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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 171 Nagato’s peace doubts (8,000 words) (please subscribe and vote)

Time goes back to more than ten hours ago, in the Kingdom of Rain, in a border town near the Kingdom of Fire.

An ordinary passerby is walking on the street with the flow of people. He is walking on the street like other pedestrians around him, choosing some items on the roadside stalls. However, if someone is careful and observes carefully, he is far away from the beginning to the end. Followed by a man in black wearing a rabbit mask.

After going round and round, ordinary passers-by finally followed the rabbit-masked man to a remote place.

Suddenly, the rabbit-masked man in his eyes disappeared from sight.

Seeing this, ordinary passers-by immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly turned around to leave. But as soon as he turned around, he saw a man in a rabbit mask walking out of a nearby shadow.

“A bug follows you all the way here. Does it think I don’t know anything?”

Maotu looked at the ordinary passers-by with panic on their faces and sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly formed a seal with his hands, and a shadow spike instantly emerged from the shadow under him, stabbing ordinary passers-by.

Shadow Mimicry·Shadow Seam!


The next moment, a kunai collided with the materialized shadow spike.

An ordinary passerby can even take out a kunai from his body to block Usagi’s shadow imitation technique, Shadow Seam.

“Hmm~, it seems you are no ordinary character.”

Mao Tu said with some surprise when he saw that ordinary passers-by could easily block his attack.

At this time, the panic on the face of the ordinary passerby had disappeared. He stared coldly at the rabbit masked man in front of him and asked: “Are you from the root?”

Maotu was shocked when he heard the words of ordinary passers-by.

The next moment, more than ten shadow spikes shot out from the shadow under him.

This time, ordinary passers-by could no longer block Usagi’s shadow seam attack with kunai, and were instantly pierced by more than a dozen shadow spikes.

However, no blood was shed by ordinary passers-by.

“Bang~” sound.

Ordinary passers-by turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared.

“Shadow clone, damn it.”

When Mao Tu saw this, his expression behind the mask suddenly became ugly.

“It seems that you have been exposed, but this kind of thing will happen sooner or later. Who is the true face of that guy just now? Do you have any guesses?”

A slightly teasing voice suddenly appeared.

A telephone pole on the side of Maotu suddenly appeared strangely twisted, and Haizhu wearing a pig mask walked out of it.

“According to the information from Youji, the last person the female ninja came into contact with was Jiraiya, so the person who helped the White Fang team get rid of our tracking this time must be him, and the guy just now was most likely sent by Jiraiya. The shadow clone that came here turned into one.”

Maotu said coldly, with a cold murderous aura exuding from his body.

He doesn’t care about the Sannin or anything like that. Even if Jiraiya is a disciple of the third generation, if he dares to hinder their mission from the ground up, he must be eradicated.

“You want to get rid of Jiraiya? I advise you to put aside your thoughts. Jiraiya is the proud disciple of the third generation. If we get rid of him, it will definitely bring huge trouble to Lord Danzo. “

Haizhu felt the awe-inspiring murderous aura coming from Maotu and persuaded him.

Usagi didn’t take it seriously and asked, “Hmph, we dare to attack even the White Fang Team, but are we afraid of killing a Jiraiya?”

“But no one in the White Fang team is a third-generation disciple. Our third-generation master seems to be selfless, but in fact, you and I know very well what kind of thing he is.”

Hai Zhu sneered.

The Kurama clan he came from was once a powerful clan in Konoha, but now it has become so weak that it is about to be kicked out of the ninja clan.

In addition to the internal problems within the family itself, a large part of the reason for all this comes from the three generations of policies to suppress the ninja clan.

The Kurama clan has withered in talent in recent years and has not produced any powerful ninjas. In addition, the older generation of strong men have died one after another, so they have been treated as weak persimmons by the third generation.

He will join the Roots and become Danzo’s minions, partly because there are things in the Roots that can solve his hidden physical dangers, and a large part of the reason is because he hates the third generation.

After hearing this, Maotu fell silent, and the murderous aura in his body quickly subsided.

He himself is not actually from the Nara clan, he is just a ninja from a small ninja clan that has been expelled. He was able to learn the Nara secret technique because he showed excellent talent for learning this secret technique after joining the root.

