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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 137 Orochimaru's class is established (4K) (please subscribe and vote)

Kirito saw Minato’s frustrated look. After all, he couldn’t bear to continue saying that he wanted Naoki to come instead of Kushina, so he followed him silently.

Soon, under the leadership of Minato, he came to the very familiar Medicine Master Gourmet Center.

“This kid Minato is quite discerning.”

When Kirito saw that Minato chose to arrange the celebration banquet at the Yakushi Gourmet Center, he secretly praised it.

Yes, this kid is interesting enough, and he understands the principle of keeping wealth and water from others.

He is one of the shareholders of Pharmacist Food Restaurant.


As soon as Kirito entered, he heard a familiar gentle voice.

He turned around and saw the pharmacist Nonoyu himself.

Yakushi Nonou is now ten years old. Due to the rapid growth of girls and the fact that her nutrition can keep up, she is now a head taller than Kirito and has grown to 1.4 meters. Her face and figure have also gradually grown, matching Wearing clothes that fit and look good, you are already a little beauty.

Because her body has grown and her strength is at the chuunin level, she no longer has to use the art of transformation to act like an adult.

“Hey, you rare guest, why do you have time to come here today?”

Nonoyu snorted softly when he saw Kirito, and then said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Ever since Kirito graduated from the ninja school and went to the medical class, and then moved into the Nasaki house, he rarely ate at Yakushi Gourmet Restaurant.

I don’t see him a few times a month.

Although the store’s profits were much better without Kirito, a freeloader, she was a little angry in her heart, feeling that Kirito had become estranged from her recently.

“I happened to meet Minato on the way. He graduated and became a ninja today, so I shamelessly accepted his invitation to come and have a meal. There is no need to greet me specially. If there is not enough food, I will take care of it.”

Kirito didn’t seem to hear Nonoyu’s dissatisfaction and said with a playful smile.

As he spoke, he pointed at Minato beside him.

When Nonoyu heard this, she glanced at Minato, who was still a little lost at this time, and immediately realized that now was not the time to chat with Kirito. She said to Minato with a healing smile: “Minato, Aoki-sensei and the others have arrived. In that private room inside.”

“Okay, Sister Nonoyu.”

Seeing Nonou’s healing smile, Minato felt a lot better. He nodded obediently and then called Kirito to the private room where the celebration banquet was held.

Kirito followed suit, and when passing by Nonou, he made a gesture to her that only the two of them could understand.

When Nonoyu saw this gesture, the smile on his face suddenly became brighter.

Minato was very popular, so Kirito saw many girls when he entered the private room.

95% of the people who came to Minato’s celebration banquet this time were girls. Except for him, a boy who accidentally wandered in, there were only two boys. One was Minato’s class teacher Aoki, and the other was Minato’s good friend Akimichi Toto.

A fat man who eats as much as he has.

But what he didn’t expect was that he saw Hinata Rei, whom he hadn’t seen for a while.

Hinata Hana Rei, his classmate, the genius ninja who always ranks third in the grade theory class, is the peer he focuses on attracting among his classmates, and is also the daughter of his Taijutsu teacher Hyugayama.

“Kirito-kun, why are you here?”

As soon as Kirito came in, Hua Lian, who was sitting in the corner, immediately noticed Kirito. She suddenly stood up and said in surprise.

“I happened to meet Minato on the way, and Minato invited me to attend his celebration party, so I shamelessly came, but I didn’t expect you to be there, Hua Rei.”

Kirito heard Hua Lian’s words and explained with a smile.

“I, I also came here at the invitation of Minato-san.”

Hua Lian quickly explained.

“Kirito, long time no see. In fact, Rei also successfully completed her graduation exam today. She will form a ninja team with Minato and Dontou next, so I held this celebration banquet especially for the three of them.”

At this time, Aoki, a very discerning special jounin, stood up and explained.

“Did Hua Lian graduate today? It turns out that’s the case.”

Hearing this, Kirito looked at Hinata Karei in surprise.

Hua Lian immediately lowered her head as if she had done something wrong, not daring to look at Kirito.

This is because Kirito had previously suggested that she should graduate normally and not graduate so early, but she still couldn’t bear it and chose to graduate early.

However, the reason why she did that was because she saw an opportunity to quickly become stronger and continue to learn the sealing technique, so she couldn’t hold back and completed her graduation ahead of schedule.

“I didn’t expect to meet you here, Kirito.”

