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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 175 The Immortal and the Three Generations (7000) (Please subscribe and vote monthly)


The third generation realized that Danzo’s old comrade was really dead, and he immediately shouted angrily at Kirito.

The next moment, he quickly completed the seal with both hands, then jumped up and spit out six huge fireballs from his mouth.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

A simple fireball technique, but it was not easy to use in the hands of the third generation. The six fireballs were huge, with the momentum of falling meteorites, they hit the target jointly released by four elite jounin. Above the sealing barrier formed by Thunder Release and Thunder Binding.

In an instant, the entire seal barrier was shaken tremendously, and the side of the seal barrier that was attacked was also covered with a large number of cracks. The four elite jounin who maintained the barrier turned red in the face, and then spit out a stream of blood.

“As expected of the third generation, this fire escape level is probably not as simple as level four. Even if it doesn’t reach level five, it’s definitely pretty close.”

Kirito said in surprise when he saw that the third generation almost broke the sealing barrier with a single move of his powerful fireball technique.

With this move alone, he could see the gap between the third generation and Danzo. Danzo would lose to the third generation in the fight for the position of Hokage. That was not unfair at all, but the difference in strength was terrible. Not even half a star.

If Kage-level powerhouses can be divided into four levels: Beginner, General, Elite, and Top, Danzo is at most a Beginner Kage-level, then with the fire escape performance of the third generation, he can at least be classified as elite. Film level.

The third generation was unyielding and once again used the fire escape and fireball technique to attack the sealing barrier, and focused his attacks on the side of the sealing barrier where there were cracks.

The sealing barrier that was about to break suddenly crumbled and could no longer hold up.

“You four, please leave quickly. The next battle is not something you four can interfere with.”

When Kirito saw this, he immediately used the Heart Turn Technique to notify the four elite jounin of the Uchiha clan to leave.

After saying that, he shot a chakra line from his body, accurately wrapped around Sarutobi Takashi on the ground, and pulled him to his side.

Sarutobi Takashi has a great destiny. His subordinates loyally protected him before, allowing him to survive when Kirito controlled the combined ninjutsu released by the three masked monsters of wind, fire and thunder. Later, when Kirito and Danzo fought, he also Danzo deliberately kicked him out to avoid the aftermath of the battle between the two.

The four elite jounin of the Uchiha clan had long been convinced by Kirito’s strength. They received Kirito’s order and all evacuated without any delay, so as not to cause any trouble to Kirito.

The sealing barrier lost the maintenance of four elite jounin. After it was attacked by the third generation again, it was shattered in an instant.

After the third generation broke through the seal barrier, he did not attack Kirito immediately. Instead, he stood on the water and stared at Kirito and Sarutobi Takashi in Kirito’s hands. Terrifying chakra fluctuations erupted from his body, causing There were lots of waves on the water.

“Who are you anyway? Why do you do this?”

Seeing his son being threatened by Kirito as a hostage, Sandai suppressed the huge anger in his heart and shouted angrily.

“Don’t worry, I have no intention of killing him. As long as you don’t act rashly and let my people leave safely, I will return him to you intact.”

Kirito answered the third generation’s question in a non-answer manner.

Hearing this, the Third Generation snorted coldly and allowed the four elite Jonin who maintained the barrier to leave.

At this time, many ANBU ninjas had already arrived at the scene. When they heard Kirito’s words, they all immediately put away their thoughts of chasing, but they all subconsciously surrounded Kirito and the four masked monsters.

As long as Sandai gives the order, they will immediately attack Kirito.

“Except for the Jonin, everyone else must step back. The next battle is not something you can participate in.”

The third generation saw that a group of subordinates were planning to join forces to deal with Kirito. He thought for a while and shouted an order.

Although he is angry, his reason is still there. He is very clear about the strength of the enemy in front of him. Judging from the powerful fairy chakra fluctuations that are constantly emitting from the opponent, it is obvious that the opponent has entered the fairy mode. Such a person wants to win by numbers. Undoubtedly very difficult.

