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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 183: Add points, changes in Thunder Escape (5000) (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Kirito has not used the three strengthening points he received from Danzo yet. It’s not that he doesn’t want to use them, but that he doesn’t know which of the options to add points to for strengthening.

His favorite virtuous attributes and immortal mode that he likes to enhance are now unable to be enhanced.

The virtuous attribute means that after the IQ value reaches 5 points, it may have reached the maximum value, or if you want to continue to improve, you need no less than 5 strengthening points.

As for the sage mode, after this ninjutsu reaches level 3, 3 strengthening points are no longer enough to continue strengthening it, and at least 4 strengthening points are needed.

And he only has 3 strengthening points in his hand now.

Now, the choice faced by Kirito is to use these three strengthening points immediately, or to save them and wait until he gets new strengthening points later, and then use them to improve his sage attributes or sage mode.

After all, strengthening points are rare.

For an important plot character like Danzo, he only got 3 strengthening points after killing Danzo. This shows how stingy the plug-in on him is in giving out strengthening points. If he is not a named plot character, even if the opponent is very powerful, it will Probably not even a single strengthening point will be given.

Therefore, precious things like strengthening points still need to be used sparingly.

The frequency with which he has obtained strengthening points in recent times has been a bit fast, but that is the result of the enemy’s proactive delivery and the fact that the pigs he raised before were fattened and then killed, so that he was able to obtain strengthening points in a short period of time.

Of course, if he abandons the conscientious persistence in his heart, gives up his bottom line, and obtains strengthening points by any means, he can also obtain a large number of strengthening points in a short period of time.

This kind of thing can be done, but it’s not necessary.

Kirito would not do anything unless it was absolutely necessary.

“It is natural to improve your strength as quickly as possible. I can’t understand the current plot trend. It’s all because of this trash Danzo. He insists on seeking death, so I have to take action to kill him. It’s really a crime.”

Kirito sighed inwardly, and then continued to think about whether he should use strengthening points.

In the end, his rationality is to use strengthening points. The main reason is to become stronger so that he can survive the increasingly unpredictable plot and survive with the people he wants to protect.

So which option should he strengthen?

Points cannot be added to the sage attribute and sage mode. Kirito’s current options for improvement are naturally spiritual transformation techniques and changes in chakra properties that reach level 4 of Yin Release, Water Release, and Thunder Release.

There are also King Kong blockades and Yin seals.

Kirito is very clear about the magical effects of the Spiritual Transformation Technique. To be able to achieve his current achievements, the several derivative abilities he has mastered through the Spiritual Transformation Technique are crucial. The key to creating a world.

If possible, Kirito would also like to add a soul clone, but the level of spiritual transformation is still level 3. Before reaching level 4, it is impossible for him to separate a larger soul fragment from his body. to create new soul clones.

“Now you can’t add points to the sage attribute or the immortal mode. Improving the spiritual technique is indeed a good choice, but I can continue to increase the quick soul power with the soul poison pills. At my current improvement speed, it should be enough in another half a year. Automatically upgrade to level 4, no need to waste precious strengthening points.”

Kirito looked at the Spiritualization Technique and confirmed that it still needed 2 strengthening points to upgrade, so he gave up using the strengthening points on it again.

In fact, there is another reason why he gave up the use of strengthening points for the Spiritual Transformation Technique, and that is that the enemy already knows that he knows the Spiritual Transformation Technique. Now his fame is getting bigger and bigger, and he has long been on the blacklist of major ninja villages. The enemy will inevitably target the important ninjutsu he masters.

The reputation of the art of spiritual transformation has long been established by Kato Dan, another ninja in Konoha who mastered the art of spiritual transformation.

The most famous thing about the art of spiritual transformation among the major ninja villages is not that it can cause ninja souls to leave their bodies and kill people silently and silently from a distance, but the terrifying perception ability it brings to ninjas.

The senior officials of the major ninja villages have long disliked Kato.

