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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 20 Never dare again

“Nasaki, I didn’t ask you about this. I’m asking you, when did Kirito learn the shadow clone?”

Mito held Naoki’s head with his hands, exerted slight strength, and said to Naoki with a kind smile.

Naoshu felt that his head was going to explode, and he chose to betray his teammates without hesitation: “Two weeks ago.”

Using the effect of bringing the memory back to the main body after the shadow clone disappears to speed up his practice, this is an efficient way of practice that Kirito told him.

Through experiments, he found that this was a training method that was very suitable for a ninja with huge chakra like him, but when the shadow clone disappeared, it would bring fatigue with it, causing him to often sleep in in class.

However, the results of his training are outstanding, and he has successfully learned several ninjutsu that he had been unable to learn before.

In order to repay Kirito, he taught him the Shadow Clone Technique.

Because it was originally a ninjutsu in his family, it belonged to him, and it was not a very important ninjutsu, so he could teach it to Kirito without the consent of others.

As a result, after Kirito learned this ninja, his enthusiasm for learning became even crazier than before.

Every day, three clones are separated to do different things. One stays in the basement of the orphanage to do some strange experiments, one comes to Mito Grandma to learn sealing techniques and study in the library, one practices ninjutsu, and the main body comes to ninja. School is in session.

Do this every day, keep working hard.

In fact, he is not much better, or even worse. He is just not as enthusiastic about learning (referring to reading books and learning sealing techniques) as Kirito. Because he has much more chakra than Kirito, he has more than a dozen clones every day to learn tolerance. Martial arts and physical arts.

Therefore, he knew very well why Kirito’s shadow clone suddenly disappeared here. Something must have happened to the original body.

Nine times out of ten, he was exhausted.

“Two weeks, this kid is really worried.”

Mito heard Naoki’s words, touched his forehead with his hand, and sighed.

Of course she was aware of the effects of shadow clones, but she didn’t expect that the rope tree would teach Kirito the art of shadow clones.

“I was still negligent. Since this idiot Naoki can use shadow clones to speed up his training, how could Kirito not know about it? I am such an irresponsible master.”

Mito thought about the side effects of using shadow clones to practice, and thought very remorsefully.

Due to her health, her energy is now much lower than before, and she spends most of the day resting to suppress the increasingly restless Kyuubi.

So after she accepted Kirito as a disciple, she actually didn’t care too much about him. She just took time out to teach him the knowledge of sealing techniques at regular intervals every day, and most of her attention was still on the rope tree.

There is no way, who makes Shengshu such an uneasy child.

Although there has been good growth in recent times, it is still worrying.

When she got along with Kirito, she found that Kirito was a very smart and sensible child, and she didn’t need to worry too much at all.

Unexpectedly, the result was also disturbing.


Mito’s face straightened and he said towards the door.

The next moment, a snake-faced woman came to Mito, knelt down on one knee, bowed her head and said respectfully: “Mito-sama, please give me your instructions.”

Senju Momoka, an elite jounin of the Senju clan, and the captain of Mito’s personal guard.

“Go and bring Kirito back immediately.”

Mito ordered.


Taohua took the order and used the technique of instantaneous movement to leave.

Since the death of the Second Hokage and a large number of clan members dying in the First World War, the Senju clan has shown obvious signs of decline. However, with Mito and Tsunade around, their power in Konoha is still very strong, relying on the powerful intelligence network in the village. , Momoka soon found Kirito who was sleeping at Chizuru’s house.

. . .

When Kirito woke up, he found himself lying in a room that looked very familiar.

Although he was not in good spirits and was very tired, the memory from the shadow clone quickly woke him up and made him understand what exactly happened and what he would face.

His face suddenly became very ugly, and he cursed secretly: “It’s all because that guy applied that strange paralyzing poison to Qianben. Not only did it paralyze my body, but it also greatly affected my chakra flow, causing The clone could not be maintained and was released early, and then the mental fatigue fed back made me faint from exhaustion.”

After Kirito woke up, the door was opened quickly, and the person who came in was Nao Shu. He looked bruised and swollen at the moment. It was obvious at a glance that he had been severely punished by someone.

When Kirito saw the rope tree appearing here, he immediately remembered where this place was.

