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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 177 The Thousand Hands Clan and the Three Generations (5600) (Please subscribe and vote)

“Hiruzen, how is your injury? Is it serious?”

Momoka sighed after hearing Sandai’s words.

She felt no guilt at all about assisting Kirito in killing Danzo. If it happened again, she would still make the same choice in order to protect the future of the Senju clan.

It’s just that she never expected that the situation would develop like this.

It wasn’t enough for the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse to kill Danzo, but he later injured the third generation.

This incident has both good and bad consequences for the Senju clan.

The good thing is that the Senju Clan can use this to raise the tiger-skin banner of the mysterious Kage-level powerhouse, and intimidate all those in Konoha who are eyeing the Senju Clan.

She had no choice but to invite the heads of Konoha’s ninja clans to a banquet in the name of the Senju clan today. Not long after she came to the Senju clan, a mysterious shadow-level powerhouse happened to lead a group of Jonin to attack the Konoha prison, and finally brought an important person like Danzo to the Senju clan. Killed by criminal and root leader.

The two things happened too coincidentally.

And because she invited the heads of the various ninja clans to a banquet with the Senju clan, when the mysterious Kage-level powerhouse attacked Konoha Prison, many ninja clans in Konoha were unable to provide timely support to Konoha Prison because the speaker happened to be away from the clan. Indirectly giving huge help to the mysterious shadow level powerhouse.

As long as the clan leaders of each ninja clan are not stupid, they will definitely be able to guess that the relationship between the Senju clan and the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse is not simple.

In this way, it has become an established fact that the Thousand Hands Clan still has the support of a shadow-level powerhouse, especially since this shadow-level powerhouse is stronger than the third generation. If others want to attract the attention of the Thousand Hands Clan, they must Seriously think about Danzo’s fate.

In the ninja world, all facts ultimately depend on strength.

Not surprisingly, after today, the embarrassing situation of the Senju clan after losing Uzumaki Mito, a shadow-level powerhouse, will be greatly improved, and the many interest disputes between the Senju clan and various ninja clans in recent times will be quickly resolved.

But the disadvantages are not small.

The biggest disadvantage is undoubtedly that he greatly offended the third generation Hokage.

No matter how bad Danzo is, he is still the third generation’s dog, even a dog that is not very obedient and may even bite its owner.

As the saying goes, when you beat a dog, it depends on its master. This time the Senju clan used the power of the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse to kill Danzo, the evil dog. It was undoubtedly a severe slap in the face of the third generation. The mysterious shadow-level powerhouse behind him Catching the third generation and beating him was another big offence.

What is the relationship between the Senju clan and the third generation now?

Taohua felt uncertain, but she would definitely be worse than before.

The third generation of Konoha is still in power now. If the third generation wants to target the Senju clan, the Senju clan will definitely feel very uncomfortable.

After all, the Senju clan is not as keen on fighting as the Uchiha clan, and can quickly improve their strength through fighting.

The Senju Clan currently has less than 300 members, and among them there are only over a hundred combatants. If the third generation is ruthless and uses his legitimate rights to issue a recruitment order to the Senju Clan, the Thousand Hands Clan will probably be greatly reduced again.

Now that Konoha and Sunagakure are fighting, the reason why the third generation rarely recruits the Senju clan is because of the face of the second generation Hokage and Tsunade.

But after what happened today, it is hard to say whether the Third Generation will issue a recruitment order to the Senju clan.

As one of the three wealthy families in Konoha, the Senju clan has the obligation to protect Konoha.

If the Senju clan does not obey the Hokage’s orders and sends people to join the war, it will definitely greatly damage the Senju clan’s prestige in Konoha, and it will be very detrimental to Tsunade and Nezuki’s future success as Hokage.

Therefore, her assisting Kirito to get rid of Danzo this time will certainly be of great benefit to the Senju clan, but it will also have great disadvantages. If she is blindly arrogant, the Senju clan’s situation in Konoha will be even worse.

In order to prevent the Thousand Hands Clan from being underestimated by the Third Generation in the future, it is necessary for her, the leader of the Thousand Hands Clan, to have a good communication with the Third Generation.

“It’s nothing serious, just some flesh wounds. With Tsunade here, it will be fine after a while. But I couldn’t keep the attacker. The other party killed Danzo. Although Danzo is a serious criminal, After all, he is also from Konoha and has made many contributions to Konoha. He is not worthy of death.

Therefore, I will definitely punish this murderer severely, and Konoha will never compromise with this attacker and the forces behind him. “

After hearing Taohua’s words, Sandai was silent for a moment and said in a cold voice.

