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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 207 New battlefield (5000) (please subscribe and monthly ticket)

After Tom left the Uchiha clan, he went straight to the Senju clan.

Soon, he saw Senju Momo.

Different from when he met Uchiha Homura, Tom sent a scroll to Mooka with both hands with a flattering expression, and said respectfully: “Lord Mooka, this is what the boss asked me to hand over to you.”

This was not the first time Mooka met Tom. She knew that Tom was Kirito’s psychic beast, so she immediately took the scroll over and opened it to read.

After a few seconds, she frowned and said, “Is this kid kidding?”

When Tom heard Taohua’s words, he didn’t say anything, and just stayed aside quietly. His mind began to think about all the delicious food he had just eaten at Qianzhe’s house, and then he subconsciously touched his swollen belly. .

Taohua saw Tom’s actions in her eyes and said with a straight face: “Go back and tell your boss not to act rashly and never take risks out of impulse.”

“Yes, Master Taohua, I will go back and tell the boss right away.”

When Tom heard this, he immediately replied loudly, and then walked away in a hurry.

“Hey, this kid has been wandering recently. He is already thinking about leading Konoha to defeat Sunagakure.”

After Tom left, Taohua sighed, with deep worry on his face.

The content on the scroll is very simple, it means to end the war between Konoha and Sunagakure to break the rumors.

Facts speak louder than words.

If Kirito can really lead Konoha to defeat Sunagakure, he can indeed easily break the rumors that are not good for him.

However, Momo didn’t want Kirito to be so impulsive.

If Konoha wants to defeat Sunagakure, it won’t take a day or two. Is Sunagakure so easy to defeat? The resilience of these ninjas living in the desert is extraordinary, and they are definitely not easy to defeat.

Kirito is strong now, but if he is careless and underestimates the enemy, he will have to pay the price.

Momoka personally hopes that Kirito can hold back for the time being, and it won’t be too late to come back with revenge when his strength improves.

With the strength that Kirito has shown now, within a few years, his strength will definitely be greatly improved. By then, no conspiracy or trick will be able to affect him. Just like Lord Hashirama back then, he used his powerful strength to conquer everything. All dissatisfied voices were suppressed.

“I really hope that day can come soon.”

Momohua couldn’t help but said excitedly as she recalled the figure who single-handedly suppressed the ninja world.

Then, her face turned gloomy again.

She had to find a way to stop the rumors that were getting worse in the village.

. . .

The two forces of Anbu and Anbu have begun to operate in Konoha. A large number of rumormongers have been arrested and imprisoned, so that the cells of the Guard and Anbu can hardly accommodate them.

Unfortunately, once a rumor spreads, it is difficult to stop it. Even if the original rumor maker is caught, new rumor makers will be born, making it difficult to stop them.

As the rumor continues to spread in Konoha, the version of the rumor is gradually escalating.

As the protagonist, Kirito has gone from being unwilling to give up one tail for Konoha to a selfish and rebellious ninja.

The Hokage Building, in the Hokage’s office.

“Bang~” sound.

Tsunade slapped the desk in front of the third generation hard and said with an angry face: “Old man, do you really intend to let the rumors in the village continue like this? As the Hokage, you must stand up for Tong now. People speak, otherwise Kirito will be disappointed in Konoha.”

As for the rumors that were getting worse in the village, she only learned about them after she sobered up. After learning some information, she immediately came to Sandai.

In Konoha, the Hokage is the most prestigious person. If the third generation is willing to stand up and endorse Kirito at this time, then even if the rumors still cannot be stopped, they will definitely not be as serious as they are now.

“Calm down, Tsunade, of course I will not sit idly by and ignore the rumors this time, and I will definitely stand up and refute them personally for Kirito. However, the current situation in Konoha is really not good. Regarding the letter of protest, You should also know that it is real.”

The third generation looked at Tsunade who was full of anger and said with a headache.

“So what? Kirito’s matter is the first priority to solve now. If Kirito continues to be slandered by those disgusting people in the village, it will not only make Kirito disappointed in Konoha, but also make those who are on the battlefield with the enemy The compatriots who fought bloody battles were disappointed in Konoha.

