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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 132 Uchiha Chizuru’s Sage Mode? (4K) (8,000 updates today) (Please subscribe)

Chizuru cried and fell asleep. She was already very sleepy. She hadn’t slept since hearing the bad news yesterday. She had just fought another battle with Kirito and used Thunderbolt to win. She was already exhausted. , now that my feelings have been vented and my spirit is relaxed, I finally can’t hold on any longer.

“The Yin Release Chakra has become extremely active. There was a special Yin Release Chakra in the eye area just now. This is a sign of the evolution of the Sharingan. Really, you will catch a cold if you sleep here.”

Kirito turned on his spiritual vision and watched the color of Chizuru’s soul change. Then he looked at Chizuru, who was sleeping soundly with her head on his shoulder, and sighed.

Relying on natural energy, he could clearly feel that the chakra in Chizuru’s body was rapidly increasing at an abnormal speed.

Chizuru’s Sharingan evolved again, allowing her strength to enter a leap stage again.

However, this sudden surge in strength will only backfire without a good physical foundation.

The most typical example is Uchiha Itachi, who contracted a terminal illness at a young age. This has a lot to do with over-squeezing his body’s potential when he was a child.

Naturally, Kirito would not let his good partner take the same path as Uchiha Itachi. He immediately took out a psychic card from his body and used the sealing and releasing techniques to take out the contents.

A white porcelain medicine bottle appeared in his hand.

Then, he poured out a red pill from the white porcelain medicine bottle, then put it into Qianhe’s mouth and asked her to take it.

This pill is a special type of military food pill, which was developed by Kirito by combining Konoha’s medical knowledge and the knowledge of Higanhua Pharmaceutical Company’s large number of top pharmaceutical personnel hired with high salaries.

The main function is to meet the various nutrients needed by the human body in a short period of time, and facilitate the body’s absorption and digestion. It also has the effect of promoting wound healing, chakra recovery, and increasing the user’s chakra upper limit to a certain extent.

Unfortunately, due to the high cost and the very precious and scarce materials required, mass production is not yet possible.

However, the core reason why this special soldier food pill cannot be mass-produced is that this special soldier food pill requires the use of a special drug called senjutsu chakra.

If there is no magic chakra to use as medicine, even if others know the formula, they will not be able to produce it smoothly.

After taking Chizuru to eat the special soldier food pills, Kirito quietly began to combine chakra and natural energy to create senjutsu chakra, and then inject senjutsu chakra into Qianzuru’s body, allowing senjutsu chakra to nourish her body. .

At this time, the curse seal on Qianzhe’s body moved on its own, and a large number of flame-like spells spread to Qianzhe’s body.

It was actually greedily absorbing the senjutsu chakra that Kirito injected into Chizuru’s body.

“Hmm~, there is such a magical change.”

Kirito looked at the changes in the curse mark on Chizuru and said in surprise.

He looked carefully and found that the curse seal did not harm Qianzuru, so he continued to inject senjutsu chakra.

The curse seal continued to absorb greedily, and continued to create new curses that spread to all parts of Qianzuru’s body.

After a while, the curse covered Qianzuru’s body.

At the same time, Chizuru’s body began to change. Her hair grew rapidly and turned white. Her originally white and rosy skin became as abnormally pale as the Otsutsuki clan. There were also a large number of black stripes on the surface, and a growth spurt appeared on her forehead. The aura of the two mini white horns is much stronger than before the change.

At the same time, a wave of magical chakra also emanated from her body.

“Is this the second stage of the curse seal, or is she entering immortal mode?”

Kirito stared at Chizuru’s greatly changed appearance and thought in surprise.

The curse seal he gave to Chizuru is naturally the top one, completely harmless, and he also added a limiter inside. Once Chizuru’s body can’t bear it, it will automatically stop and will not continue to force it. Squeeze Chizuru’s body.

In addition, it can also be used as an external organ that senses natural energy.

Over time, when it grows up and completely integrates with Qianzuru’s body, Qianzhe can use it to sense and absorb natural energy, and officially embark on the path of an immortal.

Now, his magic chakra seems to speed up its growth and successfully integrate it with Qianzuru’s body, and then smoothly allow Qianzuru to enter the second state of the curse seal.

However, the second state of this curse seal seems to be different from the ordinary second state. Chizuru’s body has fluctuations of fairy chakra. It seems reasonable to say that she has entered the fairy mode.

Of course, Chizuru’s state is still far from the true sage mode. This is mainly related to the fact that she has too little sage chakra.

