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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 131 She is the hero of Konoha (4K) (please subscribe and vote)

The Uchiha tribe fell into a heavy atmosphere. Kirito, an outsider, naturally did not dare to put a smile on his face. He also maintained a heavy expression and quickly walked towards Chizuru’s house.

Soon, he arrived at Qianzuru’s house.

At this time, Chizuru happened to be sitting at the door in a daze. Kirito came to her, and she discovered Kirito.

“Why are you here at this time? That guy is not at home right now.”

Chizuru said coldly when he saw Kirito.

“What were you thinking about just now? You were so absorbed in your thoughts.”

Hearing this, Kirito disagreed. His focus had now shifted to Chizuru, and he asked her why she was in a daze just now.

“It’s nothing, I’m just a little bored today.”

Chizuru turned his head and replied calmly.

“My lying skills are still so bad.”

Kirito sighed inwardly when he saw Chizuru’s expressions and movements.

However, he also knew that Qianhe was a stubborn donkey. If she didn’t want to talk, it was useless for him to continue to pester her and ask, so he said, “It’s boring. I happen to be quite boring too. Let’s go have a fight. To pass the time?”


Chizuru stood up immediately and said with a cold face.

She was in a bad mood right now, and she really needed to have a good fight to vent her anger.

After saying that, she started running quickly, climbing over the walls of the houses, and quickly headed to the training ground of the Uchiha clan.

Seeing this, Kirito quickly followed.

Soon, Kirito followed Chizuru to an empty training ground.

The next moment, Chizuru stabbed Kirito with a kunai.


Kirito pulled out a kunai with his backhand to complete the block.

“Ding ding ding~”

Then, the kunai in their hands turned into afterimages, constantly colliding with each other, and being entangled with chakra.

At the same time, the two of them were constantly attacking with their other hands and legs. Finally, they simply threw away the kunai in their hands in tacit agreement and attacked directly with taijutsu.

Both Kirito and Chizuru’s physical skills are quite good, and they were both taught by famous teachers.

Chizuru taijutsu is completely a traditional taijutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan. It is characterized by the use of both hands and feet to attack, turning every part of the body into attackable weapons. The attack routines vary widely, and are written in conjunction with The terrifying insight of the wheel eye can easily find loopholes in enemy attacks.

Kirito’s taijutsu is standard soft fist, but his traditional soft fist is a little different. At this time, he is actually wearing a thin blue chakra feather coat, protecting his whole body.

Chizuru’s fists and feet hit him, and instantly it felt as if they were hit on a piece of hard armor, and his hands and feet hurt.

This blue chakra feather coat was quickly woven by Kirito using Soft Fist to open the chakra acupuncture points on his body and Sunagakure Puppet Master’s unique chakra thread condensation skills. It has extremely strong defensive power.

Now he has also added Yang chakra to this chakra feather coat, so that it can strengthen the wearer’s physical strength.

So, Kirito now asked Chizuru to punch him seven or eight times. He might be fine, but Chizuru gritted her teeth in pain after being punched by him, and it was a bit unbearable.


Chizuru relied on the Sharingan to continuously aim at opportunities and successfully hit Kirito several times. He quickly noticed the strangeness of Kirito’s chakra feathers, decisively ended the physical battle with Kirito, and used the secret technique of thunder. He distanced himself from Kirito, and then quickly threw several kunai blessed with thunder chakra at Kirito.

“Ding ding ding~”

Kirito pulled out a kunai with his backhand and knocked away all the kunai that came at him, and then used his other hand to slap Chizuru in the air.

A high-density chakra instantly flew out of the palm, forming a powerful shock wave.

Bagua·Empty Palm!

Chizuru inserted the Thunder Light Fight into the ground and quickly completed the seal with both hands.

A thick wall of water suddenly appeared in front of her.

Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!

When the water wall appeared, a huge palm print immediately hit it, shattering the front water wall.

At the same time, a white lightning flashed past.

At this moment, Qianhe suddenly emitted fine lightning and used the secret technique of lightning to accelerate.

In the blink of an eye, she disappeared and then suddenly appeared on Kirito’s left side.

The sword flashed.

The lightning battle entwined with the Thunder Release Chakra in her hand struck Kirito fast and hard.

“Bang~” sound.

At this time, a cloud of white smoke suddenly appeared.

Then, a sound of “Kang!” appeared.

A black rod with many wires wrapped around its surface appeared, blocking Chizuru’s attack at the critical moment.

Moreover, the power coming from the black stick was very terrifying. Not only did it easily block Qianzhe’s slashing attack, it also knocked out Qianzhe and his sword.

Chizuru did not confront anyone head-on, but retreated along with the force, and quickly completed the one-hand seal.