The third generation of the policy of suppressing the ninja clan and supporting the common people, the ones who suffered the most were the little ninja clan with their shallow background.

Since the third generation became Hokage, a large number of minor ninja clans have existed in name only.

Therefore, he fully agreed with what Maotu just said.

Indeed, the third generation master of Konoha is famous for his partiality. On the surface, he said that he would vigorously support the civilian class to suppress the strength of the ninja clan, but he did not take action. The Sarutobi clan behind him never suppressed it. .

Unlike Danzo-sama, Danzo-sama always practices what he does, and the Shimura clan has made a great contribution to the root.

Because of this, the Shimura clan made huge sacrifices.

Over the years, the strength of other ninja clans in Konoha has been weakened to some extent, but the strength of the Sarutobi clan has increased several times, and the strength of the three Ino, Shika and Butterfly clans that closely follow the Sarutobi clan has also improved significantly.

Today in Konoha, apart from the Uchiha clan, the ninja clan with the largest number of jounin is the Sarutobi clan.

For the third generation to be able to firmly hold the position of Hokage, the Sarutobi clan and the ANBU under his control were indispensable.

None of the members of White Fang’s team had any direct contact with the third generation. It is estimated that even if they all died, the third generation would just sigh. As long as there is no tangible evidence to prove that it was the root of the crime, there would be no Kill Lord Danzo.

But if Jiraiya died, even without evidence, Danzo-sama and their roots would probably not survive.

“But this guy is hindering us from carrying out our mission. We can’t just sit idly by and ignore him. Furthermore, he might even report to the third generation later. If we don’t get rid of him, he will probably hinder our actions like an annoying fly. “

Maotu thought about the difference clearly and said very unhappily.

He joined the Root just to gain strength and be able to vent his destructive desires. In order to gain strength to complete his mission, he has always been happy to get rid of all enemies that hinder him, including so-called companions.

“First report the situation here to Danzo-sama, I believe he will not give up, hehehe~”

Hai Zhu sneered.

On the other side, Jiraiya, who was on his way back to his residence, suddenly stopped, with a true expression on his face, and thought painfully in his heart: “Sure enough, it’s these hateful guys at the root. What do they want to do? The rope tree is the grandson of the first Hokage. , why did they take action against their companions in the village?”

Although he disliked the people at the root, he regarded them as companions in his heart.

It was really incredible and chilling for him that these companions he recognized now actually took action against the grandson of the First Hokage.

Suddenly, he thought of some terrible possibility and became restless. He murmured: “No, the old man probably wouldn’t do this. He is the Hokage, the one who taught me the will of fire. There is no way he can do this.” kind of thing.”

The next moment, he suddenly increased his speed, used chakra sprint, and rushed towards his current residence, the lakeside cabin.

When he returned to the lakeside cabin, he began to write rapidly, writing down in encrypted form the root causes that hindered the White Fang team from performing their mission, and then handed it over to the ANBU ninja outside who was responsible for liaison between him and Konoha.

Jiraiya handed the information to the liaison ninja, and he quietly returned to the lake house again, only to find Nagato sitting on a long wooden chair outside the house.

When Nagato saw Jiraiya, he immediately said with respect, “Jiraiya-sensei.”

“Nagato, why did you come out? Did you have another nightmare?”

Jiraiya saw Nagato and said with concern.

Among the three disciples he has now, Nagato is the most talented. He has already mastered seven chakra attributes at the age of 10, and the amount of chakra is much more than him now. His future is limitless, but he is very worried inside. Fragile and seriously lacking in psychological quality.

Because he experienced something terrible, Nagato often had nightmares when he slept at night.

Nagato remained silent, acquiescing.

He did have a nightmare just now, that is, he dreamed that everyone was killed, and he was the only one left, and the one who killed everyone was the Konoha ninja that he feared and hated.

“Don’t worry, Yahiko, Konan, I are here, everything will be fine.”

Seeing this, Jiraiya touched Nagato’s head with his hand and comforted him.

Then, he continued: “And Nagato, you are actually very powerful. As long as you can overcome the fear in your heart and become brave, you will definitely be able to protect everyone.”