But no matter what, after Qianzuru entered the current state, his strength has indeed been greatly improved.

If Chizuru only had the strength of a new jounin before, then she has now firmly entered the elite jounin level. Although it is only a temporary forcible promotion, it is still a real power, and there is no problem in using it to fight at critical moments. .

“I didn’t expect that magical chakra can also promote the growth of curse seals. What an unexpected surprise.”

Kirito thought with a smile, and then decisively stopped sending Senjutsu chakra to Chizuru.

After the transmission of immortal chakra stopped, the curse seal in Qianzhe’s body immediately fell silent. The changes in Qianzhe’s body quickly disappeared and returned to its original appearance. A large number of curses quickly returned to the curse seal.

But at this time, Chizuru’s chakra volume and physical strength were obviously much stronger than before. The growth of the curse seal directly promoted the growth of Chizuru’s strength.

At the same time, her little face was much rosier than before. It was obvious that her body was recovering very well, and the magic chakra was nourishing her body very well.

“I slept really well, but I was exhausted. I have to continue to work hard for me in the future.”

Kirito looked at Chizuru sleeping soundly and couldn’t help but pinch her nose gently and smiled.

Then, he began to control the iron sand chair under him to slowly go down and fly towards Qianhe’s house.

Relying on soul perception, he has discovered that Uchiha Homura has returned to his home from Nanga Shrine. It is time for him to go to the other party to collect debts.

After a while, Kirito took Chizuru back to the courtyard of her home.

At this time, Uchiha Homura was in the courtyard. He watched Kirito control the Iron Sand Chair and bring Chizuru down from the sky. He couldn’t help showing a surprised expression on his face. Then he saw Chizuru sleeping, and the surprise on his face quickly faded away. A vigilant expression on his face.

Without saying a word, he quickly came to Kirito’s side, and then picked up Qianzuru, who was still sleeping. He found that Qianzhe was fine and seemed to be in much better health than when they met in the morning, and his strength had also changed a lot. Secretly he breathed a sigh of relief.

“What kind of look are you looking at? I didn’t do anything to her, but I gave her a lot of benefits.”

Kirito said angrily when he saw Uchiha Homura’s anti-thief eyes.

After saying that, he looked at the third Uchiha present, an Uchiha who also made no secret of his wary and deeply hostile eyes towards him.

Uchiha Kari, Chizuru’s daily personal bodyguard.

“Girls should be careful when going out.”

Uchiha Homura laughed when he heard this, and then handed Chizuru to Uchiha Kari, who looked at Chizuru with concern, and asked him to take Chizuru back to the room to rest.

“Chief Homura, I have successfully completed what you asked me to do before. Is it time to settle the reward you mentioned? I have done such a big favor for you, the Uchiha clan, so you must thank me.”

After Uchiha Homura left with Chizuru, Kirito looked at Uchiha Homura expectantly and said expectantly.

Uchiha Homura felt a little uncomfortable when Kirito saw him. He coughed and replied, “I remember Chizuru also saved your life during the Nine-Tails Inheritance Operation.”

“That’s because I specifically gave Chizuru a chance to save me. Otherwise, how could the sneak attack by Kumogakure’s spy possibly hurt me.”

Kirito curled his lips and said.

He was telling the truth. His body could not move at the time, but his White Zetsu clone was in his body at the time, and he could use defensive ninjutsu at any time to block the enemy’s attack.

It was just that when he discovered that Chizuru had already taken action, he did not let the White Zetsu clone take action, so that Chizuru could make a severe contribution at that time, allowing the Uchiha clan to successfully clear away the suspicion of colluding with Uchiha Madara, and let Many ninjas have a different impression of the Uchiha clan.

In short, the Uchiha clan needs to be grateful that he didn’t take action to save himself at that time.

This old guy is using this to excuse his reward, and he won’t accept it.

“It seems that you didn’t try your best at that time. You are really terrible. Please continue to take care of Chizuru in the future.”

Uchiha Homura took a deep look at Kirito and smiled.

To be honest, he really didn’t expect Kirito to say that just now. He really wanted to use the fact that Chizuru saved the other party to pressure Kirito. It wasn’t that he wanted to deduct Kirito’s reward, but that he wanted to This was used to create a little contrast and let Kirito understand how sincere the Uchiha clan was.

The reward he prepared for Kirito has already been prepared, and it is guaranteed to satisfy Kirito.

