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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 145 The Man Who Believes in Money (8,000 words) (Please subscribe and vote)

Orochimaru is now very confused. The snake he channeled from Ryūchi Cave died inexplicably.

Although the snake was of little value to him, the master of Longdi Cave, the White Snake Immortal, would not care about a small snake with low strength and only worthy of being used as food. He could use psychic skills to channel one out of Longdi Cave at any time. New, but he still felt a little uneasy about such an inexplicable death.

Because that snake is his experimental subject, an enhanced snake that has gained extremely strong latent ability and the ability to master earth escape through his body transformation technology. It is impossible for ordinary sensory ninjas to detect it, and it is also difficult for ordinary sensory ninjutsu to detect it. It works for it.

Who discovered it and then instantly killed it lurking underground?

Orochimaru was very curious, so he immediately formed a seal, created a shadow clone, and ordered the shadow clone to check the situation.

Afterwards, he continued to focus on the experiment in front of him.

After a while, Orochimaru’s shadow clone came to the snake cave where the poisonous snake died. He didn’t mind being dirty. He opened the broken body of the poisonous snake with his hands, trying to find the cause of the death of the poisonous snake from the corpse.

However, the more he examined the poisonous snake’s body, the more doubtful he became.

He murmured: “Strange, no traces of ninjutsu were found. The cause of death should be an inexplicable explosion inside. What kind of force would cause a sudden explosion in the poisonous snake’s body? There are no traces of other chakra, then Does it mean that this is not caused by ninjutsu, but some kind of strange blood inheritance limit ability?”

Orochimaru’s shadow clone’s brain is running at high speed, trying to find the blood successor limit ability that matches the cause of the poisonous snake’s death from the various weird blood successor limits he knows, but after all, he is not an omnipotent and omniscient person, and cannot find a matching one. Blood inheritance limited ability.

Unable to identify the murderer, Orochimaru’s shadow clone immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of the orphanage.

At the same time, Kirito saw the shadow clone of Orochimaru looking over through the white eyes of the White Zetsu clone, and sneered: “This guy is really as sharp as ever, but he probably didn’t find out who killed the poisonous snake, he was just suspicious. .”

To be honest, he really didn’t expect that the venomous snake was Orochimaru’s psychic beast.

He just felt that the venomous snake with chakra was close to the orphanage and was very large. He thought it would pose a threat to the people in the orphanage, so he chose it as the experimental subject of the Blood Dragon Eye. Unexpectedly, he accidentally gave Orochimaru It exploded.

However, he knew through the Blood Dragon Eye’s blood sensing ability that the person who came here to find out the cause of the Viper’s death was just a shadow clone of Orochimaru.

Now, in addition to soul perception, he has gained a second perception ability that can distinguish shadow clones.

“The Art of Spiritualization? No, the Art of Spiritualization only has the ability to obliterate the soul. It is impossible to cause the corpse to explode from the inside, unless Kirito develops a method based on the Art of Spiritualization that can cause the soul to explode. Ninjutsu.

But this possibility is extremely low. Even if Kirito is a genius, it only took him half a year to learn the art of spiritual transformation. Being able to master it is already shocking. If he can use this to develop a ninjutsu that makes the soul explode, it will be unavoidable. It’s incredible. “

Orochimaru’s shadow clone recalled Kirito, the most powerful person in the orphanage, through the orphanage, and then recalled the spiritual transformation technique that Kirito had mastered, and shook his head.

He did not think that the poisonous snake was killed by Kirito using spiritual transformation, but he still suspected that Kirito was the most likely person to kill the poisonous snake.

Because around here, the orphanage is the closest force to the death of the poisonous snake.

Nowadays, because of Kirito’s relationship, the orphanage has changed drastically. It is no longer just a place with a very low presence in Konoha. It is now the base camp of many young civilian ninjas and has unknowingly become a force in Konoha. The power of youth.

The leader of this force is Kirito.

Orochimaru’s shadow clone now speculates that Kirito must have mastered some kind of blood succession limit that can kill targets from a distance.

“Interesting, I really want him to join my mission team sooner.”

Orochimaru’s shadow clone thought excitedly, and then couldn’t help but stick out his long tongue and lick his mouth.

Then, he formed a seal and disappeared into white smoke.

“It’s like this again. It’s so disgusting. I feel like I’m being targeted.”