When Nagato heard what Jiraiya said, he immediately opened his eyes wide, looked into Jiraiya’s eyes, and asked nervously.

Protecting everyone is Nagato’s wish. If he can protect everyone by overcoming fear, then he will overcome fear no matter what method he uses, because he doesn’t want to lose the people he values ​​​​in his heart.

“Well~, really, your eyes are a treasure given by God. They can not only be used to protect me, Yahiko and Konan, but they can even protect the Land of Rain and even restore peace to the entire world. Nagato, you have it The potential to change the world.”

Jiraiya looked directly at Nagato’s Rinnegan and nodded seriously.

Because of the Samsara Eye, he firmly believes that Nagato is the son of the prophecy he has been looking for, and his responsibility is to lead Nagato to become the person who brings peace to the world.

Nagato had already learned the origin of his eyes from Jiraiya, but he did not expect that Jiraiya would have such high expectations for him and actually thought that he could be the person who brought peace to the world.

Although he doesn’t know why he wants to bring peace to the world, he really wants to bring peace to the world, because if that could be done, his parents would not have died because of the war, and Yahiko and Konan could grow up happily with him. .

And the Kingdom of Rain will not be as troubled as it is now.

For a moment, Nagato suddenly felt a sense of mission in his heart. He was thinking that if his eyes were really that powerful, then he must restore peace to the world and never let the world have war again.

Then, Nagato had a doubt in his heart, that is, how should he bring peace to the world?

He doesn’t understand.

So, he asked Jiraiya-sensei, the most knowledgeable man he knew, “Jiraiya-sensei, how can we bring peace to the world?”

The question Nagato asked is undoubtedly a very serious and huge question.

Jiraiya actually didn’t even find the answer himself.

He pondered for a moment, and then said his method of bringing peace to the world: “It is not advisable to fight violence with violence. I think if the world wants to achieve peace, then it is necessary for people to understand each other. As long as everyone understands each other, If you understand, you will definitely be able to find a way to bring peace to the world.”

“People must understand each other.”

After hearing Jiraiya’s words, Nagato murmured in confusion.

Then, he was thinking, how can people understand each other? Can people really understand each other? What can we do to help people around the world understand each other?

Questions popped up in Nagato’s mind one after another.

Nagato, who was only ten years old and lacked sufficient experience and knowledge, was obviously unable to solve these problems alone. His little head was now suffering from a headache. He frowned, with a confused and confused expression on his little face.

“Stop talking so much now. You are still too young. Your task now is to work hard to become stronger. Nagato, you have to remember that only those who are strong enough are qualified to bring peace to the world. Now, you should Go back and have a good sleep, we have to continue training tomorrow morning.”

Jiraiya could tell at a glance that Nagato was looking for trouble, so he tried to persuade him with a smile.

How could Nagato accomplish such an arduous task as bringing peace to the world with his current small body? No matter how much he thinks about it now, he is just trying to get into trouble and looking for trouble. It is better to think about how to quickly improve his strength.

When he met Kirito today, he finally saw what a true genius was.

To be honest, if he hadn’t known that Nagato had the Rinnegan, he would have thought that Kirito was the child of prophecy.

There was no way, Kirito was too strong. When he saw Kirito again, he found that he could no longer see through Kirito, and he also felt a strong sense of threat from Kirito, which he had once felt. I have only experienced it from Kage level powerhouses such as Sandaime, Hatake Sakumo and Hanzo.

Now there is another Kirito.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, there was a high probability that he couldn’t beat Kirito now.

How old Kirito is now, he is ten years old like Nagato, maybe a few months younger than Nagato.

He has the strength to defeat Jiraiya at such a young age. He cannot imagine how far he will grow in the future.

Moreover, he felt familiar natural energy from Kirito, which shows that Kirito has begun to come into contact with natural energy and has even mastered the method of utilizing natural energy.

Compared with Nagato, the difference now is a bit big.

He originally thought that Nagato’s talent was the best ninja he had ever seen, but from now on, maybe not.

However, Kirito does not have the Samsara Eye after all, and it is still unclear who will be stronger or weaker in the future.

And Jiraiya himself believed that Nagato’s future achievements with the Samsara Eye would definitely be better than Kirito’s.

