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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 127 The Nine-Tails Inheritance (End) (First order requested)

“Thank you for your support, Sakumo-sama, but now please help me bring her to a safe place.”

When Kirito heard what Hatake Sakumo said in front of him, he smiled very hard.


Hatake Sakumo hesitated when he heard Kirito say this.

He naturally understood who Kirito was referring to, but his main task now was to protect Kirito.

He had seen Qianzuru’s situation, but he had just temporarily lost strength and fainted, and there was no danger to his life.

But Kirito was different. Once he left now, there might be enemies who would launch a sneak attack on Kirito later.

There is no guarantee that there will not be a second death like Hatoyama, or even more.

As an elite member of the Anbu, he knew that the enemy’s invasion was all-pervasive. They were like rats. As long as one appeared, there would definitely be more around.

To be honest, he really didn’t expect that there would be spies sneaking into this Operation Nine-Tails Heritage. Because the mission level of this Operation Nine-Tails Heritage was the highest, all personnel involved in the operation must undergo strict vetting before joining.

The result is still dense and sparse.

At this time, he recalled the information about this ninja, Hatoyama, and clearly knew that this person came to live in Konoha with his parents when he was four years old. From genin to jounin, he had always behaved normally, and he had also been in He made great contributions to Konoha on the battlefield.

If this person hadn’t jumped out this time, he really wouldn’t have believed that this person was a spy.

Therefore, Hatake Sakumo strongly suspected that there were well-hidden spies like Hatoyama among the people around him.

“It doesn’t matter. I believe everyone around me will protect me. A situation like that just now will never happen again.”

Kirito continued to laugh.

This time, he deliberately spoke louder.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding Konoha ninjas were a little moved, and at the same time they felt more and more guilty.

They clearly knew that Kirito was the key to sealing the Kyuubi this time, but they only focused on the Kyuubi in front of them and forgot about Kirito, the main force who worked hard to suppress the Kyuubi.

This was mainly due to the fact that Kirito’s strength was too great. The sealing technique he used was able to suppress even the Nine-Tails. They subconsciously thought that Kirito did not need protection, which almost led to a catastrophe. Fortunately, there was that Uchiha behind him. The little girl of the clan took action in time, so it didn’t cause a big disaster.

At this thought, they all felt grateful to Chizuru, and their impression of the Uchiha clan also changed a bit.

When Hatake Sakumo heard what Kirito said, he couldn’t help but feel good about Kirito. At the same time, he praised Kirito as a disciple of Mito-sama and a Konoha ninja who also inherited the pure will of fire. This is the time. , and also cares about his companions.

Hatake Sakumo recognized Kirito’s choice very much. His companions were more important than the mission and his own life.

So, he agreed, but unfortunately he couldn’t say it.

The third generation who had been beaten away by the Kyuubi suddenly fell from the sky. He smiled and said to Kirito: “That’s very good, Kirito. As long as we Konoha ninjas are here, no one can attack you again. Chizuru will leave it to me.” I will protect her, and I will also protect Kushina.”

“Thank you, Hokage-sama.”

When Kirito heard this, he was overjoyed.

He was worried about what was going on with Kushina. The most important person to seal the Kyuubi this time was actually Kushina, the new jinchuriki. Once something happened to her, Konoha would not be able to find a replacement for her in a short time. container.

Maybe Tsunade and Naoki can replace them, but they don’t have the special chakra in Kushina’s body that can suppress tailed beasts, so they are far behind after all.

“Listen, everyone, this operation to seal the Nine-Tails is just a step away. We must not let our guard down at such a critical moment. As the pillars of Konoha, don’t let the younger generations underestimate you. Show your strength and integrity. Come on, perseverance.”

Time was running out, so Sandai encouraged Kirito, and then said loudly to the other Konoha ninjas.

As the third generation of Hokage, the morale boost brought by his words was undoubtedly amazing. All the Konoha ninjas blushed, and then, as if they were given blood, the speed of pulling the Nine-Tails to the seal altar suddenly increased a lot. .

Seeing this, the third generation smiled with satisfaction, then nodded to Hatake Sakumo, and immediately left with the fainted Chizuru.

Hatake Sakumo stayed by Kirito’s side like a loyal guard.

After a brief period of confusion, the movement to pull Nine-Tails to the sealing altar returned to normal, and the speed was faster than before.

The reputation of Konoha White Fang is still very terrifying. Killing a Jonin is like killing a chicken. No spy will dare to jump out and die voluntarily.

Everything is going in the right direction.

Kyuubi didn’t feel good about this at all.

He originally saw hope of breaking free from Kirito’s shackles, but it was gone again, and it was the Uchiha clan that he hated so much that killed him.

“Damn Uchiha, everyone in your clan should die!”

Kyuubi, whose mouth had been bound by a large number of chains, was furious in its heart, and its eyes were fixed on Chizuru in the arms of the third generation.

It is very vengeful and will always remember everyone who has done harm to him.

When it gets out of trouble in the future, it will pay back hundreds and thousands of times. Even if these people are dead, then it will bring bad luck to the descendants of these people.

For example, Konoha Hidden Village.

When it gets out of trouble in the future, it must destroy this hateful village with its own hands. Many of the people living in it must be descendants of the Konoha ninjas who harmed him.

After a while, with the concerted efforts of all Konoha ninjas, Kyuubi was finally dragged into the sealing altar.

At this time, on the twelve rock pillars at the edge of the seal altar, twelve elite seal class ninjas were ready. They clapped their hands almost at the same time, and a powerful chakra burst out from their bodies.

The next moment, a large number of sealing spells on the rock pillars suddenly lit up, and quickly spread to the entire sealing altar.

In an instant, the Nine-Tails in the center of the seal altar immediately felt a super strong binding force acting on it, making it feel that it would be difficult to break free of this binding force even if it was in full strength.

Sealing Technique: Twelve Light Arrays!

“Kushina, it’s time.”

When Kirito saw that the sealing altar was operating normally, he immediately shouted loudly to Kushina, who was already standing at the corner of the sealing altar.

At this time, Kushina, who was protected by the Sandaime and Momoka, heard this and without any hesitation, she screamed, and a huge golden chain shot out of her belly instantly, and then pierced the Kyuubi’s belly.

At this moment, Kushina’s chakra made contact with Kyuubi’s chakra.

Kushina and Kyuubi looked at each other face to face. One was small, the other was huge, one was weak, and the other was powerful. The contrast in power between the two was simply a world of difference.

However, at this time, Kyuubi, who was obviously a giant and powerful one, looked at the tiny red-haired girl in front of him with fearful eyes.

Because it found that its chakra was continuously flowing into Kushina’s body along the golden chain connecting it with Kushina.

If it doesn’t stop it, it will be sealed into Kushina’s body in less than a minute.

It was unwilling to be sealed and wanted to use its claws to break the golden chain, but it found that it could not move at all.

In the outside world, the King Kong seal that Kirito imposed on Kyuubi was still suppressing most of the chakra in its body. Now with the help of the super-powerful sealing technique at the sealing altar, all of Kyuubi’s chakra has been suppressed.

Now, the chance of Kyuubi defeating Kushina in this chakra battle is zero.

It could only watch as Kushina sealed it into her body.

In reality, the size of the Nine-Tails is shrinking rapidly. When its manifestation is smaller than half of its original size, it cannot maintain its physical form and will soon transform back into the form of chakra.

At this time, it roared full of unwillingness and hatred: “No, no, no!”


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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