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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 129: Add points to the Immortal Mode (10K) (please subscribe and vote monthly)

“Mito-sama needs you to pay close attention to those Uchiha clan members who are dissatisfied with the village. If that person is still alive, he will definitely choose to use the Uchiha clan people in order to take revenge on Konoha. Maybe there will be conflicts within the Uchiha clan now. His spies exist.”

Momoka slowly spoke out Mito’s request.

Hearing this, Uchiha Homura fell into a brief silence and sighed: “Oh~, okay, I will focus on investigating this matter secretly.”

Although he didn’t want to admit it, what Mito said was right. If that person was still alive, there might actually be a spy for that person within the Uchiha clan.

Over the years, due to Konoha’s unfair treatment of the Uchiha clan, a considerable number of people in the clan have been born who are dissatisfied with the village.

Back then, a guy named Setsuna Uchiha appeared. He said he was inheriting that person’s will and intended to commit rebellion. In the end, he was discovered in advance by the second Hokage Senju Tobirama and was eventually imprisoned. , and now his whereabouts are unknown.

Now it seems that Setsuna Uchiha might have really been bewitched by that person back then.

“You made a right choice, Chief Homura. If you don’t agree, I will tell the third generation about this. You should know what the third generation will do to the Uchiha clan once he knows that that person is still alive. Attitude.”

Momoka sneered when she saw Uchiha Homura agreeing to Mito’s request.

The next moment, a powerful killing intent burst out from Uchiha Homura and acted on Momo.

In an instant, Taohua felt that she had walked towards the gate of hell. A little cold sweat broke out from her body unconsciously, but there was no fear on her face and she kept staring at Uchiha Homura coldly.

Obviously, she was convinced that Uchiha Homura did not dare to take action against her.

This is also true.

Uchiha Homura never thought of taking action against Mooka from beginning to end, he just wanted to use this to shock Mooka.

It’s a pity that Momohua’s courage has been tempered by the first Hokage.

In her eyes, Uchiha Homura’s murderous aura was nothing, completely incomparable to Hashirama-sama.

“I will do my best to complete what Mito-sama has told me. It would be better for the Third Generation not to know about this matter.”

Uchiha Homura saw that Mooka had defeated him and that the only strong move he had now was completely ineffective, so he had no choice but to give in.

Just for a moment, he wanted to use illusion to control Taohua.

With his current genjutsu strength, even if Momoka has the strength of an elite jonin, but is not an ordinary elite jounin, and has an extremely large amount of chakra in his body, he is still confident that he can control his Sharingan in an instant.

After his son died that year, after he saw his son’s body that was returned, he awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan after sitting in the morgue all night.

Since then, his illusion ability has improved dramatically again.

Konoha’s current strongest genjutsu ninja, and he, Uchiha Homura, is confident of winning this title.

Therefore, in his eyes, Taohua can be easily controlled and obliterated at any time.

However, in this world, killing can never really solve the problem, but may create more troubles.

As for controlling Momoka, this is unrealistic. With Mito’s strength, it is not difficult to see that Momoka has been affected by the illusion.

In short, he obviously has great power, but he cannot take action against Taohua.

Because once they take action, the future that the Uchiha clan has finally improved will be shattered here again.

It’s just that it feels really bad to be blackmailed.

It’s really hard to be the leader of the Uchiha clan.

However, Uchiha Homura is also aware of Momoka’s concerns. If the Uchiha clan itself does not cooperate, then Momoka’s best choice is to tell the third generation.

Once the third generation knows that that person is still alive, his attitude towards the Uchiha clan will inevitably change dramatically, and it is very likely that the original friendship and attraction will completely turn into vigilance and hostility.

The mad dog Danzo might be pulled out again by the Third Generation to deal with the Uchiha clan.

At that time, the situation of the Uchiha clan in Konoha will be more difficult than before.

“It’s good that Chief Homura can think so. Don’t worry, as long as the Uchiha clan is willing to cooperate with the investigation, the third generation will not know about this matter. This is a promise made by Mito-sama himself.”