If those compatriots on the battlefield are disappointed in Konoha, do you think Konoha is likely to be able to withstand the pressure from other ninja villages? Which one is light and which one is heavy? Don’t you know clearly? “

Tsunade did not listen to the third generation’s complaints and continued to let the third generation take the lead in dealing with the problems Kirito encountered.

She knew her teacher’s character very well. Ever since he became Hokage, his ability to deal with the mud has become better and better. If she doesn’t strike while the iron is hot and let the third generation deal with the rumors, the third generation will definitely delay it for several days, or even ten years. It will take a few days to get started.

Because Kirito’s reputation means nothing to the third generation, and even allowing the rumors to continue to ferment is actually very beneficial to the third generation.

For the third generation, catching those spies spreading rumors is more important than clearing away the rumors for Kirito.

There is no doubt that the reason why the rumors developed so fast this time was not only the cooperation and fueling of some internal bastards, but also the spies of other ninjas hidden in the village.

Therefore, this rumor is a good opportunity to catch other spies from the Ninja Village.

However, in Tsunade’s view, if the third generation chooses to do this, it will be a penny wise and pound foolish.

Kirito is now the hero of Konoha. If Konoha does such an unfair thing to Kirito, it will not only chill Kirito’s heart, but also chill the hearts of those soldiers on the battlefield.

It was an intolerable thing for any Konoha ninja who was willing to sacrifice his life and blood for Konoha, but ended up with his reputation ruined because of rumors.

The third generation fell silent when he heard what Tsunade said, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Of course he understood what Tsunade said.

However, if he really did what Tsunade said and now stood up to endorse Kirito, what would the Sarutobi clan behind him think of him?

Regardless of whether the Sarutobi clan has lost control, but he can become Hokage, the support of the Sarutobi clan is very important.

“Teacher, don’t hesitate any more. Is it true that the Sarutobi clan is behind this rumor?”

Seeing that the third generation was still hesitating, Tsunade asked with a cold face, staring into the third generation’s eyes.

“Shut up, do you know what you’re talking about?”

As soon as these words came out, Sandai became angry and said loudly.

“Then, teacher, why do you have any hesitation? As the leader of the Sarutobi clan, by endorsing Kirito, can you not only eliminate the suspicion that the Sarutobi clan is behind the rumors?”

Tsunade went all out and talked back on the spot without giving in.

When the third generation saw this, he looked at Tsunade blankly, pointed at Tsunade with trembling fingers, and then showed deep fatigue on his face.

The son is disobedient, and now the caring little cotton-padded jacket is also disobedient.

Nothing goes smoothly at all.

For a moment, Sandai felt extremely uncomfortable and wished he could destroy everything.

He is really tired now.

It’s really hard for him to be the Hokage.

“Teacher, mistakes are mistakes. If you blindly condone mistakes, it will only make the consequences of mistakes more and more serious. Danzo has already paid the price for his mistakes. I don’t want you to do the same. Let the mistakes end here. I beg you.”

Tsunade couldn’t bear to see the tired state of the third generation and sighed.

“I understand, please get out.”

The third generation looked at Tsunade, looking at Tsunade’s eyes that contained disappointment and pain, and nodded.

Tsunade didn’t leave, looking at the third generation without saying a word.

She won’t leave until she gets the most accurate answer from Sandai.

Seeing this, the third generation felt a pain in his heart. Of course he understood what Tsunade meant, but he didn’t expect that Tsunade’s distrust of him had reached such an extent.

The next moment, he formed a seal and created a shadow clone.

Forget it, let him put an end to this rumor himself.

The little cotton-padded jacket is right, mistakes should not be tolerated over and over again. The Sarutobi clan really needs to clean up now and needs to carry out a major rectification.

“Third generation sir, urgent secret message.”

Suddenly, an ANBU ninja wearing a dog-head mask appeared and spoke to the third generation in an anxious tone.

The third generation immediately took the secret message handed over by the ANBU ninja. He did not avoid Tsunade and opened the scroll in front of Tsunade. Then his face changed drastically and he loudly said: “Give me the password and send two thousand more ninjas immediately.” Go to the border of the Kingdom of Rain and wait.”


The ANBU ninja obeyed the order and then used the teleportation technique to disappear.

“Teacher, what happened?”