Even if we can win, we will definitely pay huge casualties.

In the next battle, he estimated that only the jounin could support him a little.

As the third generation spoke, the ninjas on the field and below evacuated one after another.

For a time, only the third generation and 20 Jonin were left in Konoha.

The four elite jounin of the Uchiha clan ran very fast and immediately ran out of Kirito’s range of perception at the moment.

After the White Zetsu clone entered the sage mode, Kirito’s natural energy perception ability suddenly expanded to more than 20 kilometers away, and he felt that his whole body was full of power, and his physical fitness had an astonishing improvement in all aspects.

After entering Immortal Mode, he felt that the Bai Jue clone’s strength had increased by at least 50%, and this was without the use of Wood Release.

In addition, the Byakugan that resides in the White Zetsu clone’s detection ability has also been amazingly improved with the blessing of Sage Mode. It has expanded to a distance of fifty kilometers, and it feels like time has slowed down, and the movements of everything around it have become very slow. , so slowly that he could easily see their next move.

Not only that, after Byakugan was temporarily strengthened by the astonishing sage mode, he actually got a piece of vague information from Byakugan. Unfortunately, the information was too vague, so he couldn’t know what it was for the time being, but he estimated that it should be a kind of pupil technique. .

This may be the same as the evolution of the Sharingan to the Mangekyo Sharingan, a pupil technique born automatically, but the Byakugan on the White Zetsu clone has not yet successfully completed the final evolution, so it is like this.

In addition, after the four masked monsters were strengthened by the celestial chakra through the chakra lines connected to the White Zetsu clones, they also emitted celestial chakra fluctuations, and their strength was greatly improved. The masks on their faces Strange patterns appeared one after another.

“Back to you.”

When Kirito saw the four elite jounin of the Uchiha clan leaving, he directly threw Sarutobi Takashi in his hand to the third generation.

The third generation immediately reached out and took Sarutobi Takashi over.

At this time, five jounin from the Nara clan took action decisively, and five shadows quickly stretched towards Kirito and the shadows of the four masked monsters.

Other jounin also used various special ninjutsu to attack.

Kirito saw the enemy’s attack with his Byakugan. He and the four masked monsters suddenly showed amazing movement speed and dodge ability, avoiding all the enemy’s ninjutsu.

Among them, Kirito directly controlled the White Zetsu clone to rush into the crowd with a series of afterimages.

At this moment, the White Zetsu clone used the senjutsu chakra to use the chakra sprint to burst out at a speed comparable to the teleportation technique. Some jounin only felt their eyes blurred, and then they were punched away by Kirito, and they vomited blood and passed out. .

Only a few elite jounin could barely see the movements of the White Zetsu clone and successfully used the White Zetsu clone’s attack. However, the power gap between them and the White Zetsu clone was too great. Even if they successfully caught the attack, they could not form an effective confrontation. Their arms He was interrupted momentarily, and then the whole person was knocked out and seriously injured.

After turning on the sage mode, the White Zetsu clone could easily defeat the elite jounin with simple taijutsu, and he was also the elite jounin of Konoha.

In just ten seconds, 20 Konoha jounin were defeated by him.

If he hadn’t wanted to kill the people of Konoha, these 20 Jounin of Konoha would have been killed by him just now.

This powerful feeling made Kirito very happy.

However, this kind of power obviously comes at a price. In the time it took him to defeat 20 Konoha jounin in a row by relying on taijutsu, nearly one-fifth of the senjutsu chakra in his body was consumed, along with the previous three mask monsters. The Senjutsu Chakra released three ninjutsus, and the Senjutsu Chakra in his body was already less than one-third.

Fortunately, the chakra stored in the Yin Seal in his body is relatively abundant, and the White Zetsu clone can quickly absorb natural energy and convert it into chakra. Kirito used his terrifying mental arithmetic ability to figure out that if he continued to fight with the same intensity just now, The chakra in his body should keep him going for about five minutes.

Can he defeat the third generation in five minutes?

This is probably difficult.