Momoka once again received a positive reply from Homura Uchiha and said something reassuring to him.

“Please thank Mito-sama for my generosity towards the Uchiha clan, and please tell her that I, Uchiha Homura, will do my best to investigate this matter. As long as I am here, the Uchiha clan will not be the Senju clan. enemy.”

Uchiha Homura said immediately, with a smile on his face.

He said this sincerely, because he knew in his heart that Mito hated the Uchiha clan, but now that he was willing to put down his hatred in order to protect Konoha, he really admired him.

And he was finally relieved now, he didn’t have to worry about Taohua turning around and informing the third generation after finishing speaking.

Mito’s commitment is still very guaranteed.

With her promise, Momoka, a follower of Mito, would definitely not inform the third generation again.

“I will.”

Taohua nodded.

She knew very well what Uchiha Homura was thinking, and the other party obviously doubted her words. Only when she moved out Mito-sama’s promise did the old fox truly believe it.

In fact, even if Uchiha Homura doesn’t make a promise, she doesn’t intend to tell the third generation about it, and will only continue to investigate secretly.

Because she knew the third generation too well. Once the third generation knew that that person was still alive, he would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating, and then he would release Danzo, a mad dog who was super hostile to the Uchiha clan, to bite people randomly.

Danzo is now the great enemy of the Senju clan.

The enemy Uchiha Madara is now like a ghost, unknown and far away, but the enemy Danzo is visible, tangible and close at hand.

Now that the Thousand Hands Clan has not yet completed its revival, this mad dog cannot be allowed to come out and cause trouble.

To be honest, she really wanted to kill Danzo while he was out of power now.

It’s a pity that this mad dog cherishes his life and is protected by a large number of elite ninjas from the Anbu. In addition, the third generation has been protecting his old comrade in disguise, sending many elite ANBU ninjas to keep an eye on Danzo, so that she never finds a chance.

After Momoka and Uchiha Homura reached an agreement, the two continued to talk about how the two clans could communicate and cooperate in private, and then Momoka decisively said goodbye.

Uchiha Homura personally sent Momoka out of the door, and in the end the two of them shook hands with each other with smiles on their faces.

“I didn’t expect that I was going to die, and I might meet that terrible man. The future of the Uchiha clan is really bumpy.”

Uchiha Homura looked at Mooka’s leaving figure and lamented in his heart.

Uchiha Madara, a name that he didn’t want to think of and feared in his heart.

He is seventy-two years old, and he is actually the same age as Uchiha Madara.

It’s just that he was just an Uchiha ninja with powerful illusions in the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha Madara was already the clan leader, and his strength was unfathomable. Even the illusion he was most proud of was in the opponent’s pair of Mangekyō Sharingan. It’s just a joke before my eyes.

Even now, even if he has opened the Kaleidoscope series, he still does not think that his illusion ability is stronger than Uchiha Madara’s back then.

He was a man who truly excelled in an era. In that era, only the god of ninja Senju Hashirama could become his opponent. In front of the two of them, other peers who could persist for a period of time were considered top masters in the ninja world.

For the two of them, the so-called shadow-level strongman was probably just a little stronger than the average ninja, and could be easily dealt with as long as they were a little more serious.

Thinking that the Uchiha clan would face such an enemy in the future, Uchiha Homura felt extremely stressed.

“But that man is an old man now. His strength is no longer at its peak. Maybe there is still a chance.”

Uchiha Homura tried his best to think on the bright side.

At the same time, he understood the mood of the third generation for the first time, and he very much hoped that the buds of Konoha could grow up quickly.

. . .

As the sun set and night fell, in a high-end ward of Konoha Hospital, Kirito, a young Konoha man, slowly opened his eyes.

“Kirito, how are you feeling?”

A voice suddenly appeared.

Kirito heard that it was Tsunade’s voice and felt relieved. Then he turned his head following the voice and immediately saw Tsunade’s worried face and the unfathomable ravine under her collar.

