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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 210 Hei Jue’s personal opinion (5K) (please subscribe and vote)

As the huge fireball and countless fire rat jade approached, Bai Ze’s clone closed his eyes, and then poured a large amount of senjutsu chakra into his eyes.

In an instant, the white eyes opened, and a large number of bulging blood vessels appeared around the eyes. A pair of pale purple eyes with a bright blue light flashing in the middle suddenly appeared.

Immortal magic·white eyes!

Bai Jue’s clone’s vision was restored, and the attacks of the enemy in front of him suddenly became slower.

The next moment, he calmly clapped his hands again, and a blue-purple electric current appeared on his body. Under the stimulation of the electric current formed by the Thunder Chakra, the activation of the body was greatly increased, and the nerve response was also improved astonishingly.

The Immortal Technique and the Secret Technique of Thunder!


Then, under the surprised gazes of the two Yuzukimaru, the White Zetsu clone showed amazing dodge ability and turned into a blue-purple phantom, successfully escaping from his intensive attacks and then appeared in front of him.


The two Yuzukimaru shouted, slapping a claw on the White Zetsu clone like lightning.

After fully transforming into a tailed beast, he inherited the second-tailed Nekomata’s excellent eyesight and neurological reflexes, and his physical fitness was also greatly improved.

In his opinion, the dodge ability that Bai Jue’s clone had just shown was powerful, but if it dared to rush in front of him, it was simply asking for death.

But his expression soon took on an ugly expression.

Because the slap he just gave him didn’t feel the sensation of hitting his body, only the feeling of hitting the water.

A fatal feeling suddenly came from behind.

Without saying a word, he mobilized the chakra of the second tail and controlled the blue flames behind him, forming a huge wall of fire behind him.


There was an evaporating sound of water and fire colliding.

Then, a huge water dragon passed through the wall of fire and rushed straight towards the two Yuzuki Maru.

Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!

Unfortunately, although the wall of fire was not able to completely block the water dragon, it also bought Yuzuki Maru a little time to dodge. This little time was enough for him to jump up before the water dragon approached and successfully avoid the water dragon’s attack.

High in the sky, the two Yuzukimaru saw Hattori Masashige again, who was appearing on a building behind where he was just now.

“Cats’ reactions are very fast and their alertness is very high. The first one is far worse than the others.”

The White Zetsu clone sighed as he watched the two Yuzukimaru avoid the attacks he had set in danger.

His water teleportation technique has long been practiced to the point where he can activate it at will, so just now the talented man boldly rushed in front of the enemy to trick the enemy into attacking, thus gaining a good opportunity to attack.

However, the enemy’s alertness and reaction are very high.

The two-tailed Nekomata, he didn’t have a deep impression of this tailed beast, but he knew that its later jinchuriki, Yuzukimon, was defeated miserably at the hands of the immortal duo of Akudos and Hidan.

From the current point of view, this tailed beast is no less difficult to deal with than a tailed beast. Its alertness and reaction ability should be the most outstanding among all tailed beasts. If you don’t try to restrict him, it will be very difficult to defeat him, and even more so. Don’t talk about capturing him.

That’s right, the White Zetsu clone, Kirito, wants to capture the second-tailed Nekomata. With the tangible benefits of practicing wind style brought to him by the first tail, he now wants to get the outstanding talent of practicing fire style from the second tail.

Among the Five Elements Escape Techniques, the one he currently has the worst talent for is Fire Escape.

The second Yuzukimaru didn’t know that the White Zetsu clone planned to capture him, but he knew that he had to capture the White Zetsu clone as soon as possible, and a large number of rat-like flames flew out of his body again.

Fire Release·Fire Rat Jade!

Seeing this, the White Zetsu clone casually dealt with the two Kumogakure Jōnin who sneaked over to engage him in close combat, and then clapped his hands to use Izuku’s teleportation technique to disappear in place.

Leading 50 Amegakure Jonin to raid Kumogakure Village was indeed a very risky move.

Relying on the Byakugan, the White Zetsu clone could survey the entire battlefield, and then discovered that there were less than thirty Amegakure Jōnin left, and the number was still decreasing rapidly.

In terms of quality, Amegakure’s jounin is still far behind Kumogakure’s jounin. One-on-one can barely remain undefeated, but once the opponent has help, the defeat is certain.

A single tree cannot support itself.

This is the problem currently facing the White Zetsu clone.

Because the person he plays is Hattori Masashige, there are a lot of things that he cannot expose now, such as sage mode, his puppet technique, his wood escape, etc.

“It’s really a bit unpleasant, but these ninjutsu can still be used. Let Iwagakure take the blame for me.”

Kirito sighed.

The next moment, he took out a whistle and blew it suddenly, then clapped his hands, and a powerful earth escape chakra emerged from his body.

