such Aegakure Village can defeat Konoha.

If Hanzo hadn’t been very powerful in the Land of Rain and had been struggling to support Amegakure Village on his own, Amegakure would have been defeated long ago.

No wonder Hanzo has been hiding behind the scenes, never showing himself to others, and has many guards around him, and it is difficult for these guards to see him. On the one hand, his strength has dropped too much and he is afraid of death. On the other hand, it may not be because he is worried that there are other countries around him. A spy from Ninja Village.

As soon as Kirito mentioned launching a war against Konoha, Hanzo’s momentum instantly weakened.

He looked at Kirito’s angry eyes and subconsciously avoided Kirito’s eyes, feeling a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

He overestimated his capabilities and launched a war against Konoha, causing heavy losses to the Hidden Rain Village and the Country of Rain. This was the biggest mistake he made in his life.

In fact, after the war, he had a good introspection and realized that it was due to his blind arrogance at the time. He mistakenly believed that he and Yugakure could make the Country of Rain the sixth largest country with the strength of himself and Yugakure at that time, and he was stupid. Waging war against Konoha.

The result was a huge defeat.

However, he thought about it carefully afterwards. The reason why he was so arrogant in the first place and was so blind that he took the initiative to challenge Konoha, the most powerful in the ninja world, had a lot to do with the constant encouragement of his cronies around him at that time.

It was his cronies who privately encouraged him to launch a war against Konoha.

“It seems that you are not stupid enough, and you have already noticed that there is a problem with the people around you. Has anyone been encouraging you to trade prisoners with Sunagakure recently? Regarding this prisoner trade, what is the current direction of public opinion in the village? , you know it best, right? Do you still think I should tell you in advance about this transaction between me and Iwagakure?”

Seeing that Hanzo did not dare to look directly at him, Kirito continued.

Hanzo remained silent, acquiescing to Kirito’s words.

Ever since Kirito captured the two Sunagakure puppet masters, the voice of Sunagakure’s threat theory quickly appeared in the village. The specific content was that he was worried that Sunagakure would launch a war against Amegakure at this time.

Because of such remarks, Yuyin Village, which had just escaped from the quagmire of war, is now panicked, fearing that another war will break out in the Kingdom of Rain.

As a result, some people kept persuading him to order Hattori Masashige to return the two puppet masters to Sunagakure. Some even suggested returning the people to Sunagakure unconditionally. Afterwards, they also wanted to punish Hattori Masashige, the traitor who destroyed the friendship between Amegakure and Sunagakure. Be punished severely.

If Kirito informed him in advance that he would trade with Iwagakure, there would be fierce opposition within the village immediately, which would most likely cause the transaction to fail.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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