Unfortunately, he is not in the mood to watch football now.

Because his brain is still groggy and a little tingling, and his body is limp and lacks energy.

From this point of view, the side effects caused by his forced control of tailed beast-level chakra for a long time to suppress the Nine-Tails using the sealing technique – King Kong Blockade are not trivial. Even if he, a ninja with a very powerful soul and body, was allowed to rest for a period of time, he still hasn’t seen it. full recovery.

“My head is a little dizzy, my body is limp, and I’m very hungry and thirsty now.”

Kirito glanced at Tsunade’s chest, closed his eyes tiredly, and spoke slowly.

“Drink some water first.”

When Tsunade heard what Kirito said, she immediately picked up a hot water bottle in the ward, poured a cup of hot water for Kirito, and gently fed Kirito to drink the water.

Then, she put her hand on Kirito’s forehead, then injected chakra to quickly check Kirito’s physical condition. When she found that there was nothing wrong, she said with a smile: “It seems that your mental state has recovered very well. You are worthy of mastering the art of spiritual transformation.” People, please wait a moment, I will prepare some delicious food for you right away.”

After saying that, she was about to get up and go out to buy some supplements for Kirito.

“Wait a minute, Tsunade-sama, how are you doing, sensei?”

Seeing that Tsunade was about to leave, Kirito quickly opened his eyes and asked anxiously.

After drinking a glass of water, his mind has gradually returned to normal. He remembered the sound of the system ringing in his ears before he fainted, and he immediately wanted to know Mito’s current situation.

The system said that he successfully changed Mito’s fate.

Could it be that Mito is not dead yet?

“Don’t worry, grandma is still alive, and the situation is better than before. Kirito, thank you very much. It was you who saved grandma. If you hadn’t opened the Yin Seal in time and used the King Kong Blockade, Kyuubi would have to give up part of the investigation. If Kela escapes from grandma’s body, maybe grandma is really hopeless.”

When Tsunade heard this, she immediately stopped and said extremely gratefully, with tears in her eyes as she spoke.

To be honest, she originally thought her grandma was hopeless this time.

After all, the Kyuubi has escaped from Grandma’s body. According to common sense, the jinchuriki must be dead if he loses the tailed beast.

As a result, she checked her grandma’s body and found that her grandma was still alive, and her originally weak body was actually showing signs of improvement.

The powerful vitality of the Uzumaki clan was constantly nourishing her grandmother’s body.

Later, when grandma woke up and told her the reason, she learned that there was still a small part of the Nine-Tails Chakra in her body, and there was still a part of the Nine-Tails’ original Chakra.

Now this small part of the Nine-Tails chakra is forming a very powerful Nine-Tails in her grandmother’s body, so that she has not lost her identity as a Jinchuuriki.

It was precisely because of this that her grandmother did not die.

What caused all this was Kirito who used the King Kong Blockade to scare away Kyuubi, causing Kyuubi to take the initiative to cut off his tail to survive.

So Tsunade is really, really grateful to Kirito now.

Thanks to Kirito, she now doesn’t have to bear the pain of losing a loved one.

“I see, but there’s no need to thank me. I just did what I should do. It’s great to be able to save the teacher.”

When Kirito heard Tsunade’s words, he felt happy and had a happy smile on his face.

He was really happy to save Mito accidentally this time.

Because Mito’s unexpected survival not only allowed him to gain precious strengthening points, but also allowed him to continue to enjoy the benefits of being protected by Mito. He could continue to develop with peace of mind for a while without worrying that after Mito’s death, he might be killed by the third generation. Forcibly dragged to the battlefield to work as coolies.

Finally, he could spend more time with Mito, instead of being unable to be by Mito’s side before he died because of Kyuubi.

This is really a happy event, the best news Kirito has heard so far.

“What are you talking about? The Thousand Hands clan must repay their kindness. I definitely want to thank you. The life-saving grace cannot be taken for granted, but I understand your intention. You are so good. Grandma has never loved you in vain. .”