The three generations of old men were able to compete with Orochimaru at his peak and the first generation and second generation of Kutu who had reached the Kage level at the same time. If not for their physical exhaustion, they might have been able to take Orochimaru away with them in the end.

Now that Sandai is in his prime, even if he has the immortal mode, it will be extremely difficult to defeat him.

It was no joke to really push him into a panic and use the method of sealing all the corpses to death together.

“The chakra is really like flowing water. Although the sage mode is powerful, its endurance is too low.”

Kirito sighed.

If his sage mode lasts longer, he might be able to kill Sandai. After all, if Sandai wants to fight him, he will definitely consume a lot of chakra in the process.

At the same time, the third generation had settled Sarutobi Takashi. He saw that the White Zetsu clone controlled by Kirito defeated 20 jounin at once without harming their lives. He couldn’t help but feel very surprised, and his hostility towards Kirito suddenly increased. Eliminate a lot.

He could finally see that the shadow-level strongman in front of him didn’t have much hostility towards Konoha, and the only person he was targeting was Danzo.

The reason why the other party stayed was most likely because he wanted to compete with him. Otherwise, the other party would have used his son as a hostage to escape. It would be impossible to return his son to him, let alone attack him. The Konoha ninja showed mercy.

“Who is he, and what is his relationship with the Thousand Hands clan?”

Sandai thought to himself.

While he was thinking, he didn’t stop moving his hands. He quickly bit his index finger and prepared to use the psychic technique.

But a huge thunder gun instantly shot out from the mouth of the Thunder Mask Monster.

Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness!

The third generation was hit instantly.

The next moment, a cloud of white smoke appeared, and an electric-charred piece of wood appeared in place.


“Amazing, he was able to use the Substitute Technique in an instant without injecting chakra into the substitute object in advance.”

Kirito admired when he saw that the third generation had mastered the substitute technique to an extremely high level.

Relying on his Byakugan, he clearly saw that the moment Sandai was attacked, a burst of chakra instantly popped out of his body and hit a wooden block not far away. Then before being hit by the huge thunder gun, Muji used the Substitution Technique. Switched places with the wooden block.

After Sandai used the substitute technique to avoid the attack of the Thunder Mask Monster, he also successfully used the psychic technique.

“Bang~” sound.

A white ape wearing a Konoha forehead protector appeared in front of Kirito.

It is the third generation psychic beast ape demon.

“The fluctuation of senjutsu chakra, Hiruzen, every time you call me out now, I will be a first-class troublemaker when encountering enemies.”

As soon as the monkey demon came out, he immediately felt the Senshu Chakra fluctuations coming from the White Jue clone, and said with a frown.

“Sorry, but if the enemy is not strong enough, I won’t call you to help.”

Sandai smiled bitterly.

Then, he said seriously: “Here he comes.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the ape demon instantly turned into an iron rod.

Ninja Technique: Vajra Ruyi Stick!

The third generation immediately grabbed the Vajra Ruyi stick that the monkey demon had transformed into, and swung the stick forward, blocking the katana in Kirito’s hand that was completely made of chakra metal.


A huge metal collision occurred.

At the same time, there was also a terrifying air wave erupted from the collision of two powerful chakras, which instantly set off a violent wind.

The ground beneath their feet was cracked, and a deep pit finally appeared.

“Your Majesty the Third, you are really powerful. You are completely different from those trash guys just now. Please let me experience the fun of fighting next.”

Kirito praised Sandai as he saw him easily blocking a flat-A slash in his sage mode.

“Huh, don’t be too proud, young man.”

When Sandai heard Kirito’s praise, he was not happy at all and sneered.

As he spoke, he suddenly exerted force on his hand and pushed Kirito away.

Then, the Vajra Wishful Rod in his hand suddenly stretched out according to his will, and stabbed Kirito like lightning.

Kirito was immediately hit.

But in the process, Kirito suddenly turned into a puddle of running water.

“The art of water teleportation!”