This is the guest room of Naoshu’s house, where he once took a nap.

“What happened? Why did your shadow clone suddenly disappear?”

Roeshu asked as soon as he came in.

Kirito answered truthfully.

“Grandma Mito is very angry this time, you have to be mentally prepared, hehehe~”

After Naoki learned the reason and understood that Kirito was not in danger, he felt relieved. Then he immediately delivered a very bad news to Kirito and smiled happily.

But the smile was too perverted, causing injuries on his face, causing him to grin and shed painful tears.

Kirito looked at the gauze wrapped around Naoki’s face and couldn’t help but swallow.

He saw Mito’s terror on the day he entered school, and he often saw it through the rope tree when he learned the sealing technique with the rope tree under Mito’s guidance.

When he thought of the rope tree being hung up and beaten, its head stuck in the ceiling, and its whole body lying in the rubble, he felt that it was not easy for the rope tree to grow so big, and then he was worried that he was about to enjoy such treatment.

Mito’s control of his own power has reached a meticulous level, so he won’t kill anyone, but it will be very, very painful.

It was undoubtedly a disrespectful thing for him to use his shadow clone to attend class. It was okay that he was not discovered, but now that he is discovered, he will definitely be punished.

Soon, he was called by Mooka to meet Mito.

The other party still looks young and beautiful, but it always makes people feel like they are declining.

To Kirito’s surprise, Mito didn’t look angry at this time, and the look in his eyes was different from usual.

Mito usually looked at him with very gentle eyes, but he could see that the other person looked at everyone in the village with the same eyes, and there was nothing particularly different. The only difference was that it fell on the rope tree. There was an extra Love and expectation, and even smile unconsciously.

Kirito was not surprised by this, nor was he jealous.

Because this is a matter of course. Naoki is the grandson of Mito, and he will naturally get all the love from Mito. And at best, he is just a tool for Naoki’s progress. With the Uchiha clan, he was Chizuru’s whetstone. almost.

He has long been aware of it and will not have expectations, and naturally he will not feel disappointed.

On the contrary, he was very grateful to Mito, who was very attentive in teaching him sealing techniques and answered his questions in detail. He was a good teacher.

Therefore, he will work hard to play his role well, encourage and help Roeshu around him, and repay the kindness of education.

However, things seem to have changed now.

Mito looked at him differently now, and there was a table of fragrant and exquisite food placed in the room.

It seemed that Mito was not angry with him, but instead treated him to a feast.

“Is it some super awful food?”

Kirito thought in confusion as he looked at the table full of delicious-looking food in front of him.

“Eat, Xiaotong. These are prepared for you. You must eat them all and don’t waste them.”

Mito said amiably.

The elder dare not refuse the gift.

“Thank you, Mr. Mito. You’re welcome then.”

Mito said so, and Kirito was rude. He happened to be a little bit hungry.

The food tastes very good, it’s not dark cuisine, and the effects are amazing.

“Is this the legendary medicinal diet made by the chef ninja? Chakra is recovering quickly, and mental fatigue is also quickly relieving.”

Kirito felt the changes in his body and showed a surprised expression.

“How about it, it tastes good.”

Mito saw Kirito’s originally pale face quickly turn rosy and smiled.

“Yes, very delicious.”

Kirito nodded obediently.

“Then let’s stay and eat together every day from now on.”

Mito personally served Kirito another bowl of rice and continued to smile.

“This is not very convenient.”

Kirito took the rice bowl with both hands, and when he heard what Mito said, he was very surprised. He subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he swallowed it back halfway.

Because the expression of Mito in front of him suddenly became a little kind.

“Xiao Kirito, you can’t leave class as early as today. The teacher will be sad.”

Mito said with a smile.

With that said, she put her hand on Kirito’s head.

“Yes, Mr. Mito, I don’t dare to do that anymore.”

Kirito immediately sat upright and nodded obediently like a chicken pecking at rice.

Therefore, Kirito changed the assignment of the main body and the shadow clone in the future. The main body must come to Mito in person to learn the sealing technique.

And because Kirito was able to eat the medicinal meals prepared by Mito every day, he never tired his body from studying and practicing with three shadow clones at the same time.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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