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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 208 Tailed Beast Jade (5K) (Please subscribe and vote)

In the Kingdom of Rain, a war is unfolding, and the two parties fighting are Kumogakure and Amegakure.

The reason Kumogakure launched a war against Amegakure was very simple and violent. It was that one of their ninjas disappeared after entering the Land of Rain, and they requested that someone be sent to investigate.

To this, Yugakure agreed at first, but Yugakure sent too many investigators, thousands of them, including more than 20 jounin and more than 300 people. Such a large number of ninja troops , saying that they are here to investigate a missing person is undoubtedly a fantasy.

This number of ninja troops alone is powerful enough to destroy an effect, such as the Country of Grass.

The Country of Grass is the most powerful wall-riding sect in the ninja world, and its armed forces, the Kusanagi, are also the most adept at adapting to the changing circumstances in the ninja world. Faced with Kumogakure’s rude request to send a large number of ninja troops to station in their country, they did nothing. If you think about it, accept it, and even be willing to obey Kumogakure’s drive, just in the hope of getting a part of the loot.

To this, Yunyin agreed.

As a result, thousands of Kumo ninjas served as Kumo Gakure’s vanguard, and together with thousands of Kumo ninjas, they massively put pressure on Amegakure at the border.

Yu Yin is not Cao Yin. He is so bloody that he dares to show his sword to any big country.

Therefore, in the face of Kumogakure’s apparent plot to invade the Country of Rain under the guise of investigation, Kumogakure decisively dispatched a large number of ninja troops to confront them at the border.

In the end, I don’t know which ninja was the first to lose his composure and threw a kunai with a detonating talisman at the opponent, and the war broke out.

The border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Grass is just like the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Fire. They are separated by a large river, which is a large river with a width of thousands of meters.

Since Hattori Masashige returned to Amegakure and carried out drastic reforms to Amegakure, Amegakure’s defensive strength at the border has been increasing. Not only did he send a large number of elite Amegakure to garrison, he also built buildings that were easy to defend and difficult to attack. a strong fortress.

For example, on the border between the Country of Rain and the Country of Grass, there are three huge military fortresses. Each fortress is stationed with thousands of ninjas. There are also more than a dozen small fortresses surrounding the three military fortresses. There are at least a hundred ninjas stationed in each one.

Three forts are divided into triangles, two on the border and one behind the middle of the two. Within this triangular area, more than a dozen small forts are divided into triangular formations.

These military fortresses are all connected to each other. If any one is attacked, other surrounding fortresses can respond quickly and send help to provide support.

Facing the fortress formation put up by Yugakure, their offensive strategy was very similar to Kumogakure’s. They pushed all the way. However, they also had a wise military behind the scenes. They did not choose to attack the big fortress that was difficult to conquer. Instead, they used Attack and destroy small fortresses.

The combat power unleashed by Kumogakure combined with Kusakure’s power was naturally extraordinary. In just one week, they captured ten small military fortresses in a row.

If Yugakure hadn’t set up many traps along the way to block them, they would have captured even more military fortresses.

However, when Kumogakure captured several small fortresses along the way and began to penetrate deep into the hinterland of the Land of Rain, they began to fall into the siege of the Rain Ninjas. The Rain Ninjas in the three large fortresses jointly sent troops and sent more than 4,000 ninjas. Surrounded the invading thousands of Kumogakure and Kusagakure coalition forces.

The battle took place on a large river in the Kingdom of Rain.

This is where the real war begins between the two sides.


Bloodthirsty and crazy sounds of fighting continued to ring out on the battlefield. Ninjas on both sides were killing each other like crazy. Various ninjutsu and ninja tools were flying on the battlefield, constantly falling on the ninjas on both sides, causing countless flowers of blood to bloom on the battlefield. .

The blood of countless fallen ninjas dyed the wet battlefield and river red.

The Rain Ninjas were very tenacious because they had their homeland behind them. In order to protect their homeland and their relatives and friends, most of them chose to bravely fight head-on with the wolf-like and tiger-like coalition forces of Kumogakure and Kusagakure.

However, Amegakure has just ended the war with Konoha for more than a year. Even if the domestic economy recovers very quickly and Amegakure has received abundant development funds after the reform, the growth of ninjas has never been based on one or two years. It can grow up.