Kirito watched with white eyes the whole process of Orochimaru’s shadow clone sticking out his tongue, and suddenly felt shuddering.

But since Orochimaru left so simply, he no longer had to worry about killing Orochimaru’s psychic beast by mistake.

This matter is big or small. If Orochimaru insists on getting to the bottom of it, there will definitely be trouble in the orphanage.

After all, the psychic beast came from the powerful Longdi Cave.

The third generation will most likely send someone to investigate on the face of Ryuchidou and give Orochimaru and Ryuchidou an explanation, and he is the key target of the investigation.

“In the future, if you see animals with chakra in their bodies, you can’t kill them casually. Maybe they are the psychic beasts of a certain ninja.”

Kirito warned himself secretly.

Next, he continued to test the ability of the Blood Dragon Eye. He took some blood packets from the laboratory, poured them all into a basin, and then opened the Blood Dragon Eye.

The next moment, the blood in the basin flew out of the basin under his control, and then transformed into various shapes in mid-air.

He tried to use the blood control ability of the blood dragon eye to turn the blood into a sharp spike, and then controlled it to plunge into the ground. As a result, the blood spike was only superficial and could not penetrate into the ground at all.

In this regard, Kirito was not disappointed, because he did not consume too much blood dragon eye chakra in his body just now to control the blood spikes.

That special blood-red Yin Escape Chakra is now named Blood Dragon Eye Chakra by him.

This special chakra is the source of power released by the Blood Dragon Eye’s ability. As long as the consumption of this special chakra is increased, the Blood Dragon Eye’s ability will be improved. The extent of the improvement is temporarily unknown.

He now only knows that when the Blood Dragon Eye is opened using the Wood Release Chakra or the Immortal Technique Chakra, the Blood Dragon Eye’s ability will be immediately improved.

This is because the quality of the Blood Dragon Eye Chakra produced after the Blood Dragon Eye absorbs two types of chakra is much higher than the Blood Dragon Eye Chakra produced by absorbing ordinary Chakra.

Especially after the Senjutsu Chakra opens the Blood Dragon Eye, the Blood Dragon Eye can consume a small amount of Blood Dragon Eye Chakra to kill Orochimaru’s psychic snake from a distance of several hundred meters.

The Blood Dragon Eye’s ability to destroy enemies from a distance is now named Blood Dragon Eye·Blood Explosion by him!

Kirito began to consume more Blood Dragon Eye chakra at once to control the blood, turning it into the shape of spikes again.

This time, the blood spikes were like real iron thorns, piercing deeply into the ground without any signs of disintegration.

From this, Kirito learned a principle, that is, the more blood dragon eye chakra is consumed, the harder the objects shaped with blood will be.

“What if the blood dragon eye chakra is directly injected into the blood.”

Kirito suddenly thought.

In the original plot, Chino, the descendant of the Blood Pond clan who awakened the Blood Dragon Eye, once poured his own blood into the blood-like water and let the blood spread in the water, thereby controlling the water and forming a powerful blood dragon to attack. Sasuke.

He now guessed that the blood might contain Blood Dragon Eye Chakra.

Just as he thought of it, a blood-red chakra line formed from the blood dragon eye chakra suddenly shot out from his arm and shot into the blood in front of him.

In an instant, Kirito discovered that the blood infused with the Blood Dragon Eye’s chakra was more closely connected to him, as if his flesh and blood were connected to each other like a part of his own body.

As soon as his heart moved, his blood instantly turned into a gleaming blood spike, and then plunged into the ground fiercely.

Then, the blood turned into a sharp blood samurai sword.

The sword flashed.

A well-made kunai in Kirito’s hand was immediately cut into two pieces.

“Interesting, this is the correct way to use the Blood Dragon Eye to control blood. Injecting the Blood Dragon Eye Chakra into the blood can not only greatly reduce the consumption of the Blood Dragon Eye Chakra, but also allow one to further control the blood and shape the blood. The hardness of shaped objects will also be greatly increased, and the Blood Dragon Eye Chuck in the blood is not consumed during the process of my controlling the blood. It is incredible that they can continue to maintain their existence by consuming blood. “

Kirito used the power of the Byakugan on White Zetsu’s clone to see clearly the process of using the Blood Dragon Eye to control the blood in battle, and came to this conclusion.