Then, under the shocked and frightened gazes of countless Kumogakure, a twenty-meter-tall rock giant quickly rose from the ground in Kumogakure. There were still many houses in Kumogakure on top of him.

As soon as it appeared, it raised its head and let out a silent cry, and then, amid the angry shouts of countless Kumogakure ninjas and the terrified screams of Kumogakure villagers, it used its huge rock fists and big rock feet to attack Kumogakure. Wreck havoc.

Earth Escape·Gangli Style Technique!

At the same time, the Amegakure jonins who were fighting a large number of Kumogakure in Kumogakure Village all chose to retreat. They quickly rushed towards the rock giant with fanatical eyes and completed the rendezvous with the White Zetsu clone.

Of course they knew what the whistle meant.

This is the signal to retreat and the last act of madness before leaving.

“Asshole! I’m going to cut you into pieces.”

The two Yuzukimaru watched the White Zetsu clone control the rock giant to wreak havoc in the Cloud Hidden Village. Their eyes instantly turned red, and they roared angrily, then rushed forward regardless of their own safety.

The two Yuzukimaru who have completely transformed into tailed beasts are relatively large, but compared to the rock giant, they are equivalent to the difference between a human and a dog.

After all, the second Yuzukimaru is not a perfect Jinchuuriki. He does not have the ability to fully realize the body shape of the two tails. Maintaining the current body shape is already the limit of his ability. Any more will risk losing control.

However, compared to the bulky rock giant, the two Yuzukimaru were extremely flexible. While easily avoiding the rock giant’s attacks, they continued to cause damage to the rock giant.

Other Kumogakure jounin also used their special ninjutsu to attack the rock giant.

However, no matter how they attacked, the rock giant remained motionless. Countless gravel fell from it, but almost in the blink of an eye, the shattered body parts were restored again, and its defense was extremely powerful, even if its thunder was restrained. It is also difficult to cause large-scale damage to it with Ninjutsu.

This is of course, after Bai Jue’s clone used the Earth Release and Gangli Shiki, he began to continuously inject chakra from the Earth Release Immortal Technique into it, raising its defense to an extremely terrifying level.

It is already difficult to damage it with ordinary thunder release ninjutsu.

However, the rock giant formed by the chakra of Earth Release Senjutsu is not strong enough to completely ignore the attacks of thousands of Kumogakure ninjas. Many parts of the body have collapsed. With the amount of chakra in the body of the White Zetsu clone, if you want to last for a long time Maintenance is unrealistic.

Hold on for another minute at most.

“Damn it, stop him quickly, we can’t let him continue like this.”

“No, its defense is too strong.”

“Ah!!! I fought with him.”

Countless Kumogakure ninjas watched as the rock giant continued to raise its huge rock feet and stepped on big pits one after another in Kumogakure Village, destroying various buildings in Kumogakure Village like building blocks. Everyone was heartbroken, yelling angrily and helplessly.

The two Yuzukimaru were still struggling to attack the rock giant, but he gradually realized how powerless his attacks were in front of the rock giant in front of him. The high-temperature fireball he released with all his strength could only blast a small hole on his body. A small explosion crater, and then the other party completed the repair in the blink of an eye.

Although other ninjas in the village also tried their best to launch fierce attacks on the rock giant, they were only able to slightly restrain one of its hands and feet.

As for the White Zetsu clone on top of the rock giant’s head, they couldn’t hit it at all.

The minute comes quickly.

At this time, half of Yunyin Village had been almost razed to the ground by the rock giant and reduced to ruins.

“Time is up.”

Kirito stood on top of the rock giant, looking at the devastated Kumogakure below, and sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, his body flew up, along with the twelve Amegakure Jōnin who gathered around him.

After a great battle, less than one-third of the Amegakure jounin finally managed to return to him.

Earth Escape·Super Light Heavy Rock Technique!

This Earth Release Ninjutsu is the S-level Earth Release Ninjutsu that Kirito originally acquired from Iwagakure with Akisa and Suna Arashi.

In Iwagakure, only Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, learned this S-level earth escape ninjutsu alone, which shows that the difficulty of training is frighteningly high.

Bai Zetsu’s clone’s earth escape talent is pretty good, only inferior to his water escape talent, but it took him more than half a year to learn this ninjutsu.

This is a ninjutsu involving gravity. If you want to learn it, you must first have the experience of weightlessness, which means that you need to go to a very high place and constantly try to fall from high altitudes.

It is precisely because of this that this ninjutsu is very difficult to practice. If you are not careful, you will fall from a high altitude and die.

It was because Kirito mastered the cloning technology and the art of spiritualization and soul splitting that he could continuously create clones of himself to cooperate with the split soul to practice this ninjutsu, so he dared to try falling from thousands of meters high again and again. .

In order to learn this ninjutsu, he died at least a thousand times.