Seeing this, Sandai instantly realized that this was the result of the enemy Muji’s water teleportation technique. Then his whole body immediately turned black, and he used a sudden samurai sword in the iron arm guard on his left hand.

Earth escape·Earth spear!

The slashing power of the katana covered with rich senjutsu chakra was extremely terrifying. The chakra metal armguard wrapped with earth escape chakra to strengthen the defense was cut in half almost instantly, but in the end it only turned black in the third generation. A deep wound was left on the skin, making it impossible to cut off the entire arm.

The moment his arm was cut off, the third generation immediately launched a counterattack. Muji once again released a fire escape ninjutsu, and aimed at Kirito in front of him and sprayed a stream of flames from his mouth.

Fire Release·Fire Dragon Bullet!

Facing the fire release ninjutsu released by the third generation at close range, a stream of water suddenly appeared on Kirito’s body, forming a water ball, wrapping his entire body and successfully blocking the third generation’s fire dragon bullet.

Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!

On the other side, the Thunder Mask Monster and the Wind Mask Monster in the sky attacked at the same time.

Huge thunder guns and huge vacuum blades were released from their mouths respectively, shooting at the third generation at high speed.

Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness!

Wind Escape·Vacuum Wave!


The monkey demon who turned into a Vajra Ruyi Rod immediately reminded him.

The third generation had to stop preparing to use another ninjutsu and once again released the substitute technique to dodge.

He is personally proficient in hundreds of Five Elements Ninjutsu, and can release more than ten of them without seals. He can even use two Ninjutsu in quick succession to complete the combined release.

If he had been given a little more time just now, he could have used the Thunder Release Ninjutsu to break Kirito’s Water Prison Jutsu.

“I have to get rid of those four monsters in the sky. Otherwise, with them keeping me in check, it would be too difficult for me to find a chance to defeat this guy.”

Sandai glanced at the four masked monsters in the sky, then looked at Kirito who had released the Water Prison Technique at this time, and said with an ugly expression.

After the opponent enters immortal mode, his speed and strength become very terrifying.

Fortunately, he always insisted on daily physical training, and his physical fitness did not decline too much. In addition, he had been secretly using the secret technique of thunder to strengthen his nervous reaction ability, so that he could steadily block the enemy’s attacks.

Otherwise, those previous Konoha Jonin would be a lesson for him.

“Let’s fight quickly. Although these four Yu mask monsters all have powerful ninjutsu abilities, it is too difficult to hit the third generation. In this way, it will only be a waste of chakra. In the end, we still have to rely on physical strength. Technique.”

Kirito sighed secretly when he saw Sandai once again using the Substitution Technique to avoid the masked monster’s attack.

In terms of dodge ability, the third generation at his peak relied on simple substitute techniques to maximize this ability. Unless he used a very wide range of ninjutsu, it would be difficult to hit the third generation.

But the Third Generation is not Danzo. If the three masked monsters of Wind, Fire and Thunder join forces to use combined ninjutsu, given the lakeside environment here, the Third Generation will definitely have time to dive into the water to dodge.

Understanding that the four masked monsters would hardly be able to help him in his battle with the Third, Kirito decisively abandoned them aside.

The next moment, his body was instantly covered with purple lightning.

The Immortal Technique and the Secret Technique of Thunder.

The senjutsu chakra in his body was quickly consumed, reaching less than half.

Kirito’s movement speed surged again in an instant. In the eyes of ordinary people, he seemed to turn into a purple light at this moment, flashing past in front of his eyes, with no time to react and dodge.

Sword Skill·Thunder Flash!

In the third generation’s eyes, he could only see a little bit of Kirito’s movements at this moment.

Relying on the benefits of the thunder-stimulating secret technique to strengthen neural responses, Sandai reluctantly came up with a way to deal with it. He inserted the Vajra Ruyi Rod in his hand and a cage made of many Vajra Ruyi Rods appeared instantly. Wrap his whole body.

Ninja Technique·Vajra Prison Wall!

Kirito used his white eyes to see the third generation using the Vajra Ruyi Stick transformed from the monkey demon to defend himself, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his face.

