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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 139 Greenhouse Flowers and the Hyuga Genius Who Survived the Battlefield (5K) (Please subscr

When Kirito saw Hua Lian in such a weak and pitiful state, he naturally couldn’t leave her behind. He picked up Hua Lian on his back and took Hua Lian home.

To be honest, this was his first time coming to the Hyuga clan’s territory.

Compared to the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, the Hinata clan’s clan is not very large, about half of the Uchiha clan and about one-third of the Senju clan.

In fact, the largest clan in Konoha is actually the Senju clan, and they also own a lot of real estate, and they are concentrated in the commercial street area. Even the rich Death Forest in Konoha actually belongs to the Senju clan.

It can be said that the Thousand Hands Clan can support the whole family just by collecting rent, and the family’s wealth is extremely huge.

Back then, Senju Hashirama and Tsunade often lost money, tens or even hundreds of millions. The Senju clan did not go bankrupt. It was precisely because the Senju clan was the largest landowner in Konoha.

However, the Senju clan is now sparsely populated, and there are not many strong men. The only Kage-level strong man, Mito, has been declared dead. Guarding such a large amount of wealth is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a crime to have a jade.

To put it more alarmist, as long as most of the Senju clan’s real estate is confiscated, Konoha’s financial problems can be solved immediately, and there will still be a very large surplus.

It’s not yet late at night, and there are still many people walking around in the Hyuga clan.

Kirito, a foreigner entering here at this time, is undoubtedly very conspicuous, especially since he is carrying a girl from the Hyuga clan on his back. It is difficult not to attract the attention of people here.

In less than a moment, Kirito entered the Hyuga tribe and received a lot of blank stares.

At this time, Hua Lian was obviously in a very bad state. Her little face was pale and she looked weak and pitiful. In addition, Hua Lian usually gave people a soft-girl appearance like a small animal like a little white rabbit, which was easy to make people feel. It was thought that she might have been bullied and then seriously injured.

Fortunately, Kirito is now quite famous in Konoha. He is not only a master of sealing techniques, but also an excellent medical ninja. His reputation is very positive.

Therefore, many people in the Hyuga clan knew him as a Konoha genius, and none of them thought that he had done anything bad to Rei. Most of them thought that he had done something similar to a hero saving a beauty.

“That is the youngest daughter of the Hinatayama family. I heard that she graduated today and became a ninja. Why did she do this on the first day? She wouldn’t go on some dangerous mission right after graduation. It seems like she was seriously injured. .”

“Who knows, I heard that her mentoring Jonin is the man named Orochimaru. That dangerous-looking guy is the Hokage’s disciple. If Hua Lian follows him, maybe he will be killed on the first day. Sent on a very dangerous mission.”

“Is that kid Hua Lian’s teammate? This guy looks familiar to me.”

“If I’m not mistaken, he seems to be Mito-sama’s disciple, called Kirito. I heard he is a very powerful genius ninja and graduated earlier than Rei.”

“Is that so? What’s the relationship between Hua Lian and him? Hua Lian’s little girl seems to trust this boy very much. She looks very happy now.”

“Let’s see, it’s really like this. Ah, I remembered it. That guy from Hinata Mountain seems to be this kid’s Taijutsu teacher. This kid also knows the soft fist of our Hyuga clan, and I heard he’s pretty good at it.”

Many aunts from the Hyuga clan couldn’t help but start talking when they saw Kirito carrying Rei home.

They are all blood successors with Byakugan. Although many of them have not successfully opened Byakugan, their eyesight is still very good. At home, they can see the appearance and expression of two people from a distance through the glass window. Clearly.

Hua Lian was a ninja and had sharp ears. She could vaguely hear a lot of the people’s low-pitched discussions, and she couldn’t help but blush with shame.

She buried her head on Kirito’s back and whispered, “I’m sorry, Kirito-kun.”

“It doesn’t matter. They just misunderstood. I didn’t mind. Your home is right in front of you. Is that person at the door your brother? His expression doesn’t seem very friendly.”

Kirito said nonchalantly.

His hearing was better than Hua Lian’s, so he couldn’t hide the whispers from people around him, but he just laughed it off and didn’t take it to heart.

Hua Lian was only 8 years old. Although she was very cute, he didn’t have any special feelings for her at all. At most, he just admired her spirit of daring to fight against fate.