Seeing this, Kirito was about to ask Hua Lian why he graduated early, but a very familiar hoarse voice temporarily diverted his attention.

He turned around and found Orochimaru standing at the door without knowing it, looking at him with a smile.

As soon as Orochimaru appeared, Namikaze Minato, Hinata Hana Rei, and Akimichi Donto all saluted Orochimaru. They all respectfully said to Orochimaru in unison: “Orochimaru-sensei.”


When Kirito listened to the three people’s words and watched the three people’s actions and attitudes towards Orochimaru, he instantly realized what was going on and was very surprised.

It seems that the mentoring Jonin of Namikaze Minato, Hyuga Rei and Akimichi Toto is Orochimaru.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the three of them to respect Orochimaru so much.

He now finally understood why Hua Lian, who was usually very obedient, suddenly chose to graduate early.

Obviously, she should have known that Orochimaru was going to be the instructor of Jonin, so she tried her luck to see if she could be selected by Orochimaru.

From now on, she made the right bet. She won Orochimaru’s favor with her excellent academic performance and was selected by Orochimaru to enter Orochimaru’s class.

Although Kirito doesn’t like Orochimaru very much, he has to admit that Orochimaru is a very good teacher. He is not only knowledgeable and knows many powerful ninjutsu, but also knows how to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

The most important thing is that Orochimaru has not gone astray yet and will still be a good and conscientious teacher.

It is undoubtedly a very lucky thing for Hua Lian to be selected by him, which will be very helpful to Hua Lian’s future strength improvement.

“Now that I think about it, it turned out to be this time, and that’s right. According to the original plot, Mito has passed away now, and there is no one left who can restrain Naoki. It was during this period that Naoki graduated early and was selected by Orochimaru, right? That’s not right. , it should be an unofficial decision, but now that Mito has not passed away and Naoki cannot graduate early, the people chosen by Orochimaru will be Minato and Rei. If I had not rejected him at the beginning, maybe Orochimaru’s inner team And me, not that fat Akimichi.”

Kirito turned around and thought about it, and he immediately thought of many things.

Then, he said politely to Orochimaru: “Hello, Lord Orochimaru, I didn’t expect to meet you here. It’s really a pleasure to meet you.”

“Well~, meeting is fate. Today is the day when Orochimaru’s class is officially established. You should also stay and celebrate together.”

Orochimaru nodded to Kirito.

Then, he nodded to Minato, Hua Lian and Tangtong.

Orochimaru is a Sannin and a disciple of the third generation. He has made great achievements on the battlefield. His status here is undoubtedly the highest.

As soon as he arrived, everyone in the private room subconsciously stood up.

After he came to the main seat and sat down, the others sat down again one by one.

Orochimaru has the aura of Konoha’s hero. He is still a gloomy and handsome man. As long as he doesn’t behave like sticking out his long tongue, he is still very popular with girls. The popularity king on the scene suddenly transferred from Minato to Orochimaru. .

What Kirito didn’t expect was that Orochimaru, this gloomy and beautiful man, was actually quite good at talking and telling jokes, but he was a little cold.

However, when he talked about some interesting things on the battlefield, he easily grasped the rhythm of the atmosphere in the private room, making everyone look at him.

Kirito had never been on the battlefield, but now he heard Orochimaru talk about the war situation live, and he also said a lot of useful battlefield survival knowledge, and he listened with interest.

Of course, like Akimichi Dontou, his mouth never stopped.

Suddenly, Kirito’s chopsticks and Akimichi Donato’s chopsticks grasped a piece of meat from the barbecue grill at the same time, and their eyes suddenly connected.

An invisible firework appeared in the air.

This is the last piece of grilled meat on the grill, and it has a special delicacy added to it. Neither of the two foodies are willing to give in.

Just when the two were about to force each other back with fierce looks, a pair of chopsticks easily took away the last piece of barbecue from their chopsticks.

Kirito and Akimichi Tōtō were immediately dumbfounded, watching helplessly as the last piece of barbecue fell into Hana Rei’s mouth.

“Sorry, I’m really hungry.”

Hua Lian looked at the two of them and looked over, lowered her head with a red face, and whispered pitifully.

She hadn’t tasted the smell of the last piece of barbecue for a long time, and just now she couldn’t bear it.

When the two heard this, they both subconsciously looked at the pile of plates in front of Hua Lian, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They didn’t expect that the little Hua Lian could eat so much. Although he didn’t eat as much as the two of them, it was many times more than the other girls around him.