Because Kato Dan is a terrifying assassin and cannot be guarded against. If a ninja lacks the ability to escape, if he is accidentally possessed by Kato Dan’s soul, he will be dead, and various secrets he possesses will be exposed.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the top leaders of the major ninja villages have been trying to send people to assassinate Kato Dan, but they have never been successful.

The reason why Kato Dan was able to survive many assassinations was due to the terrifying perception ability brought by the spiritual transformation technique, which allowed him to avoid many threats in advance and in time.

In the original plot, the reason why Kato Dan died was because the enemy found his weakness. He was a man with a pure will of fire, and was even willing to sacrifice himself to protect his companions.

The enemy accurately calculated his character and would not abandon his companions. They set up an ambush to trap him and his companions. In the end, Kato Dan chose to take the initiative and successfully killed him.

Otherwise, with Kato Dan’s strength close to Kage level at the time, if he had wanted to leave, he would have left long ago.

The terrifying perception ability is the core of the amazing survivability of ninjas who master the art of spiritual transformation. The enemy must know this. Kirito is now more worried that the enemy will develop a ninjutsu that can target the art of spiritual transformation, such as a A ninjutsu that can deceive the soul’s perception.

If the enemy could do this, his perception would be greatly reduced.

Although he has now lost his soul perception, natural energy perception, and blood perception brought by the blood dragon eye, the former is useless as long as the enemy blocks the chakra on his body, and the latter’s current perception range is very small under normal conditions.

To be honest, if the enemy can develop soul-shielding ninjutsu, it is not a problem to develop chakra-shielding ninjutsu. There are even many chakra-shielding ninjutsu in the ninja world. For example, Kirito masters some shielding types. Sealing technique.

These shielding sealing techniques can be made into sealing talismans and used.

There are also some special psychic beasts that also have the ability to shield chakra, such as the chameleon ninja beast with powerful invisibility that is mastered by the animal path among Pain’s six paths.

“It is necessary to master a new perception ability. Although the White Fang team’s hard power is very high, once they are besieged and there are shadow-level strongmen on the enemy’s side, it will be very difficult to escape unscathed. Sunagakure The people must hate the White Fang team now.

If I were them, I would definitely kill this ninja team at all costs, even if I use a nuclear bomb-level force like Jinchuuriki. “

Kirito thought about the damage and harm caused by the White Fang Team to Sunagakure Village, and he smiled secretly but was extremely vigilant.

Yes, he was sure that the people in Sand Hidden Village were holding back some big move now, and they would definitely try to kill the White Fang team, and once they did, it would definitely be a thunderous strike, and there would definitely be no shortage of shadow-level powerhouses. of.

Retreat early, move the battlefield in advance, and let the enemy escape. This was Kirito’s suggestion to Hatake Sakumo today.

Unfortunately, his proposal was rejected by Hatake Sakumo because he had not yet received the order to retreat.

Unlike Kirito’s imagination, the Konoha White Fang he knows now is obviously not the ninja who gave up his mission to protect his companions in the original plot, but a ninja who will carry out the Hokage’s orders to the end.

The reason for this is that Kirito thinks it’s just because Kakashi hasn’t been born yet.

The other person’s change may have occurred after he became a father.

How to acquire new sensory abilities?

Kirito had no clue for a while. In the ninja world, the perception abilities of ninjas are very diverse. Most of them require their own talents, such as the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, the amazing sense of smell of the Inuzuka clan, and the innate It comes from the special perception of chakra and so on.

Therefore, most sensory ninjas are talented players, and ninjas without talent can only rely on learning sensory ninjutsu.

Sensory ninjutsu is very rare and rare. There are not many in Konoha, and it is difficult to learn.

Kirito currently knows a kind of sensory ninjutsu called Earth Listening Technique, which is like the ninjutsu in the original plot where Nagataimei puts her fingers on the ground to sense the location of enemies around her.

The principle of this ninjutsu is to temporarily enhance the ninja’s perception of ground vibrations. As long as the enemy is moving, he can quickly sense the enemy’s position. The disadvantage is that it is useless once the enemy stops or is not moving on the ground.

