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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 185 Assassination of Feng Ying (4600) (please subscribe and vote)

“Danzo, what kind of backup did you leave behind in the roots? The roots you controlled before are now clearly out of Konoha’s control, but you still provide such important information to Konoha. It’s really puzzling.”

The third generation looked at the encrypted information in his hand and felt extremely puzzled.

In recent days, because he was worried that the roots would do something harmful to Konoha, such as creating some rumors that would shake the hearts of Konoha, he had been secretly sending a large number of ANBU ninjas to find traces of the roots, but he had gained very little.

After Danzo’s death, the Roots abandoned Konoha and a large number of strongholds around Konoha, and withdrew all core members, leaving only some peripheral members who could not access the core secrets.

Root’s actions like this are undoubtedly announcing that Root is going to break away from Konoha’s control, and then take revenge on Konoha.

Unexpectedly, what Genbe is doing now does not seem to be an enemy of Konoha at all, but he intends to continue to provide services to Konoha.

What does this mean?

Does this mean that you don’t want to be controlled by Konoha but want to continue serving Konoha?

Or do you hope that he, the Third Hokage, will not continue to interfere in the affairs of the Roots and ignore the current situation of the Roots, and let the Roots continue to be outside of Konoha’s system. As a deal, the Roots will continue to serve him and Konoha.

The third generation didn’t hate Genbe’s current approach of clearly pleasing Konoha, but in his heart he still didn’t want an intelligence organization with a terrifying and dark nature that knew Konoha very well to lose control.

Because this is a time bomb, there is no guarantee that it will suddenly explode one day, blowing Konoha, him, and the Sarutobi clan into the sky.

Thinking that Nebe holds a large amount of Konoha’s confidential information and may leak it to Konoha’s enemies at any time, it is impossible for the third generation to ignore the existence of Nebe.

In his mind now, if the roots are out of control, then they must be uprooted and destroyed.

He wants all secrets buried in darkness, never to be seen again.

Even if these secrets will be revealed one day, it will have to wait until the war between Konoha and Sunagakure is over.

“Someone is coming.”

Sandai pondered for a moment, then he spoke.

An ANBU ninja appeared immediately after hearing the sound. He knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and said respectfully: “Sandaime-sama, please give me your instructions.”

“Go and ask Qiu Dao, the leader of the Qiu Dao clan, to come over.”

The third generation issued the order.

The ANBU ninja immediately obeyed the order: “Ha~”

As soon as he finished speaking, he used the teleportation technique and disappeared in front of the third generation.

“What does that dwarf Iwagakure want to do? He should be busy dealing with Kumogakure right now.”

Sandai burned the information in his hand with a candle and thought to himself.

In any case, the information sent by Genbu now is very important. Even if he loses control of Gen and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity, he must pay attention to it.

Judging from the intelligence content, Iwagakure intends to ease the relationship with Sunagakure.

Akisa is the son of the first Kazekage and Chiyo, and has a distinguished status in Sunagakure Village.

Iwagakure uses this as a bargaining chip, and is likely to exchange certain benefits from Sunagakure, such as reaching certain agreements.

Although the conflict between Iwagakure and Sunagakure is greater than that between Konoha and Sunagakure, there is no guarantee that the two will reach an agreement and then join forces to deal with Konoha.

The third generation has not been the Hokage for nothing these years. He has long understood in his heart that there is no eternal and absolute hatred between the Ninja Village and the Ninja Village. As long as the interests and threats are great enough, they can temporarily put aside their hatred and join forces to deal with the enemy together.

The current situation in Konoha is obviously very bad. What happened not long ago has been leaked, and the impact of Danzo’s death is continuing to ferment.

As the saying goes, the people who know you best are often your enemies.

Obviously, other great ninja villages now see Konoha’s current weakness and want to take advantage of it.

If this information is true, then that dwarf Iwagakure must be plotting against Konoha.

In order to prevent Iwagakure from secretly joining forces with Sunagakure to deal with Konoha, the Third Generation needed to mobilize some of his troops to deploy defenses at the border on Iwagakure’s side, and he also needed to know that the general Akimichi Tofaze would go over to scare Iwagakure.

Tou Feng is his old classmate and comrade-in-arms. His personal strength is very strong. After taking the secret medicine of the Akimichi clan, he can burst into the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse in a short period of time. He also has rich combat experience. He is stationed at the border on the Iwagakure side. , he can rest assured.

“Sigh~, it’s really unwise to have internal strife now. Can’t we defeat Sunagakure and then start the internal strife?”

The third generation is extremely tired of the current situation in Konoha.

For a time, his dissatisfaction with Danzo and the Senju clan came to mind again.

However, Danzo is dead, and all his dissatisfaction can only be attributed to the Senju clan.

To be honest, if he were not worried that attacking the Senju clan now would further intensify the conflicts within Konoha and greatly consume Konoha’s power, he would have wanted to use the power of the Hokage to punish the Senju clan.

After all, since the beginning of World War II, for the sake of his teacher and Tsunade, he has not recruited a large number of ninjas from the Senju clan for a long time to support the front line.