Regardless of the reason, the Senju clan went too far this time and was a serious provocation to him, the Hokage.

He could feel that many people from the ninja clan around him were watching. If he didn’t show a strong attitude, it would be difficult for him to suppress the Senju clan and even the Uchiha clan in the future and make other ninja clan obey their orders. , Naruto’s majesty will also suffer a major blow.

When Tsunade, who was healing the third generation, heard this, her hands trembled slightly, then she pursed her red lips and continued to heal the third generation seriously without saying a word.

Tsunade is very thoughtful. How could she not see the hidden information behind today’s incident? Many information indicates that today’s incident is closely related to the Senju clan.

Although Sandai’s words just now did not mention the Senju clan by name, the resentment towards the Senju clan contained in it was not small at all.

On one side is the family who gave birth to her and raised her, and on the other side is the beloved teacher who educated her.

Tsunade was caught in the middle. Her heart was in chaos now and she didn’t know what to do.

Mito Kaden and Koharu were secretly happy. The big move the Senju clan used this time really frightened them. The two of them had assisted the Third Generation and Danzo in harming the Senju many times for their own benefit. The interests of the clan have long been greatly offended by the Thousand Hands clan, and now I feel scared when I think about it.

Although the two of them are advisors to the Hokage and hold high positions in Konoha, their strength is far inferior to that of Danzo, let alone the forces they rely on behind them.

Both of them are from the Xiao Ninja Clan. Over the years, they have used their power to seek personal gain for their own Ninja Clan, which has made their Ninja Clan a lot stronger. However, at most, they are only top-notch members of the Xiao Ninja Clan. They have no way to compete with the Senju Clan. Not as good as the pig, deer, and butterfly tribes.

If the Senju clan decided to touch them both, they would have no choice but to wait for death.

The third generation now takes the initiative to stand up and fight with the Senju clan, so the two of them can hide behind the third generation.

As long as they keep a low profile and stop causing trouble, the Thousand Hands Clan will most likely not deal with them again.

Killing a chicken to scare a monkey is enough once.

It just so happened that Danzo had turned into this chicken.

Therefore, Mito Kadoen and Koharu Koharu looked at each other and slowly retreated behind the third generation in tacit agreement to show their attitude.

Taohua took one look at the little actions of the two people and was too lazy to continue watching.

These two old guys have always failed more than they succeeded. They usually act like pig teammates and hold them back, but they occupy two important positions. If they jump out at a critical moment, they will still be disgusting.

The most hateful thing is that the two of them are Danzo’s accomplices.

She had investigated the two of them privately and found that they had abused their power to seek personal gain for their family, and even stole some important materials to support the front line. The final destination of these important materials was unknown. They were really two big rats.

She has decided that after getting rid of Danzo, the next thing she will do is these two old guys who are moths.

Seeing this, the third generation looked at each other coldly and said nothing, but his dissatisfaction with the two people rose again. What he needs now is a younger brother who charges forward for him. For example, Danzo does not want to directly use the sword. Fight the Senju clan with real guns.

Now that Danzo is gone, the best candidates are undoubtedly these two old guys.

It’s a pity that these two old guys have no sense of humor at all. They thought they could hide behind and take advantage like before without paying any price.

“It’s really time to replace them.”

Sandai thought to himself.

The next moment, he heard Momo’s voice: “The murderer should indeed be punished severely. I admit that Danzo has made great contributions to Konoha, but this man also made huge mistakes and made huge mistakes. It has far exceeded his contribution, otherwise why would he become a serious criminal? This man deserves to die, doesn’t he?”

Talking only about contributions and not about mistakes, Momohua disagreed with the third generation’s statement about Danzo. This man deliberately wanted to kill Naoki, the grandson of the first Hokage. This alone was enough to kill him ten thousand times.

She had to use Danzo to establish her authority today, not just by killing him, but also by letting other people in Konoha know that the Senju clan was right in killing this villain, and that Danzo deserved his death.

If the third generation does not make concessions on this point, the Senju clan will never give in. This is the bottom line.

Seeing that Momo was still holding on to the dead Danzo, the third generation remained silent and did not come to any conclusion on further convicting Danzo.

“I heard someone say that Danzo, a serious criminal, has appeared outside before. I don’t know if the news is true or false. If it is true, then he must have made some shady deals with some people. Some He knows the law and breaks it, and he is suspected of helping serious criminals escape from Konoha law.”

When Momo saw that Sandai was unwilling to compromise, she immediately dropped a bombshell.