In such a short period of time, Amegakure only expanded the number of ninjas to 80% of its heyday, 8,000 ninjas, of which 80% were genin. Moreover, the strength of these genin was generally very poor, and most of them were just those who mastered the use of chakra. A rookie with ninja tools, he has not even mastered the Three Body Technique.

In terms of ninja quality, today’s Yugakure is no match for Kumogakure.

Judging from the troops invested by both sides, Amegakure is four times more than Kumogakure, but since the beginning of the war, the battle losses have been maintained at a ten-for-one ratio.

On the battlefield, the most eye-catching thing is always the showdown between strong men.

In order to win the war and boost morale, Sanshouyu Hanzo, a warrior-type leader, decisively took the lead in the battle. He summoned Sanshoyu Fushii to kill on the battlefield, spewing terrifying poisonous gas, and killed many cloud ninjas and grass ninjas. Kill and withstand a lot of pressure on your own.

Kumogakure was obviously on guard against Hanzo. When Hanzo showed up, the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki Burubi showed up immediately. He led ten elite jounin to unite to surround and kill Hanzo, which gave the leader of Kumogakure enough face.

Hanzo has long been accustomed to fighting more with less. When faced with the enemy’s siege, the method he chose was to start with the easier and then the more difficult, and decisively used the water teleportation technique that he had practiced to perfection to continuously widen the distance between himself and Burubi. , and then wait for an opportunity to attack those elite jounin.

“Damn guy, stop running around if you can, and fight me head-on.”

After activating the three tailed beast transformations, Burubi used three tails to fly the huge Sanshou fish a certain distance, and then cursed Hanzo, who had just used his scythe to take in another Kumogakure elite Jonin.

Up to this point in the battle, Hanzo had already harvested four elite jounin in a row, but he couldn’t even touch Hanzo’s hair.

The name of demigod is indeed not a wasted one.

This demigod of the ninja world is really too powerful in this place where it rains all day long, and his combat consciousness and combat experience are far beyond ordinary people. The siege he launched with other Kumogakure elite jounin was completely ineffective. The opponent easily found a flaw to escape the siege, and then found an opportunity to counterattack.

The four tails are the limit of Burubi’s tailed beast transformation. He really wants to use them now, and then destroy this ninja demigod who is as slippery as a loach.

But he didn’t dare after all, because once he used his four tails, in this battlefield full of killing atmosphere, he would probably lose control and become a disservice.

When Hanzo heard Burubi’s scolding, he didn’t bother to answer, and his eyes showed no emotion from beginning to end.

Absolute calmness is the magic weapon that keeps him alive on the battlefield.

He doesn’t need to pay attention to anyone, he just needs to continue killing at his own pace.

He quickly formed a seal, using the solid water wall created by Desui Release and Water Formation Wall to block the attack of a Kumogakure elite Jonin, and then used Desuizhui’s teleportation technique again to disappear in place.

When he reappeared, he had appeared behind another Kumogakure elite Jonin.

This Kumogakure elite Jonin is also a good hand with swords. As soon as Hanzo appeared, he noticed that he did not lack Kumogakure’s ruthlessness, ferocity and recklessness. Even if he knew that his opponent was Hanzo, one of the best swordsmen in the ninja world, He also dared to turn around and wield his sword to attack.

The result was that his head was cut off by Hanzo in the next step.

The gap between swordsmanship cannot be bridged by a single act of bravery, the slightest difference can be fatal.

What’s more, in Hanzo’s eyes, the swordsmanship of this Kumogakure elite jounin didn’t even reach the level of entering a palace.

Water Escape·Water Formation Wall.

Water Escape: Instantaneous Body Technique.

Knife skills.

This is the move that Hanzo has been using in this battle. It is simple and unpretentious, but it is enough to make Buruhi and Kumogakure feel like they are facing a formidable enemy.

“Damn it.”

Buruhi saw that Hanzo was determined not to attack him head-on. He turned his head decisively and looked at a military fortress in the distance. Then he opened his mouth and a large number of black and blue chakra balls began to appear, and then mixed stand up.

