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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 122 Remarks on the launch

Dear readers, hello, my name is Haruko Haruko. After two months of serialization, this book is finally going to be released. The release time is set to be around 00:00 on the 1st of next month. There are five chapters guaranteed.

Some book friends who came early must know that it is not easy for this book to survive to this day, because my book was signed after it had 70,000 words, and it was finally picked up by Orange from many new books that were considered to be of no value by editors.

Here, I would like to sincerely thank my editor Juezi for bringing my book back from the brink of failure.

To be honest, I almost wanted to give up at that time. I didn’t come to sign a book with 70,000 words. It was basically regarded by editors as a new book with no commercial value. The chance of signing a book was very slim. But I heard someone said that if you have 100,000 words, you can actively apply. After signing the contract, I continued writing with the stubborn idea that since I had already written enough 70,000 words, I would write another 30,000 words to see what the final result would be.

I’m very glad that I made the decision at that time. I didn’t give up immediately, but insisted on writing to 100,000.

Just like that, this book started to be recommended. Because I am a newbie, I didn’t find any big names to recommend, but maybe it was because I was already recommending it on the smart bar during the first round of recommendations. This book was added to the list of new favorites in the same period. With a score of 1, I easily entered the second round of recommendations.

However, in the second round of recommendations, this book had a slight setback. Because it almost failed to catch up on the reading volume, it finally failed to make it to the third round.

At this time, Haruko Haruko posted a single chapter and shamelessly asked book friends to read it.

As a result, more than 200 book friends tipped me that day, and my ranking in the new book list suddenly entered the top 20. Then the book increased by nearly 5,000 collections in a week without recommendation. .

Haruko Haruko Haruko is really, really grateful to you. It is precisely because of your strong support and your willingness to spend time every day to read the latest chapter of this book that this book successfully completed the resurrection competition and advanced to the third round of recommendations.

Next, this book also successfully advanced to the fourth round of recommendation.

Here, I want to tell you the good news. Thanks to your strong support, this book has been successfully promoted to Sanjiang.

Sanjiang recommended it and I put it on the shelves on the same day.

Really, I received news from Juzi that this book had a chance to be promoted to Sanjiang, and then I actually received a notification from Sanjiang at noon on Friday, and I was really happy.

To be able to achieve such good results, your support is really important.

It’s just that maybe it’s the joy that brings the sorrow. Haruko Haruko failed to enter the finals and fell in the quarter-finals. In the end, she still had Yang. She hasn’t been very clear-headed in the past few days. When she thinks about the plot, her brain hurts and she keeps coughing. , very uncomfortable.

This has caused my coding efficiency to plummet recently, and the quality of the things I write are not very good.

I have no choice. In order not to write the climax plot too badly, I recently had to take out the branch plot of the Kingdom of Rain to support it.

Because of this, some book friends scolded me in the comment area for delaying the plot and so on. I understand all of this and fully accept your criticism, but please don’t give up on this book just because of this. Please be a little more patient.

Haruko Haruko Haruko has been working hard to defeat the new coronavirus. Her fever has gone away, but she keeps coughing and still gets headaches sometimes when thinking about things.

Please rest assured that Haruko Haruko is not a person who likes to whet your appetite. Tomorrow’s release will definitely involve the main plot of sealing the Nine Tails. I will do my best to write this plot well.

Please stay tuned.

Finally, I would like to shamelessly ask all my respected book friends to order this book for the first time tomorrow.

The first order is very important for a book that has just been put on the shelves. It will directly determine the level of recommendation it will receive next. If it is good, it will be directly recommended on the homepage of the APP. If it is bad, it will probably get nothing.

Therefore, please give me an initial subscription for this book. In fact, it is not much, just 10 starting coins, which is equivalent to 1 cent. (I heard that you can get free starting coins by watching advertisements. You can also use this to subscribe, which also counts money)

Really, if you are able, all respected book friends, please give me an initial subscription for this book.

Haruko Haruko Haruko would like to thank you all.



Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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