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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 142 Three Generations and Roots (3K) (11,000 words updated today) (Please subscribe and vote

(This is a supplement to yesterday’s update)

Hinata and Kazuma lowered their posture so low that Tsunade was too embarrassed to continue to attack. She originally planned to wait for Hinata and Kazuma to talk back before continuing to attack, using the Hyuga clan to scare the monkeys and let the people of Konoha know that Kirito was there. Status in the Thousand Hands Clan.

As a result, I didn’t expect Hinata Kazuma to be so patient.

“Kirito, what do you think?”

Tsunade still felt a little unhappy, so she decisively continued to stand up for Kirito and left the decision-making power in Kirito’s hands.

When Hinata Kazuma heard Tsunade’s words, he immediately looked at Kirito, with a trace of nervousness on his face.

He no longer dared to regard Kirito as an ordinary brat. Although he was young, his influence was unknowingly huge.

Moreover, he seems to be hostile to the Hyuga clan.

“Sister, let’s end this matter here. I’m not injured, and since I have a satisfactory explanation with Patriarch Ma, I believe him.”

Kirito had no intention of making the matter a big deal. Seeing Tsunade’s strong attitude to subdue the Hyuga clan, he decisively chose to keep the matter quiet and make himself look more generous.

The Senju clan is now strong on the outside but weak on the inside. It is really not appropriate to have an enmity with a powerful clan like the Hyuga clan, which has always been strong. This will not be conducive to Tsunade or Naoki becoming Hokage in the future.

“Okay, then I’ll do what you want. If you encounter something like this again in the future, don’t do it yourself. My sister is very strong, and the Thousand Hands clan also has your backing. You have to remember that.”

After hearing this, Tsunade was very satisfied with Kirito’s choice, showed a happy smile, and said.

“Yes, sister.”

Kirito replied obediently.

Seeing this, Hinata Kazuma and other members of the Hyuga clan felt relieved.

They have long been accustomed to keeping a low profile. Even though the Thousand Hands Clan has obviously declined, they still don’t want to have a grudge against the Thousand Hands Clan.

There is no way, there is still Tsunade in the Senju clan.

This powerful Konoha princess not only taught a lesson to the Hyuga clan today, but also taught a lesson to other ninja clan who were sneaking around and paying attention, that is, the Senju clan still has the confidence to protect their own people.

“Kirito, don’t worry, the Hyuga clan will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation, and the Hyuga clan will always welcome you as a guest.”

Hinata Kazuma said to Kirito pleasantly.

After saying that, he used his eyes to signal the branch elders around him to do something.

Without saying a word, the elder brother of the separated family fiercely slapped Hinata Iwa in the air, and a powerful high-density chakra spurted out from his palm instantly, turning into a powerful chakra shock wave.

Bagua·Empty Palm!

In an instant, Hinata Iwa was hit hard and flew away, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and then lay on the ground like a dead dog.

Then, two separated Hyuga ninjas immediately appeared next to Hyuga Iwa and took him away quickly.

Tsunade watched with cold eyes as the Hyuga clan put on a show. She didn’t say anything and just watched their performance quietly.

“I made you two laugh and say goodbye.”

Hinata Kazuma smiled at the two of them, then resigned decisively and left quickly with the other members of the Hyuga clan.

“Let’s go back too, Kirito. Don’t run around tonight.”

Tsunade said immediately after seeing the matter resolved.

“Yes, sister.”

Kirito answered honestly, then grabbed Tsunade’s extended hand and returned to the Senju clan with Tsunade.

Seeing this, the nearby spectators also dispersed.

“I didn’t expect that Tsunade valued Kirito so much. It seems that it would be very difficult to recruit Kirito to join my team. It’s such a pity. If my team had Kirito, even if he had to carry out extremely dangerous sabotage missions behind enemy lines, It’s a piece of cake too.”

Orochimaru walked out from behind a big tree at the scene. He looked at the leaving figures of Kirito and Tsunade and said with regret.

Then, he looked in the direction of the Hyuga clan, showing interest.

Then, a small white snake emerged from his sleeve, fell to the ground, and then quickly disappeared.

This time Hinatayan took the initiative to provoke Kirito. He had a hunch that the reason behind it was not that simple.

“Hua Lian, I didn’t expect that this child from a separate family with little future would be so valued by Kirito. It seems that he needs to be cultivated carefully in the future. Maybe there will be unexpected gains.”

Orochimaru thought thoughtfully.

The main reason why he took a fancy to Hua Lian was that Hua Lian had Byakugan, and had already completed opening his eyes early. He had great potential in the Blood Succession Limit, and he also had good grades in theory classes. A little training would give him good help in the mission. .

In Orochimaru’s class, he only had eyes for Minato, because only Minato successfully cracked a sealing technique he had set in the test paper that was far more difficult than the genin level. In addition, Minato was a civilian ninja, which made him see similar people.

Compared to Rei Hinata and Donto Akimichi, Minato is undoubtedly the most suitable person to inherit his mantle.

But the disciple he wanted to gain the most was Kirito.

