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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 14 Look here

“Pfft~, hahaha, what are you doing, wide forehead.”

Seeing the embarrassment of Qianzhe’s failed attempt, Naoki immediately burst into laughter.

If Chizuru was angry out of shame before and just wanted to teach the rope tree a lesson, then now he really has the intention to kill the rope tree. This time he no longer makes any seals, but directly pulls out a kunai from his body and rushes towards the rope tree. The target tree poked through.

Naoki didn’t panic about this. He had already expected that doing so would anger Chizuru, so he quickly pulled out a kunai.

There was a “ding~” sound.

The two kunai were struck together, causing a little spark to fly.

Then, the two of them clashed kunai more than ten times in a row.

Facing Qianzuru’s fierce attack, although Naoshu had some difficulty in catching it, he finally caught it steadily and even caught a flaw in Qianzuru’s attack to counterattack, but unfortunately Qianzuru easily avoided it.

The battle between the two did not last long, because Mitarai Wasabi arrived and she used her shadow clone to subdue the two in an instant.

“What are you two doing? This is a school, not a place for you to act recklessly.”

Mitarashi Wasabi said in a cold voice.


Chizuru turned away and snorted coldly, obviously not caring about Mitarashi Wasabi’s words.

She didn’t want to hear what a mere chuunin said.

She was now more concerned about the battle between Nao Shu and her. She did not expect that the Thousand Hands trash from a month ago would be able to engage in close combat with her and block all her attacks.

Damn it, a mere piece of Thousand-Handed Waste has grown so fast.

She began to understand somewhat why Senju was Uchiha’s rival.

Naoshu smiled heartlessly. He was in a good mood now. Even if he was punished, he would admit it.

Grandma, I did it.

I am not a waste, and my efforts during this period have not been in vain.

Ever since he was attacked by Chizuru and Kirito, he began to practice hard and earnestly carried out a series of hard training by his grandma except the sealing technique. He was beaten by his grandma’s love almost every day. After a month of hard work, he finally I was able to successfully fight with Chizuru.

Although he still can’t defeat Chizuru, at least he won’t be tricked and crushed like he was in the beginning.

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

His rope tree really has the appearance of the Hokage.

Kirito was not surprised at all that Naoki was able to fight against Chizuru. Over the past month, he should be one of the few people who knows the growth of Naoki’s strength best.

He was pestered and fought against by this guy every day.

Could it be unclear?

Although Naoki is only a member of Ken 2, he, like Tsunade, has inherited the bloodline of the top powerhouses of the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan. He may not be as good as Tsunade, but in terms of ninja talent, he is also at the genius level.

Not to mention anything else, the amount of chakra that Nezuki now has that is comparable to that of a jonin means that his future achievements are destined to be high.

Naoki was just too naughty before and didn’t practice hard, which resulted in him having a huge amount of chakra but not being able to use it.

Also, Naoshu, like Qianhe, was born with a golden key. Every day he ate medicinal meals that could lay a solid foundation for his body and took medicinal baths with the same effect, which laid an extremely solid foundation for his body.

Now that he has been taught strictly by Mito and is willing to calm down and practice, his strength has certainly improved by leaps and bounds.

If Kirito hadn’t awakened a sage-like physique, could absorb natural energy to improve his physical fitness, and possess top ninja talent, his rate of progress might not even be able to keep up with the exhaust fumes of the rope tree.

Mitarai Wasabi was undoubtedly very dissatisfied with the attitude of Chizuru and Naoki at this time, but the backgrounds of the two were very terrifying. One was the granddaughter of the Uchiha clan leader, and the other was the grandson of the first Hokage. It was far from being offended by a chuunin like her.

But who is she, Wasabi Mitarai? Since she dares to take over this class from the third generation, she is not afraid of offending anyone.

If she didn’t dare to deal with these two big thorns today, her prestige in the hearts of the students would be greatly reduced, and it would be difficult to make the restless brats in the class obey in the future.

You can’t really beat him to death, that’s about it now.

But she has plenty of ways to teach the kid a lesson.

So, she immediately said: “You three, go to the playground and jump a hundred times and come back.”


When Kirito heard this, he looked at Mitarai Wasabi with wide eyes.