Kirito’s Earth Hearing Technique is level 1 and covers a range of about one kilometer.

“This sensory ninjutsu ability is good. If it is improved, it will most likely expand the range of perception. But Chizuru next to me knows this ninjutsu, and the level is higher than mine, so there is no need for me to improve it.”

Kirito looked at the Earth Hearing Technique option on the attribute panel, hesitated for a while and then gave up.

However, he felt that if he had time in the future, he could practice this sensory ninjutsu and rely on his own talent to improve it without using strengthening points.

In the original plot, Yong Daimei chose this ninjutsu to coordinate with his Flying Thunder God Jutsu to attack. It can be seen that this sensory ninjutsu is different. If its level is raised to a certain level, other special abilities may be born.

For example, when one reaches an advanced level of cultivation, the ninja himself will become a vibration receiver and even master the ability to vibrate.

“If I need to master new sensory abilities and make the enemy unable to find a way to restrain them, then I have to develop a new sensory ninjutsu myself. So which escape technique should I start with?”

Kirito thought about it, and his eyes gradually fell on an option with a “+” sign on the attribute panel.

Thunder escape!

This is the escape technique that Kirito currently thinks can develop a new sensory ninjutsu.

Thanks to the knowledge of electricity in this world, Kirito understands the physical phenomenon of electricity called electromagnetic induction.

It’s just that he knows the principle of electromagnetic induction, but he has been unable to develop a lightning-escape sensory ninjutsu similar to electromagnetic induction ability.

He had the impression that a girl with superpowers who could use electromagnetic guns would have this perception ability. The other party could release weak electromagnetic waves to sense the changes in the reflected waves of the surrounding environment, thereby obtaining a radar-like function.

As for his delay in developing the electromagnetic induction ninjutsu, Kirito now believes that it is due to his insufficient level of lightning escape.

After all, the super-powered girl who masters electromagnetic induction is very powerful. She is one of the few people in the opponent’s world who has developed her abilities to the limit. If converted to the ninja world, the opponent is also a top Kage-level powerhouse, and the lightning escape level must be 5. level and above.

It can be seen that his understanding and control of electricity are still not as good as that of the super-powered girl who is at the top of her own world.

“Thunder Release, now think about it, among the nine tailed beasts, none of them seem to be able to master Thunder Release. Fire Release has two tails, four tails that control Melting Release, and five tails that control Boiling Release. Wind Release has one tail, and Water Release has one tail. There are three-tailed beasts, five-tailed beasts and six-tailed beasts that master melting style. There are four-tailed beasts and six-tailed beasts that master earth style beasts, but none of them are tailed beasts that can master thunder style.”

Kirito suddenly thought, realizing the problem.

The one who mastered the Thunder Release should be the Eight-Tails, right? Or is it Nanao?

Which tailed beast is good at lightning escape?

Kirito can no longer figure it out just by relying on his memory. In the original plot, he seemed to have never seen any tailed beast use thunder escape to fight.

“Hmm~, it seems that this change in chakra properties does need to be improved with strengthening points.”

Kirito suddenly had another reason to add points to the changes in the properties of his Thunder Release chakra.

However, it is still unknown whether Level 5 Thunder Release will allow him to master electromagnetic induction, but one thing is certain. Level 5 Thunder Release will greatly help him accelerate the formation of the Blood Succession Limit such as Lan Dun.

As long as Lan Dun’s blood inheritance limit is formed, his chakra amount will definitely increase, and it will be just around the corner to break through the elite jounin level.

For a moment, the fog of choice that shrouded Kirito’s eyes disappeared, and he used the three precious strengthening points he got from Danzo on level 4 lightning escape.

The next moment, the level of Lei Dun changed from level 4 to level 5.

At the same time, a huge roar appeared in Kirito’s ears, making his head buzz, and the non-attribute chakra in his body began to transform into thunder chakra uncontrollably, and his body was quickly hit by a large amount of blue-white high-voltage current. Covering him until he was completely engulfed in electricity and his body disappeared.

At this time, Kirito’s whole body seemed to turn into an electric current.