Tsunade saw the anxious and heavy expression on the third generation’s face, and the third generation also sent more manpower to support the border of the Land of Rain. She also realized that something big had happened, her face couldn’t help but become solemn, and she asked.

“Kumogakure invades the Land of Rain.”

Sandai took a deep breath and replied.


Tsunade was shocked for a moment, then a thoughtful expression appeared on her face, and she began to think about the reasons why Kumogakure invaded the Rain Country.

But she lacked enough information and couldn’t figure out why Kumogakure suddenly invaded the Kingdom of Rain.

But no matter what, Kumogakure’s invasion of the Country of Rain is definitely not good news for Konoha, because the Country of Rain is connected to Konoha, and the route taken by Kumogakure to invade the Country of Rain is very close to the Country of Fire. .

Also, judging from the surface strength, Yugakure cannot be Kumogakure’s opponent at all, and defeat will be a matter of time.

Once Kumogakure defeats Yugakure, who will be its next target?

As soon as she thought of this, Tsunade immediately thought of the protest letter and deduced in her mind: “Kumogakure’s ultimate goal will be Konoha, and the invasion of Rain Country is to prepare for the invasion of Fire Country.”

“Tsunade, Kumogakure is coming fiercely. It is definitely not easy for them to invade the Country of Rain at this time. I guess they want to improve their morale by defeating Kumogakure, and then attack our Konoha, or even invade the Country of Rain. Under the guise, I just want to use a way to invade the Land of Fire. Our defenses on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain are relatively weak. I hope you can leave immediately to support us, and have Jiraiya come back immediately. “

Before Tsunade could express her inference, Sandai gave her a serious order.

Tsunade knew the seriousness of the matter. She did not hesitate and agreed decisively. However, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she looked at the third generation’s shadow clone.

“Start immediately. I will take care of the rumors.”

Sandai said with a cold face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he asked the shadow clone to leave.

When Tsunade saw the third generation’s shadow clone leaving, she had no reason to stay, so she quickly left the Hokage Building and headed towards the hospital.

Before leaving Konoha, she still needed to explain some things.

At the same time, the news about Kumogakure’s invasion of the Rain Country spread rapidly in Konoha, causing the rumors that were originally the strongest hot topic in Konoha to be temporarily suppressed.

Many people are gloating about this, but others are deeply concerned.

Konoha, underground, in the new root base camp, in the chief’s office.

Mito Kadoen, Koharu Koharu and Sarutobi Takashi gathered here.

At this time, Mito Kaden and Koharu, who had gone to bed, had anxious and solemn expressions on their faces. They were worried about Kumogakure’s invasion of the Rain Country.

As advisors to the Hokage, the two of them naturally had an unusual sense of war. When they heard the news, they quickly realized that Kumogakure’s invasion of the Rain Country was probably a drunkard’s intention. In all likelihood, he wanted to lead a great victory. Launch an attack on Konoha.

“The rumors must be stopped as soon as possible.”

Mito Katoyan was the first to break the calm here and looked at Sarutobi Takashi with sharp eyes.

“That’s right, Sunagakure is in pain from being beaten by Konoha and we dare not act rashly for the time being. If we want to resist Kumogakure’s invasion, we must mobilize our troops back.”

Xiaochun, who moved to bed, seconded the idea and told her own reasons.

Neither of them are blind or deaf. The emergence of this rumor has nothing to do with the Sarutobi clan. Neither of them would believe it to death. And the only person who can hide the fact that the third generation is doing these little things behind his back is Sarutobi Takashi, an ANBU. monitor.

In order to obtain the inheritance left by Danzo, they contacted Sarutobi Takashi privately. As a result, they successfully obtained the support of Sarutobi Takashi, whose interests were very consistent with theirs, and then began to secretly try to contact the old roots.

It was precisely because of Sarutobi Takashi’s cover that the new roots secretly made secret contact with the old roots without the third generation’s complete knowledge.

Sarutobi Takashi didn’t answer, just stared at the two of them coldly.

“Tohsaka Kirito is now the main force on the battlefield. If he fails to contribute, it will cause huge losses to Konoha. It would be unwise to offend him now.”

Seeing that Sarutobi Takashi didn’t answer, Mitomon Yan explained.