Finally, there is another conclusion, that is, after blood is injected with Blood Dragon Eye Chakra, they will not coagulate. Blood Dragon Eye Chakra will automatically prevent this phenomenon from happening.

“Yes, yes, the blood control ability of this Blood Dragon Eye is not inferior to my special magnetic escape. To a certain extent, it is more powerful than the special magnetic escape.

Because it is more deadly, once the blood injected with Blood Dragon Eye Chakra injures someone, it is equivalent to injecting Blood Dragon Eye Chakra into the enemy’s body.

At that time, Blood Dragon Eye’s other ability, Body Bomb, can be activated immediately, and Blood Dragon Eye’s illusion spell will definitely make it easier for the enemy to attack. There is no doubt that Blood Dragon Eye’s blood control ability is the basis of Blood Dragon Eye’s other abilities. core. “

Kirito looked at the blood ball infused with blood dragon eye chakra in front of him and quickly realized its danger.

At this time, the picture of him using the Blood Dragon Eye ability to fight on the battlefield in the future appeared in his mind involuntarily. It must be a very bloody and terrifying scene.

The blood flowing out of all the corpses is controlled by him, and then he injects the blood dragon eye chakra. According to his wishes, the blood turns into blood needles, senbons, kunai and other objects for shooting, or turns into huge blood dragons and blood waves. , swept across the battlefield, and all enemies damaged by the blood he controlled turned into flesh bombs and exploded to death.

He walked through the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, unscathed, with only the blood splashed when the enemy exploded.

At that time, what will the enemy call him?

“I am not a war fanatic. As long as the enemy retreats and is willing to surrender and pay compensation, I will still let them go and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.”

Kirito shook his head and said, dispelling the bloody images in his mind, then took out a psychic card from his body, and used the psychic technique and absorption technique to suck the blood ball in front of him into it.

The blood dragon eye test is now over.

“Next, it’s time to meet Iwagakure and other guys with bad intentions, and use these guys to test the power of the Byakugan.”

Kirito closed the Blood Dragon Eye, looked at the Bai Jue clone, and smiled slightly.

The next moment, Bai Jue’s clone used the Mayfly Technique to quickly get into the ground and quickly headed towards the Kingdom of Rain.

Kirito’s true body left two shadow clones in the laboratory to let them continue to maintain the work in the laboratory, and he quickly left the orphanage and walked to the hospital.

It’s time to ask Sister Tsunade for medical ninjutsu again.

Ever since Tsunade returned to Konoha, she had directly accepted the job of deputy director of the hospital, but in fact, she had more power than Sarutobi Biwako, who was the director.

Because the heads of various departments are willing to follow her orders and no longer hold each other back due to private infighting due to factionalism.

With Tsunade here, the hospital’s work efficiency has obviously improved dramatically.

Under Tsunade’s special care, he was finally freed from the complicated daily outpatient work and got more time to learn medical knowledge. He was also able to happily get the opportunity to have Tsunade open a small stove, so that he did not need all kinds of care. With permission, you can have access to all kinds of precious medical knowledge.

The chakra scalpel was learned under Tsunade’s guidance in the past few days, as well as various precious pill formulas for regulating the body, detoxifying, and enhancing physical fitness. Tsunade taught him like cabbage.

I have to say that Tsunade, this sister, really gave him too many benefits, which made him feel even happier.

Kirito recognizes such a good sister.

. . .

In a relatively prosperous border town near the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth, Yellow Earth, the son of the third generation Tsuchikage, was drinking alone in a high-end hotel room.

“Where on earth has this guy gone? I’ve been here for a week and he still hasn’t contacted me. Even if he doesn’t come in person, he should at least send someone to talk about the situation. Is he planning not to trade? “

Huang Tu drank the glass of boring wine in his hand and thought very depressedly.

He was let go for many days, and his mood was as bad as the rainy day outside. He wanted to find someone to fight to get rid of the deep resentment in his heart.

However, he is quite understanding about Hattori Masashige letting him go. Their Iwagakure intelligence network is not a vegetarian either. They exist in this border town that was born due to the border trade between the Land of Earth and the Land of Rain. A large number of spies from Iwagakure.

For example, the boss behind the high-end hotel where he is temporarily staying is someone from Iwagakure.

Therefore, he knew that there were already a large number of spies from Konoha and Sunagakure gathered in this small border town.