Kirito’s sudden change suddenly alarmed the three companions around him who had been in a light sleep.

“Kirito, what’s wrong with you?”

When Naoki saw Kirito’s appearance at this time, his eyes widened and he asked anxiously.

As he said this, he wanted to move closer, but was stopped by Hatake Sakumo and Chizuru.

“Rose Tree, don’t worry, stay calm now.”

Hatake Sakumo said immediately after stopping Naoki from approaching Kirito.

“But Kirito’s situation is very strange now.”

Roe Tree retorted.

His good brother was obviously not in good condition right now, how could he not be anxious.

His good brother’s whole body is now wrapped in terrifying high-voltage current, and there is still no protective measures. If this continues, his good brother will be electrocuted into coke no matter how good his physical fitness is.

He must find a way to save his good brother, otherwise he would have no shame in going back to see his sister.

Before leaving, he promised his sister to take good care of Kirito.

“Don’t disturb him. He has made a breakthrough in the cultivation of Lei Dun now. If you disturb him, you will only harm him.”

Chizuru said coldly, her eyes with the three Magatama Sharingan turned on stared intently at Kirito, who was bathed in high-voltage current and seemed to turn into thunder and lightning, with an extremely complicated look in her eyes.

Damn it, I was surpassed again.

She had read some books on chakra cultivation in her family. Among these books, the one with the most records was about the nature of fire escape chakra. She had seen several records of similar phenomena to Kirito’s at this time from one of the books.

It’s just that one is wrapped in thunder and lightning, and the other is wrapped in flames.

The most recent person in the family who was suddenly wrapped in high-temperature flames for a long time but did not die was named Uchiha Madara.

“I have made a breakthrough in my training in Lei Dun!”

Hatake Sakumo was shocked when he heard this.

He had seen Kirito’s Thunder Escape before, and his ability was definitely not low, comparable to the Wind Escape ability he had mastered.

If Kirito’s current state is, as Chizuru said, a new breakthrough in his thunder escape training, doesn’t it mean that Kirito’s thunder escape is about to enter the legendary mysterious realm?

His wind escape cultivation has been stagnant for a very long time. No matter how hard he tries to understand, he still cannot improve at all.

He knows that this is the relationship where he has hit a bottleneck. If he wants to improve further, he can only get a big opportunity.

Although he was a little disappointed about this, he was not too surprised, because many jounin in Konoha had a similar situation to him, and in order to seek new breakthroughs in strength, they had to practice new changes in chakra properties.

His choice was similar. After he couldn’t make any progress in Feng Dun, he began to specialize in sword skills. He practiced sword skills to the point of perfection, and combined sword skills with Feng Dun to form a terrifying sword skill that was almost indestructible. Then he successfully transformed into a powerful shadow-level expert.

The mysterious realm is a definition that many jonins in Konoha came up with through mutual exchanges after they could no longer make any progress in changing the nature of a certain chakra they had mastered. The reason why it is named like this is because of what it would be like to practice further changes in the nature of chakra. , none of them knew clearly.

But this does not prevent them from admiring this very much, because they all deeply understand that once they complete the breakthrough, they will definitely become a powerful ninja comparable to Naruto.

To become a shadow-level powerhouse by simply being good at one type of escape technique is something that countless ninjas aspire to do, because each type of escape technique practiced to the extreme has unparalleled power, enough to make them unique in the world, but to truly do it There are very few people who do this.

Most of the shadow-level experts have reached the shadow level by mastering various escape techniques and secret techniques.

In the impression of Konoha ninja, the only person who could do this was the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, a water escape ninja who was rumored to have successfully signed a contract with the sea.

“He is only 10 years old. He will only be 11 years old in a month. This kid is really a monster.”

Hatake Sakumo said sourly, unable to help but feel a strong sense of frustration.

If Kirito really breaks through the thunder escape to the mysterious realm, then Hatake Sakumo can’t understand what level of achievements he will reach in the future.

This was the first time he had seen such a talented ninja, and he might never see him again in the future.

But no matter what, this is Konoha’s luck.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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