Tsunade gently flicked Kirito’s forehead with her hand and smiled happily.

After saying that, she hugged Kirito’s head and gave him a grateful hug.

Kirito almost fainted again after receiving such a treat, having trouble breathing.

After a wave of painful and enjoyable facial cleansing attacks on Kirito, Tsunade ran out of the ward in a hurry.

After Tsunade left the ward, Kirito closed his eyes again, and then quietly activated his soul perception and natural energy perception. He immediately discovered that there were several Jōnin-level chakras around the ward, and one of them had obviously exceeded the amount of chakra. Ninja level, reaching Kage level.

The owner of this shadow-level chakra was Hatake Sakumo. Kirito relied on his soul perception to immediately recognize this powerful ninja who killed jounin like a chicken.

It was obvious that this shadow-level expert was secretly protecting him.

As soon as Tsunade left, he immediately appeared at the door and stood guard outside the door.

“Hatake Sakumo, I didn’t expect that he would protect me until now. This must be the order of the third generation. From this point of view, my status in the third generation’s heart has improved a lot.”

Kirito sighed.

Being protected by a powerful Kage-level expert was a treatment that few people in Konoha could think of.

However, everything has pros and cons. Now that he has such a strong person protecting him, it seems that it is inconvenient for him to use strengthening points to add points.

After gaining two new strengthening points, Kirito couldn’t wait to use them up.

And where to add some points, he also made a decision.

Sage mode, this is the skill that Kirito will add points to next.

After he successfully used the immortal mode, this skill appeared on the attribute panel, showing that it was a skill that could be strengthened by adding points.

“Let’s add it first, and I don’t need to enter the sage mode, I just need to try to condense the sage chakra.”

Kirito looked at the Sage Mode displayed on the attribute panel and thought to himself.

You can add more if you want, but it turns out that improving the Sage Mode from 1 to 2 requires 2 strengthening points.

Kirito was somewhat mentally prepared for this.

After all, Sage Mode already involves the category of senjutsu, which is a qualitative transformation that allows people to transform into sages. Its value is much higher than most S-level ninjutsu, and even surpasses all S-level ninjutsu.

As a result, its difficulty of improvement is far beyond that of ordinary S-level ninjutsu.

Two precious strengthening points are worthy of its value for upgrading.

After a short psychological struggle, Kirito decisively used the two strengthening points in Sage Mode.

The next moment, the immortal mode changed from level 1 to level 2.

At this time, Kirito began to feel a magical change taking place in his body. His perception of natural energy became more and more clear. Even if he did not enter the sage mode, he could actually sense the natural energy one kilometer away.

Moreover, the natural energy that was originally very dangerous now gave him a very friendly feeling.

He tried to quietly absorb natural energy, and immediately found that the absorption process was nearly twice as fast as before, and he successfully absorbed natural energy into his body with almost no effort.

Not only that, the amount of natural energy that his body can absorb has increased much more, and the natural energy absorbed into his body is very docile. He does not need to deliberately separate himself from the chakra in his body. It gets along well with the chakra, unlike before. He becomes extremely aggressive as soon as he discovers chakra.

The two completely different energies were now as well-behaved as sheep, flowing quietly along different trajectories in his body without interfering with each other.

Kirito discovered this situation, and he decisively set up a sealing barrier to block outside perception, and then tried to condense the magic chakra.

The process of condensation was very smooth, and the quality of the Senjutsu chakra formed was obviously much higher than before, and the stability was greatly improved.

He has not opened the Yin Seal now, he is just using the existing chakra in his body to fuse it with natural energy.

Normally, the natural energy from the outside world would be swarming in, but this time it was calm and quiet, and the fairy chakra formed in the body was very stable, and did not collapse quickly like before when the body did not enter fairy mode. Signs of explosion.

It stayed quietly in his body and flowed slowly along the path of chakra running in his body.