The Samsara Eye is the legendary power of the Six Paths Immortal to calm troubled times.

“Yeah~, I understand, Jiraiya-sensei.”

After hearing Jiraiya’s persuasion, Nagato finally freed himself from his troubles and nodded.

Teacher Jiraiya is right. He is still too weak now. He is too weak to even protect the important people around him. Now it is too ambitious to think about bringing peace to the world. His goal now is to work hard to become stronger and do more. To the point where you can protect the people around you from a lot of harm.

After clarifying his goal, Nagato’s inner confusion disappeared a lot.

After saying that, he followed Jiraiya back to the house, and then came to sleep next to Yahiko and Konan.

Soon, Nagato fell asleep.

Nagato’s inner confusion disappeared and he could sleep peacefully, but Jiraiya felt a lot of confusion in his heart at this time. He was afraid that something terrible would happen, but he was powerless to stop it because on his side was his best friend’s younger brother. On one side was his beloved teacher, and he didn’t know how to choose.

“Go to sleep. It’s probably just my conjecture. It’s impossible for such an outrageous thing to happen.”

Jiraiya closed his eyes again, thinking to himself, and then forced himself to fall asleep.

. . .

On the other side, the ANBU ninja who was conveying information to Jiraiya was moving quickly and secretly in the Land of Rain. He soon came to a hidden cave and stopped in front of a rock inside.

Then, he quickly completed the seals with his hands, and a large number of spells suddenly appeared under the rock, and then slowly moved away, revealing a secret space.

There are some messenger birds here.

He quickly found a messenger bird with sufficient strength, and then put the information Jiraiya gave him into the mailbox.

As the messenger bird flew away from the gap above the secret space, the ANBU ninja quickly retreated and re-formed the seal, allowing the big stone to block the secret space.

However, as soon as he walked out of the cave, there was a crisp sound of bells in his ears.

In an instant, the scene in front of him suddenly changed and turned into boundless darkness.

“I’m under an illusion!”

The ANBU ninja was startled and quickly formed a seal, trying to release the genjutsu on his own, but found that he couldn’t touch it no matter how hard he tried.

After a while, he didn’t know anything anymore.

In reality, Haizhu and Usagi appeared in front of the ANBU ninjas, and the ANBU ninjas spit out a lot of information about Jiraiya and Nagato under the orders of Usagi.

“In fact, you don’t need to hurt a person directly. A more clever way is to destroy the things that the person cherishes, causing him pain and torture in his heart, and finally understand that it is unwise to go against us.”

Hai Zhu said in a calm tone.

“Are you planning to use those three brats to threaten Jiraiya? I know Jiraiya better, and he probably won’t give in so easily. Besides, these three brats are not from Konoha, they are just three ordinary people. They are just war orphans from the Kingdom of Rain, so the effect of threats is not very good.”

Utu said disapprovingly.

Instead of threatening others with their beloved possessions, he prefers to directly eliminate those who pose a threat.

What kind of skill is it to use a few weak people to threaten the strong ones.

He Maotu disdains to use this method.

“You should be noble. After entering the root, you still retain such a thing as compassion. As long as the task can be completed, all means can be used. Isn’t this the purpose of our root? Don’t forget it, Maotu.”

Hai Zhu heard the disdain in Mao Tu’s words, and immediately turned his head to stare at Mao Tu and said coldly.

He doesn’t need idiot companions, and he won’t show mercy if Usagi dares to stop him.

“it’s up to you.”

Naturally, Maotu would not fall out with Haizhu because of three unrelated brats, and walked away, saying that he would not interfere with Haizhu’s actions.

When Haizhu saw Maotu leaving, he sarcastically said: “Obviously, these are guys whose hands can’t be washed clean, but they still have boring sympathy. What a ridiculous guy, but forget it, this guy is helping in this matter.” No big deal.”

After saying that, he snapped his fingers and ordered to the ANBU ninja in front of him: “You just accidentally fell asleep, nothing happened.”

When the ANBU ninja heard this, he fainted instantly.

At this time, Maotu’s figure began to distort and disappear strangely.

Seven or eight seconds later, the ANBU ninja woke up again. He found himself lying on the ground. He immediately recalled why he was here, but he only remembered that the messenger bird was used to transmit information here, but he could not remember anything about what happened next. .