In less than a moment, a black chakra ball the size of a basketball appeared on the battlefield and was still expanding.

As soon as this chakra ball appeared, it erupted with terrifying chakra fluctuations, making countless ninjas on the battlefield tremble with fear.

Tailed beast jade.

This is Burubi’s strongest trump card after becoming the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki. However, this move is very difficult to use, takes a long time to charge, and consumes chakra. He generally will not use it in battle.

But who made Sanshouyu Hanzo not to fight him head-on? He had no choice but to use this move to force Hanzo to come over.

If Hanzo couldn’t come over, he would simply use this move to defeat the military fortress not far away.

This distance was enough to prevent the accuracy and power of his Tailed Beast Jade shooting from being greatly affected. He was confident that he could defeat the small military fortress of Yugakure with one blow.

“you dare.”

Hanzo immediately realized what Burubi was planning and said coldly, with an angry look in his eyes.

The military fortress cannot be defeated. There are a large number of Yugakure’s wounded and supplies inside. Once the military fortress is gone, the battle here will be over.

The other Kumogakure are also aware of Burubi’s plan.

The remaining five Kumogakure elite jounin decisively attacked Hanzo.

Lei Dun·Sanda Mu Liudou!

Thunder Escape·Thunder Arrow!

Thunder Release·Black Spot Cha!

Thunder Release·Grateful Wave!

Thunder Release·Thunder Dragon Bullet Technique!

Five powerful thunder escape ninjutsus were shot at Hanzo and other surrounding Amegakure ninjas who wanted to stop Burubi at high speed, forcing Hanzo and other Amegakure ninjas to dodge.


While dodging, Hanzo said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge sansho fish burst out from under Burubi and opened its big mouth to bite Burubi.

But Burubi had long noticed the arrival of this cunning Sanshou fish. Three flexible arms-like tails instantly extended and thrust the Sansho fish into the ground like spikes.

At this time, the tailed beast jade in front of Buruhi’s mouth had expanded to the size of his face. This was also the ultimate size of the tailed beast jade that Burubi could currently control.

Next comes release.

Bu Rubi felt cruel in her heart, and with a strong killing intent, she released the tailed beast jade.

“Hahaha~, let’s destroy it like this.”

In Blubi’s spiritual space, the eight-tailed ogre demon yelled crazily, excited about the horrific killing that Blubi was about to cause.

The black tailed beast jade suddenly shot towards the military fortress at high speed, forming a terrifying energy pressure along the way and plowing a deep mark on the ground.

The rain ninja who stood firm in the military fortress had already discovered the arrival of the tailed beast jade. More than 20 rain ninjas who were proficient in earth escape ninjutsu, under the command of a jounin, all used earth escape and earth flow wall.

In an instant, more than twenty huge and thick earth walls blocked the path that Tailed Beast Jade must pass through.

Unfortunately, the power of the Tailed Beast Jade was so powerful that every wall that could block a jounin’s ninjutsu was shattered by the Tailed Beast Jade’s force like a bamboo.

However, the efforts of the rain ninjas were not in vain, because every time one of these earth walls was broken by the tailed beast jade, the attack trajectory of the tailed beast jade was changed a little. When the tailed beast jade smashed more than twenty earth walls, The tailed beast’s attack trajectory has completely deflected away from the military fortress.


Finally, the Tailed Beast Jade exploded in the air hundreds of meters away from the military fortress.

“here you go.”

Hanzo saw this and praised greatly, feeling happy for the first time that Hattori Masashige had established a soil escape force belonging to Amegakure.

Earth Escape Force, this is a professional ninja force that Hattori Masashige, Kirito’s White Zetsu clone vest, started to build after he obtained the rights to Amegakure. This ninja force currently has 500 people, all of whom are proficient in Earth Escape. and collective land of ninjas.

After this year’s construction of road sections and military fortresses across the Land of Rain, this ninja force has gradually grown into a relatively mature force, and now it is about to be tested by blood and fire.

From the current point of view, the creation of this ninja force is quite successful.

“It’s unbelievable. This is Iwagakure’s demolition force?”