When Hua Lian heard Kirito’s words, she quickly raised her head, and then heard an angry voice: “What did you do to my sister? Didn’t she go to the graduation celebration party? She was fine when she went out. Yes, why did she look like this when she came back? Did your people bully her?”

Kirito looked at the white-eyed boy in front of him who was very similar to Hinata-san, and knew that this person should be Hinata-san’s teacher’s son and Ohana Rei’s six-year-old brother Hinata Iwa.

He used natural energy to observe the amount of chakra in his body, and has now reached the jounin level.

He has this level of chakra at the age of 14. He is undoubtedly a genius. He can only be said to be the son of Mr. Hinatayama.

This is a talent that can be won over to your side.

So, he didn’t care about Hinata Iwa’s bad attitude, and replied in a friendly manner: “Hello, my name is Tohsaka Kirito, I am Hana Rei’s classmate, and I am currently a medical ninja in the hospital. Hana Rei is just checking The carat consumption is a bit large and it’s just that I’m a bit weak.”

“Tohsaka Kirito?”

When Hinata heard Kirito introduce himself, his expression became worse and worse, and the look he looked at Kirito became more and more dangerous, full of malice.

Just when he wanted to continue to say something, Hua Lian quickly said: “Brother, you are so rude. Kirito-kun is not a bad person. I asked Kirito-kun to bring me back. And there is really nothing serious about me. You accidentally consumed too much chakra, so don’t worry.”

After saying that, she struggled to get off Kirito’s back.

Hinagawa hurried over and carefully supported Hua Lian, then glared at Kirito fiercely and took Hua Lian home.

Hua Lian only had time to cast an apologetic look at Kirito before she was taken home by Hinata Iwa.

“Why is this guy so hostile to me? I remember this was the first time he and I met. It’s really strange.”

Kirito looked puzzled as Hinatayama brought Hana Rei into his home.

Relying on his soul perception, he knew that Hinata Shan did not have a home and was probably still on duty in the hospital.

Since Hinata Shan was not there, there was no need for him to go in and sit there before leaving, so he decisively turned around and left.

Soon, he walked out of the Hyuga tribe, and then came to a deserted open space nearby, and suddenly said: “Come out, you have been following me for so long, do you have something to tell me, Hua Lian’s brother?”

“I’m warning you, you are not allowed to visit my sister again. Do you hear me clearly?”

As soon as these words came out, Hyuga Iwa immediately walked out from behind a nearby big tree. He had opened his white eyes at this time, stared at Kirito, and said coldly in a commanding tone.

Kirito was a little confused by Hinata Iwa. He was undoubtedly a girl, but he didn’t do anything detrimental to Karei. He also gave Karei a lot of benefits, and then this person stood up and warned her inexplicably. It really made him a little unhappy.

Anyway, let me tell you why.

No matter what the reason is, there is no way to convince him.

“Hyuugaiwa, that’s the right name, right? You don’t allow me to contact Hua Lian. Can you tell me why? You don’t tell me any reason, you just order me directly, which makes it very difficult for me.”

Kirito sighed.

“Stop being verbose, just do what you are told. Why are you talking so much nonsense? You don’t need to know the reason. I’m warning you again. If you dare to contact Hua Lian again, I don’t care whether you are Mito-sama’s disciple or Konoha genius. , you will teach you the same lesson.”

Hinata yelled loudly.

Of course, he couldn’t tell Kirito that Hua Lian was secretly taken away by the clan members because he and Kirito studied sealing techniques. This was a secret within the clan. He couldn’t tell it, and he didn’t need to talk to Kirito, the sister who harmed him. Outsiders who were tortured by the Zong family said.

After saying that, a terrifying murderous aura emerged from his body, approaching Kirito.

He is an elite member of the Hyuga clan who survived the battlefield in the Land of Rain. He is not a genius brat still enjoying peace in the hinterland of Konoha. He is just a hothouse flower who has never seen blood. He is not worthy of him at all. Waste more words.

Geniuses who can survive on the battlefield are true geniuses.

For example, he, Hyuga Iwa, was a Konoha genius who had already killed two Amegakure Jonin.

“Interesting, Hinata Iwa, you seem to be very confident in your own strength. Let’s do this. If you can beat me, I will listen to you. How about that?”