The defensive power of the Vajra Ruyi Rod transformed from this monkey demon is indeed amazing. Its hardness is comparable to chakra metal. The defensive power of the Vajra Prison Wall formed by it cannot be underestimated. It is estimated that the Ninja Sword covered with Senjutsu Chakra in his hand can continue It cannot be broken through multiple slashes.

But it’s a pity that he has white eyes and can easily see all the weaknesses of this diamond prison wall.

The weakness is here!

A flash of purple sword light appeared.

The katana in Kirito’s hand accurately penetrated the slight gap on one of the Vajra Ruyi sticks, and then directly penetrated it.


A burst of heart-piercing screams suddenly came out from the Vajra Ruyi Rod.

“Bang~” sound.

The Vajra Ruyi Rod turned back into the ape demon, spitting out a large amount of blood in the air, and the breath of life quickly withered.

The katana in Kirito’s hand was stabbing a scar on his abdomen.

This scar is the weakness of the ape demon.

At the same time, the King Kong prison wall that protected the three generations was cracked.

“Ape Demon!”

When Sandai saw this, he shouted anxiously, quickly completing the seal with both hands, releasing the psychic technique, and not giving Kirito a chance to inflict secondary damage to the monkey demon.

The ape demon suddenly turned into a ball of white smoke and disappeared.

Without the help of the monkey demon, the third generation is equivalent to having no weapons in his hand. Of course, Kirito will not miss this opportunity, and immediately activates the thunder secret technique again and uses the sword skill “Thunder Flash” with the katana in his hand.

As the third Hokage and the leader of the Sarutobi clan, the third generation naturally has more than just biological weapons at his disposal: the monkey demon.

After sending away the monkey demon, he immediately pulled out a short knife made entirely of chakra metal from his body, and spit out a strong wind escape chakra on it, creating a knife with wind escape chakra. long sword to resist Kirito’s attack.

Wind Escape·Vacuum Blade!

For a moment, in the eyes of ordinary people, a purple lightning continued to move around the third generation, with a large number of sparks appearing during the period.

During this process, the third generation could only grit his teeth and use the earth escape and earth spear and use the short sword in his hand to defend with all his strength. However, he was suppressed by Kirito’s storm-like sword skills and the continuous offensive of thunder flash, and he was completely suppressed. He was unable to fight back at all, and there were even several blood flowers that evaporated instantly on his body.

“How is it possible that the Third Generation was actually suppressed?”

“That’s not true. My eyes must have been wrong.”

“Am I dreaming? How could the Third Generation be beaten so hard that he could only defend himself.”

At the outermost periphery, a large number of Konoha ninjas saw the White Zetsu clone controlled by Kirito pressing down on the Sandaime, and all of their faces showed expressions of shock, disbelief, or horror.

Nearly half an hour had passed since Kirito’s attack on Konoha Prison.

Naturally, many powerful ninjas in Konoha have arrived, including Senju Momoka, Uchiha Homura, and Hyuga Kazuma, the three powerful clan leaders. They also saw the embarrassment of the third generation at this time, and their expressions changed. Different.

“Where did Kirito get to know such a powerful person and actually master the Sage Mode? Could it be that Kirito learned the Sage Mode from this person? What is the relationship between him and Kirito? ?”

Senju Momoka stared blankly at the scene in front of her of Kirito beating the third generation, and thought with great shock.

To be honest, it was quite beyond her expectation that the strong man that Kirito had hired actually killed Danzo, and now he even suppressed the Third Generation. Even though she had great trust in Kirito, she still couldn’t help but feel the pain in her heart. A bit afraid.

After all, with the power displayed by the strong man Kirito found, it would not be a problem to eliminate the current Senju clan.

If Kirito had any bad intentions and he cooperated with this mysterious shadow-level expert, Konoha might be severely damaged.

Compared to Senju Momo, who lacked confidence, Uchiha Homura looked much better, but he still couldn’t help but be shocked and frightened by the amazing fighting power displayed by the White Zetsu clone, and secretly cursed: “What is the identity of this brat now? If such a powerful ninja says please do something, please do it.”