It is reasonable for him to ask the ninjas of the Senju clan to support the front line, and others can’t find anything wrong with him.

“There are abnormal movements in Iwagakure. I think Kumogakure and Kirigakure will definitely take some actions. I hope the compatriots over there can send some useful information in time. But for this plan, Konoha and Sunagakure’s The war must be ended as soon as possible, otherwise Konoha, no matter how strong it is, will not be able to withstand the siege of multiple powerful enemies at the same time.”

The third generation forced down his dissatisfaction with the Senju clan and once again became worried about the current situation in Konoha.

For now, nothing can deter those powerful enemies with bad intentions around them more than defeating Sunagakure.

However, how to defeat Sunagakure is not an easy task.

Soon, the third generation made a decision. The fastest way to defeat Sunagakure is to find out the source of unknown funds that Sunagakure has obtained recently.

If the source could be found and destroyed, it would be impossible for Sunagakure to continue the war.

He originally gave this task to Danzo, but now that Danzo is dead and the roots are out of control, he has to find another person to handle it.

The White Fang team now in the Kingdom of Wind is undoubtedly a very good choice.

Because of Koharu’s suggestion, he actually planned to let the White Fang team led by Hatake Sakumo come back, and then let Kirito, Chizuru and Naoki do other things. But now that the trends in other ninja villages have changed, he I have no choice but to let this sharp blade penetrate into the enemy’s more deadly place.

But in this case, the situation of the White Fang team will undoubtedly become more dangerous.

Once the mission fails, the entire White Fang team will likely be wiped out.

At this thought, the third generation couldn’t help but show a trace of sadness on his face, and then gradually turned back to expressionless, sighing: “Oh~, I can’t help it. I hope you can complete the mission successfully and come back safely. All this is for Mu.” Ye”

. . .

A few days later, in the Land of Fire, at a supply depot on the edge of the battlefield where Konoha and Sunagakure were fighting, the White Fang team, which had almost run out of supplies, came here to resupply, and by the way, they handed over the trophies they had obtained in the recent period. Use this to gain corresponding merit.

“Oh my God, you must have destroyed Sunagakure’s supply line.”

A quartermaster in charge of logistics said with a shocked look on his face as he looked at the large number of storage-type psychic scrolls and the heads of more than a dozen Sunagakure jounin handed over by the White Fang team.

There were actually quite a few ninja teams responsible for cutting off Sunagakure’s border, but there were only a handful of ninja teams that successfully took away the psychic scrolls containing supplies from Sunagakure’s hands. Like the White Fang team, they took out so many scrolls at once. This was his first time meeting the ninja team of the Spirit Scroll.

“Hehehe, that’s about it. With our White Fang team here, the supplies of those guys like Sunagakure can’t be easily transported to the front line. Please quickly calculate how much merit these things are worth.”

Seeing the shocked look on the quartermaster’s face, Naoshu said proudly.

He already had a premonition from the quartermaster’s expression that they would get a lot of merit this time, and maybe they would be credited with an S-class mission.

In Konoha, a ninja’s merits are calculated based on the five mission levels of SABCD. Among them, S-level missions are the highest level of merit and the most difficult to obtain. Once obtained, it is a huge honor.

At the same time, these functions are also an important currency for ninjas to exchange for various precious items from Konoha.

An S-level mission meritorious service is enough to exchange for an S-level ninjutsu in the Book of Sealings.

“Ahem, please take inventory as soon as possible, and then replenish us with enough ninja tools and medicines.”

Hatake Sakumo coughed, motioned the rope tree not to go too far, and then said to the quartermaster with a smile.

“Yes, please wait a moment.”

The quartermaster did not recognize the White Fang team and the others, but he recognized the weight of the pile of trophies in front of him and answered respectfully.

After a while, the quartermaster counted out the meritorious service obtained by the White Fang team during the recent period, which included the meritorious service of one S-level mission and five A-level missions.

“Awesome, now, I am also a ninja with S-level mission achievements, hahaha~”

After Naoshu learned that Team White Fang had achieved meritorious service, he immediately shouted excitedly.

He felt like he was now a big step closer to becoming Hokage.

The meritorious service of 1 S-level mission and 5 A-level missions is definitely a huge achievement. Among many Konoha ninjas, there are definitely not many people who can achieve so many meritorious achievements.

Although Kirito and Chizuru were not as excited as Naoki, they still showed happy expressions.

Because after they have these achievements, they will have enough confidence to speak in front of other Konoha ninjas in the future, and their status in Konoha will also rise.

This is a very good start, and these achievements will be the best foundation for them to climb up in Konoha in the future.

Hatake Sakumo noticed the expressions of the three people. He just smiled slightly, without any fluctuations in his heart, and had no feeling about the meritorious service he had achieved so far.

Since becoming a shadow-level powerhouse, he has received many S-level merits after completing S-level missions. If he had not been responsible for leading the team during this period, he might have been able to obtain more merits on the battlefield.