In the end, he had no choice but to leave with doubts and worries.

. . .

The messenger bird flew very fast, and a few hours later, Jiraiya’s encrypted letter appeared on the third generation’s desk.

“That guy Danzo is dishonest again?”

The third generation said with a gloomy face after reading the letter from Jiraiya.

In the past six months, his cooperation with Danzo has been quite pleasant. After he controlled Danzo, Danzo has indeed become much more honest. The roots he led have brought a lot of useful information to Konoha, allowing Konoha to fight before the war. The intelligence battlefield that was at a disadvantage in China was regained.

However, Sunagakure’s supplies have always been very sufficient, and Konoha was unable to make much breakthrough on the battlefield.

Now, the White Fang Team was the sharp blade he had high hopes for to pierce into the heart of Sunagakure’s material transportation line. As a result, before this sharp blade could pierce into Sunagakure’s heart, he was the first to be stabbed in the back by his own people, exposing himself. whereabouts.

“What on earth is this guy thinking? Does he really think I don’t dare to kill him?”

Sandai thought very angrily.

Fortunately, the White Fang team was strong and successfully survived two premeditated attacks.

Jiraiya, a disciple, is also very powerful. With the help of Mount Myoboku, he can safely send the White Fang team away and temporarily get rid of the enemy’s tracking.

But no matter what, we can’t let Danzo continue to fool around.

He is well aware of the methods of the Roots led by Danzo. Once the White Fang Team is targeted, even if they temporarily escape the Roots’ tracking, they will still be caught up again in the future. By then, the White Fang Team’s whereabouts may still be exposed to the enemy. .

Thinking of the heavy responsibility that the White Fang team now shouldered, the third generation couldn’t sit still. He immediately set off to Konoha Prison to find Danzo.

Deep in Konoha Prison, Danzo slowly opened his eyes in the darkness. The darkness caused by his dark technique in the room suddenly disappeared, and the figure of the third generation suddenly appeared in his eyes.

When the third generation saw Danzo, he didn’t talk nonsense and immediately formed a seal.


In an instant, Danzo covered his heart and cried out in pain, letting out a heart-rending scream.

Danzo’s screams lasted for a full minute before stopping.

At this time, Danzo had curled up into a ball, his clothes were soaked with sweat, his face was extremely pale, and his fingers and mouth were bleeding.

“Don’t do what you shouldn’t do, and don’t make me repeat it a second time, Danzo.”

The third generation looked at Danzo, his old comrade, being tortured into this state by himself, and said with cold eyes.

“Hahaha~, what are you referring to? Why don’t I understand what you are talking about?”

When Danzo heard this, he slowly got up from the ground, stared at Sandaime hard, and laughed.

A cold light suddenly flashed in the third generation’s eyes, and he once again activated the chakra in his body.

Danzo immediately bowed before him, then knelt down, a pained expression on his face again.

“If you don’t want to suffer anymore, don’t talk to me with that attitude just now.”

Sandai said coldly.

We haven’t seen each other for a while, and this guy seems to have forgotten who he is now. He actually dares to talk to him, the person who controls his life and death, with the same attitude just now. He really doesn’t know how to live or die.

The Sandaime continued to torture Danzo until Danzo begged for mercy.

He has seen through Danzo. Although he has great ambitions, he lacks ability and is very afraid of death.

Sure enough, this guy didn’t stand up to share the teacher’s worries immediately because he was afraid of death.

The teacher must have noticed that he was afraid of death, so he didn’t choose to let this guy become Hokage.

As expected of a teacher, he knows how to judge people.

“Now you can talk properly. Why did you send people to follow the White Fang team, and also let people expose their location and let other people from the Ninja Village hunt them down? You can think of it. Do you know that you What are you doing?”

The third generation grabbed Danzo by the collar with one hand, lifted him up, and stared into Danzo’s eyes with cold eyes and said.

Danzo was not afraid to look at the third generation and sneered: “Isn’t everything I did exactly what you expected? Do you really want to see the place under your butt taken away by the Senju clan again? Is it? Tsunade, Naoki and Kirito, they are all from the Senju clan. If Naoki and Kirito are alive, Konoha will always be in the possession of the Senju clan in the future. Have you ever thought about what will happen to the Sarutobi clan behind you? Will they spare the Sarutobi clan?”