Senjutsu Chakra is a power that transcends chakra and natural energy. It is the true power of immortals. Every time it circulates in Kirito’s body, Kirito feels that his body has become a little stronger, and all the cells in his body have benefited from it. It was nourishing and very comfortable, which restored his physical and mental state a lot.

He had a hunch that as long as he continued to practice celestial chakra in the future, his lifespan would be greatly extended.

“The Toad Immortal in Miaomu Mountain, the White Immortal in Ryūchi Cave, and the Slug Immortal in Shiggy Bone Forest. Each of them is an old monster that has lived for thousands of years. The fact that they can live so long must be related to the magical chakra. But since ancient times, although there are not many people who have cultivated the immortal mode in the Three Holy Lands, there are some, but none of them live long.

What is the reason for this? Could it be said that the alien immortal model has no life-extending effect on humans? “

Kirito had this premonition, and couldn’t help but think of the humans who had cultivated into immortal mode in the Three Holy Lands, and a doubt arose in his heart.

Without enough data for comparison, it was difficult for him to make a judgment. Maybe in the future he could ask Jiraiya, a half-hearted sage, about his feelings after entering sage mode.

If there is a chance, he will also try to visit the three major alien immortals in the three major holy places and ask what is going on.

After all, it stands to reason that he should be the first person to figure out the immortal mode that is consistent with human cultivation. After he cultivated the immortal mode, he did not have symptoms like toads and snakes.

Therefore, strictly speaking, he is the first human immortal.

“I don’t need to enter the sage mode now. The senjutsu chakra created can become stable. Does that mean that these senjutsu chakras can now be stored?”

Kirito suddenly had an idea.

A long time ago, he had the idea of ​​using Yin seals to store Senjutsu chakra.

Unfortunately, the senjutsu chakra he created at that time was extremely unstable and could easily collapse or even explode. He did not dare to store these unstable senjutsu chakras into the Yin Seal, for fear that the Yin Seal would be damaged, and then Blow yourself up.

Now that the stability of Senjutsu Chakra has been greatly improved, this idea has the possibility of success.

Just do whatever you want, Kirito has always been a person full of action.

However, he did not recklessly store the magic chakra directly into the Yin Seal, but now opened up a small secondary pool around the chakra pool formed by the Yin Seal.

He learned this idea from Sakura.

In this way, this newly opened secondary pool can be used to store senjutsu chakra, and there is no need to worry about mixing the two chakras and harming the core chakra pool of the Yin Seal.

Soon, he successfully opened a small chakra pool around the chakra pool that can store tailed beast-level chakra, and then successfully filled it with the liquefied Senjutsu chakra.

After the magic chakra was stored, there was no abnormality and it stayed quietly in the secondary pool.

“Success, senjutsu chakra can be stored using Yin seals.”

Kirito continued to observe for a while, and indeed found that the senjutsu chakra was very stable in the secondary pool, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

What is the biggest disadvantage of Sage Mode?

Of course, the duration cannot last long. After a ninja enters the sage mode, once he uses senjutsu, the senjutsu chakra in his body will be consumed rapidly. After using it a few times, the senjutsu chakra will be completely consumed and he will immediately exit the sage mode.

Before Naruto became a perfect Jinchuuriki, when he fought against Pain, it was because the sage mode lasted too short that he suppressed Pain from the beginning, and then Pain found a flaw and defeated him later.

Kirito now has a Yin Seal, which stores a huge amount of chakra. In theory, his sage mode can last for a relatively long time.

However, it now takes a long time for his Yin Seal to be fully charged, and now it takes a little less time.

He previously opened the Yin Seal, and then used the sealing technique, King Kong Seal, to suppress the Nine-Tails, which had caused the chakra stored in the Yin Seal to drop sharply to less than one-third of its heyday.

Fortunately, after successfully cultivating the Yin Seal, the chakra pool built step by step with chakra has been completely formed, and he will no longer be unable to free himself because the chakra stored in the pool is not full. The use of negative seals.

All in all, if Senjutsu Chakra can be stored, it is best to store more in case of emergency.

