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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 202 Qianhe and Hua Lian

While Kirito is working tirelessly to improve his own strength and sort out his combat system, his two good teammates Uchiha Chizuru and Senju Nawaki are also working hard to improve their own strength.

As ninjas who have reached the level of Jonin at a young age, the two of them have a lot of foundation. What they lack is the opportunity to fully tap this foundation, which is a series of arduous actual battles.

On the battlefield, nothing can improve a ninja’s strength more quickly than actual combat. As long as you don’t die, you will always gain something.

Chizuru and Naoki were undoubtedly stimulated by Kirito’s powerful strength. In order to quickly improve their strength, both of them decisively chose to start life-and-death battles with their enemies.

Seven or eight kilometers away from Kirito’s sand tower, there is a small oasis there. This is a Konoha war camp deep in the Kingdom of Wind. After the transformation of some Konoha ninjas who are good at earth escape, it has been transformed A small earth city appeared.

The most conspicuous building in the Tucheng is an arena made entirely of sand.

This arena was made by Kirito based on Shukaku’s ability to manipulate sand. During the construction process, the ninjutsu of Sand Binding Coffin was used to compress the sand together with huge pressure, ultimately forming a solid arena.

This arena is a place used by Kirito to enhance the strength of Konoha ninjas on the battlefield.

Here, they can battle against some powerful Sand Ninja captives.

In the past few days, Kirito did not do anything. Relying on his strong strength, he single-handedly rushed into Sunagakure’s camp many times and wreaked havoc. The people who forced Sunagakure had to voluntarily abandon the camp and retreat.

In the process, Kirito easily captured some powerful ninjas.

These ninjas are all jounin without exception.

Kirito did not kill these Sunagakure jounin, of course not because he was soft-hearted, but simply because he wanted to use these Sunagakure jounin to train some Konoha ninjas he liked.

The captives in the arena had no restrictions other than the curse mark planted in their bodies by Kirito. Kirito also asked medical ninjas to cure their injuries and give them weapons at their disposal, so that these captive ninjas could be in the best condition. Fight in the arena.

At the same time, in order to stimulate the fighting enthusiasm of these captured ninjas, Kirito promised them that they would be freed as long as they achieved ten victories, and also told them that they could kill people.

As for whether Konoha ninjas are willing to risk their lives to fight in the arena, it’s all voluntary.

If you want to use actual combat to improve your strength, how can you do it without taking risks?

Kirito became a Kage-level warrior at the age of 11, killed Ebizo and captured the Ichibi. These news not only greatly inspired the hearts of Konoha ninjas, but also seriously stimulated their competitive spirit.

Therefore, it is not only Chizuru and Naoki who are keen to enter the arena to fight these captured ninjas with Jonin strength, but also many young Konoha ninjas.

For example, Rei Hinata and Minato Namikaze are also recent regulars in the arena.

Sunahoshi, who is over forty years old, is a veteran puppet master of Sunagakure. Although his strength is not as strong as an elite jounin, he is still the best among ordinary jounin.

In fact, the reason why his strength did not reach the level of an elite jounin was that he did not have enough wealth to build an outstanding puppet.

If he could have a jounin-level puppet in his hand, he could control two puppets at the same time and use ninjutsu combat capabilities, which would make him a mere elite jounin.

It’s a pity that he was born a commoner, but he was able to stand out among many Sunagakure civilian ninjas, learn excellent puppetry skills, successfully create three elite chunin-level puppets on his own, and finally become a jounin-level puppet master, which is already very good. Remarkable.

In this war between Sunagakure and Konoha, he made great contributions to Sunagakure. The Konoha chuunin and genin who were killed by him with puppets can no longer be remembered, but he always remembers that they died in his hands. There are already three jounin in Konoha.

Now, the kid from Konoha who has the strength of a Jonin at such a young age will be the fourth one.

He remembered that the name of this kid from Konoha was Uchiha Chizuru, a member of the wealthy Uchiha clan of Konoha. The opponent was the teammate of the devil named Tohsaka Kirito.

As a person whose hands are stained with the blood of Konoha ninjas, Sunaboshi certainly doesn’t think that the devil will really keep his promise. His only thought now is to kill a few more Konoha ninjas before being silently executed by the devil, Dora A few backs.