War is a war, and civil war is all about internal fighting. Once a war breaks out, the internal fighting should end temporarily. This is the wisest choice.

“Our war with Sunagakure is not over yet. I think it would be good for Tohsaka Kirito to continue to stay on the battlefield in the Kingdom of Wind. With him there, Sunagakure must not dare to act rashly. We are completely Orochimaru and other elites can be brought back.”

Sarutobi Takashi disagreed with Mito Kadoyan’s words and expressed his thoughts.

“People’s hearts cannot be violated. Tohsaka Kirito now has a high prestige among the ninja troops on the front line. You can’t just focus on him alone.”

After hearing this, Xiaochun reminded him.

“Takashi, if you want to achieve great things, it is foolish to go against people’s hearts. Also, you must not forget Danzo’s lesson.”

Mito Menyan then reminded.

The two of them are now wearing the same pants as Sarutobi Takashi, and they both prosper and suffer, so they don’t want to see Sarutobi Takashi become a pig teammate.

Everything you walk through will leave traces.

Sooner or later, the Senju clan will find out the ins and outs of this rumor. If Sarutobi Takashi doesn’t stop quickly, it will only leave more traces, allowing the Senju clan to discover the truth faster.

Maybe Sarutobi Takashi is not afraid of the Senju clan’s beheading tactics, but the two old guys are.

The research on Sharingan and Wood Release that they jointly conducted with the old roots has just begun, and they have not yet mastered enough power to compete with the Senju clan. Now it is enough to use rumors to ruin Tohsaka Kirito’s reputation.

It’s time to stop when it’s time to stop.

Sarutobi Takashi is not a fool, he is just unwilling to give up revenge on the Senju clan.

But he finally listened to the words of Mito Kadoyan and Koharu who transferred to the dormitory. His cold expression relaxed a little, and he nodded and said: “I know what to do. By the way, if we Konoha and Kumogakure this time If a war really breaks out, I want the Uchiha clan to be the main force, what do you think?”

“Of course not.”

“You’re playing with fire.”

The next moment, Mito Menyan and Koharu, who had transferred to the dormitory, objected one after another.

Are you kidding me, letting members of the Uchiha clan go to the battlefield?

The last time the third generation sent members of the Uchiha clan to the battlefield, the result was that the Uchiha clan lost a group of genin and chuunin, and then gained more than twenty Sanmagatama Sharingan ninjas, further increasing the power of the Uchiha clan.

“Hmph, aren’t we studying the Sharingan and Wooden Release now? If we don’t send those Uchiha ninjas with higher eyes to the battlefield, where will we get so many experimental subjects and Sharingan? You are looking forward and backward, thinking I don’t know how long it will take before the research is successful.”

Seeing how many objections the two had, Sarutobi Takashi said sarcastically.

These two old guys are really ridiculous. They both long for the power of the Uchiha clan and are afraid of the power of the Uchiha clan. No wonder Danzo looks down on these two old guys so much.

“That’s because you don’t know the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan. You are still young, and it is a good thing to be motivated, but you must not underestimate the Uchiha clan. We are currently in conflict with the Senju clan, and we cannot let the Uchiha clan take advantage. “

Mito Kadoyan ignored Sarutobi Takashi’s provocation and explained calmly.

“Not necessarily.”

Sarutobi Takashi sneered and clapped his hands.

The next moment, a ninja wearing a Tengu mask walked out of the darkness.

At the same time, a pair of strange Sharingan eyes lit up in the darkness.

When Mito Kadoyan and Kaden Koharu saw this ninja and his eyes, their expressions suddenly changed. They immediately shifted their gaze and stood up, then drew out their weapons and entered combat mode.

But as soon as they stood up, they discovered that they were under an illusion.

Sarutobi Takashi looked at the two people falling into the illusion of genjutsu, with a deep look of ridicule on his face.

After a while, he used the Mangekyou Sharingan Ninja to remove the illusion from the two of them.

At this time, Mito Kado and Koharu sat back in their seats sweating profusely, looking at the filthy Mangekyou Sharingan ninja behind Sarutobi Takashi with horrified expressions.

“You two, what do you think of the proposal I just made?”

Sarutobi Takashi said to the two of them without a smile.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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