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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 169: Secrets to add points, key areas for development (8,000 words) (Please subscribe and vo

There are seven powerful ninjutsu that Kirito has mastered in front of him. They are: Sealing Technique: Four Elephants Seal, Sealing Technique: Zombie Seal, Sealing Technique: Four Red Yang Formation, Sealing Technique: Yin Seal, Sealing Technique: King Kong Blockade ( (Change), the art of spiritual transformation and the immortal mode.

Among them, this person has an outstanding talent for sealing arts. He has successfully upgraded the levels of five powerful sealing arts without relying on strengthening points.

Among them, the Four Red Yang Formation, the Zombie Seal and the Four Elephant Seals are level 2, while the King Kong Seal (revised) and the Yin Seal are level 3.

Kirito naturally didn’t dare to slack off for the ninjutsu taught by his teacher. When he was in Konoha, he would create a shadow clone every day and go to work in the sealing class, but in fact, he continued to study the sealing technique there. .

The five sealing techniques are all S-level sealing techniques with extremely high gold content. They are extremely difficult to learn. With Kirito’s current sealing technique ability, it is impossible to release it instantaneously without sealing like other ninjutsus. He must It takes a little time to prepare.

As for improving them and raising their level, it is even more difficult.

For more than a year, he has basically been focusing on studying the improved sealing technique, King Kong Sealing (modified) and Yin Seal, and finally raised their levels to level 3.

Therefore, in Kirito’s opinion, the upgrade of these five S-level sealing techniques will definitely require a lot of strengthening points.

But the result was not what he imagined.

Nowadays, these five S-level sealing techniques have a “+” sign behind them, which shows that they can all be strengthened with one strengthening point.

“What’s going on? Even the level 3 King Kong Blockade and Yin Seal can be strengthened with one strengthening point. Are these two S-level sealing techniques so worthless?”

Kirito looked at the two S-level sealing techniques on the attribute panel, which had reached level 3, and felt very confused.

He knew how difficult it was to improve these two S-level sealing techniques. The memories fed back by the shadow clones who specialized in sealing techniques every day gave him a headache, and it would take some time to digest them.

However, since his intelligence in the sage attribute was raised to 5, his speed in researching and improving these two S-level sealing techniques has increased a lot.

Suddenly, Kirito thought of a possibility, that is, the reason why these two S-level sealing techniques only require one strengthening point was probably related to his talent in learning sealing techniques.

5 points of intelligence is definitely among the top wise men among humans. 3 points of intelligence originally made him a sealing arts genius favored by Mito. Now, to what extent will 5 points of intelligence make him talented in learning sealing arts?

“Maybe this is really the case. This attribute panel corresponds to my body, not other clones. Now that I think about it, it should be very difficult to improve a super powerful S-level soul ninjutsu like the Spiritual Transformation Technique. But I upgraded two levels in a row and successfully completed it with only 2 strengthening points.

Now it seems that the reason why spiritual transformation is so easy to improve is actually closely related to my talent in practicing spiritual transformation. At the beginning, my teacher said that my soul is naturally extremely powerful and I am very good at practicing spiritual transformation. talent. “

Kirito thought about it carefully in his mind, and his brain CPU with 5 points of intelligence was spinning at high speed, and he gradually found some similar patterns.

The next moment, his eyes glanced at the puppet technique on the attribute panel.

Ever since he discovered that he was very advantageous in learning puppetry, he had created a shadow clone every day to learn puppetry. Not to mention, he had a lot of puppet materials for practice, and his learning of puppetry was progressing at a rapid pace.

His level of puppetry has reached level 8, along with the puppet making and puppet mechanism skills, both of which have been raised to level 6.

And now, this level has reached the 8th level of the puppet technique, and it also has a “+” sign on the back of its butt.

What level does level 8 puppetry belong to?

Kirito wasn’t really sure, but he found that he had no problem relying on Soft Fist’s ability to open chakra points all over his body, creating 20 chakra lines from his body at once, and then controlling 20 puppets at the same time to fight.

“The talent of learning a certain ninjutsu makes it less difficult to learn a certain ninjutsu, which in turn reduces the number of strengthening points that the system needs to consume. There is nothing wrong with this logic.”

Kirito came to this conclusion.

