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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 130 Uchiha Madara’s plan (10K) (please subscribe and vote)

In a huge underground cave in the ninja world, Uchiha Madara was sitting on a stone chair and sleeping. It had been a day since he came back from Konoha. He thought he had successfully killed Mito and quickly returned here to sleep. , don’t intend to waste any of your life.

Suddenly, a half-black and half-white Zee emerged from the ground as if his body was wrapped in strange body tissue like a pitcher plant.

It was the Black Zetsu that Uchiha Madara thought he had created with his own will.

Black Zetsu looked at Uchiha Madara who was sleeping at this time, pondered for a while, and then decisively used some special ninjutsu to wake up Uchiha Madara.

It originally didn’t intend to disturb Uchiha Madara, nor did it want to deal with Uchiha Madara, the idiot who was fooled around by him. However, the matter involved this time was related to the host of the Samsara Eye. In order to avoid accidents in the Eye of the Moon project , he had to wake up Uchiha Madara.

The mysterious disappearance of the five White Zetsus who were ordered by him to monitor Nagato was definitely not a trivial matter.

The work of monitoring Nagato had been going smoothly until something unexpected happened today.

It has always been very attentive to the surveillance work of Nagato, and it will listen to the reports of the White Zetsu sent to monitor Nagato regularly every day, but today none of these White Zetsus came back to report to it, and it knew that something was wrong.

Sure enough, when the new Bai Zetsu he sent to monitor Nagato came back, he learned that all the Bai Zetsu previously sent to monitor Nagato were missing.

Not surprisingly, someone must have killed him.

In this way, has the secret of Nagato’s Samsara Eye been discovered by someone with a heart?

There is currently insufficient intelligence information, but Black Zetsu knows that things about Nagato cannot continue to be as optimistic as before. It must take new actions to protect the reincarnation eye host and grow smoothly as it and Uchiha Madara hope. .

As the special ninjutsu performed by Black Zetsu took effect, Uchiha Madara opened his eyes again. He stared at Black Zetsu who was close at hand and said coldly: “What happened?”

“Madara-sama, I just received the message that all the White Zetsu we sent to monitor Nagato have disappeared.”

Seeing Uchiha Madara wake up, Black Zetsu immediately explained.

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Madara’s heart was shocked, and the Sharingan he opened suddenly flashed a cold red light, and his body unconsciously revealed a terrifying cold murderous intention, making other creatures in the entire underground cave tremble. stand up.

The trace of murderous intention that was unconsciously revealed was quickly restrained by Uchiha Madara.

At this time, a sneer appeared on his old face, and he said slowly: “Have you found out who did it?”

“The specific person has not been found out yet, but according to the information sent back by White Zetsu in Konoha, Jiraiya secretly returned to Konoha.”

Black Jue immediately revealed the clues it had collected as quickly as possible.

“What about Nagato?”

Madara Uchiha was shocked when he heard that Jiraiya had returned to Konoha and asked immediately.

He doesn’t care about Jiraiya returning to Konoha now, he only cares about what happened to the host of the Rinnegan Eye?

In his mind, Jiraiya was Nagato’s main bodyguard before he grew up. Now this bodyguard is no longer with Nagato. Bai Zetsu, who went to monitor and protect Nagato, mysteriously disappeared. Wouldn’t Nagato be in danger now?

“Please rest assured, Madara-sama, Nagato is fine now. Jiraiya has rushed back overnight. Just in case, I have sent a new White Zetsu to monitor and protect Nagato.”

Black Zetsu replied.

It paid more attention to Nagato than Uchiha Madara, so it naturally arranged for the new White Zetsu to monitor and protect Nagato early.

And this time, he specifically asked Bai Zetsu to use the art of disguise to disguise himself as a ninja from Amegakure, lurking around the house instead of underground.

“Okay then, tell me about the latest information about Jiraiya.”

Madara Uchiha felt relieved when he learned that Nagato was now safe, and began to care about the whereabouts of the five White Zetsu who had mysteriously disappeared.