If possible, Kirito wants to change all the chakra stored in the Yin Seal into Senju Chakra, so that the chakra that the Yin Seal continuously outputs at a low power can be turned into Senju Chakra, which might allow him to use it in his daily life. Maintain the sage mode for a long time, so that the body can continue to be nourished by sage chakra.

“It is estimated that it will take a long time to complete this goal. If we can catch a tailed beast, we can greatly shorten the process. Unfortunately, the tailed beasts all have their owners now. It is not easy to snatch them. And even if you catch them, It’s not easy to keep it, there are enough enemies in Konoha right now, if we really steal it, it will easily trigger a war.”

When Kirito thought of using senjutsu chakra to fill up the Yin Seal, he immediately thought of tailed beasts, monsters with almost unlimited chakra, and planned to capture one and use it as a tool beast to make senjutsu chakra, but after thinking about it, Forget it.

But the seeds of such an idea had already appeared and been planted in his heart.

If one day he found a wild tailed beast passing by in front of him or a Jinchūriki from other ninja villages found alone, he would definitely not miss it.

He has the ability and means to capture the tailed beast, so why not do it.

It is still difficult for him to activate the Yin Seal and use the Seal Technique and King Kong Blockade to suppress the Nine-Tails, but there is no problem at all in suppressing the other tailed beasts. The combined chakra of the other eight tailed beasts may not be as much as that of one Nine-Tailed Beast. Woolen cloth.

Does the tailed beast have an owner?

Shit, if you really grab it, it’s his. If you don’t accept it, just come to him and cause trouble.

When the time comes, let’s see whose fist is harder.

Suddenly, Kirito realized that Tsunade was coming back. He quickly put a hand on the wall and let the White Zetsu clone leave his body using the Mayfly Technique. Then he removed the sealing barrier in the room and continued honestly. Lie back on the bed.

Now, while he is still a patient, he can enjoy the gentle care of Sister Tsunade with peace of mind.

After adding some enhanced immortal mode skills, his head is no longer dizzy now, his body is much better, and he can concentrate on watching the ball happily.

Soon, Tsunade came in with a bunch of food, and fed it to Kirito with a gentle look on her face.

. . .

After Bai Zetsu’s clone used the Mayfly Technique, he returned to the Land of Rain in less than a few minutes, and then found that Loess had not taken the initiative to convey the news to him. He knew that Iwagakure had not yet made up his mind to trade with him. He decisively left the Country of Rain and headed to the Country of Waves.

He had not been active in the Country of Waves with the vest of Gojo Man for several days. Although this vest was no longer very important, the Night Organization had developed, and the Higanbana Pharmaceutical Company run by Cardo also had the protection of the Night Organization, but he just gave it up so casually. It’s a pity to drop it.

“Well~, he is actually here.”

Kirito had just controlled the White Zetsu clone to return to Gojoma’s mansion, and then let go of his soul perception. He immediately discovered that there was an unexpected soul aura in the mansion.

Yamanaka Yun, the backbone of the night organization who usually runs around outside, is now in the house.

At the same time, in a simply decorated room in the house, Yamanaka Yun, who was reading a piece of information, suddenly raised his head, looked in the direction of the room where Kirito was at this time, and said with excitement: “I’m finally back.”

Since joining the Night Organization, he has been busy looking for the root cause of trouble all over the world, trying his best to create obstacles for Danzo, the wife-killing enemy, and occasionally imparting some useful espionage experience to some members with good potential.

Therefore, he is usually very busy, and usually only communicates with Kirito through secret letters.

Now, the reason why he came to find Kirito in person was because he found important information about a root not long ago.

But Kirito is back now, so he is not in a hurry to go there. He knows that he should be invited there soon.

Sure enough, in his perception, the maid named Uzumaki Ryoko arrived.

Uzumaki Ryoko knocked on the door of Yamanaka Yun’s room and asked, “Mr. Yun, have you rested?”

“Not yet. What can I do for Miss Ryoko?”