When the third generation heard Danzo’s words, the pupils in his eyes instantly shrank to pinpoints, and then he pushed Danzo to the ground with force, and said sternly: “What nonsense are you talking about? I am the Hokage. How could I do such a thing? You Stop sowing discord here, the relationship between the Senju clan and the Sarutobi clan is very good.”

“Really? Hahaha~”

Danzo heard this and laughed again.

When Sandai heard that Danzo dared to laugh again, he was filled with great anger and felt pain with his hands. He decisively formed another seal to trigger the Vajra Curse at Danzo’s heart.

Danzo immediately screamed, but this time, he screamed and laughed at the same time, looking at the third generation with deep sarcasm in his eyes.

“Duanzo, you really think I don’t dare to kill you, right?”

Seeing this, Sandai’s anger level quickly filled up and he said murderously.

“It doesn’t matter, you want to kill me or chop me into pieces, it’s up to you. The reason why you keep me is because I still have value.

When my use value is gone, you will definitely kill me, because I am your dark side. You, the Hokage who is full of light in front of others, definitely don’t want others to know the dirty things you have done. I will die in the end anyway, so maybe it would be better to die sooner.

But you can’t even think about it after I die, hahaha~”

When Danzo saw that the third generation was once again trying to threaten him with his life, he immediately laughed, his laughter full of hysteria, and his whole person became crazy, with crazy eyes in his eyes.

Seeing Danzo’s crazy look, Sandai immediately realized that something was wrong and stopped torturing Danzo with his hands.

He was aware of Danzo’s various dirty tricks. If this guy dared to do anything, he would be a disaster even if he died.

He suddenly realized that it was a wrong choice for him to agree to let Danzo use the shadow clone to go out to the outside world to command the roots, and it was also a very wrong choice.

Things seemed to be somewhat out of his control.

“Why, are you scared? Are you afraid that people in the village will know your true identity? They will definitely not think that their beloved Hokage-sama can be a despicable and shameless guy. He pretends to be a good person in front of others, but instructs others behind his back. Do something shady.

Let me think about it, if the shrinking ninja clan in Konoha knew that you asked me to get rid of those who opposed you in order to suppress them, then the Sarutobi clan behind you would take the opportunity to swallow up their territory and pretend to win over them. They, their expressions will definitely be wonderful. “

Danzo saw that the third generation seemed to be frightened by his current appearance. He stood up again, came to the third generation, looked at the third generation’s eyes full of anger and anger with a playful look, and continued to speak sarcastically.

It is true that the third generation used the curse seal to control his life.

But it is not that he has no bargaining chip that he can use to hold the third generation, that is, the glorious image that the third generation has always tried hard to maintain in front of the villagers. I don’t know when, his old comrade who became the Hokage has turned into a man who values ​​honor. You are a fool who is more precious than your own life.

Otherwise, Sandai would not have left all the dirty things to him to handle, but he would have done it all by himself.

However, as long as it is done, it will definitely leave traces. No matter how much Sandai tries to cover up the truth, his hands cannot be clean.

Moreover, he always likes to keep something secret. He has recorded every dirty thing that the third generation asked him to do, and he even forged a lot of things to make the third generation believe it to be true.

In fact, there are many ninjas in his roots that the third generation mistakenly thought were dead. These ninjas were the targets that the third generation pointed out for him to get rid of.

And these ninjas more or less have some dirty information about the third generation and the Sarutobi clan behind him.

Of course, the dirty information is now in his hands.

When the third generation saw that Danzo was threatening him with the means of discrediting his glorious image, he wanted to kill Danzo immediately with the Vajra Curse.

But he endured it in the end. He was not afraid that Danzo would use this to destroy his glorious image. He was just worried that being driven out of the position of Hokage would cause chaos within Konoha and eventually lead to the collapse of Konoha and Sunagakure. The failure of the war plunged Konoha into a huge crisis.

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said to Danzo: “What exactly do you want to do?”

“Aren’t you very clear about what I want? Hahaha~”

Danzo sneered, then laughed maniacally again.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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