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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 172 The Third Generation and the Sarutobi Clan

“Danzo, do you think it’s appropriate to anger a ten-year-old child? Don’t forget, he is also the teacher’s grandson.”

The Sandai said angrily when he heard that Danzo would continue to target the White Fang team.

No matter what, Naoki is the teacher’s grandson. He doesn’t want anything to happen to Naoki, and if something happens to Naoki, Tsunade, a little cotton-padded jacket, will be sad. As for Naoki’s death, the main line of the Senju clan has lost its true bloodline. He didn’t really care whether the heir would fall completely.

“Although he is a 10-year-old kid, now that he has become a ninja and went to the battlefield, you can no longer look at him like a child. And doesn’t that kid have the strength of a Jonin? In the case of the Senju clan, You know best.

Tsunade doesn’t have enough ability to become Hokage now, and she doesn’t want to, and will not threaten your position as Hokage, but this kid is different. He has always talked about being Hokage, and there is Uzumaki Mito left for him. A very powerful helper, when he grows up, who can stop him from becoming Hokage?

Now is the best opportunity. Death on the battlefield is the best destination for the Thousand Hands clan. “

Danzo sneered and continued to confuse the third generation.

From those words just now, he knew that Sandai was ready to compromise with him again.

The person in front of him was indeed the third generation he was familiar with.

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen is familiar with his Shimura Danzo, he is also familiar with Sarutobi Hiruzen. As long as the Hokage position under his butt is involved, Sarutobi Hiruzen will be nervous, and then he wants to eliminate all those who threaten him as Hokage. potential enemy.

“So what, you and I are both almost fifty years old. When we get older, it is not normal for us to abdicate in favor of others. I have no intention of holding on to the position of Hokage all the time. If Naoki can succeed me in the future, He is a Konoha ninja who has inherited the pure will of fire. He will be a good Hokage, unlike someone who doesn’t even know what the will of fire is.

You’d better not think that I’m as dirty as you are. I have never wanted to harm my fellow villagers. It’s just that when some people do things that go too far, I will punish them. “

The third generation would not listen to Danzo’s instigation, let alone fall into the trap of others, and give a righteous answer.

He is already 48 this year. In two years, his strength will begin to decline. By then, it is really time to find a successor to shoulder the burden of being Hokage.

To be honest, he has been Hokage for so many years and has enjoyed the peak of power, but he has also experienced many unspeakable sufferings.

For example, there are files on the desk that can never be finished, and there are many annoying things that can never be finished.

If he wants to live a few more years in the future, it would be better for him to abdicate early and make way for others.

“I see, then you Sarutobi Hiruzen is really a good Hokage, but it would be great if all the Sarutobi clan behind you thought so, hehehe~”

Seeing that the Third Generation was still pretending to be a good Hokage, Danzo once again mocked the Third Generation with the Sarutobi clan behind him.

The third generation suppressed other ninjas, but allowed the development of the Sarutobi clan. This stain was something that the third generation could not wash away in his lifetime.

Perhaps even though the Sarutobi clan developed at the beginning of the third generation so that the position of Hokage under his butt could be secured, other ninja clans could understand that after the third generation of Hokage had secured the position, they still maintained this biased approach. How? Convince other ninjas.

Not surprisingly, when the third generation abdicates, the Sarutobi clan will face the most severe suppression from the new Hokage. Regardless of whether the new Hokage agrees or not, other ninja clans in Konoha will push the new Hokage to carry out this matter, unless the new Hokage has The power to suppress the major ninja clans in Konoha.

Why did the Senju Clan decline to its current level?

On the one hand, it is due to the character of the Senju clan. They followed the path of the first and second generations and paid a heavy price for Konoha’s prosperity. On the other hand, isn’t this result what other ninja clans in Konoha want to see? .

The Senju clan with Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama is too strong, and the other ninja clan can only be obediently the Senju clan’s younger brothers.

But after the two of them died, would the other ninja clan still be willing to be the Senju clan’s younger brothers for the rest of their lives?

After Danzo became the leader of the Roots, he used the power of the Roots to monitor the various clans in Konoha and had a clear understanding of the political environment in Konoha. The other ninjas in Konoha had long been dissatisfied with the Senju clan who occupied many of Konoha’s resources.

All dissatisfaction stems from the uneven and unreasonable distribution of benefits.

In the past, the Thousand Hands Clan was powerful and should occupy more interests. Now that the Thousand Hands Clan is weak and it still occupies so many interests, it is unreasonable.

Now, with the death of Uzumaki Mito, the Dinghai Divine Needle of the Senju clan, the dissatisfaction of the various ninja clans with the Senju clan has become even greater.

Among them, the ninja clan that is most dissatisfied with the Senju clan is the Sarutobi clan.