When Kirito saw Hinata Iwa using murderous intent to intimidate him, he immediately smiled, but his smile was a bit cold, and he smiled slightly.

This Hyuga Iwa is obviously a young and energetic guy, but he has the strength of a jounin at the age of 14, and he does have the qualifications to be proud of.

Moreover, he has obviously been on the battlefield and has seen the world, but there is something wrong with his mental state now, and he may even be suffering from serious violent tendencies. Now he is psychologically obsessed with him, an 8-year-old kid who is still living in a greenhouse. Absolutely overlooking mentality.

This guy didn’t intend to communicate with him as an equal at all, he just wanted to order him to do things, just like he had unconditionally obeyed the orders of the strong and ordered other weak people on the battlefield.

In short, this guy plans to use violence to solve the problem whenever he disagrees.

The only way to get such a guy to talk properly is to use fists to wake him up.

“Then I will teach you a lesson and let you understand how to talk to seniors in the future.”

When Hinagawa heard Kirito say this, a trace of bloodthirsty eyes flashed across his eyes, and he sneered cruelly. Then he slapped Kirito in the air without hesitation, and a high-density chakra was instantly released from his palm. Come out and form a powerful chakra shock wave.

Bagua·Empty Palm!

“it’s over.”

Hinata sneered in his heart as he saw Kirito doing nothing as if he was stunned.

Sure enough, it was just a flower in the greenhouse, and it was not alert at all to his sneak attack. Such a waste would never survive on the battlefield, and might die on the first day.

Rather than being killed on the battlefield, it would be better to have him crippled here.

The Bagua and Kongzhang he just used was very measured. At most, it would seriously injure Kirito, but not kill him.

But the next moment, a thick wall of water suddenly appeared in front of him, easily blocking his Bagua and Kongzhang.

Then, Kirito’s voice appeared in his ear: “As a senior, it’s a bit excessive to launch a sneak attack, but the power of senior’s Bagua and Air Palm doesn’t seem to be very good.”

“You succeeded in irritating me!”

Hinata Iwa yelled angrily and immediately rushed towards Kirito’s direction.

Combining the technique of concentrating chakra on the soles of his feet and the powerful physical body developed over time through practicing Soft Fist, he instantly burst into jounin-level speed.

The distance of more than ten meters was covered by him in almost the blink of an eye.

Just when he was about to use a very insidious soft punch on Kirito, his opened white eyes suddenly widened, he quickly stopped his progress, launched an attack, and jumped back quickly.

He jumped more than twenty meters away, and then looked at the ground in front of him with a horrified expression.

“Senior, what happened to you? Why did you run away suddenly? Aren’t you going to come over and teach me a lesson? Why have you turned into a coward now? This is different from what you just said.”

Seeing this, Kirito said sarcastically.


Hinagawa’s face turned ugly when he heard Kirito’s sarcasm, but this time he couldn’t stand up anymore.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to use his soft fists to teach Kirito a lesson at close range, but he really couldn’t do it. Through his Byakugan, he could now clearly see a large number of sealing techniques formed by chakra lurking on the ground in front of him.

Although he didn’t know what kind of sealing techniques Kirito would release, he still knew the horror of sealing techniques.

If he hadn’t just realized something was wrong and retreated decisively, he might have been solved by Kirito using the sealing technique now.

“This guy is a monster, right? The speed at which he releases the sealing technique is terrifying. Is he doing this?”

Hinatayan looked at the huge sealing circle in the ground and was shocked in his heart.

He had already discovered that Kirito had used sealing techniques to create a sealing circle with a coverage of more than 20 meters in just a few seconds. As long as Kirito was willing, this sealing circle would take effect instantly.

This was the first time he had seen such a huge sealing circle and such a fast sealing technique release speed.

Not surprisingly, the 8-year-old kid in front of him can flexibly use the sealing technique in battle, and unlike ordinary sealing ninjas who want to spend a long time arranging the sealing technique, in his hands, the sealing technique is simply the same as using three seals. The physical skills are as simple.

He is not an idiot, he knows very well how terrifying such a sealing ninja can be.

Just looking at the sealing formation in front of him, if he hadn’t rolled his eyes, he would have definitely been attacked and captured without a fight.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, the kid in front of him was stronger than him. The opponent could defeat him, a physical ninja who used soft fists as his main attack method, just by relying on the sealing technique he just showed.