“It turns out Hua Lian is so good at eating. No wonder when I used to give Hua Lian something to eat to thank Teacher Shan, Teacher Shan had a weird expression on her face. It turns out I didn’t give enough.”

Kirito looked at the dish mountain in front of Hua Lian and thought thoughtfully.

Maybe it was because Kushina didn’t come, Minato wasn’t very interested in the celebration party, and his popularity was completely crushed by Orochimaru, so he kept eating in a dull mood, and only occasionally talked to the two girls around him who were very obsessed with him.

But overall, the celebration was quite good, and everyone left with a smile on their face.

It was when paying the bill that Orochimaru smiled a little stiffly.

After Kirito finished his meal and said goodbye to Minato and the others, he left leisurely, but as soon as he walked a certain distance, he noticed a little tail following behind him.

“What’s wrong, Hua Lian, do you have anything else to say to me?”

When Kirito saw that Little Tails had been following him, almost following him to the Senju clan’s land but still not coming out, he immediately turned around and said to Hinata Karei, who was secretly hiding behind a telephone pole.

Seeing that Kirito found her, Hua Lian had to timidly come out from behind the telephone pole and said hesitantly: “Kirito-kun, I’m sorry, I didn’t listen to you and graduated early without permission.”

“Don’t mind if you say this. I just suggest that you don’t graduate early. It’s not that you must not graduate early. In fact, with your current strength, you can graduate early, and your choice this time is very Well, it is a wise choice to let Orochimaru be your mentoring Jonin, which will be very helpful for your future strength growth.”

Seeing that Hua Lian was still blaming herself, Kirito immediately comforted Hua Lian with a serious expression.

Hua Lian did not listen to his advice and graduated early. He was not unhappy, but felt a little pity.

It’s a pity that the other party lost a period of time to develop safely.

However, when he learned that Rei graduated early because he wanted to be mentored by Orochimaru, he could only appreciate it.

Fight for your own destiny and don’t bow to fate.

This is what Kirito appreciates most about Rei. Now that she has chosen to graduate early to gain an opportunity to be mentored by Orochimaru, it is undoubtedly another fight against her own destiny.

She was still unwilling to be imprisoned by a caged bird, so she decisively fought for Orochimaru, a Sannin who was proficient in sealing techniques, to become her mentoring Jonin.

And she relied on her own strength to successfully seize this opportunity.

Although the mentor jounin is not strictly the real teacher of the genin, he can still be regarded as having a master-disciple relationship. He does not have the name of master-disciple but is actually a master-disciple.

Orochimaru has now become Hana Rei’s mentor, and the benefits he brings to Hana Rei are visible to the naked eye.

In addition to obtaining excellent teacher resources, Hana Rei can also obtain the protection of Orochimaru. In the future, if the Hyuga clan wants to target Hana Rei, it must consider the feelings of Orochimaru, a third-generation disciple.

Judging from the way the Hyuga Clan usually behaves like an ostrich, they will definitely be very wary of Orochimaru, a powerful third-generation disciple. Rei’s free space will definitely increase greatly in the future, and he doesn’t have to worry about being restrained by the clan all day long after his strength increases. Become a tool for the Zong family to work hard and bear no complaints.

Of course, Orochimaru’s protection of Rei only ended when he was still a Konoha ninja.

I hope Orochimaru will not become more and more evil in order to explore the art of immortality in the future, and eventually have to defect to Konoha.

Once Orochimaru defected, Rei’s situation would definitely deteriorate rapidly.

But from the current point of view, letting Orochimaru become Hana Rei’s guiding jounin will do more harm than good to Hana Rei.

“Really, you’re not angry.”

When Hua Lian heard what Kirito said, she stared at Kirito with wide eyes and looked at Kirito expectantly.

“Of course not. I think your choice is great and wise. Come on, Rei, your destiny should be firmly in your own hands. But as you become a member of Orochimaru’s class, you will probably go to the battlefield soon. You must be careful.”

Kirito nodded and praised, and then reminded Hua Lian a few words.

“Teacher Orochimaru is very strong, and I have Byakugan. As long as I can detect the enemy in advance, there will definitely be no problem. Thank you for your concern, Kirito-kun.”

Hua Lian said happily, with a happy smile on her face.

Sure enough, Kirito-kun understands me.

That’s great.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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