Yamanaka Yun said patiently.

“Master Zhen is back. He invites you to come over now.”

Uzumaki Ryoko replied.

“Okay, let’s get over it now.”

Yamanaka Yun immediately gave an answer.

After saying that, he opened the door and quickly walked to the room where Kirito’s Gojo Makoto was.

Uzumaki Ryoko followed closely, staring at Yamanaka Yun’s back.

After a while, Yamanaka Yun saw Kirito. He looked at the Gojo Shin played by Kirito at this time, his eyes flickered, and he looked thoughtful.

He found that he had not seen Kirito for a while. Kirito’s strength had become much stronger, and the biggest change was undoubtedly the change in chakra.

The secret technique he practiced in the mountains gave him an excellent sense of perception, allowing him to roughly sense the amount of chakra in the ninja’s body.

At this time, he discovered that there was still an extremely large amount of chakra hidden in Kirito’s body.

“Who is he? His strength has improved so quickly.”

The clouds in the mountains were secretly vigilant.

Just like the roots of joining Danzo, he actually has no loyalty to the night organization he joins now. It was just that he was planted with a curse mark and in order to avenge Danzo, he followed the instructions of a mysterious person and joined the organization in front of him. A mysterious organization of people whose true identities he doesn’t even know.

But judging from the current situation, this mysterious organization called Night is growing rapidly, and sooner or later it will become a powerful force affecting the ninja world.

By then, it will be unclear whether this organization is simply targeting the roots.

He might be creating a big enemy for Konoha now.

As a Konoha ninja, although he has defected, he is still loyal to the village in his heart and does not want Konoha to be harmed.

Of course, dealing with the roots of Danzo’s leadership is another matter.

For a moment, he wanted to use the Heart Turn Technique to see Kirito’s true identity.

But this thought only existed in his mind for a moment before he suppressed it. The hatred in his heart did not allow him to do this. He also needed the help of the person in front of him.

Also, this man himself is a powerful ninja, and a very powerful sealing ninja. There is no guarantee that there is no means in his body to counter his Heart Turning Technique.

“Mr. Yun, do you have anything to do with me? It’s rare for you to appear in my mansion today.”

Kirito didn’t know what Yamanaka Yun was thinking, and he had no interest in knowing. He was only interested in the information Yamanaka Yun brought back. Seeing that Yamanaka Yun had done well, he personally made him a cup of tea, and asked with a smile.

Some people never go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

Yamanaka Yun is such a person. This avenger who works tirelessly to avenge his fiancée must have obtained important information about the root, and then found that he could not deal with it, so he came to find him personally.

Otherwise, with the rights he gave Yamanaka Yun in the Night Organization, it would not be a problem for Yamanaka Yun to use the various manpower and material resources provided by the Night Organization to deal with two or three jounin, and there would be no need to call on him, the strongest combat force of the Night Organization. .

“Yes, Lord Zhen, I learned from my informant not long ago that the entire Skull Team at the root was dispatched.”

When asked, Yamanaka Yun came to the point decisively.

“Oh~, Team Skull.”

When Kirito heard the name, his eyes narrowed and he became immediately interested.

The Skull Team was among the list of root members given to him by Uchiha Homura, and it was also ranked at the top.

It’s just that the identities and abilities of the members of this ninja team are unknown. We only know that this is a five-person ninja team. It is an important force in protecting Danzo. It usually guards Danzo and never leaves. He rarely leaves. When Danzo is around.

Now that the Skull Team is dispatched, it means that the protective power around Danzo has reached its lowest stage in history.


Kirito instantly dismissed the idea of ​​killing Danzo now.

“Yes, this Skull Team is an important force in protecting Danzo. It is usually only responsible for protecting Danzo and will not be sent out to perform tasks easily. My lord, this is an opportunity. As long as we eliminate this Skull Team, we can cause serious damage. Danzo’s power within the root can be further weakened by his control over the root.”

Seeing Kirito’s interest, Yamanaka Yun immediately explained more emphatically.