In addition, there are several mysterious forces and powerful lone rangers operating deeper.

The reason why these ghosts and snakes appear here is undoubtedly because they are eyeing the transaction between Iwakakure and Hattori Masashige, and are preparing to destroy or seize the results of this transaction.

Huang Tu has been assassinated continuously in the past few days. Fortunately, he is strong and the guardian force around him is strong enough, so he has always been safe.

However, Huang Tu felt mortal danger when he was assassinated several times.

This was a signal that there were ninjas in the dark who were powerful enough to put his life in danger and wanted to take the opportunity to take action against him. However, they did not choose to take action in the end, otherwise he would definitely not be as safe as he is now.

However, in recent days, the level of assassination has obviously increased. The ninjas and bounty hunters who came to assassinate him have become stronger and stronger, and their methods have become more and more unpredictable.

“Wait one more day. If you can’t wait for anyone, go back.”

Huang Tu drank another glass of boring wine and quietly made up his mind.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to wait, it’s just that he can’t wait any longer. If he waits any longer, the powerful ninja who gives him a huge sense of threat will probably not be able to restrain the murderous intention in his heart, and will directly attack him, an Iwa ninja who has a lot of benefits. Take action.

Out of caution and status, the bargaining chip used by Iwakaku in the deal with Hattori Masashige this time fell on him.

The bargaining chip for this transaction contains a large number of Earth Release Ninjutsu, including an S-level Earth Release Ninjutsu. Its preciousness is self-evident.

As long as you kill him, you can get these precious ninjutsu from him.

Many assassins came to assassinate him precisely because of this.

Also, as the son of the third Tsuchikage, he has a noble status and is personally a powerful elite Jonin in Iwagakure. The reward for his head in the underground gold exchange is very high, as high as 120 million.

As long as you kill him, get his head, and then successfully get it to the underground money exchange, you can immediately become rich overnight.

Huangtu had a good drinker, but after drinking five bottles of strong liquor in a row, he seemed a little drunk, his face was red, and his eyes were a little blurry.

But the next moment, his originally somewhat confused eyes suddenly regained their clarity and became sharp, and he suddenly looked towards the shadows in the room.

Just when he was about to use some powerful earth escape ninjutsu to force the guest who suddenly appeared in the shadows out, a figure who had been looking forward to it day and night came out of the shadows.

“Long time no see, Mr. Huangtu.”

Kirito smiled and greeted Huangtu through the white Zetsu clone wearing the vest of Hattori Masashige.

“Huh, it’s been a long time. I thought I’d never see you again. Do you think you have a lot of face and can let us Iwagakure wait for you to trade? Hattori Masashige, our Iwagakure’s patience and There is a limit to your tolerance.”

When Huang Tu heard this, the surprise on his face instantly turned into indifference, and he sneered.

He still had the nerve to smile and say, “Long time no see.” What time has it been? It really made it easy for him and Iwagakure to wait.

“I’m extremely sorry, Mr. Huangtu, I definitely didn’t mean to keep you and Iwagakure waiting for a long time. It’s really that I’ve been closely watched recently, and it’s hard to find a chance to meet you. You must also be aware of my difficulties, and you’re here now. Just a water incarnation of me.

I’m pressed for time, so I won’t talk nonsense. Our trading location needs to be changed, but I hope that you Iwagakure people can continue to stay here to attract the attention of those with ill intentions.

In fact, my delay in showing up is also intended to keep these people’s eyes here and develop inertia, so that our next transaction can be completed smoothly. You know, I brought two living people with me to do it. Transactions often involve inconveniences. “

Kirito explained apologetically.

“Don’t talk about these useless nonsense, I just want to ask about the losses we Iwagakure have suffered these days. Do you want us Iwagakure to attract firepower for you in vain?”

Loess didn’t want to listen to Kirito’s explanation, he just wanted to use this to gain more benefits for Iwagakure, and he was aggressive.

The assassinations in the past few days have nothing to do with him personally, but they have also damaged many good compatriots of Iwagakure. He must recover these losses from Kirito, an unpunctual guy, otherwise how can he be worthy of his death? A companion, worthy of Iwagakure.

Hearing this, Kirito was silent for a while and sighed: “I don’t have to give up the resources for cultivating Jonin, but you have to give me those Earth Release Ninjutsu and S-level Ninjutsu.”