As soon as the bomb came out, the third generation was not calm. The matter of releasing Danzo privately was indeed his fault as the Hokage. He did not expect that Momohua knew about it.

Damn Danzo, he is so careless in doing things, I will continue to drag him into trouble even if I die.

He didn’t know if Momoka had conclusive evidence, but if there was, if he continued to protect Danzo, then some of the people Momoka just mentioned would become him, the Hokage.

Lord Hokage took the lead in knowing and breaking the law, which was definitely a serious mistake. Once this news became known to the villagers, his prestige would definitely be severely damaged.

When the time comes, he is afraid that he will inevitably be kicked off the stage by everyone.

However, he must not give in in front of Taohua now. If he gives in, he will be asking for trouble.

He thought for a while and then said: “This is definitely a rumor. Danzo has been imprisoned in prison from beginning to end, and in order to prevent Danzo from escaping from the prison, I deliberately planted a curse under him that can kill him from a distance. Seal, so it is absolutely impossible for him to escape from prison.”

“Planting a curse seal on Danzo? I didn’t expect this guy to be so cruel.”

Taohua was shocked when she heard Sandai’s explanation.

Others were also very shocked. They really didn’t expect that the third generation who usually looked very gentle could have such a ruthless side.

You must know that Danzo and the Third Generation grew up together and were apprenticed to the same sect. They were good brothers who were born and died together for many years. Later, after the Third Generation became Hokage, Danzo was also the Third Generation’s right-hand man and gave him great help.

As a result, after Danzo made a major mistake and was imprisoned, the third generation actually used a vicious sealing technique like a curse seal on Danzo.

For a moment, everyone who heard what Sandai said just now looked at Sandai with a change in their eyes.

Sandai could feel the change in the eyes of others looking at him, and he couldn’t help but sigh deeply, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn’t bear the serious crime of releasing Danzo privately, at least not now.

For the sake of Konoha and the Sarutobi clan, he must continue to firmly hold the position of Hokage, and he must not leave the huge leverage of releasing Danzo privately to the enemy.

Compromise comes only once and countless times.

If he compromises with Momo this time and Momo threatens him with this matter in the future, will he be able to continue to be a good Hokage?

In short, it is better to expose yourself than to be caught with fatal consequences.

The effect of his self-exposure was very good. He planted a curse seal on Danzo, which undoubtedly showed that the relationship between him and Danzo was in a state of rupture.

Under such circumstances, no normal person would think that he would release Danzo privately, because this would probably give Danzo a chance to break the curse mark on his body and escape from control.

Even if Mooka comes up with evidence, he can bite him to death. This is perjury that someone deliberately used the transformation technique to create. Anyway, Danzo, the person involved, is already dead. Unless he can be brought back from hell, no one can prove that he is. I intentionally let Danzo out privately.

In this world, he, Danzo, and Hatake Sakumo were the only ones who knew about the secret deal between him and Danzo.

It is impossible for him to tell this matter. Hatake Sakumo is not in Konoha now, which means no one can confirm this matter now.

As for some people who would say that the fact that he planted the curse seal on Danzo was a lie and that he said it deliberately in order to escape guilt, he is not afraid because he has evidence that it is true and he has several Sarutobi secretly. A clan of ninjas had seen the Diamond Curse on Danzo’s body, which could withstand investigation.

In order to cover up as much as possible the fact that he secretly released Danzo’s shadow clone, he had gone to great lengths.

For example, every time Danzo releases his shadow clone, only his son Sarutobi Takashi is present to personally inspect it and secretly escort it out.

Momoka is an old man. When she heard the third generation reveal that he planted a curse seal on Danzo, he knew that it would be useless to continue to drag the third generation to release Danzo, a serious criminal, outside. The third generation must have used all the power to The evidence is cleared.

The evidence she had was only some photos, not even recordings of conversations. In the ninja world, due to the transformation technique, these evidences were basically useless. Only the illusion of mind-reading on the person involved was the most powerful evidence.

But Taohua didn’t panic, she said coldly: “Bring it with you.”

The next moment, a jounin from the Senju clan appeared in front of Taohua, and then handed a storage-style psychic scroll to Taohua.

Taohua took the psychic scroll, opened it, and then formed a seal to take out the contents.

“Bang~” sound.

A cloud of white smoke appeared, and five heads soaked in a glass container with green liquid inside appeared in front of everyone.

“What do you mean? Taohua.”

The third generation looked at these five heads and instantly realized that something was wrong, frowning and saying.