She took a deep breath, and a huge fireball was sprayed out.

Art fire escape ho fireball.

When the huge fireball appeared, the black rod in Kirito’s hand was instantly covered with dense blue-white electric current. When he inserted it back into the ground, a large amount of thick electric current traveled quickly on the ground, and then a large amount of black iron sand poured out from the ground of the training ground.

A thick wall of iron sand formed instantly, blocking Chizuru’s powerful fire ball technique.

Chizuru was indifferent to this. She quickly put the Thunderbolt Fighter in her hand back into the scabbard, and then quickly completed the seal with both hands.

A huge stream of water suddenly spurted out of her mouth.

Water escape·storm water rushes the waves!

The huge water flow formed a wave with a height of seven or eight meters, rushing towards Kirito with great force, and a large amount of iron sand controlled by him using electromagnetic force was also involved.

Seeing this, Kirito suddenly slapped a palm in the air with his left hand towards the incoming waves.

A high-density chakra shot out from the palm of his hand instantly, and a huge palm print instantly appeared in the center of the huge wave in front of him, and then exploded, causing water to splash in all directions.

Bagua·Empty Palm!

The crisis of the waves has disappeared, but the surrounding area has turned into a swamp. After a large amount of iron sand is stained with water, the weight increases. The difficulty and chakra consumption of Kirito’s use of electromagnetic force to control the iron sand greatly increases.

“You learned this water escape ninjutsu so quickly. Well done. This way, it will indeed be difficult to use my special magnetic escape.”

Kirito looked at Chizuru with a smile on his face in front of him and praised him.

When Qianhe heard this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but the movements of his hands did not stop, and he quickly completed the seals with both hands.

Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!

The next moment, several thick electric currents appeared. They turned into electric snakes and rushed toward Kirito like lightning along the water surface that touched the bare feet.

Kirito was hit instantly, but did not let out any screams.

Kirito’s entire body suddenly turned into a puddle of water.

Apparently this is a water clone.

Water Escape·Water Body Technique!

“Muji releases the water body!”

Seeing this, Chizuru’s eyes widened with Sharingan activated, and then the hair on his body stood up.

Fine electric currents instantly appeared in her feet, and the lightning secret technique accelerated decisively and disappeared in place.

The next moment, a Kirito suddenly emerged from the water behind Qianzuru, and then a gang shot hit the afterimage left behind by Qianzuru.

Water Escape·Water Blinking Technique!

The White Zetsu clone’s experience in using Water Release and his understanding of the nature of Water Release Chakra were naturally absorbed by Kirito’s body.

Now, on the attribute panel, his water escape level is higher than that of Yin escape, reaching level 4.

Kirito is not sure what level 4 water release is, but he knows that the White Zetsu clone can easily defeat two Jonin-level Sunagakure elite puppet masters in the Land of Rain with this level of water release.

“It’s very fast, but your secret technique is too heavy on the body. It’s best not to use it all the time, otherwise it may affect your future development.”

Kirito looked at Chizuru, who had already rushed out more than ten meters away, and smiled.

“Stop being so verbose.”

Qianzhe scolded with a cold face, a large amount of fine current suddenly appeared all over his body, and the thunder and light in his hand also made a sword sound.

When Kirito saw this posture, he knew that Chizuru was about to open it up. He clapped his hands and completed the seal in an instant.

More than a dozen water bodies suddenly appeared on the surrounding water.

But at the same time, more than ten Chizuru appeared in front of him, and dazzling lightning lit up in front of him, and he also saw a pair of huge Sharingan eyes.

Sharingan genjutsu!

Kirito realized that he was under an illusion and immediately mobilized the chakra in his body to break it.

In an instant, the illusion that Chizuru cast on him was broken.

The huge Sharingan shattered like a mirror.

The real world appeared in front of Kirito again.

But at this moment, a sharp sword was pressed against his throat, and all his water bodies were defeated.

“I won.”

Chizuru said with a smile, and then patted Kirito’s face with the sword.

“It’s hard to say.”

Kirito smiled mysteriously, and then disappeared into a ball of white smoke.

“Shadow clone!”

Chizuru was shocked, and then quickly looked around, trying to find Kirito’s true identity.

“Here it is!”

Suddenly, Kirito’s voice came from above.

Qianzhe suddenly raised his head and found that Kirito was standing in the sky at some point. Under his feet stood a circular platform made of iron sand. This allowed him to stand firmly on it and look down at her.

“Haha~, how about it? My magnetic escape is pretty good, it can already take me flying, but the speed is still a little slow for the time being.”

Kirito controlled the aerial platform under his feet to move in mid-air and smiled.

“Hurry up and come down. How can you fight if you fly up there?”

Chizuru said angrily and said some angry words.