Then a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

To be honest, the things he studied were a bit complicated. He was involved in sealing, ninjutsu, medical ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusion, senjutsu and even puppetry, and he was very good at learning them all, especially in some fields. Reach the top level of the ninja world.

Generally speaking, other ninjas will not be as involved in a wide range of fields as he is. They usually only specialize in a certain field and then practice it to the pinnacle.

But just for that alone, these ninjas are already the best in the ninja world.

Now it seems that if he devoted his time to studying a certain field of expertise, he might have reached the pinnacle in a certain field, such as sealing.

“No, I am different from others. I have enough time and energy to learn these things, and I have good talents. Those powerful ninjas who are proficient in a certain field can certainly achieve great achievements in a short period of time. But their achievements are just that, the film level is their ceiling, and they usually have fatal shortcomings.

I am different. I am involved in various fields. Although I am not the strongest in every field, I have no shortcomings. I can use effective methods in other fields to deal with enemies. Moreover, my upper limit is also higher. According to rough calculation, , I now have the potential to become a super shadow. It’s hard to say whether I am a six-level person, but as long as I follow the current path of improving my strength, I may not have no chance. “

When his heart was slightly shaken, Kirito immediately shook his head and reaffirmed his current choice of the path to improve his strength.

What he has learned is a bit miscellaneous, and he has not developed a very systematic attack method, that is, a fixed fighting style, but his methods are diverse. To a certain extent, he can use a variety of methods, and his fighting style tends to be ever-changing.

He can completely integrate several different combat modes from what he has learned.

In fact, what he lacks now is rich practical experience. In the previous battles, he basically used Bai Jue clones and Lei Dun clones to fight. Because he didn’t want to expose his identity, many methods were not used and he was at a loss.

It’s different now. He’s on the battlefield, and many of his methods can be used normally. What he lacks is people to feed him, but this problem is easy to solve. There are plenty of enemies on the battlefield for him to use to feed him.

If it weren’t for taking care of the rope tree, he would actually prefer to act alone.

“But everything must have a priority. Since I am so talented in learning sealing techniques and puppet techniques now, in the future I will focus on practicing sealing techniques, puppet techniques and fairy techniques, supplemented by other ninjutsu, etc. If these three areas are improved, my combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and I can feed back into other areas.”

After Kirito understood his path of strength, he decided to make some small changes from the original basis.

Then, his eyes fell on the five S-level sealing techniques again.

A second passed, and all that remained in his eyes were the sealing technique: Vajra Sealing and the sealing technique: Yin Seal.

Among the five S-level sealing techniques, in terms of value content, each one is actually not much different.

The value of Yin Seal, a purely auxiliary sealing technique, is self-evident. It can store chakra that is not usually used and use it at critical moments. It can also enhance the user’s power and speed attributes, making the user stay youthful forever. , to keep the body’s functions in optimal condition, which is simply amazing.

As for the Four Red Sun Formation, it is a super powerful defensive sealing technique. Its defensive power is enough to withstand the attack of the Ten-Tailed Tailed Beast Jade, and it is a perfect life-saving magic technique.

As for the Four Elephants Seal, the Zombie Seal, and the King Kong Seal, these three are all offensive sealing techniques, and their sealing effects are very good.

Especially when the zombies are sealed, by sacrificing one’s own life, one can almost stably achieve a one-for-one exchange with the enemy’s limit.

However, for Kirito, the three S-level sealing techniques of the Four Elephants Seal, the Four Red Sun Formation and the Zombie Seal are usually difficult to use in battle. Among them, the Four Red Sun Formation is especially useful when he needs to activate the Yin Seal. A life-saving magical skill that can only be used alone.

Therefore, in normal battles, the only sealing techniques that can be very useful are Yin Seal and King Kong Seal.

“Which one should I choose?”

Kirito was very conflicted at this moment.

Kirito knew very well how useful the ability of the Yin Seal was. A level three Yin Seal could open up a chakra pool that could accommodate tailed beast level chakra, and it could also open up a smaller chakra pool.

If he raises the level of the Yin Seal again, he might be able to open up a new chakra pool again and further increase his chakra reserves.

All fear comes from insufficient firepower.