With his knowledge, he could tell at a glance that the person who attacked Bai Zetsu was not hostile to Jiraiya and Nagato. The other party most likely came for Jiraiya, and then accidentally discovered Bai Zetsu and the others. In order to prevent the news leaked, and then Bai Jue was silenced.

Therefore, the breakthrough point to find the mysterious man who killed Bai Zetsu lies in Jiraiya.

“The last time Jiraiya left that house was for an Amegakure ninja named Hattori Masashige. The purpose should be that Konoha wanted to trade two of Sunagakure’s elite puppet masters from that Amegakure ninja. Last night he met with Jiraiya The person I also came into contact with is very likely to be this person.”

Black Zetsu revealed the information he had recently gathered about Jiraiya.

“People from Yugakure?”

Uchiha Madara said in a skeptical tone.

“Yes, this person named Hattori Masashige is a member of Amegakure. As for his true identity, it is not clear. This person was at odds with Hanzo due to his ideals and participated in the battle between Amegakure and Konoha early on. He was a deserter and his whereabouts were unknown.

I thought he was an insignificant guy, but I didn’t expect that after the war between Konoha and Amegakure, he jumped out immediately and showed great strength. His water escape ninjutsu was very powerful. He first defeated Tsunade, one of the three ninjas. , and then defeated and captured the two elite puppet masters sent by Sunagakure to kill him.

The two elite puppet masters are the son and daughter-in-law of Sunagakure Chiyo respectively. They possess a lot of information about Sunagakure. Both Iwagakure and Konoha now want to trade with him.

Also, this guy’s hiding ability is very strong, even Bai Jue has trouble tracking him. “

Black Zetsu told in detail what Hattori Masashige had done recently.

“Really, I didn’t expect that little Yugakure could actually give birth to two powerful ninjas. Don’t the concepts match, hehe~”

Uchiha Madara said with interest after listening to Hattori Masashige’s information.

This guy named Hattori Masashige suffered a bit like him. He parted ways with Hashirama because he disagreed with Hashirama’s ideas. He and Hattori Masashige were also losers in the village’s political struggle, and were eventually forced to rebel against the village.

From this point of view, this guy named Hattori Masashige has done a lot of things secretly after leaving Amegakure, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Black Zetsu was very capable of concealment, and his investigative abilities were probably also good. Nine times out of ten, he was the one who killed those White Zetsu who were monitoring and protecting Nagato.

“Is this guy already targeting the Samsara Eye?”

Uchiha Madara thought to himself.

He now thinks that Hattori Masashige is the same person as him, but his strength, power and rank are much lower than him.

Uchiha Madara knew very well how valuable the Rinnegan Eye was. He already thought that Hattori Masashige had set his sights on the Rinnegan Eye, but because Nagato was protected by Jiraiya, he didn’t dare to act rashly.

Once Nagato doesn’t have Jiraiya by his side, it will probably be in danger.

In this regard, Uchiha Madara feels nothing wrong now, because he knows that nothing will happen to the Rinnegan, it is just a temporary change of owner, and this new owner may be a more valuable person than Nagato.

“What is the philosophy of this person named Hattori Masashige? Are you clear?”

Uchiha Madara asked Black Zetsu.

There was little information about Hattori Masashige, and Black Zetsu had not deliberately collected information about Hattori Masashige before. When it heard the question raised by Uchiha Madara, it was immediately confused.

Ideas are very private things.

Hattori Masashige didn’t publicize it much before, so how could he know it clearly?

However, it does know that this guy has always opposed Hanzo’s initiative to initiate a war.

So, it thought for a while and replied: “It should be a peace-loving guy. He has been opposed to Hanzo’s initiative to initiate war before.”


Uchiha Madara was not satisfied with Black Zetsu’s ambiguous answer.

“I’m sorry, Madara-sama, this guy has only been active in the ninja world recently, and after becoming a rebel ninja, his whereabouts are strange and he pursues mysticism. Regarding his information, Bai Zetsu and the others really can’t collect much useful information.”

Black Zetsu heard Uchiha Madara’s dissatisfaction and told the truth about the specific situation.