“Hmph, the white eyes are troublesome. It’s too difficult to sneak attack them with sealing techniques.”

Kirito cursed secretly when he saw that Hinagawa was being mocked so hard and didn’t come to see him off.

Then, he took out a psychic card and used the psychic technique and release technique to take out the black rod that assisted him in using magnetic escape.

This black rod is no longer the ordinary iron rod he used to assist in the use of magnetic escape, but a powerful ninja tool made of more than 90% of precious chakra metal.

Just to raise enough chakra metal to make this magnetic escape black rod, Kirito spent a full 100 million.

Such a high cost naturally greatly increases the ability of the Magnetic Escape Black Rod to assist in the use of Magnetic Escape. It now has the function of greatly reducing the consumption of Thunder Escape Chakra and greatly increasing the magnetic power, allowing Kirito to use the same amount of Thunder Escape Chakra. Carat controls five times more iron sand than before.

“If you don’t attack, then let me attack you, you coward.”

Kirito held the magnetic escape black rod and taunted again, and then immediately injected thunder escape chakra into the magnetic escape black rod.

The magnetic escape black rod instantly lit up with dazzling white electric light.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

Hinagawa was ridiculed by Kirito again, and finally couldn’t bear it any longer and shouted angrily.

As he spoke, he threw out two kunai with detonating talismans.

Seeing this, Kirito waved the magnetic escape black stick in his hand, and a large amount of iron sand poured out from the ground.

“Bang bang~” twice.

The two kunai were blocked by a wall of iron sand, and the detonating talisman above could not harm Kirito at all behind the iron sand wall.

At this time, Hinatayan’s goal had been achieved. He had completed the seals with his hands, and then slammed his hands on the ground.

Earth Release·Split the Earth and Turn the Palm!

The next moment, the ground beneath Kirito suddenly burst into cracks, and the sealing technique he arranged underground was dismantled.

Hyuga Iwa seized the opportunity and rushed towards Kirito at high speed.

But what made him despair was that Kirito flew up unreasonably.

Under Kirito’s control, a circular platform made of iron sand took him flying into the air, and then he looked down at the confused Hinata Iwa from above.

“If you apologize to me sincerely and loudly now, I will forgive you for your previous rudeness.”

Kirito said from a high place, looking down at the Hyuga Rock below.

“Don’t even think about it!”

Hinata Iwazui said hard.

How could he do such a shameful thing? He had already seen through his white eyes that a large number of clan members and others had appeared around him. If he obediently listened to Kirito and did so, how could he, Hinata Iwa, be in the clan and Konoha in the future? Mix in.

“It’s useless to be tough. You are much weaker than me, senior!”

Kirito sneered and immediately grasped his right hand forward.

A large amount of iron sand on the ground suddenly turned into a huge iron sand hand and grabbed Hinata Iwa. Hinata Iwa immediately dodged and tried to use Bagua and Air Palm attack on Kirito in the air, but he found that his feet were covered by iron sand as soon as he took a few steps. Trapped.

Moreover, a large amount of iron sand quickly spread along his feet and throughout his body.

“You can’t catch me.”

Seeing that the big hand of iron sand was about to cover him, Hyuga Iwa shouted angrily, and a high-density powerful chakra burst out from his body instantly, and then his body started to rotate at high speed like a top.

Soft Fist·Return to Heaven!

In an instant, he successfully used Kaitian to knock away all the iron sand wrapped around his body and the incoming iron sand hands, and then regained his freedom.

However, when his return to heaven was over, he found that four walls of iron sand had appeared in front of him. They formed an iron sand pyramid, sealing him in and only exposing a small gap at the top of the tower.

The only way he could survive now seemed to be the sky above his head, but when he raised his head, he immediately saw Kirito’s playful eyes.

No, there was no way he could escape.

The next moment, a big iron-sand hand stretched out from an iron-sand wall and grabbed Hinatayan tightly. Then it was quickly covered with a large number of sealing techniques, completely confining Hinatayan’s chakra, causing him to completely lose the ability to resist. .

Then, Iron Sand’s big hand took Hinata Rock to fly into the air and came to Kirito.

“Senior Hinata, remember to be more polite when you speak in the future. Also, although I am young, not just any dog ​​or cat can make me obedient.”

Kirito gently patted Hinata Iwa’s face, which was now showing a look of decadence, with his hand and smiled.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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