Kirito would naturally like to have a good thing like chakra, the more the better. It would be best if he had enough chakra to enable him to turn on the sage mode for a day and a night.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve this level of chakra unless he can become the perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

In terms of chakra amount, the Nine-Tails’ chakra should be as much as the other eight tailed beasts combined, making it a super-tailed beast level chakra.

Check the ton-pulling stone hammer.

The King Kong sealing technique is also good. This sealing technique, which originally belonged to people with special physiques of the Uzumaki clan, is a super offensive sealing technique. It not only has the powerful effect of confining the chakra of tailed beasts, but is also suitable for dealing with ninjas.

A ninja who masters this sealing technique can use the created chakra chain as a weapon. Because it has the ability to imprison chakra, it can easily break various ninjutsu released by the ninja. If it can hit the enemy, the enemy will be temporarily Unable to mobilize chakra within the body.

The only drawback is that this move consumes a lot of chakra.

A girl from the Uzumaki clan, such as Koso, used the Wood Release Senju Magical Power once to repel the strengthened Yamato possessed by Abi in the Fourth Ninja War, and then succumbed.

Kirito improved this sealing technique so that it could be used by ordinary people, and then continued to specialize in it, raising the level of this sealing technique by 3 levels. The effect is to reduce the chakra consumption by one-third, reducing The number of seals has increased, the release speed has been accelerated, and the ability to imprison chakra has also been greatly strengthened.

If you continue to upgrade it, the reduction in chakra consumption, release speed and confinement effect will definitely be improved. Maybe it can be turned into a regular skill that can be used in daily battles.

Kirito thought about it over and over, and finally fixed his sights on the sealing technique: King Kong Blockade.

“As a tool for capturing tailed beasts, the King Kong Blockade is naturally stronger, the better.”

Kirito had a serious expression on his face.

He has already thought about it. In order to continue to improve his strength and let various chakra properties break through to level five, he must capture the tailed beast.

It’s all for some great plan.

With one strengthening point, the level of sealing technique and diamond seal will immediately become level 4.

In an instant, many ideas for improving the King Kong Blockade flashed through Kirito’s mind. His brain started to spin rapidly, and then he closed his eyes and began to improve the sealing technique of King Kong Blockade.

After a while, Kirito rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, exhaled a long breath, and opened his eyes again.

At this time, his eyes flashed.

The next moment, he clapped his hands, and five arm-sized blue chakra chains shot out from his body, and then made various movements in mid-air according to his thoughts.

After the sealing technique·King Kong Blockade reached level 4, the effect was as he expected, the chakra consumption was reduced to nearly half of the original, and he could release it without a seal, and his confinement ability was further improved.

Kirito played with some five chakra chains, put them away, then took out a scroll from his body and opened it.

This is a storage-style psychic scroll with multiple sealing techniques with the word “puppet” engraved in the middle.

Kirito put his hands on these sealing techniques, injected chakra, and used the sealing and releasing techniques.

A cloud of white smoke appeared, and five humanoid puppets appeared in front of Kirito.

These five humanoid puppets are the best products from his training before making the holy beast puppets. Although the materials are far less precious than the two holy beast puppets, in terms of quality, they are definitely among the best among the many puppets of Sunagakure.

There are five humanoid puppets, both male and female, with exquisite shapes, wearing beautiful clothes, and holding various weapons. They are just like large and exquisite figures. If you don’t look carefully at some inconspicuous seams on the surface, you will not be able to see them from a distance. Looking at it from a distance, you would definitely mistake it for a real person.

Kirito injected the puppet string into the five humanoid puppets. The five humanoid puppets immediately opened their bionic eyes. Their originally dim eyes quickly lit up, and then they stood up from the ground one after another.

Next, under Kirito’s control, they all clapped their hands, and a blue chakra chain immediately shot out from them.

“Using the Puppet Technique combined with the Sealing Technique will definitely catch the enemy off guard. It just so happens that a good training target has just arrived here, so let’s practice with him.”

Seeing this, Kirito smiled slightly.

After saying that, he removed the sealing barrier in the room, and then one of the female puppets named Thor by Kirito immediately took action.

The Thor puppet was designed by him based on a character from a certain game in his previous life. It is a beautiful purple-haired female warrior with two weapons, one is a naginata placed outside, and the other is a katana hidden in the body.