Hearing this, Madara Uchiha snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction, but he dismissed it as such and no longer expected Black Zetsu to provide more useful things about Hattori Masashige.

He was still aware of Bai Jue’s abilities. He was good at gathering information in secret, but not so good at killing people.

With the strength shown by Hattori Masashige now, it would be difficult for Bai Zetsu to even get close to him, let alone fight him. It is unrealistic to expect Bai Zetsu to obtain information about Hattori Masashige.

But since we can’t collect it head-on, we’ll do it in a roundabout way.

Uchiha Madara ordered: “Let Bai Zetsu disguise as some rain ninjas and sneak into the rain hidden village, and then collect information about Hattori Masashige from other rain ninjas. Hattori Masashige grew up in rain hidden village, there must be more people there. At least you need to know more about him, I need detailed information about this person.”

“As you command, Madara-sama.”

Black Zetsu replied respectfully.

It had probably guessed Uchiha Madara’s thoughts.

This guy has taken a liking to Hattori Masashige and wants to use Hattori Masashige as a new chess piece.

Black Zetsu is not surprised by this, because judging from the resume of Hattori Masashige, he is simply a low-level copy of Uchiha Madara. The two have many similarities. The only thing that is not sure now is whether Hattori Masashige has any influence on the ninja world. The five major powers are dissatisfied and whether they have the ambition to overthrow the rule of the five major powers.

If Masashige Hattori had this intention, then he and Madara Uchiha might be able to draw this person to their side, thus accelerating and providing the implementation of the Eye of the Moon plan.

“Hehehe~, if this guy loves the Rain Hidden Village deeply, then the rise of the Rain Hidden Village will inevitably involve opposing the three surrounding ninja villages. Maybe there will be a chance. After all, humans are such stupid creatures and will definitely be swayed by hatred. “

Hei Jue sneered in his heart.

It is a master-level method of playing with people’s hearts, and Hattori Masashige doesn’t take it seriously.

Therefore, in his heart, as long as Hattori Masashige is suitable, he cannot escape from its grasp, and sooner or later he will be able to turn Hattori Masashige into its chess piece.

“Madara-sama, what should I do with Nagato? If the mysterious person is Hattori Masashige, Nagato may be in danger.”

Black Zee reminded.

“Let everything continue as usual, but from now on let Bai Zetsu disguise himself as an Amegakure to monitor and protect Nagato. The Country of Rain is the territory of Amegakure after all. That naive guy Jiraiya should not take the initiative to expel the people of Amegakure Village, and As long as they are members of Amegakure, then Hattori Masashige has no reason to deal with Bai Zetsu and the others.”

Uchiha Madara thought for a while and answered.

Although an interesting chess piece was accidentally discovered, the previous chess piece cannot be abandoned casually.

After all, it’s not easy to find chess pieces that can allow his reincarnation eye to grow safely.

There are still many people in the world who inherit the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan, but there are not many outstanding individuals like Nagato anymore, and it is very difficult to find another one.

“As expected of Madara-sama, what a great idea. I will do it as you ask.”

Hei Jue heard this and decisively flattered him.

“Stop talking nonsense, how is the situation in Konoha?”

Madara Uchiha didn’t like to hear flattery, especially from an inhuman creature created by his own will, he said coldly.

“The situation in Konoha has been somewhat good recently. During the Nine-Tails inheritance, for some unknown reason, the third generation agreed to the participation of the Uchiha clan and sent a large number of Uchiha people to the front lines and borders to provide support. This allowed Iwagakure and Kumogakure to The pressure exerted on Konoha by the border has been greatly reduced. Now that the Kyuubi has been sealed again, Iwagakure and Kumogakure are expected to withdraw their troops soon.

The only good news is that Madara-sama, you killed Mito Uzumaki, and now the people of Konoha are preparing to hold a grand funeral for her. “

Black Zetsu organized his words a little and answered.

The news that Mito was still alive was undoubtedly top-secret news. After the third generation knew about it, he immediately implemented a news blockade. In order to completely block the news, he even used sealing techniques to seal the memories of some ordinary people who knew the news.