He had an impression of these five heads. They were ninjas from the Inorakacho clan, the Aburame clan, and the Shimura clan, and they were all elite jounin. However, they were already dead in Konoha’s files. Among the people who lost their lives, three of them were traitors.

“The owners of these five heads are all ninjas in the root. They belong to a ninja team called the Skull Team in the root. According to their memories, they have done many shady things for Danzo, including killing people in the village. If Sandai doesn’t believe it, he can ask the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan to confirm the brains of these heads.”

Taohua stared at Sandai with cold eyes and told the origins of these heads and the hidden information.

These five heads were naturally some of the incriminating evidence that Kirito gave her about Danzo. With them, she had enough evidence to prove that Danzo was innocent of his death.

When the three generations heard this, they secretly complained in their hearts.

He knew that Danzo’s crime would definitely not be covered up this time. Even if he died, his posthumous name would be infamous. He used the fact that Danzo had made great contributions to Konoha to offset the mistakes he had made before. It no longer works.

Killing a companion is an unpardonable crime in Konoha and cannot be forgiven.

“That’s it. I will send someone to confirm later. If Danzo really commits the crime of killing his companions in the village, I will definitely punish him severely.”

Sandai was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and sighed.

“I think it’s okay now.”

Momo was not willing to accept Sandai’s proposal to confirm it later, but she immediately spoke out to refute it.

But Tsunade interrupted her at this time: “Lord Momoka, the Third Generation is injured now and needs to receive treatment and rest. You can do things like testing evidence at any time. There is no rush. What do you think?”

It was just one step away from making the third generation surrender and say that Danzo was a sinner who deserved to die in front of everyone. How could Momoka give up.

She wanted to scold Tsunade to stay out of the way, but seeing the pleading expression and eyes on Tsunade’s face at this time, she finally relented, opened her mouth, and finally chose to acquiesce, looking at Tsunade with eyes that hate iron.

“Teacher, the special chakra in your wound has been cleaned up, but just in case there is anything missing, I still need to conduct a comprehensive test on your body. Please follow me to the hospital now.”

When Tsunade saw that Momohua stopped talking, she immediately said to the third generation.

Sandai knew that Tsunade was helping him and giving him a step up, and his heart suddenly warmed up. He decisively got off the donkey, nodded and said: “Okay, I will listen to you.”

After saying that, he quickly left, accompanied by Tsunade.

Because of Tsunade’s intervention, the tit-for-tat exchange between Sandai and Mooka finally ended hastily.

“Oh~, my good sister is good at everything, but sometimes she is too soft-hearted. No wonder she suffered so much in the original plot. Facing the third generation of her mentor, she couldn’t be cruel after all.”

On the other side, Kirito, who used the White Zetsu clone to return, disguised himself as an ordinary ninja. He looked at Tsunade’s leaving back and sighed.

If Momoka succeeds in getting the third generation to admit Danzo’s evidence this time and personally prove that Danzo is worthy of his death, then the negative consequences caused by the Senju clan’s collusion with the mysterious Kage-level powerhouse to kill Danzo today will be The impact will be much smaller, and it can further damage the prestige of the third generation.

Unfortunately, there was still just one step missing. Tsunade thought of her master-disciple relationship and allowed the third generation to escape without any danger.

But it’s not without its benefits. At least the Senju clan and the third generation haven’t completely broken up with each other yet.

Because of Tsunade’s existence, there is still the possibility of reconciliation between the two.

The third generation will next target the Senju clan, and he will also take Tsunade’s feelings into consideration.

However, if the Senju clan was at a disadvantage in this contest, would the Third Generation let the Senju clan go for Tsunade’s sake?

Kirito was deeply suspicious of this.

“That’s all, now Konoha still needs the third generation to continue to support it, and Sister Tsunade is obviously not suitable to be Hokage now, and it’s not time to completely fall out…”

Kirito pondered for a while, and finally suppressed the thoughts in his heart that continued to attack the third generation.

Seeing this, everyone else around them stopped watching the excitement and left in a very sensible manner. They also covered their mouths tightly to prevent the news from leaking.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world. The matter of today’s mysterious shadow-level strongman’s attack on Konoha and the discord between the Third Generation and the Senju clan are still spread inside Konoha in various secret ways, and even spread to the outside.

The current Konoha is undoubtedly the center of the ninja world, and what happens here will inevitably attract the attention of all forces in the ninja world.

As a result, whether inside Konoha or outside, a huge storm and undercurrent are rapidly forming.

There will be another update later, but it should be relatively late, so I’ll wait until tomorrow.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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