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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 119 Purifying Yuyin Village

“Then why Iwagakure? In order to maximize profits, shouldn’t we trade with Konoha? Konoha must be able to offer a higher price than Iwagakure.”

Hanzo asked with a puzzled look on his face.

He could now understand the reason why Kirito killed first and played later, but he didn’t understand why Kirito chose to trade with Iwagakure at all.

When Kirito heard this, he certainly couldn’t say that this was a conspiracy he used to deepen the conflict between Iwagakure and Sunagakure.

Now Konoha is surrounded by enemies. In this case, he wants to alienate the relationship between these enemies as much as possible.

Handing over the two elite puppet masters of Sunagakure, Akisa and Sunagakure, to Iwagakure will undoubtedly greatly stimulate the nerves of Sunagakure, who is already very hostile to Iwagakure.

At that time, a war will probably break out again on the border between Sunagakure and Iwagakure.

In this way, Konoha’s pressure on Sunagakure and Iwagakure can be reduced a lot.

Kirito thought for a while, decided to deceive Hanzo, and asked: “Hanzo, do you know what the core industry of our Land of Rain is?”

Hanzo was silent for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly realized: “It’s industry.”

“Yes, our Country of Rain cannot develop agriculture due to the special local climate, so we have to focus on developing industry. Our industry is mainly heavy industry of metal refining and processing. The Country of Earth has always been our Country of Rain. The largest exporter of mineral resources, but due to your previous conflict with Iwagakure, normal trade between the two countries has been severely disrupted. Mineral resources from the Land of Earth cannot be transported in. Many domestic factories have closed down, and many people have lost their jobs. Work.

Nowadays, our Country of Rain is in dire need of development. The most important thing at the moment is to let the people in the country have food to eat and work to do, so that people can live a better life. Then it is necessary for us to re-establish normal trade exchanges with the Country of Earth. This time I used the two puppet masters of Sunagakure, whose identities are not simple, to make a deal with Iwagakure, in order to repair the relationship between our Amegakure and Iwagakure. “

Kirito nodded and explained rationally.

He now has a relatively deep understanding of Sanshouyu Hanzo.

As a ninja, the opponent is undoubtedly very powerful, and there are not many people in the ninja world who can defeat him.

As a leader, the other party is quite competent and has gained a large number of followers through his personal bravery.

But as a politician, Sanshouyu Hanzo is not good enough.

His ability in domestic affairs is in shambles. Otherwise, he would not have cut off the normal trade between the two countries and implemented a secluded country because of the bad relationship between Amegakure and Iwagakure. He had no idea what impact this would have on the economy of the Land of Rain. Such serious consequences.

Now that the Rain Country has become like this, on the one hand, it is naturally related to the war, and on the other hand, it is also related to the isolation policy implemented by Hanzo.

Many people have lost their jobs and have no money to buy food. Even those who have money cannot buy enough food because the food from outside cannot be transported. Social chaos naturally arises.

In short, Sanshouyu Hanzo is a crude warrior with amazing combat power. He is good at killing people and setting fires, but it is completely impossible for him to deal with internal affairs.

Hanzo’s internal affairs ability was insufficient, but his understanding ability was still good. When he heard that the secluded policy he had implemented to prevent Iwagakure spies from coming in had caused many people in the country to lose their jobs, his face suddenly darkened.

He was really too blind and arrogant back then. Faced with the wooing of Iwagakure, he hoped that Amegakure could accept Iwagakure’s support and agree to Iwagakure’s request to contain Sunagakure, but he completely dismissed it and even ridiculed Ohnoki. In his wishful thinking, he couldn’t even think of pointing fingers at him and Amegakure, which caused conflicts between Iwagakure and Amegakure.

As Kirito said later, Amegakure and Iwagakure continued to be at odds with each other, and the normal trade exchanges between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth were severely disrupted. This eventually led to the closure of a large number of factories in the Land of Rain, and the unemployment rate in the country increased significantly. As a result, the hidden village’s conflict with the rain country’s daimyo intensified, and military expenditures were cut.

This began the decline of Yuyin Village.

He has now understood that if the Kingdom of Rain wants to regain its former strength, it is very important to maintain friendly relations with the Kingdom of Earth. Otherwise, once a large number of domestic factories lose the supply of raw materials from the Kingdom of Earth, the domestic economy will inevitably suffer. Heavy damage.