Therefore, so far, very few people know that Mito is alive.

After all, no one has ever broken the fact that a jinchuriki will die if he loses the tailed beast. Now that the second generation of the nine-tailed jinchuriki has been born, it naturally means that Mito, the first generation of jinchuriki, has passed away. This is the consensus of countless people in Konoha.

If Kirito hadn’t been prompted by the system and Tsunade provided accurate information, he might have been kept in the dark.

In this case, Black Zetsu naturally doesn’t know that Mito is still alive.

Facts have proved that Uchiha Madara was very confident in his ability to kill Mito. He did not think that he had made a mistake and also believed that Mito was dead.

“Hmph, this woman is dead, so there is nothing left to say. Just tell me why Konoha has gotten better recently. It’s really unexpected that the Uchiha clan would be agreed to join this Nine-Tails inheritance operation. This is inevitable. Is there any special reason?”

Black Zetsu mentioned that Mito was held a grand funeral by the people of Konoha, and Uchiha Madara suddenly said with some displeasure.

This hateful woman was so respected by the people of Konoha even after her death. Her life was not in vain.

It was a mistake of his not to kill her before leaving Konoha.

Otherwise, after Hashirama’s death, he wouldn’t have to keep covering it up.

This woman’s sealing technique is really a bit tricky, especially after getting the Kyuubi, her strength has greatly improved. Even in his heyday, it might be difficult to defeat her.

And when he lost the Kyuubi, his strength declined somewhat.

I have to say that Kyuubi is indeed a very good pet, which helps a lot in improving his strength.

“The reason why the situation in Konoha has improved may be related to the imprisonment of Danzo, the root leader. This is a guy who is extremely dangerous to his enemies and his own people. In order to achieve his goals, he will do whatever it takes, and he will even attack his own people, and he is very selfish. The guy who said he was doing it for Konoha was actually doing it to satisfy his own selfish desires.

In short, he is a guy who likes to do all kinds of things that benefit himself under the guise of serving Konoha. He was previously found out about instructing his subordinates to destroy the seal barrier of the Senju clan. He has been stripped of all his duties and imprisoned. , it has been a while since I came out to cause trouble. “

Black definitely knew Danzo very well. When Uchiha Madara asked why Konoha had gotten better recently, it immediately thought of Danzo and expressed its opinion.

“I see. It seems to be a very good chess piece.”

Uchiha Madara said thoughtfully after hearing the explanation.

He had known Danzo before. Although he was just a bug, he could indeed disgust Konoha very effectively and effectively destroy the inside of Konoha, a big tree.

The Gen, the kind of inhumane ninjas led by Danzo, are a group of guys who will harm others and themselves. Once the guy who controls these dangerous ninjas is a selfish guy, then Konoha will definitely suffer.

It’s a pity that this bedbug can’t jump around for the time being.

“Yes, if this guy Danzo can come back, many new good things will definitely happen in Konoha. Unfortunately, this guy has been pinned to death now, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to stand up again, but this guy’s life He is very tough, relying on the fact that he has a large number of loyal ninjas under his command, as well as a large number of spies planted in other ninja villages, so that the third generation cannot touch him for the time being.”

Black Zetsu exclaimed, speaking highly of Danzo.

After collecting a lot of information about Konoha, it came to the conclusion that whether Konoha will be in chaos or not depends on the Darkness of Konoha.

It is quite optimistic about Danzo’s ability to make trouble. As long as Danzo does not collapse Konoha for one day, Konoha will be in chaos, and it will be difficult for the top and bottom to work together and twist all the forces into one rope.

Moreover, Danzo’s destructiveness to the interior of Konoha is unparalleled. He inherited the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama’s idea of ​​suppressing the Ninja clan, especially his hostility to the Uchiha clan. With him around, the Uchiha clan will never be the same in this life. Don’t even think about turning over in Konoha.

It’s a pity that such a useful guy can no longer make trouble in Konoha recently, which makes it less fun to collect and organize information about Konoha.

“Is there any way to get him to come out and cause trouble again?”

Madara Uchiha asked.