“That’s true, but do you know the strength of this skull team? And what is their mission?”

Kirito nodded slightly, and then asked two key questions.

Being able to eat the Skull Squad is naturally a good thing, but the prerequisite is that you can really eat it, otherwise it will be bad if you get involved in the fight.

It’s true that Kirito is very strong now, and the White Zetsu clone can also activate Sage Mode. In the Land of Rain, he might be able to explode into shadow-level strength.

But he doesn’t think he is invincible now.

In ninja battles, the influence of intelligence is very large, and as long as ninjas cooperate well with each other, it is very common for ninjas to unite to defeat enemies that are stronger than them.

In the original plot, didn’t the Third Raikage die due to the combined Earth Release Ninjutsu of a large number of Iwagakure ninjas?

The Skull Team is a ninja team, and I think they already have a tacit understanding with each other.

They are the guardian force that Danzo usually relies on. They must be very powerful. Most of them master some powerful secret techniques and ninjas. There may even be ninjas with blood inheritance limits among them.

He must pay enough attention to such an elite ninja team.

“There are a total of five people in the Skull Team. Each one has the strength of an elite jounin, and they all master unique secret techniques. If they work together, even a shadow-level powerhouse will have difficulty in defeating them. And this time they The target of the mission is Masashige Hattori of the Land of Rain. You must have heard of this Rain Ninja who has become famous recently. He is very powerful, especially in the Land of Rain. I heard that non-Kage level experts cannot take him down. .

Sir, we can definitely take advantage of the battle between the Skull Squad and Hattori Masashige to attack the Skull Squad. With Hattori Masashige, a powerful ninja, restraining the Skull Squad from the front, we might be able to find a chance to kill the Skull Squad. member. “

Yamanaka Yun was not surprised when he heard Kirito ask this. He immediately said the words he had prepared long ago and continued to lure Kirito to deal with the Skull Team.

“I see, the information you found is very valuable.”

Kirito said to Yamanaka Yun with a pleasant expression.

However, he was already cursing in his heart.

Of course, he was not scolding Yamanaka Yun, but Sandai.

He went through great pains to properly transmit the information back to Konoha, and also reminded Danzo not to let Danzo know about this information transaction. In the end, Danzo still found out, and then secretly sent the Skull Squad to attack his vest.

He did not doubt that the information was leaked by Jiraiya. As expected, there was something wrong with the Third Generation.

“Then, my lord, do you mean to do it or not to do it?”

Yamanaka Yun asked nervously.

Eliminating the Skull Team, even if one or two of them are eliminated, will make Danzo very uncomfortable, and these people are important forces for Danzo to control the root. Losing one or two will also reduce Danzo’s control of the root, which will make him Killing Danzo later removes many obstacles.

“Of course we have to do it. Our Night Organization cannot miss such a good opportunity. However, Hattori Masashi’s whereabouts are elusive. It will be difficult to find him. You personally can’t track the members of the Skull Team.”

Kirito replied, with a hint of concern on his face.

“Sir, please rest assured. Leave it to me to trace Hattori Masashige. Within two days, I will definitely find out the location of Hattori Masashige.”

When Yamanaka Yun heard that Kirito agreed, he was immediately overjoyed and said confidently.

“Then I’ll wait for your good news.”

Kirito was surprised when he heard this.

“Ha~, due to time constraints, I will go down and arrange manpower to track down Hattori Masashige, and I will take my leave now.”

Shanzhong Yun immediately stood up and bowed.

After saying that, he quickly left the room.

At this time, Kirito looked at Yamanaka Yun’s leaving figure with a strange expression on his face.

He could find his other vest within two days. He really didn’t expect that Shan Zhongyun would have such great abilities. He didn’t know if this guy really had such great abilities, or if he just wanted to get him to agree. Bragging on purpose.

To be honest, he now feels like playing tricks on the other party.

If the two of them didn’t show up, he would really like to see how Yamanaka Yun would explain to him.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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