As a powerful ninja clan that has been inherited for thousands of years, the Uchiha clan has destroyed countless other ninja clans during this period. The most important thing they lack is all kinds of heritage.

However, the Uchiha clan has its own heritage. Most of the clansmen disdain the heritage of other ninja clans. Therefore, the heritage that the Uchiha clan steals from other ninja clans is basically hidden in the ninja clan’s warehouses and eats dust. .

But the Uchiha clan looks down upon these heritages, and others may not.

He believed that Kirito would definitely like some of the exquisite items.

“Oops, I accidentally got tricked by this old guy.”

When Kirito heard Uchiha Homura’s words, he cursed secretly, and then decisively shut up.

When talking to such an old fox, it would be better for him to continue to talk less, and then get out of the way after getting the reward smoothly.

“Come with me. The Uchiha clan must repay their kindness. I have prepared the reward for you.”

Seeing Kirito regaining his vigilance, Uchiha Homura nodded with satisfaction.

The most taboo thing for a ninja is to lose vigilance. Kirito had obviously shown signs of this just now. Maybe this was because he had a good time with Chizuru and unconsciously let down his vigilance, which led to him accidentally spilling the beans just now.

But from the side, it’s good that Kirito has changed like this, which shows that his attitude towards the Uchiha clan is changing for the better.

Chizuru’s efforts were not in vain.

This is very good.

Uchiha Homura was wrong after all. The reason why Kirito dropped his guard against him was largely related to the dead Uchiha Sakura.

Uchiha Sakura died fighting for her companions in Konoha, which greatly stimulated Kirito and made him really start to change his mind towards the Uchiha clan.

There are still people within the Uchiha clan who are willing to make sacrifices for other companions who are not from the Uchiha clan, which means that the Uchiha clan can still be saved and has the possibility of integrating into Konoha.

“I hope there will be more Uchiha in the Uchiha clan who are willing to consider other people like Sister Sakura. In this case, maybe we can use it to promote in the village.”

Kirito thought as he followed Uchiha Homura into the house.

Soon, he followed Uchiha Homura to a somewhat dark underground collection room.

With the help of the candlelight here, Kirito saw many well-kept scrolls and books, which were neatly placed on some shelves. Many of these things were full of historical atmosphere, and the sense of history was very strong.

If placed outside, these scrolls and books would surely be collected as valuable antiques by collectors.

Kirito loved reading the most. He looked at these ancient scrolls and books and felt itchy in his heart. He really hoped that Uchiha Homura would agree to let him take a look.

“Okay, here it is, the first thing I’m going to give you is this.”

Uchiha Homura suddenly stopped, turned his head and said to Kirito, pointing forward with his finger.

When Kirito heard this, he immediately looked in the direction pointed by Uchiha Homura’s hand, and immediately saw a huge scroll.

“Is this the psychic scroll of the psychic beast?”

Kirito looked at this huge scroll and wondered.

“Yes, it is the psychic scroll of the psychic beast. This is the psychic scroll passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan and used to sign a psychic contract with the ninja clan. As long as you write your name on it, you can get it in the future. Help from the Ninja Clan.”

Uchiha Homura admitted as Kirito recognized the psychic scroll.

After saying that, he walked up and spread out the psychic scroll, revealing a large number of names written in blood, and the latest name written on it was Uchiha Chizuru.

“The ninja cat clan is interesting.”

Kirito looked at the name on the psychic scroll and thought thoughtfully, with an excited expression on his face.

He didn’t have much information about the Ninja Cat Clan. He only knew that it was a very large group of psychic beasts with members widely distributed throughout the Ninja World.

In short, wherever there are human activities, there may be traces of this family.

The group has such a wide range of activities, and the members themselves have strong camouflage, IQ and latent abilities, which means that this group of psychic beasts has super intelligence gathering capabilities.

Cats are a very common small animal among the human race. Because of their excellent mouse-catching abilities and cute appearance, they are deeply loved by humans. Many humans have become cat slaves, so that most humans are unwary of them. .

Think about the detailed list of root members that Uchiha Homura gave him before.

Not surprisingly, they are all the work of the Ninja Clan, and they are the eyes of the Uchiha Clan.

If he can sign a psychic contract with the Ninja Cat Clan, let’s not say whether he can channel super powerful Ninja Cats to assist in battles in the future, but he can definitely create an extra powerful intelligence network.

Uchiha Homura was really generous this time.

Directly give him a huge intelligence network of immeasurable value.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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