Black Zetsu is an inhuman creature that inherits his will. It is usually responsible for sorting out and summarizing all kinds of information and is well-informed. It admires Danzo so much, which shows how good Danzo is at getting things done.

It’s a pity to let such an excellent shit-maker continue to remain silent.

“The mistakes Danzo made before were too big. If he wants to turn around, he must make a huge contribution, such as letting Konoha defeat Sunagakure. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to turn around. This will still mean Mito’s death. In the latter case, if Mito had not died, it would have been almost impossible for him to stand up.”

Hei Jue said regretfully.

In his opinion, Danzo’s chess piece was almost useless.

Danzo wants to let Konoha defeat Sunagakure by relying on his own power and the power of his roots. The difficulty is probably not much worse than ascending to the sky.

After all, no matter how bad Sunagakure is, it is still one of the five great ninja villages. Not to mention Danzo and the roots he leads, even if Konoha wants to defeat it, it will have to pay a huge price.

Moreover, Danzo is now a prisoner and cannot even get out. He really doesn’t even have a chance to kill the enemy on the battlefield and perform meritorious service.

“Defeat Sunagakure, Black Zetsu, how many White Zetsu have you placed over Sunagakure?”

Uchiha Madara asked immediately after hearing the solution.

It may be difficult to defeat Sunagakure solely by Danzo and the roots he leads, but if Danzo has the support of Uchiha Madara behind him, it will not be a very difficult task.

In his eyes, the war between Konoha and Sunagakure was just children’s play.

As long as he is willing to intervene, the balance of victory can quickly fall to one side at any time.

The war was fought not only with hard power between the two sides, but also with intelligence power.

In fact, sometimes intelligence is far more important than hard power.

As long as one party obtains important information that can kill its opponent, even if it is the weaker party, it still has a chance to come back.

This is the importance of intelligence.

“Madara-sama, are you planning to help Danzo overcome this difficulty?”

Black Zetsu instantly understood Uchiha Madara’s intention and said with some surprise.

Uchiha Madara’s character is clear, headstrong, and all the character flaws that the Uchiha clan should have can be found in him, but he is strong enough to make these weaknesses become weaknesses that are not weaknesses.

It didn’t expect that Uchiha Madara, a person who believed in his own power so much, would be willing to help Danzo, a bug.

“Hmph, it’s just a casual move. Since this person is still valuable, it doesn’t hurt to pull him. You can arrange some Bai Zetsu to go to the battlefield to find the important information about Sunagakure as soon as possible, and then hand it over in a reasonable way. Give it to Danzo that guy.

By the way, you can’t release too much useful information at once. This bug is called the Darkness of Konoha. He still has some skills in collecting information. He can’t be allowed to see any flaws. It must be reasonable. “

Uchiha Madara snorted and said with a cold face.

“Madara-sama, please rest assured. I know what to do. I am already very skilled at doing this kind of thing. I will definitely handle everything cleanly and will not let Danzo see any flaws.”

Black Zetsu said excitedly when he saw that Uchiha Madara was really planning to come and help Danzo overcome the difficulties.

Danzo is indeed a chess piece that it likes very much at the moment. It had the intention to help him tide over the difficulties before, but due to the lack of Uchiha Madara’s order, he did not dare to easily mobilize Bai Zetsu to do so.

It is true that it can not be controlled by Uchiha Madara’s will, but those White Zetsu are loyal to Uchiha Madara. If Uchiha Madara learns from other White Zetsu that it has acted arbitrarily, it may be suspicious of it. identity.

In order to help Danzo and make Uchiha Madara doubt himself, Black Zetsu would naturally not do such a thing that would harm himself or others.

In its heart, resurrecting its mother is the most important thing.

For this reason, it must act cautiously, and it must not let Uchiha Madara have the slightest doubt about its possibility, otherwise the possibility of it plotting against Uchiha Madara will be reduced at the last moment.

“This is best. Is there anything else important? If not, I will continue to sleep.”

The spotted Uchiha nodded.

His health is getting worse and worse, and he doesn’t know how long he can hold on. Yesterday, he went to Konoha. Just thinking about it for a long time, he began to feel very tired, and the wood escape power in his body was also a little out of control.