“Fair enough, tell me, where is the new trading location?”

When Huang Tu saw that Kirito had offered substantial benefits to make concessions, he gave up as soon as he was satisfied and nodded expressionlessly.

Kirito smiled and said nothing, and then turned into a puddle of water under Huang Tu’s puzzled gaze, directly releasing the water body.

At the same time, a wet wooden sign fell on the ground where Kirito’s water body disappeared.

Huang Tu immediately went over and picked up the wooden sign. When he saw the words engraved on the wooden sign clearly, he immediately used the earth escape and rock fist technique to crush the wooden sign into pieces.

“A good place to do business.”

Huang Tu lowered his head, looked at the sawdust in his hand, and murmured.

At the same time, in a forest seven or eight kilometers away from the town, Bai Jue’s clone emerged from a big tree and looked in the direction of the town with a solemn expression.

He had opened his Byakugan at this time, and relying on the power of his Byakugan, he could see every move of everything and people in the town.

In fact, with his combined Byakugan and natural energy perception, all the powerful ninjas in the town can no longer hide it from him.

He discovered that in this small border town, there were actually twenty jounin and two shadow-level experts gathered together.

This lineup is truly luxurious.

The more than twenty jounin come from various forces. Among them, Iwagakure and Konoha have the most, with five jonin each, followed by Sunagakure, with three jonin, and Amegakure, with two jonin. There are five jounin left, one of them is Yamanaka Yun, and the remaining strength is unknown, and they are most likely lone rangers.

As for the two shadow-level experts, one of them was Chiyo from Sunagakure, and the other was actually the Immortal Kakuzu.

“I didn’t expect that this deal with Iwagakure actually attracted Kakuzu. Is he here to collect the head bounty of my vest, Hattori Masashige, or the head bounty of Loess?”

Kirito looked at a ninja covered in black clothes in a private house in the town with his white eyes and thought to himself.

This person is Kakuzu. At this time, he has used illusions to control the people living in the houses, and used the tentacles formed by the earthly resentment on his body to sneak into the ground and connect all the way to the hotel where Huang Tu is.

It seems that in addition to allowing him to live forever, Kakuzu’s secret technique of earth resentment also has the ability to investigate.

“Hmm~, someone is spying on me. Where does this spying come from?”

On the other side, Kakuzu was shocked when Kirito peered at him with his white eyes. He quietly observed his surroundings and used some kind of sensory ninjutsu to counterattack.

However, the feeling of being spied on never disappeared, making his heart gradually sink.

“Looks like this bounty trip won’t be as enjoyable as usual.”

Kakuzu found that his sensory ninjutsu was useless, and he simply chose to use it up, but he was secretly alert in his heart, and mobilized the chakra in his body, ready to explode and hurt people at any time.

Now that he has been exposed, the wisest way right now is to leave here immediately.

Because he knows very well how difficult it is to deal with an enemy that cannot be countered by his sensory ninjutsu. The opponent is probably someone from the Great Ninja Village, and he has many capable companions around him.

It was already very difficult for him to seize food from these people alone. Now that he has lost the advantage of hiding in the dark, it will be even more difficult for him to try to seize food from the tiger’s mouth again, and he may be involved.

Although he is very powerful, he never underestimates his enemies. This is the experience he has gained from his long life.

No matter what kind of enemy it is, you need to go all out and not underestimate the enemy in the slightest.

Knowing that if he continued like this, his situation would become more and more dangerous, Kakuzu did not choose to leave. He still sat in the Bu0026B and continued to use the earth’s resentment to monitor every move of Huangtu and other Iwagakure ninjas.

“If you want to make me quit in this way, huh, don’t even think about it, I won’t betray money.”

Kakuzu noticed that the voyeuristic gaze was lingering on him, and he suddenly realized what the other person was thinking, and sneered in his heart.

The reason why he came here was because he accepted a commission from someone in the underground gold exchange to assassinate Hattori Masashige.

He has accepted the generous deposit, and now it is impossible to return the money.

And he had no intention of refunding the money.

Of course.

In this world, only money will not betray him.

Since money did not betray him, he naturally could not betray money, nor could he betray the contract formed with money.

He will do his best to complete this contract formed by money, even if it means death.