“Natural energy, how did he do it?”

Orochimaru thought of Kirito and his improved sealing technique, King Kong Blockade, and couldn’t help but be filled with curiosity.

Natural energy, he has been studying this power for quite some time, but unfortunately there has been no progress.

His physique does not seem to be suitable for cultivating this kind of energy. Although he has found a way to guide it out of nature, he cannot even sense it, let alone use it freely.

On the contrary, Jiraiya, that big idiot, has already managed to sense natural energy and has even begun to practice senjutsu, which makes him quite frustrated.

He had not found a way to control natural energy for a long time, but not long after returning to the village, he actually found clues to the use of natural energy from Kirito’s improved sealing technique: King Kong Seal. This discovery really shocked him.

He once boasted that he was a genius, but now he finally discovered that there is still another mountain higher than the other.

Compared to Kirito who completed the improvement of the Uzumaki clan’s unique sealing technique, King Kong Seal, at the age of 8, and found a way to utilize natural energy, the various secret techniques he had developed before were really nothing to mention.

He had a hunch that if he got Kirito’s help, his research speed on a certain technique would definitely be greatly improved.

“I wonder if Kirito is interested in immortality. Forget it, Kirito is still young and doesn’t understand the meaning of life. Let’s discuss this issue with him after he goes to the battlefield. Only those who have understood death can understand How wonderful it feels to be alive.”

Orochimaru murmured, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

But soon, he covered up this trace of sadness, regained his coldness, and then went to his laboratory outside the village.

. . .

On the other side, Konoha Prison.

Under the protection of a group of ANBU elite ninjas, the third generation passed through the numerous blockades inside the prison and continued deep into the depths of the prison.

After a while, he finally arrived at the deepest cell of the prison.

Here he saw people at their roots.

When the two root ninjas saw him, they just nodded lightly without even saying a basic hello, and there were faint chakra fluctuations on their bodies. They were obviously preparing some ninjutsu. Once he broke in without permission, Even if he acts as Hokage, they will take action.

Although Sandai was dissatisfied with this, he didn’t say anything.

He knows the root situation very well.

These root ninjas have been brainwashed by Danzo or controlled by curse seals. The only person they are loyal to is Danzo, and they have no regard for him as the Hokage.

Therefore, the root is actually Danzo’s private armed force, an armed force that is outside the power of Konoha.

The third generation had noticed this problem a long time ago, but he had just taken power at the time and did not have enough control over Konoha. He needed Danzo’s extra power to help him deal with some things that were inconvenient for him to go out to do, so he always turned a blind eye.

Danzo has always been very good at completing various tasks assigned to him. No matter how big or small, difficult or dirty, he tries his best to complete them and gives him a lot of help.

He was able to secure the throne of Hokage so quickly, and it was inseparable from Danzo’s silent efforts behind his back.

Those years were when he and Danzo were very close. He trusted Danzo very much and gave Danzo a lot of power and autonomy.

It’s just that he didn’t know when his good friend started to change. He obeyed his orders and did many things that he didn’t know about under the banner of him and Konoha.

When he reacted and wanted to deal with Danzo, he suddenly discovered that the strength of the roots led by Danzo was so huge that he was shocked, and many places in Konoha were already inseparable from the help of the roots.

Once he attacks Danzo, it will immediately shake the balance he has finally established in Konoha.

As a result, he had to postpone the treatment of Danzo, but began to restrict Danzo’s roots and no longer transport people to the roots at will.

After that, the conflicts and differences between him and Danzo became more and more serious.

If it weren’t for the war, Konoha still needed to use its roots, he might have disbanded or eliminated this armed force that was beneficial to Konoha’s power.

“It’s too late to say anything. Fortunately, he stumbled in front of Mito-sama and is now better able to handle things than before.”

The current relationship between him and Danzo flashed through Sandai’s mind, and he thought to himself, his eyes gradually becoming colder.

The reason why he came to Danzo today was to warn Danzo.

The information that Hattori Masashige gave to Konoha has been verified to be correct, but I don’t know where Danzo, the bastard, got this news. Now he actually sent the elite of the root to look for Hattori Masashige everywhere in the Land of Rain.

Hattori Masashige had warned Konoha before that not allowing transactions would be disturbed by people at the root.

Now that Danzo is doing this, it is simply touching his reverse scale.

Hattori Masashige’s information is very important. This transaction between Konoha and Hattori Masashige must be completed smoothly. If Danzo dares to cause trouble and Konoha misses the opportunity to defeat Sunagakure, he will never forgive Danzo this time.

In order to let Danzo understand his determination, he came here in person today.

“It’s Hiruzen. Since you’re here, let’s come in and talk. I’ve already made tea.”

Suddenly, Danzo’s voice came from behind the cell door in front of him.

When Sandai heard this voice, he frowned slightly, and then pushed open the cell door without hesitation.

The next moment, an unfathomable darkness appeared in front of him, and his old comrade who had not seen him for a long time was shrouded in darkness, with only a pair of eyes flashing dangerously in the darkness.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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