“Kid, for the sake of that devil, if you don’t want to die, you’d better surrender immediately.”

Before the battle, Sunaboshi looked at Uchiha Chizuru, who was staring at him coldly in front of him. He subconsciously looked away from the opponent’s eyes and said coldly.

If possible, he would like to kill a few more Konoha ninjas.

Unfortunately, his first opponent after being captured was this Konoha brat named Uchiha Chizuru. Once he successfully killed this Konoha brat, he would definitely not survive.

As soon as he finished speaking, he quietly used chakra lines to connect the two puppets around him, letting them protect him on the left and right, and then a strong self-confidence emerged in his heart.

He dared to threaten an Uchiha jounin with such confidence, not because he knew he would die and was fearless, but because of the two puppets beside him.

These two puppets were lent to him by the devil. They were both Jonin-level puppets.

It can only be said that they are indeed puppets made by the devil. Although these two puppets are obviously not as good as the two puppets used by the devil on the battlefield, they are still rare high-quality puppets.

This was the first time for Sha Xing to use such a high-end puppet, and he never expected that the devil would lend such a good puppet to his prisoner.

Life is truly wonderful.

Before he was captured, his biggest wish was to have a Jonin-level puppet. After being captured, this wish came true easily.

As a puppet master, he can clearly feel the difference between his original puppet and these two puppets. The biggest gap is undoubtedly the conductivity of chakra.

Compared to these two puppets, which clearly had chakra metal inside, the two puppets he had built before were simply a pile of rubbish.

After he used chakra threads to control the two puppets, he immediately discovered that his chakra could flow very smoothly through the artificial chakra meridians inside the two puppets, greatly reducing his chakra consumption in controlling the puppets, and Allowing him to more easily and delicately control puppet battles.

In addition, the physical strength of these two puppets is very good, comparable to jounin-level taijutsu ninjas.

Because of this, they can easily withstand his chakra output of various frequencies, thus bursting out with speed and power no less than that of a jounin. With a full burst, they can even reach the speed and power of an elite jounin in a short period of time. .

With these two puppets, Sunahoshi can confidently say that he is now a veritable elite Jonin level puppet master.

When Chizuru heard Sunaboshi’s warning, he was completely indifferent. He silently placed his hand on the hilt of the famous sword Raiguang Duo on his waist, and then opened his Sharingan.

Sunaboshi had already seen Chizuru’s movements through the mechanical eye on the puppet. Knowing that this Uchiha ninja would not back down, a strong murderous intention suddenly arose in his heart.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but marvel at the two puppets he was currently controlling.

The mechanical eyes installed on these two puppets are really great. Not only do they allow him to look directly at the Sharingan of the Uchiha ninja without using the third eye secret technique, but they also have the ability to zoom in and out. function, allowing him to clearly notice his opponent’s movements from a distance.

“Damn, this devil is really rich.”

Sand Star was jealous of this, and further deepened his desire to use the devil’s puppet to kill the devil’s companions.

The next moment, a blue-white electric light appeared in Shaxing’s field of vision.

He knew this was his opponent’s move.

But he didn’t panic at all. He moved his left index finger, and a mechanism instantly popped up on the chest of a puppet on the left. A blue chakra shield instantly protected him and the puppet.


A long sword covered with Thunder Chakra struck the shield behind Sand Star.

“Little girl, you are pretty good, but you can’t break through the defense of my Puppet Technique: Mechanical Light Shield. The only fault is that the puppet your companion gave me is too good.”

Sunaboshi laughed when he saw that the chakra shield easily blocked Chizuru’s sneak attack.

As he spoke, another puppet he controlled had already burst out with a speed comparable to that of an elite Jonin using all his chakra to sprint towards Chizuru. He aimed his chakra-covered fist at Chizuru’s head and hit him hard. .

In order to kill Chizuru smoothly, Sunahoshi did not hesitate to output chakra at the maximum frequency to the puppet as soon as he came up, allowing it to become a powerful elite jounin level taijutsu ninja in a short time.

Chizuru didn’t expect that the puppet that Kirito handed over to the captive Suna Ninja could explode at such an astonishing speed. She immediately opened her eyes slightly and smelled the breath of death in an instant.

But that’s exactly what she wanted.