With the support of the Third Hokage, and the overall strength that has crushed the current Senju clan, the Sarutobi clan has long been eyeing the piece of cake that the Senju clan holds in Konoha, and they have never dared to grab it before. Because of the presence of Uzumaki Mito and the great reputation of the Senju clan in Konoha.

Now that Uzumaki Mito is no longer around, and people’s great reputation for the Senju clan has gradually faded with the deaths of Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, and Uzumaki Mito, the Sarutobi clan can hardly bear to take action.

In fact, the reason why he knew the White Fang team’s route of action so smoothly was because he learned it from the spies he had placed in the Sarutobi clan.

He also knew that a certain elder of the Sarutobi clan hired many bounty hunters in the Black Gold Institute to attack the White Fang team.

Unfortunately, Hatake Sakumo was cautious by nature and immediately changed his course of action after encountering an attack, leaving the bounty hunter hired by the Sarutobi clan at a loss.

All in all, if the Sarutobi clan eats up the Senju clan’s interests in Konoha, will the Sarutobi clan really be willing to let the next Hokage come from the Senju clan?

Aren’t the Sarutobi clan afraid of revenge from the Senju clan?

And who can keep the Senju Noshu from becoming the next Senju Hashirama?

If this comes true, the Sarutobi clan who dares to swallow up the interests of the Senju clan will probably be wiped out by the Senju clan in the future.

Danzo repeatedly used the Sarutobi clan to mock and coerce the third generation. The third generation really couldn’t stand it anymore and angrily shouted: “The Sarutobi clan is not as dirty as you think!”

After saying that, he activated the curse seal again to torture Danzo.

Danzo has a very strong endurance, and the first two attacks of curse seals have greatly increased the upper limit of his ability to endure pain. This time, he looked at the third generation without saying a word, and said with a smile: “How long has it been since you went back to see the Sarutobi clan?” After reading it, I advise you to pay more attention to the good relatives behind you.”

When Sandai heard Danzo’s words, he immediately felt very bad.

Although he is still the leader of the Sarutobi clan, his mind has been focused on the responsibilities of the Hokage these years. He has worked hard for the village, resulting in him not even having time to educate his children. How can he have time to deal with the internal affairs of the Sarutobi clan? .

Therefore, he basically delegated power to several clan elders within the Sarutobi clan and asked them to take care of the clan’s affairs for him.

Because he is the leader of the clan but does not have the time or energy to take care of the debts of the Sarutobi clan, he has always chosen to agree to some requests made by the clan elders that are not too excessive.

To be honest, out of his trust in the Sarutobi clan, he really didn’t know much about the current internal situation of the Sarutobi clan.

What Danzo said now clearly implies that someone within the Sarutobi clan has dirty hands and feet.

But no matter what, the Sarutobi clan is now the third generation of Hokage’s biggest support, and he doesn’t want anything to happen to the Sarutobi clan.

For a moment, Sandai was a little confused.

This time he came angrily to accuse Danzang, but he didn’t expect that there was a fire in his backyard.

“Don’t attack the White Fang team again. If I find out again, I will definitely kill you. Also, during this period, your shadow clone should not go out.”

After discovering a fire in the backyard, Sandai no longer cared about charging Danzo with accusations. He said a harsh word and left quickly.

Danzo watched the third generation leave. He slowly stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body with his hands, and sneered in his heart:

“You will definitely kill me, Sarutobi Hiruzen. I don’t know if you remember, but you have said this to me several times, but I am still living well. Sure enough, you still care too much about your butt. The position of Hokage, in order to keep it, you will do whatever it takes, even if you are not happy, unless you can kill your relatives out of justice, you will only be able to deal with the Senju clan, hehehe~”

The seeds of estrangement have been sown.

Now he just needs to wait patiently for the seeds to take root and sprout.

Afterwards, Danzo sat down cross-legged again and activated the Darkness Technique again, shrouding the entire room in darkness again.

He is the root of Konoha, and he should stay in the darkness of Konoha.

But one day, he will transform into a leaf bathed in the sun.

. . .

As soon as Sandai left prison, he immediately returned to the Sarutobi clan.

It was half a year ago since he last returned to the Sarutobi clan. When he came back again, he found that there had been many new changes in the clan. The biggest change was that there were more new big houses, and The clan area has also expanded a lot.

Sandai noticed these situations and his heart sank.

In the past, he would notice these changes in the clan every time he came back, but he didn’t take it to heart. Today was different. He felt that these changes were a bit irritating.

Although Sandai returned to the Sarutobi clan in the middle of the night, not long after he came back, three clan elders appeared at Sandai’s house.

Two of these three clan elders are third-generation uncles, namely his second uncle Sarutobi Aoshi and fourth uncle Sarutobi Kenta. One of them is his same age, his cousin Sarutobi Sho and Sarutobi Aoshi. eldest son.