Ever since he took off his Rinnegan and replaced it with a pair of ordinary Sharingan, the power in his body has become somewhat unbalanced.

Hashirama’s power is indeed great.

After the power of Wood Release took root in his body, his previous Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan could only barely suppress it. Later, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan accidentally evolved into the Rinnegan, and he finally mastered the power of Wood Release.

It’s just that now that the power of the Samsara Eye has been lost in his body, Mu Dun’s power is beginning to stir again.

Now it starts again.

“There are no other important things. Madara-sama, you can rest peacefully. I will take care of everything you asked me.”

Black Zetsu also noticed that something was not right with Uchiha Madara’s physical condition at this time, and said immediately.

“Well, good, I hope I can hear good news when I wake up next time.”

Uchiha Madara slowly closed his eyes and said.

After saying that, he fell into a deep sleep again, and the wood escape power in his body that was about to move also fell silent.

When Hei Jue saw this, the pitcher plant-like body tissue on his body quickly closed up, and then quickly disappeared into the ground.

Uchiha Madara is sleeping, and now it’s time for Black Zetsu to cause trouble all over the ninja world.

. . .

One day later, in the Land of Rain, in a small town.

A man covered in a black raincoat slowly strolled down the somewhat depressed street. His lifeless eyes looked at everything around him through the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He seemed to be unaware of everything around him. Not interested, just walking silently in the small town.

His presence was very low, and almost no one noticed him along the way.

The man is a member of the Root Skull Team. As for his name, he himself has long since given up. He has also given up the past and the future. He is now just a tool named Taotie to protect Konoha and obeys the orders of the team. Zang’s order to eliminate all targets that threaten Konoha.

Now, Taotie has received a new target for elimination.

Hattori Masashige, this is the target he needs to eliminate now.

However, the mission target this time is not easy to deal with, not that it is very difficult to kill, but also very difficult to find.

It has been three days since the Skull Team received the order and came to the Kingdom of Rain. A large number of people from the roots have also been scattered throughout the Kingdom of Rain, but this guy named Hattori Masashige seems to have disappeared from the world and has never shown his whereabouts.

Maybe the target is no longer in the Rain Country.

This is what Taotie is thinking right now. Otherwise, with the ability of those special parasitic bugs with extremely strong sense of smell in his body, Hattori Masashige would have been found by now.

Could it be that the constant falling rain above the head completely washed away the target’s smell?

What a country with bad weather.

Taotie walked around the entire small town twice and found that he still found nothing. He came to an inconspicuous rain shelter, took out a scroll and a pen from his body, then opened the scroll and used the pen to write a name on the scroll. Make a cross.

“Let’s go to the next place.”

Taotie put away the scroll and thought to himself.

Suddenly, a familiar name sounded in his ears. He immediately looked up and saw a strange bird appearing in the sky.

When he saw the strange bird, he quickly took out a blank scroll from his body and opened it.

The strange bird hovering in the sky suddenly swooped down and sank into the blank scroll, and a large amount of writing quickly appeared in Taotie’s eyes.

“Is it the northwest border? It seems that the transaction time between the target and Iwagakure is coming soon.”

Taotie murmured after reading the writing that appeared on the scroll.

The contents of the scroll still did not reveal any clues about Hattori Masashige, except that their people found traces of Loess, the son of the Tsuchikage.

Regarding what Hattori Masashige has done recently, Taotie already knows it through the root intelligence network.

A few days ago, Hattori Masashige had made a deal with Huangtu, but the deal was not settled at that time.

Now Loess appears again in the border town where he had previously traded with Hattori Masashige. Not surprisingly, he is here to hold new trade talks with Hattori Masashige.

Just follow Loess and you will find Hattori Masashige.

This is what Taotie is thinking at the moment.

The next moment, a large number of parasites appeared on the body of the scroll he was holding, and then devoured the entire scroll.

Then, his entire body turned into a pile of parasites and disappeared.

After a while, all the parasites in the place disappeared.