It pushed open the window, jumped outside, and started flying over the walls.

Kirito controlled a puppet to close the window, then closed his eyes and allowed his visual nerve to complete the connection with the Thor puppet.

The third eye.

This is a ninjutsu with very good detection ability in Sand Hidden Village. The sand created by Earth Release Chakra forms eyes, and then allows it to complete some kind of magical connection with one’s own visual nerve.

Through this ninjutsu, Kirito can control the Thor puppet through chakra lines from a long distance.

The Thor puppet came out of the hotel. It immediately attracted the attention of some ninjas from other countries hiding nearby. They sent some people to follow it from a distance.

“An unknown female ninja came out of Tohsaka Kirito’s room. He is probably a guy who delivers information. Haizhu, do you want me to follow him?”

At the same time, in the tavern opposite the hotel, the man in black wearing a rabbit mask asked.

“If you want to go, go alone. Don’t drag me along. It’s not like you don’t know. The two of us should have been on that powerful brat’s blacklist. If we go after him now, he might also follow.”

The pig masked man opposite said coldly.

She had learned about the ability of the Spiritualization Technique. As long as those who mastered this technique had a strong enough memory, they could remember the soul breath of others to distinguish them, and even use this technique to find people from a distance.

Not long ago, she killed Onizou and others to frame the blame on the White Fang team. This matter must not be hidden from Tohsaka Kirito, a person known as the genius of Konoha.

She is indeed quite confident in her illusion ability, but she is not arrogant enough to easily defeat a strong man who masters the art of spiritualization.

Tohsaka Kirito masters the art of spiritual transformation, which means that he is very accomplished in Yin Escape and has extremely high resistance to illusions. In addition, the opponent is a sealing art genius and a medical ninja, so he must have great control over chakra. amazing.

Not surprisingly, even if the opponent falls under her illusion, he can break it instantly.

No matter how you look at it, Tohsaka Kirito is the type of enemy that genjutsu-type ninjas are least willing to face.

“Haha, forget it. This kid is very powerful. If he catches up, we are both afraid that we will die. Let’s let Youji, the flying guy, take a look. Anyway, the main task of the two of us is to stay far away. Just follow them and don’t need to confront them head-on.”

Seeing Haizhu’s refusal without hesitation, Maotu laughed and gave up tracking.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a scroll from the words, opened it, and a painting of flying birds appeared.

The next moment, the bird in the painting actually flew out of the scroll and flew outside.

The Thor puppet flew over the walls of the town. It soon left the town and then came to a large river in the west of the town.

At this time, a white-haired ninja was crossing the river quickly.

The visitor was none other than Jiraiya.

Jiraiya saw the Thunder God Puppet suddenly appearing across the river. His eyes widened immediately, and then he stared at the breasts of the Thunder God Puppet who was wearing a strapless purple slim-fitting kimono. He said with a smile on his face: “This Beautiful young lady, what do you have to do with me, I am Toad Sage Jiraiya.”

Kirito did not have a microphone installed on the Thor puppet, but he could understand what Jiraiya was saying by relying on lip reading.

He didn’t say anything about this. He came to Jiraiya this time just to test the effect of the King Kong blockade he had just mastered, not to catch up with Jiraiya.

Although he felt sorry for Jiraiya for taking action without saying anything, he couldn’t help but bump into him.

“This guy must have sensed an abnormality in the natural energy in the town and rushed here from nearby. It seems that the magic of Miaomu Mountain is really not simple. At least he is very good at sensing natural energy. But Yes, the other party has thousands of years of celestial arts inheritance, and unlike me, the Yeluzi Immortal, he probably has in-depth research on the use of natural energy perception.”

Kirito thought about the reason why Jiraiya suddenly appeared here, and sighed to himself.

Then, he controlled the Thor puppet and clapped his hands, and a large number of sealing spells quickly flew out from it and landed on the ground. Within a radius of fifty meters, a simple shielding sealing barrier began to form quickly.

Although Jiraiya is a pervert, he is a considerate person and never loses control at critical moments.

Many times, his lust is just a disguise.

Therefore, when the Thunder God puppet created the sealing barrier, Jiraiya had already taken action.

A stream of oil spurted from his mouth and quickly turned into a huge fireball.

Fire Release·Fire Bullet!