Why is he lying down again?

He is innocent.

Why is this man blind?

Let him do the leapfrog in front of the whole school, where would he put Kirito’s face?

Mitarai Wasabi ignored Kirito’s innocent expression, just looked at him coldly, and then silently raised his fist with many veins protruding from his back.

The fist is hard.

This can be done more harshly.

“I hate unreasonable women the most.”

Kirito turned around and left decisively.

Naoki quickly followed up and said to Kirito with a smile: “It’s only a hundred times, it’s a small thing, it’s a small thing.”

Chizuru didn’t go, she wouldn’t listen to a mere chuunin.

“If you don’t go, then you can drop out of school. You are not welcome in my class.”

Mitarashi Wasabi gives Chizuru an ultimatum.

She was not allowed to spank Chizuru, but as a class teacher, she could return it.

Chizuru was unfazed by this.

At this time, Mitarashi Wasabi said quietly: “The genius of Uchiha was asked to drop out of school on the first day. I think other people also want to see Uchiha’s jokes.”


Qianzhe snorted, then turned and left.

The honor of the Uchiha cannot be tarnished.

Damn chuunin.

“Oh~, I finally got rid of this Uchiha’s thorny head with the provoking method.”

When Mitarai Wasabi saw that Chizuru finally obeyed and accepted the punishment, her cold expression suddenly fell. She covered her forehead with her hands, feeling extremely tired.

Chizuru’s unruly attitude towards her, Naoki’s heartless mischief, and Kirito who seemed innocent but was actually the creator of the conflict. The three of them were the most irritating to her in her young coaching career. biggest crisis.

“But these three are indeed geniuses. It would be an honor for me if I could guide them to become great ninjas.”

Mitarashi Wasabi stood by the window and looked at the three Kiritos who were leapfrogging around the playground at extremely fast speeds, and smiled slightly.

On the playground, Kirito, Chizuru and Naoki all performed leapfrog seriously. It was not that they really accepted Mitarai Wasabi’s punishment honestly, but that they realized that this punishment was a duel.

Jumping frogs is different from running. If you run a hundred laps, it is not difficult to do it with the physical strength of three people, but it is many times more difficult to complete it in the way of jumping frogs.

In this duel, the rope tree with amazing physical strength began to show his edge and jumped steadily to the front of the punished team.

Chizuru is a girl, and she does not have the talent to become a fairy or a fairy. She suffers the most in terms of physical fitness. She may have amazing instantaneous explosive power, but her endurance is still not as good as Nasuki and Kirito.

Therefore, Chizuru was able to catch up with the rope tree at first, and even occasionally passed him, but then he started to fail, and was overtaken by Kirito, who was as steady as an old dog, and became the last one.

“Damn, damn, damn, damn.”

Chizuru watched the two people jumping further and further in front of him, unable to accept the fact that he was losing to the two in physical fitness.

She gritted her teeth and tried to force herself to catch up again.

But her body obviously did not allow her to continue her willfulness. Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell to the ground with a thud. Her elbows and knees were scratched.

Blood began to seep from the wound.

Pain also followed, irritating Chizuru’s nerves.

A feeling of grievance brewed in Qianhe’s heart.

Qianhe’s nose felt sore and she wanted to cry, but her parents were gone and she couldn’t cry, so she held it back.

“look here.”

Suddenly, a voice came from the front.

Chizuru looked up and saw a boy with a bruised nose and face pretending to be a pig’s nose.


Although this was just a clumsy joke, a funny emotion surged into Chizuru’s heart and she couldn’t help laughing.

“You’re bleeding. I’ll take you to the infirmary. You can avoid punishment here, hehe~”

Seeing this, Kirito smiled slightly, and then stretched out a hand to Chizuru.

Chizuru, who had already covered her mouth with her hand, hesitated for a moment and slowly stretched out her hand.

The next moment, her hand was quickly grabbed by Kirito, and he pulled her to escape from the playground.

The rope tree was still jumping forward with great joy at this time, almost transforming into a happy little jumping frog. When he came back to his senses and proudly turned his head to look at Kirito and Chizuru behind him, he found that the two of them had already Just disappeared.


It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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