“I can only say that he is worthy of being a film-level strong man, and a man of great skill and boldness. Even though I was staring at him, he still didn’t plan to leave, away from my prying eyes. I’m really convinced.”

Kirito stared at Kakuzu’s every move with his white eyes, and sighed when he realized that Kakuzu clearly noticed his prying but the old god stayed where he was.

Powerful ninjas are very difficult to spy on because they have developed a very strong sense of danger after experiencing countless bloody battles. Once they are targeted, they will immediately notice it.

Kakuzu is a contemporary of the First Hokage. He once escaped from the First Hokage. He is a powerful ninja who has lived for a long time and has experienced hundreds of battles.

A ninja of this level must have noticed his prying eyes, but he still didn’t choose to leave, which shows how confident he is in his own strength.

To be honest, if he had faced Kakuzu before getting the eye roll, he would have run as far as he could.

Because this guy is also a strong man who is proficient in Water Escape, and is also proficient in the other four Five Elements Escape Techniques.

Relying on his Byakugan, he saw that the five hearts in his body stored a huge amount of chakra of five attributes.

Combined, the amount of chakra would undoubtedly reach Kage level.

In the original plot, although Kakuzu used those five types of Five Elements Escape Techniques back and forth, it does not mean that he does not know other Five Elements Escape Techniques. It is just that he is more proficient in those Five Elements Escape Techniques.

If the White Zetsu clone fought with him in the Land of Rain, most likely they would not be able to take advantage of the geographical location, and they would probably be taught the Thunder Release Ninjutsu by him.

However, the White Zetsu clone now possesses the power of Byakugan, and with the help of the land of rain and the Sage mode, there might be a chance to keep Kakuzu.

According to the development of the plot, Kakuzu will be a core member of Akatsuki in the future and a very important role in Naruto.

As long as he can kill Kakuzu now, he can definitely get strengthening points.

I have to say, this is a big temptation.

“Kakuzu’s appearance was an accident. Since it was an accident, let’s put it aside for now. The difficult one to deal with is this Sunagakure’s shinobi flower. I captured her son and daughter-in-law and used them to trade with Sunagakure. , she must hate me deeply.

If Loess can’t get rid of her tracking, Hattori Masashige will have to fight her with real swords and guns. This shadow-level puppet master is an all-rounder, including puppetry, medical ninjutsu, ninjutsu and sealing techniques. She is quite accomplished. If I fight her, it will be extremely dangerous.

If there is another corner who is coveting him, Hattori Masashige’s vest will be in danger. “

Kirito looked away from Kakuzu and secretly looked at a middle-aged woman who was maintaining a puppet in the basement of a certain private house, with a solemn look in her eyes.

He didn’t dare to keep staring at Chiyo like he did with the angle just now, he just glanced at her inadvertently, and then moved away.

Unfortunately, no matter how careful he was, Chiyo seemed to be aware that someone was peeping at her, and the movement of playing with the puppet suddenly paused.

“This kind of peeping feeling must be the Byakugan ninja of Konoha, but he can actually see through the seal barrier I put up and peek at me. The Byakugan ability of this Byakugan ninja is probably not simple. Could it be that he is the Byakugan ninja of the Hyuga clan? Impossible, then These guys are all cowards and there is no way they would appear here.

But if it wasn’t the Byakugan ninja of the clan, which branch of the Byakugan ninja had such a powerful Byakugan.

Forget it, there is no point in thinking about this. The important thing is that I was discovered by the people of Konoha. However, since I have not been in Sunagakure for so many days, the substitute should have been discovered long ago. It is time to transfer. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. “

Chiyo continued to play with the puppet calmly, feeling secretly excited.

Soon, she finished maintaining the puppet and secretly left the border town as quickly as possible.

Different from the perspective of a lonely person, Chiyo shoulders the important responsibility of protecting and building Sunagakure Village. She cannot continue to stay in the border town while being exposed and increase the danger. This would be irresponsible for her and Sunagakure. matter.

“It doesn’t matter if you escape my surveillance. I have memorized your soul breath. No matter how far you run, I can find you again.”

Kirito watched Chiyo gradually disappear from sight with his white eyes, and said coldly.

Like Angle, Chiyo is a very important character in Naruto. Killing her will definitely get strengthening points, and the number will not be small.

However, if you want to kill this shadow-level puppet master, the power of Bai Jue’s clone alone is not enough.

He needs help.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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