The terrifying high-temperature fireball struck, and a flash of purple lightning flashed through the Thor puppet’s purple eyes. A blue chakra chain the size of an arm suddenly shot out from its body, instantly hitting the incoming fireball.

Like the Holy Beast Puppet, the Thunder God Puppet also has two sets of chakra meridians, allowing Kirito to use two ninjutsu to attack at the same time.

In an instant, the fireball contained fire escape chakra and was imprisoned, unable to continue to generate flames, and the fireball was extinguished.


When Jiraiya saw his Fire Release Ninjutsu being broken like this, his eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

But he didn’t have time to continue to be shocked, because after the chakra chain broke through the fireball, it continued to shoot straight at him.

Jiraiya quickly dodged, not wanting to be hit by this weird chakra chain.

However, under Kirito’s control, the chakra chain became as flexible as his own arm, and it immediately turned around in the air and continued to shoot at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya had to continue dodging.

During the process, he did not forget to counterattack, throwing two kunai with igniting detonating charms wrapped around the back at the Thor puppet.

The Thunder God puppet instantly pulled out the naginata on his back, knocked away the two kunai with one precise sweep, and cut out a chakra light blade formed by thunder escape chakra.

The speed of the chakra light blade was very fast, and its flight trajectory happened to land on the position where Jiraiya landed after avoiding the chakra chain again. This was a pre-judged attack.

Jiraiya had to quickly perform seals to create an earth wall for defense.

Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!

Thunder escape restrains earth escape.

The earth wall created by the Earth Release Chakra was cut in half almost instantly by the Chakra Light Blade formed by the Thunder Release Chakra.

But Jiraiya was no longer in his original position.

Kirito has excellent perception ability, and the place where Jiraiya is now is also within Kirito’s perception range. He naturally knows clearly where Jiraiya is now.

The chakra chains on the Thor puppet suddenly stabbed hard into the ground behind him.

Then, Jiraiya jumped out of the ground, holding a kunai in his hand, constantly colliding with the chakra chains coming at him.

At the same time, he said: “Who are you? Why do you use the sealing technique of King Kong to seal? Is there any misunderstanding between us? In fact, I am also a Konoha ninja. We should be our own people.”

Until now, Jiraiya finally recognized what kind of ninjutsu the chakra chain controlled by the Thunder God Puppet was. It was the sealing technique, King Kong Blockade, used by Kirito and Orochimaru when he participated in the Nine-Tails Inheritance Operation.

Later, he learned from his teacher that this sealing technique could be learned by ordinary ninjas after being improved by Kirito.

Therefore, he now thinks that the Thor puppet in front of him should also be a Konoha ninja.

The Thor puppet smiled and said nothing, and another chakra chain suddenly appeared on his body.

Two chakra chains, one on the left and one on the right, kept attacking Jiraiya like a long snake biting, making it increasingly difficult for Jiraiya to dodge.

In the process of evading the attack, Jiraiya tried to counterattack with other ninjutsu including fire escape, but found that all the ninjutsu he released were easily broken by the chakra chain and could not cause harm to the Thor puppet at all.

He wanted to get up close and fight with the opponent, but found that the opponent was a ninja who was proficient in lightning escape and mastered some powerful thunder escape acceleration secret technique. At his current speed, he couldn’t get close at all, and he might even be close to him. To be struck by the opponent with the naginata in his hand.

“It seems I have to be serious, be careful, beautiful lady.”

Jiraiya was forced to have no choice but to prepare to activate the ultimate sage mode to fight, and said loudly.

After he had fought with the Thor puppet, he could see that the other party had no killing intention towards him, and seemed to just want to fight with him.

At worst, the other party seemed to regard him as a testing tool.

The things being tested were the two chakra chains that the opponent had been using as their main means of attack.

Otherwise, with the sealing ability and lightning escape ability displayed by the opponent, there is a chance to defeat him in his current state.


At this thought, Jiraiya couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed, and was ready to use the sage mode to teach the other party a lesson later, but when he seriously sensed the natural energy and began to gather the natural energy from the outside world, he suddenly discovered something abnormal about the Thor puppet.

He relied on natural energy perception to discover that there was a chakra line on the Thor puppet.