He did not expect that even the economy of the Country of Rain was controlled by others.

At this time, Hanzo had some doubts about whether he was qualified to continue to be the leader of Amegakure, or was it really good for him to continue to be the leader of Amegakure?

With his current ability, he seems not suitable to be a leader who can lead the Rain Country to strength.

“Zhengcheng, how did you come up with this?”

Hanzo raised his head and looked at Kirito and asked doubtfully.

The Hattori Masashige he knew was actually about the same level of education as him. They were both people who had never read any books. It was impossible for them to see clearly the current crisis facing the Land of Rain and to say what he had just heard that made him feel very useful. Words of truth.

“It’s nothing. It’s just that after leaving the Country of Rain, I wandered around and saw many new things. I also read a few books when I had nothing to do. I think I gained a little knowledge.”

Hearing this, Kirito suddenly showed a sigh of relief on his face.

Then, his face straightened and he said to Hanzo seriously:

“Hanzo, in this world, not only our country of Rain is oppressed by other big countries, but also many small countries. The lives of the people there are even worse than those of the Country of Rain. If the Country of Rain hadn’t produced you, Demigod, the Kingdom of Rain must have been carved up by the three surrounding big countries long ago.

The reason I am here this time is to save the Kingdom of Rain from this kind of disaster. Otherwise, when you Hanzo gets old or dies one day, the Kingdom of Rain will only be even worse than it is now. Let us work together to build the Kingdom of Rain into a better place. Stronger than ever, I need your strength. “

After saying that, he extended a hand to Hanzo.

When Hanzo saw this, he did not hesitate. He immediately reached out and took Kirito’s extended hand, with an excited expression on his face and said: “Okay, let us two build the Kingdom of Rain even more powerful than before, Masashige.” , come back to help me, Yuyin Village needs a wise man with vision like you.”

That’s right, the Country of Rain cannot become more miserable than it is now.

His dream from beginning to end was to make the Land of Rain the sixth largest country in the ninja world. If he was unable to realize this dream, then he would leave it to future generations.

However, before that, he must leave a better Rain Country to future generations than it is now.

“He really believed what I said, but I’m sorry, it’s impossible to do it with the strength of the two of us alone.”

Kirito looked at the excited Sansho Hanzo in front of him, felt the pain and warmth coming from his right hand, and sighed in his heart.

What he just said was actually just an excuse to make Hanzo not doubt his actions and identity. He didn’t expect Hanzo to take it seriously.

After all, the Kingdom of Rain is adjacent to the three major countries of Fire, Earth and Wind, so it is naturally a buffer zone for the three major countries.

Once a war breaks out between two of the three major countries, in order to prevent the war from spreading to the mainland, the Rain Country will inevitably be regarded as a battlefield between the two countries.

With such a harsh international environment, one can imagine how difficult it is for the Rain Country to develop. It is simply a nightmare.

And no matter whether it is the Country of Fire, the Country of Wind or the Country of Earth, they will not realize the development of the Country of Rain. Letting the Country of Rain become their battlefield buffer zone without any resistance is the most ideal choice for these big countries. .

In fact, if Sansho Hanzo, a demigod, hadn’t appeared out of nowhere and used his powerful strength to let Konoha, Iwagakure and Sunagakure know that Ugakure was not easy to mess with, and would not dare to easily use the Kingdom of Rain as their battlefield, the Kingdom of Rain might have It would have become what it is now earlier, and it would have even been carved up by three big countries and turned into a puppet state.

Kirito is now in a dilemma. If he doesn’t agree to Hanzo’s request now, Hanzo will probably fall out with him immediately.

However, this is in line with his previous plan to use the vest of Hattori Masashige to become the top management of Amegakure.

So, he immediately assumed the identity of Yuyin’s senior management and said coldly: “No problem, I will go back with you this time, but before I go back, I think it is necessary to complete a purification of Yuyin Village, Hanzo, What do you think?”


Hanzo was silent for a moment, an expression of reluctance and hesitation flashed across his face, but in the end he also put on a cold face and said coldly.

If the Kingdom of Rain wants to usher in new life, it must start with the new life of Yuyin Village.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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