“Hiruzhan, why are you free to come back tonight?”

Sandai’s second uncle, Sarutobi Aoshi, noticed that Sandai’s face was not very good, realized that something was not right, and asked tentatively.

The third generation glanced at Sarutobi Aoki. He did not speak immediately, but looked at Sarutobi Sogo.

When he was not in the Sarutobi clan, he had the most contact with Sarutobi. If the Sarutobi clan had any requests, Sarutobi would come over and tell him. It can be said that the person in charge within the Sarutobi clan now is Sarutobi.

Seeing the third generation looking over, Sarutobi Xiang said with a smile: “What’s the matter, Hiruzen, are you worried about anything? Just say it. The Sarutobi clan is your strongest support. As long as you ask, the Sarutobi clan will help you.” You’re done.”

“Yes, the Sarutobi clan will always be your home.”

Sarutobi Aoishi said with the same smile.

The two laughed, but Sandai and Kenta Sarutobi did not.

“Hiruzhan, let’s talk. There is no need to hold back because of feelings. You are the Hokage. You are indispensable for the Sarutobi clan to be what they are today. If you fail, the Sarutobi clan will not be much better off.”

Kenta Sarutobi looked at the hot tea in the cup in his hand and said calmly.

After saying that, his eyes were fixed on the eyes of the third generation who was looking over.

“It’s nothing serious. It’s just that I haven’t been back for a long time. I just have time to go home and sit down tonight.”

After hearing this, Sandai was silent for a moment, then finally showed a smile on his face and replied.

The third generation smiled, and the tense atmosphere at the scene disappeared instantly.

Sarutobi Aoishi and Sarutobi Shang had been thinking that the big stone had finally fallen steadily. They had just seen the ugly expression of the third generation and thought that something had happened about them hiring the bounty hunter from the Kurogane Institute.

It was already late at night, and Sandai finally came back once, and since Sandai said it was okay, Sarutobi Aoishi and the others would naturally not continue to disturb Sandai and Sarutobi Biwako when they were alone, and the three of them quickly left one after another.

Sarutobi Biwako was the third generation’s good wife. She could tell at a glance that her husband was worried. As soon as the three of them left, she immediately asked the third generation: “What happened? Did that guy Danzo say something unpleasant.” “

Sarutobi Biwako is the Hokage’s wife, and her son and daughter-in-law also serve as ministers and deputy ministers of the Anbu. She naturally knows the whereabouts of the third generation well, but she just doesn’t know what happened when the third generation was alone with Danzo tonight.

But the third generation looked troubled just after he came back from prison, which shows that Danzo said some unpleasant words to the third generation.

“Biwako, do you think I am a little too indulgent towards the Sarutobi clan?”

Sandai could still say something from his heart to his wife, and sighed.

Sarutobi Biwako didn’t expect that the third generation would actually ask this question. He was stunned for a moment, then showed a complicated expression on his face, sighed, and answered truthfully:

“Aren’t some of them too indulgent? Haven’t you noticed that many important positions in Konoha’s important departments have been held by people in the family? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ANBU, schools, hospitals, prisons, sealing classes, and barriers Ban, the torture department, the first or second in command are all members of the family.”

When Sandai heard his wife’s words, he felt as if he had aged ten years, and his face turned pale.

In order to secure his position as Hokage and ensure that the decrees he issued could be passed normally, he had been working hard to support the Sarutobi clan to help him, and let people from the Sarutobi clan work in various departments to play a supervisory role so that his After the orders were delegated to the lower levels, people in these departments became cunning and even disobedient.

Now that so much time has passed, it turns out that the tribesmen he sent to various departments have climbed to the top of these departments.

In this way, wouldn’t the Sarutobi clan be able to cover the sky with one hand in Konoha?

But how long can this situation last?

He knew very well that the development of the Sarutobi clan was all supported by him, the Hokage and the Kage-level powerhouse.

As for the many jounin and chuunin within the Sarutobi clan, he couldn’t count on them at all.

No matter how strong the Sarutobi clan is, how much stronger can the Uchiha clan as a whole be?

If after he abdicates, the Sarutobi clan cannot produce the next young shadow-level warrior, can the Sarutobi clan really continue to maintain this situation?

At this time, Sandai suddenly thought of Kirito, Chizuru, and Nasuki, the buds of Konoha who had shown their super talents early on, and then thought about the situation of the clan members of the same age as the three of them, and he couldn’t help but feel a deep feeling in his heart. chill.

Where should the future of the Sarutobi clan go?

What should he, the Hokage, do?

I originally planned to ask for leave, but I decided not to. The content of this chapter is quite important, so I will summarize it in a separate chapter.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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