But that didn’t mean that he was no longer interested in meritorious deeds. He was now thinking about how much money he would have if he converted these meritorious deeds into money.

Half an hour later, the White Fang team completed the supplies. They were going to a nearby town to rest and recuperate for a few days before heading to the Kingdom of Wind again to carry out the mission of destroying the enemy’s supply lines.

But then, an ANBU ninja wearing a dog mask suddenly appeared in front of them.

“Lord White Fang, this is what the Third Generation has entrusted to you.”

The ANBU ninja immediately explained his purpose and presented a scroll with both hands.

Hatake Sakumo took the scroll, opened it, and looked at it. His face suddenly changed, showing a puzzled expression.

Afterwards, he was silent for a moment, and finally chose to take on the task assigned by the third generation. He said to the ANBU ninja with a solemn face: “Please go back and tell the third generation that the White Fang team will do its best to complete the mission assigned by him.”

When the ANBU ninja received Hatake Sakumo’s response, he immediately formed a seal and disappeared into a cloud of white smoke.

“Hatake-sensei, is this a new mission?”

After the ANBU ninja left, Kirito asked.

Hatake Sakumo didn’t say anything, just handed the scroll to Kirito.

Kirito finished the scroll, and Naoki and Qianzhe on the side immediately came over to look at it together.

The content on the scroll is just one sentence: cut off the source of Sunagakure’s unknown funds.

“What does this mean? It’s just one sentence and there are no clues.”

Shen Shu looked at the content on the scroll and said with confusion.

Chizuru was also very confused.

Kirito pretended to be confused, but he was already scolding the third generation in his heart.

The mission given to the White Fang Team by the third generation is undoubtedly to sneak into the Sand Hidden Village and then kill Luo Sha, the gold digger.

Compared with the mission they had performed before to cut off the enemy’s supply line, this new mission was undoubtedly on a hellish level and was already far beyond the capabilities of the White Fang team.

Given Rasa’s current importance to Sunagakure, he must be under the strictest protection of Sunagakure. Maybe the Third Kazekage, who is known as the strongest Kazekage, is Rasa’s personal bodyguard.

Therefore, the difficulty of the White Fang Team’s attempt to get rid of Luosha is basically the same as the difficulty of getting rid of the Third Kazekage.

“Is it possible that the third generation wants to avenge his private revenge? This old guy has become confused so quickly?”

Kirito couldn’t help but curse in his heart.

He knows what kind of person the third generation in the original plot is. Although he is a very positive character on the surface, in fact he has done many wrong things. The decline of Konoha is inextricably linked to the various tricks he made in his later years. Responsibility.

For example, Danzo allowed Danzo to make mistakes, and Danzo planned to kill him and stage a coup to take power, but in the end he let Danzo off easily. For example, he was soft-hearted and let Orochimaru go at the critical moment, which caused Konoha to suffer Orochimaru’s backlash. For example, he let Hinata Hizashi go. To die, even though Konoha is the victorious country, he is actually worried about sacrificing his companions if war breaks out again with Kumogakure.

The various unreasonable operations of the third generation made Kirito not have a good impression of the third generation Hokage.

Not long ago, he united with the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan to kill Danzo, the third generation’s dog, which caused the third generation to lose face. Now the third generation has given the White Fang team a mission that seems to involve death. It is difficult for him not to doubt that the third generation has done this. Is the purpose of taking revenge on the Thousand Hands Clan?

After all, the rope tree and he in the White Fang team are both important forces for the future revival of the Thousand Hands clan.

Although there is not much content on the scroll, Hatake Sakumo naturally knows the specific mission content contained in it, as well as the difficulty of this mission.

He looked at the three Kiritos and couldn’t help but feel a little heavy.

But a mission is a mission.

Now that the Third Generation’s order has been issued, as ninjas, he, Kirito and others must implement it, even if it costs their lives.

So, he quickly gathered his mood and secretly made a decision, then smiled and said to the three of them: “The specific content of the mission will be discussed after we set foot on the land of the Kingdom of Wind again. Let’s go, the teacher will take you to have a meal now. OK.”

. . .

On the other side, at the entrance of Sand Hidden Village, three people shrouded in white cloaks walked through the wind and sand and arrived here.

When they first arrived at the Skyline Canyon, the gateway to Sand Hidden Village, they were surrounded by many Sand Ninjas.

“Stop, who are you?”

The leader, a Sunagakure jounin, took a few steps forward and yelled loudly.

The next moment, the person among the three took off his hood, revealing a dark-skinned face and a Yumo Hidden forehead protector.

He was the Fourth Raikage who traveled thousands of miles to Sunagakure Village after receiving the Third Raikage’s order.

As the Fourth Raikage took off his hood, the other two also took off their hoods, revealing their true faces and identities.

The Fourth Raikage looked at the Sunagakure Jōnin in front of him, who brought him no pressure at all. A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, but he remembered what he was here to do this time, and tried hard to squeeze out a trace of his cold face. Smiling, he said: “We are the envoys of Yunyin Village, asking to see His Excellency Fengying.”


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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