At this time, the mouse suddenly came out of the corner. It glanced at Taotie’s far away position, then seemed to wake up suddenly, screamed strangely, and quickly got into the corner again.

At the same time, in a hotel in Komachi, Yamanaka Yun slowly opened his eyes and whispered: “I didn’t expect to meet a root person here, and the level seems to be very high. He may be a member of the Skull Team. member.”

In order to find Hattori Masashige, Yamanaka Yun has been running around the Land of Rain these days.

It’s just that he hasn’t discovered Hattori Masashige for a long time. Instead, he has found traces of many root members and even solved many of them with his own hands. The Taotie he just met is the strongest root ninja he has encountered so far.

According to his current speculation, that person is a member of the Skull Team.

“Bang bang~”

There was a knock on the door suddenly.

Yamanaka Yun immediately said: “Come in.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a maid in ordinary kimono came in with some dishes.

When Shan Zhongyun saw the maid, a strange color suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The maid kept her head down after she came in. She didn’t speak, and she didn’t look at Yamanaka Yun specifically. She just placed the dishes in front of Yamanaka Yun and then left respectfully.

After Yamanaka Yun saw the maid leaving, he picked up a chopstick, then turned the simple mechanism on it and took out a small note from the chopstick.

“Yes, it seems that the intelligence network here is well established. If I remember correctly, that guy Fuma Ichiro is in charge here. The guy from the Fuma clan does have some abilities.”

When Yamanaka Yun saw the content on the small note, he smiled in admiration.

There was not much content on the small note, just six words: “Loess appears again.”

“With this information, I should be able to find Hattori Masashige next, but it’s just Gojoma’s side. How should I ask him to take action? The two days promised have already passed.”

After Yamanaka Yun got the information, when he thought about the person he was in love with, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

In order to get Kirito to agree to help him deal with the Skull Squad, he had boasted that it would only take two days to find Hattori Masashige, but he let Kirito go. Now he is trying to persuade Kirito to help him, which is really embarrassing.

“This opportunity cannot be missed. The person who hates the root also hates it. I think he doesn’t mind waiting a few more days. As long as we can find Hattori Masashige, everything will be easy to handle. At worst, I will apologize afterwards.”

Yamanaka Yun thought so, and then quickly left the room.

After a while, he found the contact person of the night organization and passed the information to Gojo Shin who was far away in the country of waves.

. . .

On the other side, in a border town on the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Wind.

Chiyo was currently inspecting and maintaining her puppets in a secret stronghold of Sunagakure in the small town. Ever since she learned about Hattori Masashige’s deal with Iwagakure, she came here secretly, leaving only a stand-in in Sunagakure Village. Cover your eyes and ears.

The lives of his son and daughter-in-law are more important than anything else. This is the only thought in Chiyo’s heart.

Although this decision was a bit willful, she had lived for so long and made so many contributions to Sunagakure. If she was a little willful this time, no one would dare to say anything.

However, the longer she leaves Sunagakure Village, the greater the time for her substitute to be exposed.

As an important leader of the fighting faction in Sunagakure Village, her long absence from Sunagakure Village will have many bad effects, and may even affect the war between Sunagakure and Konoha.

“Damn Hattori Masashige, where is he hiding? He hasn’t shown up for so long.”

Chiyo put down the puppet arm in his hand and said absently.

The concealment ability of this Rain ninja who kidnapped her son and daughter-in-law is really tricky. The intelligence network arranged by her brother Ebizo in the Land of Rain has been fully cooperating with her to find Hattori Masashige, but still no one has been found. Instead, he discovered Many people from other shinobi villages.

For example, the root member of Konoha’s Darkness, she found that the people in the root were quite active in the Land of Rain recently.

According to her thoughts, this Konoha Darkness is also looking for Hattori Masashige. As for the purpose, he must want to prevent Hattori Masashige from trading with Iwagakure, and also wants to rob people.

“That’s fine. With the addition of this Konoha Darkness, the water will be mixed up, and my chances of rescuing Akisa and Saran will be greater. Hattori Masashige, you’d better not kill my son and daughter-in-law, otherwise I will definitely do it.” I will make you into a human puppet with my own hands.”