This chakra line is very thin and obscure, and the chakra fluctuations it emits are weak and almost non-existent. If he hadn’t carefully sensed natural energy now, he wouldn’t have noticed its existence at all.

“You are a puppet!”

Jiraiya finally realized the true identity of the Thunder God puppet, and was shocked inside, saying in shock.

Who is the person behind it?

The opponent actually forced him to use immortal mode to deal with it just by controlling a puppet that looked like a real person.

After Jiraiya discovered that the Thunder God puppet was a puppet, Kirito decisively stopped using Jiraiya to test the effect of the level 4 King Kong blockade. He controlled the Thunder God puppet and nodded to Jiraiya, and then took the initiative to disperse the chakra chain. .

Seeing this, Jiraiya knew that the other party did not intend to continue fighting, so he stopped concentrating his natural energy and asked again: “Who are you?”

“Jiraiya-sama, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I’m sorry for the offence.”

The next moment, Kirito’s voice came out of the Thor puppet’s mouth.

Jiraiya has a very good memory. He immediately recognized that it was Kirito’s voice and couldn’t help but said in shock: “You, you are Tohsaka Kirito, Mito-sama’s disciple.”


The Thor puppet nodded.

“Then what did you mean just now, and why did you attack me suddenly?”

Seeing Kirito admit his identity, Jiraiya said with a sullen expression.

He remembered that Kirito was only 10 years old now, but he was beaten so badly by Kirito with such a beautiful female puppet just now, and he felt really uncomfortable.

If Kirito didn’t give him a satisfactory explanation today, he would never let Kirito off lightly.

At least Kirito should let him use the puppet technique to play with this female puppet.

Although his puppetry skills are not top-notch, he can still control the puppets’ movements without any problem.

“I’m really sorry. I just made a breakthrough in my sealing technique, King Kong Blockade. I happened to find you, Jiraiya-sama, coming over. My hands were itchy for a while, so I planned to compete with you, Jiraiya-sama. Sister Tsunade said, Laiya-sama is an outstanding ninja, and today’s battle proved that true.”

Kirito explained honestly, not forgetting to move Tsunade out at the end.

When Kirito mentioned Tsunade, Jiraiya’s attention immediately shifted and he said happily: “Did Tsunade really say that?”

Kirito manipulated the Thunder God puppet without conscience and nodded.

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Jiraiya’s face, and the unhappiness and thoughts of playing with female puppets disappeared instantly. Then he coughed and said, “Okay, for Tsunade’s sake, I won’t care about you this time.” You were rash and if you want to compete in the end, just tell me directly and don’t be as rash as you were just now.”

“Thank you for your forgiveness.”

Kirito said gratefully.

“So, what is the real purpose of you looking for me?”

Jiraiya asked with a suddenly serious expression on his face.

He was not a fool. If it was just a competition, there was no need for Kirito to set up such a large shielding sealing barrier. Kirito in front of him must have other matters to come to him.

“He is indeed a thoughtful person.”

When Kirito heard what Jiraiya said, he secretly praised.

When he came to Jiraiya, it was indeed not just as simple as asking Jiraiya to test the effect of the level 4 King Kong blockade. He also planned to ask Jiraiya, a strong man whose strength was infinitely close to the Kage level, to do a small favor for the White Fang team.

The next second, he told everything that happened to the White Fang team after they left Konoha.

“So, you are being targeted now. Do you need my help? Just ask and I will do my best.”

After hearing Kirito’s words, Jiraiya’s expression became more serious and he continued to ask.

Both attacks were directed at Naoki, and Naoki is Tsunade’s biological brother. If Naoki dies, Tsunade will definitely be very sad.

Now that he knew about the White Fang team, he couldn’t just sit back and watch.

The reason why he came here this time was because he recently received a message from Fukasaku Sage from the contact frog from Mt. Myoboku. He learned about Toad Sage’s prophecy, and then unexpectedly discovered that there was an abnormal accumulation of natural energy in a nearby town. Phenomenon.

So, he came over to take a look at the situation. Unexpectedly, he ran into a female puppet sent by Kirito before entering the town, and then had a confused fight.

When Kirito saw Jiraiya offering to help, he was overjoyed and said, “That’s really a big help. Thank you so much. I want Jiraiya-sama to help us.”


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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