Seeing the fist approaching quickly, she subconsciously injected the cursed chakra in her body into her Sharingan eye, causing the three magatama in the Sharingan eye to rotate rapidly and connect together.

In an instant, she noticed that the fist of the puppet in front of her had slowed down.

Chizuru is very smart. Ever since she discovered that curse seals can fuse chakra and natural energy to form curse seal chakra that can strengthen ninjutsu, she privately went to search for some books in her family related to natural energy, and then understood the reasons why. The curse seal chakra formed by the curse seal is the magic chakra.

At the same time, she finally understood that the chakra that Kirito injected into her curse seal was senjutsu chakra, and she also found that Kirito’s senjutsu chakra was obviously higher in quality than the senjutsu chakra she formed with the curse seal. Much higher.

Of course, she was unwilling to accept this, and wanted to make the quality of her senjutsu chakra catch up with Kirito’s senjutsu chakra.

For this reason, Chizuru began to continuously research the curse seal chakra. After nearly a year of hard work, although she failed to successfully create magic chakra on her own, she found out that she could create the magic seal without opening the curse seal. The ability to use curse seals to create curse seal chakra.

And she also discovered that the Sharingan would be continuously strengthened under the long-term nourishment of the cursed chakra.

This enhancement is not only reflected in the power of the pupils, but also in the observation ability of the Sharingan.

If you use the cursed chakra to open the Sharingan, the Sharingan will be temporarily strengthened.

Such as now.

Her Sharingan was temporarily strengthened by a large amount of cursed chakra. She was confident that the dynamic vision of her Sharingan was completely different from that of the Byakugan, and even exceeded that of the Byakugan ninja of the ordinary Jonin level.

The enemy’s movements have been seen by her.

Next, what she needs is to improve her neural reflexes and movement speed.

Conjuration·Thunder Secret Technique!

Black lightning suddenly appeared on Chizuru.

Sunaboshi’s puppet finally hit the afterimage left by Chizuru on the spot.

“So fast!”

Sunaboshi was shocked when he saw this, and finally realized that Chizuru was more powerful than he imagined.

Before he could react, the puppet he controlled was circled around by Chizuru, who seemed to turn into a black lightning, and then his head and limbs were all cut off and directly scrapped.

Sword Skill·Thunder Flash!

“That’s it?”

Chizuru stepped on the puppet’s remains, stared at Sunahoshi who was swallowing saliva in the chakra shield, and said disdainfully.

Puppet is the embodiment of the puppet master’s strength. Losing a jounin-level puppet in Sand Star is equivalent to cutting off an arm.

Soon, Sand Star was hit by a black high-temperature fireball and burned to ashes.

Conjuration, Fire Release, and Fireball Technique!

“too weak.”

Chizuru looked at the ashes on the ground in front of him and said dissatisfiedly.

Then, she looked at a blond boy on the viewing platform with a provocative look in her eyes.

The blond boy was Minato Namikaze. Now that Chizuru was looking at him like this, he couldn’t help but feel a strong desire to fight in his heart.

He had just watched the entire battle between Chizuru and Sand Star, and he knew that this girl from the Uchiha clan who was on the same team as Kirito, a monster, was also a monster, but not as big as Kirito.

But judging from the battle just now, Uchiha Chizuru’s strength has exceeded that of ordinary elite jonin by a lot.

“It’s so fast, and the reaction is also very fast. I don’t know if my Flying Thunder God Technique can successfully sneak up on her.”

Namikaze Minato muttered to himself.

Just when he was about to stand up to accept Qianzhe’s invitation to fight, Hua Lian stood up next to him, and before he could speak, Hua Lian quickly formed a seal, used the water teleportation technique, and instantly appeared in the arena. on the battlefield.

“Chizuru Uchiha, I, Rei Hinata, want to challenge you.”

Hua Lian looked at Qianhe in front of him with a dissatisfied expression on his face, took a deep breath, then made a soft fist stance and said seriously.

As soon as she finished speaking, she opened her eyes, and at the same time, a large number of flaming spells appeared on Hua Lian’s body, causing her aura to rise steadily, and her whole appearance to change rapidly.

“I accept your challenge.”

When Qianzhe saw this familiar scene, his eyes suddenly burst out with deep murderous intent, and he said in a cold voice.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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