Chiyo whispered, with deep hatred in his eyes and a flicker of fear.

Suddenly, a Sunagakure appeared in the open space behind her. He knelt on one knee and said respectfully: “Chiyo-sama, there is news.”


Chiyo turned around instantly and said excitedly.

“We found traces of Loess, and he appeared again in the border town where he met Hattori Masashige before.”

Sunagakure answered truthfully.

“Very good, send manpower to that border town immediately. Loess will appear there, and Hattori Masashige will definitely appear there as well.”

Chiyo ordered loudly.


Sunagakure immediately carried out the order.

The next moment, he turned into a pile of yellow sand and fell to the ground.

When Chiyo saw this, she planned to take action immediately. She quickly packed away the puppets on the table and prepared to head to the border town.

But just as she was about to leave, she suddenly stopped, with a thoughtful look on her face, and said doubtfully: “No, those two guys were trading in that border town before, and they are trading there again this time. Doesn’t it seem too much?” It’s too obvious, this kind of transaction must be secretive enough.”

Thousands of generations have matured, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was unreasonable for Loess to appear in the border town.

She immediately took out a scroll from her body and opened it, revealing a detailed map of the Country of Rain, and then quickly found the location of the border town where Loess appeared on it.

“Is this here? There are Iwagakure’s defenders less than twenty miles away from this place, and the terrain is flat. With the strength of a ninja’s feet, it can be crossed in five minutes.”

Soon, Chiyo found an inconspicuous small village on the map that was a little far away from the border town where Loess was located, and murmured.

She looked at the location of this small village with a gloomy expression on her face, and she felt a little uneasy.

Intuition and experience told her that the border town where Huang Tu was now was just a bait to attract everyone’s attention. The real place of transaction was this small village.

However, whether this judgment based solely on feeling is correct is another question.

If she guesses wrong, she will lose the best opportunity to rescue her son.

Because of his eagerness to save people, Chiyo couldn’t make up his mind for a while.

. . .

Konoha, evening, Uchiha clan land.

Kirito walked among them again. After a few days of Tsunade’s careful care, his body was completely healed, even better than before, and he had gained a few kilograms more than before he was hospitalized.

Now he comes to the Uchiha clan again to collect the reward he deserves.

Coming here again, Kirito saw white flowers and white decorations hung in many places. Many Uchiha people were wearing black clothes, and their faces were heavy, without the arrogance of the past.

“The time I came here doesn’t seem right.”

Kirito noticed the changes in the Uchiha clan and sighed.

Regarding this, he knew what was going on after thinking about it for a moment.

All this is caused by war.

After the Nine-Tails seal ended, in less than half a day, the ninja troops gathered by Iwagakure and Kumogakure at the border began to retreat. Because of this, many Uchiha ninjas sent to the border for support also returned to Konoha one after another.

However, after these Uchiha ninjas came back, most of their faces had completely lost the joy before departure, leaving only heaviness.

Although Konoha, Iwagakure and Kumogakure did not start a war, the border between Konoha and the two ninja villages was never quiet.

After the ninjas of the Uchiha clan rushed to the border, they naturally could not just go to have a look and go through the motions. They also needed to go to the front line to fight, and this was what they longed for.

As a result, these Uchiha ninjas who initially looked down upon their enemies suffered a big loss on the battlefield this time. Many of them paid the price with blood for their arrogance and stayed forever in that border filled with blood and sounds of fighting. On the battlefield.

Those who can survive on the border are elite ninjas from each village. The Uchiha clan cannot take advantage of them. On the contrary, if they are not careful, they will die at the hands of these ninjas who have experienced hundreds of battles and cooperate with each other tacitly. .

So, when these Uchiha ninjas who had experienced the baptism of war came back, the long-awaited cloud of war finally shrouded the Uchiha clan again, making them realize that war was not something to be happy about.

And their Uchiha clan is no longer the ninja clan that they used to be able to run wild on the battlefield.

Times have changed.

The way ninja wars are fought has also changed.

One clan cannot stand against a village.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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