Burubi saw that his Tailed Beast Dama was actually neutralized by a group of earth escape ninjas using a simple defensive earth escape ninjutsu such as earth flow wall. He instantly saw the shadow of the Iwagakure blasting force from these ninjas and said in surprise. .

However, the battlefield situation was changing rapidly, and he no longer had time to think about whether Iwagakure was secretly supporting Amegakure.

A chakra-covered scythe suddenly appeared from the side and slashed towards his neck like lightning.

A sneak attack from the ninja world’s demigods arrived.

After seeing with his own eyes the threat that Blubi posed to the military fortress, Hanzo decisively chose to risk the huge threat and kill Blubi first.

The Earth Escape Troops were able to block Burubi’s Tailed Beast Dama once, but that didn’t mean they could block it again and again.

Facing Hanzo’s attack, Burubi was not afraid, and even felt a little happy. He did not hesitate to block Hanzo’s scythe with his left hand, and then a new chakra tail instantly grew out of his butt, like a spear. Stab at Hanzo.

Trade injury for injury.

The next moment, the chakra tail pierced Hanzo’s body, but the scythe could not cut through Buruhi’s neck, which was covered with high-density tailed beast chakra.

“Humph, knot”

Burubi looked at Hanzo in front of him with a look of reluctance and sneered, but just halfway through his words, he felt a fatal crisis.

At the critical moment, he forcibly moved his body.

The sharp tip of the knife pierced through the middle of his chest.

The Hanzo in front of him turned into running water. It was obvious that this was just a fake water clone.

The real Hanzo appeared behind him and gave him a fatal blow with the scythe in his hand. If he hadn’t reacted quickly enough and avoided the vital point, he would be dead now.

After Hanzo succeeded, he decisively retreated using the water teleportation technique, regardless of whether he killed Burubi or not. This allowed him to avoid subsequent attacks from Burubi’s other tails.


The severe pain in his chest made Burubi scream in great pain.

A crisis from death began to arise in Burubi’s heart, making him unable to help but feel a sense of fear.

In the spiritual space, Niugui, who has been closely coveting Burubi, immediately seized the gap in Burubi’s mind and injected a large amount of chakra containing deep darkness into Burubi’s body.


In an instant, a terrifying chakra burst out from Burubi’s body. Burubi covered his head with his hands, and then roared in pain like a beast.

“Oops, Lord Burubi lost control.”

When the surrounding Yunyin saw this scene, many of them were no strangers to this, and their expressions changed greatly, and they lost their voices, showing fear in their eyes.

On the border between the Country of Grass and the Country of Rain, in Kumogakure’s temporary base camp, some perceptive ninjas quickly noticed that Burubi was out of control, and they quickly reported the news to their superiors.

Soon, the third generation Raikage who secretly sneaked into the Land of Rain got the news.

“Damn Yugakure, you actually put my brother through such pain, it’s unforgivable.”

The Third Raikage learned that Burubi was seriously injured and went berserk, and immediately dealt with him angrily.

As he spoke, he took off the Raikage hat on his head and the god robe on his body, planning to leave for the battlefield.

The secretary Elui on the side knew that it was impossible to stop the Third Raikage from going into battle shirtless, and reminded: “Raikage-sama, please be careful about Hattori Masashige. Until now, this person and the Abube led by him have not appeared. He They must be plotting something, so please be careful.”

“I know, but don’t worry too much, I will take care of it.”

The Third Raikage nodded, and then immediately turned on the Thunder Chakra mode, turning into a blue electric light and rushing towards the battlefield where Blubi was.

After the Third Raikage left, Elui immediately ordered an ANBU ninja: “The Raikage-sama has left. Let everyone wake up and protect the base camp.”

The Third Raikage was very fast. He rushed at full speed without any expense. In less than half a minute, he came to see the battlefield between Kumogakure and Amegakure.

At this time, Burubi had completely lost control, and six chakra tails had grown on his body.

After losing control, Burubi received the influence of the Eight-Tails and was attacking Kumogakure’s ninjas.

Because of the defection of Burubi, a powerful warrior, the situation on Kumogakure’s side was very bad. Kumogakure continued to obey their nature of being a grassroots. After smelling the smell of defeat, they decisively chose to retreat.

For a time, the situation on the battlefield quickly reversed.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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