Kirito’s current flying height is just outside the attack range of her ninjutsu, and the ninja tools she throws are all made of iron, posing no threat to Kirito who can now use special magnetic escape.

As a result, she really had no means to threaten the current Kirito, which made her feel very unhappy.

But there is no way, the flying ninja is too bad.

If there is no corresponding countermeasure, you can only let the opponent attack and you can only escape.

She finally learned the water release chakra and water release ninjutsu, but this guy used his own flying technique to deal with her.

This guy must have known this trick before, but he didn’t use it then. He just waited until she learned the water escape ninjutsu before using it.

This disgusting bastard.

Kirito looked at Chizuru and was so angry that he knew he couldn’t be angry with her anymore, otherwise something would happen easily.

He immediately aimed at the ground under Qianzuru and waved, and a circular platform made of iron sand suddenly appeared under Qianzuru, and then he slowly lifted her up.

“What are you doing? I asked you to come down, and you bring me up to do what you want.”

Qianzhe said nervously as he watched himself fly away from the ground, getting further and further away from the ground. He subconsciously squatted down and grabbed the edge of the circular platform with his hands.

“You’re not afraid of heights, are you?”

Seeing Chizuru’s somewhat panicked behavior, Kirito smiled evilly.

“Not at all.”

Chizuru immediately shouted loudly and quickly stood up again.

But her movements were too big, causing her body to become slightly unbalanced and her body suddenly tilted backwards.

A strange feeling of weightlessness came over, which made Qianzhe feel a little scared, but her stubborn character made her grit her teeth and not scream.

The next moment, she found that her back was supported by something, and the feeling of weightlessness disappeared.

It turned out that Kirito’s quick eyesight and quick hands manipulated a small part of the iron sand in the circular platform to quickly make a support for Chizuru.

“Don’t worry, I’m here, you can’t fall.”

Kirito said to Chizuru with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, some more iron sand quickly flew from the ground into the air, and then quickly gathered on the circular platform under Kirito’s feet.

When Qianzuru came to Kirito, a long chair made of iron sand appeared in front of Qianzuru.

“Sit down, the scenery here is pretty good.”

Kirito lay on the back of the chair, crossed his legs, then pointed at the Hokage Rock in front of him under the sunset, and said with bright eyes.

Seeing this, Chizuru snorted coldly, and then also lay down next to Kirito.

She lowered her head slightly and looked at the ground. She found that it was so high from the ground that the entire training ground was no bigger than her thumb in her eyes.

But she is not afraid now, because the bad guy is beside her.

He wasn’t afraid, so how could she be?

She lay peacefully on the iron sand chair, blowing in the wind blowing from high in the sky, and looked at the smaller village.

She had never seen the village of Konoha in such a wonderful way like she did today. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the Uchiha clan, and then looked at other parts of the village. It was immediately obvious that the entire Uchiha clan had nothing to do with Konoha. The leaves are split elsewhere.

However, the entire Uchiha clan is located in Konoha. Although it is separated from other places, it is indeed a part of Konoha.

Looking at the Uchiha clan like this, Chizuru’s originally irritable mood calmed down inexplicably.

She was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: “Sister Ying is dead.”

When Kirito heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and a gentle figure who had treated him many times flashed in his mind. He couldn’t help but feel sad in his heart, and asked with a hint of sobs: “How did she die? “

He had thought that in these troubled times, sooner or later someone familiar would die suddenly.

Because the job of a ninja has always been very dangerous.

I just didn’t expect that an acquaintance would die unexpectedly so soon.

The gentle and kind-hearted Uchiha medical kunoichi had greeted him in the Uchiha clan a few days ago, but he was no longer seen after only a few days.

“I heard from the tribe that she was treating a civilian ninja on the battlefield, and was accidentally spotted by the ninjas of Iwagakure, and then was killed in a sneak attack. Sister Sakura died trying to save her companions in Konoha. She should be regarded as Konoha’s ninja. Ye’s hero.”

After Chizuru told the news of Uchiha Sakura’s death, she could no longer suppress the sadness in her heart, sobbed with tears in her eyes.

For those who have cared about her, she always remembers that Uchiha Sakura is like a sister in her heart. She has been caring for her and growing up over the years. She is one of the few people in the Uchiha clan who can speak her mind. .

“Of course, Sister Sakura is the hero of Konoha, and no one can deprive her of this honor.”

Kirito replied decisively.

“That’s great, really great, ah ah ah.”

When Chizuru received Kirito’s affirmative answer, she immediately said with a cry, and then started to cry loudly.

In this sad cry, the two magatama in Chizuru’s Sharingan eyes were rotating rapidly.

Suddenly, a new pair of magatama appeared in her Sharingan.

There is another update today.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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