However, compared to Senju Momoka and Uchiha Homura, Hyuga Kazuma’s face is the ugliest one. The Hyuga clan leader who has always been indifferent to emotions and anger now has an extremely ugly face, with his white eyes turned on. There was a look of horror in his eyes that could not be concealed, which showed how bad his mood was at the moment.

Because he relied on the Byakugan to discover some secrets of the White Jue clone, that is, the White Jue clone also had Byakugan, and it was a pair of very pure Byakugan. He even felt the suppression from the bloodline from these Byakugan.

“Impossible, how could someone in the outside world have such a powerful pair of Byakugan? Who is he, and what is the purpose of this attack on Konoha?”

Hinata Kazuma thought fearfully.

As the leader of one of the three generations of wealthy families in Konoha, Hinata Kazuma’s strength is definitely not weak. He also fought on the battlefield when he was young. After a long period of training, he already has the strength of the shadow level, but now he faces the White Zetsu clone. At this time, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and the chakra in his body felt uncontrollable.

What frightened him the most was that his white eyes actually revealed an emotion called fear.

It is a fear of being eaten and devoured by the other party.

When he thought about the fear flowing out of his eyes, he suddenly remembered a secret record in the family book, and his heart became heavier.

“What are you idiots doing? Why don’t you hurry up and provide support?”

Suddenly, a loud shout appeared among the onlookers of Konoha ninjas.

Then, a beautiful female ninja with a single ponytail jumped out from the crowd, used chakra sprint, and quickly rushed towards the third generation and Kirito.

“Tsunade, please step back quickly, don’t go up.”

Momoka saw this beautiful female ninja and immediately became anxious and shouted.

Although the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse in front of him was found by Kirito, it is still unclear whether he is an enemy or a friend.

Once Tsunade angers the opponent, she might be killed.

Tsunade was so eager to save her teacher at this time that she didn’t listen to Mooka’s dissuasion and still rushed towards Sandai and Kirito resolutely.

With Tsunade taking the lead in the charge, many Konoha ninjas suddenly felt the courage to face death. After sweeping away the fear of Kirito’s White Zetsu clone, they all shouted for courage and followed Tsunade forward.

“It seems I can’t continue fighting with you alone.”

Kirito noticed that Tsunade led a group of Konoha ninjas to rush over, sighed, and then kicked away the third generation who gritted his teeth and blocked his katana with a short sword.


The next moment, Tsunade’s strange power punch was in front of her.

Seeing this, Kirito tilted his head slightly and easily dodged Tsunade’s strange punch. Then he hit Tsunade in the chest with his backhand and knocked her away.

Then, he controlled the three masked monsters of Feng Huo Lei to perform a combination of ninjutsu again.

Intelligence is indeed very important to ninjas.

Many Konoha ninjas undoubtedly already knew the combined ninjutsu of the three masked monsters: Wind, Fire and Thunder. When they saw the movements of these three masked monsters, they formed seals to use Water Release, Water Formation Wall and Earth Release, Earthflow Wall. defense.

Thick walls of water and earth appeared one after another, forming a solid line of defense, blocking the terrifying fire waves formed by the combined ninjutsu of the three masked monsters, Wind, Fire and Thunder.

However, Kirito’s purpose of letting the three masked monsters of Feng Huo Lei attack was just to stop these Konoha ninjas who were rushing towards him desperately.

When the Konoha ninja blocked the combined ninjutsu of the three masked monsters, the four masked monsters in the sky quickly gathered together. The black threads on their bodies quickly completed the entanglement and fusion, and finally turned into a monster with three masked heads and tails. A bird-shaped monster with a brain on it.

After Kirito jumped on the monster’s back, the wind mask monster on the tail of the bird-shaped monster immediately released a strong wind, and then moved Kirito quickly through the air.

In a few breaths, Kirito and the bird-shaped monster disappeared from the horizon.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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