“Wrong, completely wrong. This Hattori Masashige is too powerful. He is not just an elite Jonin who is proficient in Water Release Ninjutsu as the intelligence said. Only a boss with such strength can defeat him, and this guy is definitely I wear the same pants as Iwakaku.”

The two Yuzukimaru said with anger as they watched Hattori Masashige and the other Amegakure ninjas fly up from the rock giant, fly high into the sky and disappear.

He is quite knowledgeable. The ninjutsu Hattori Masashige just used is obviously Iwagakure’s rare flying ninjutsu, Earth Release: Super Light Heavy Rock Jutsu. It is precisely because of this damn ninjutsu that Hattori Masashige can fly with the other rain ninjas. .

Iwagakure is actually willing to hand over such a powerful ninjutsu to Hattori Masashige, which shows that the relationship between Iwagakure and Amegakure is extraordinary.

But now he has no time to think deeply about the relationship between Iwagakure and Amegakure, because the rock giant did not stop because of Hattori Masashige’s departure. After losing its owner, it became more manic and attacked everything around it crazily.

A few minutes later, a huge blue chakra ball was released from a strange-shaped cannon, and then hit the rock giant’s torso, penetrating the rock giant’s body and blasting a big hole.

The rock giant was finally defeated and turned into a pile of rubble.

In order to prevent the rock giant from continuing to destroy the village, Kumogakure’s people pulled out the immature chakra cannons.

“Damn it, I failed the boss’s expectations. I deserve death.”

The two Yuzuki Maru returned to human form. He looked at the Kumogakure Village in ruins in front of him, punched the ground hard, causing blood, and said with great regret.

This time Yugakure raided Kumoyin Village. As the strongest ninja who protects Kumoyin Village, he failed to prevent the enemy from destroying the village. He was really negligent in his responsibility.

“Master Yuzukimaru, now is not the time to say these depressing words. Please take action to rescue those buried in the ruins.”

At this time, a blond female ninja wearing a white coat stained with a lot of blood came to the two Yuzukimaru and said anxiously.

The person coming was none other than Kasalan, Kumogakure’s medical ninja.

Since the battle began, she began to organize hospital personnel to rescue the injured everywhere, and she also personally knocked down a black rhino ninja beast summoned by Yugakure using psychic skills, showing her amazing fighting power.

When the two Yuzuki Maru heard this, their hearts trembled, and they immediately cheered up. They turned to Kasalan and said, “You are right.”

“Send a letter to BOSS immediately and tell him the truth about the situation here.”

Then, he said to an ANBU ninja next to him.

After saying that, he re-entered the full tailed beast form and cooperated with other Kumo ninjas to rescue those compatriots buried in the ruins.

At the same time, in an inconspicuous corner not far away.

A half black and half white Zetsu emerged from the ground, it was Black Zetsu.

It looked at the departing figures of the two Yuzukimaru, then raised its head to look towards the sky, thinking with complicated emotions: “It’s really unbelievable. I haven’t seen this Hattori Masashige for a while, but he is actually so powerful. It’s unexpected. There are still more to win, and the war between Yugakure and Kumogakure is starting to become complicated and confusing.”

Hattori Masashige led 50 Amegakure Jonin to attack Kumogakure Village. It immediately got the news from a White Zetsu who had been arranged in Kumogakure Village for a long time, and then immediately used White Zetsu’s ephemeral technique to rush to Kumogakure Village. come over.

As a result, it saw Hattori Masashige controlling the rock giant to run rampant in Kumogakure Village, ignoring thousands of Kumogakure ninjas, showing the powerful suppression power of a shadow-level strongman against non-kage-level strongmen, and finally showing off with arrogance He left and took the others with him.

There is no doubt that what Hattori Masashige did was to slap Kumo Gakure so hard that it hurt, and his face was really swollen.

As a monster who has lived for thousands of years, Black Zetsu, who has witnessed countless human wars, is very clear about the meaning of what Hattori Masashige is doing now, which is to say that Yugakure is not without the ability to fight back. If Yugakure doesn’t want his big If the rear becomes ruins, one of the Third Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Ruby, must come back.

In this way, the pressure on Yugakure facing Kumogakure on the battlefield of Rain Kingdom will definitely be greatly reduced.

“Not only that, this Hattori Masashige has mastered the ability to fly with other ninjas. As long as he wants to carry out sneak attacks, with the strength he just showed, any place Kumogakure is not protected by a strong Kage level will not be safe. This I thought Yugakure would be a soft persimmon, but I didn’t expect that Yugakure would be an iron ball covered with thorns. I’m afraid Yugakure will be riding a tiger this time.”

Black Zetsu continued to think deeply, and felt more and more that Hattori Masashige was very difficult to deal with.

In the ninja world, ninjas who master flying are rare, let alone flying with others.

Once one of the two sides in the battle masters this ability, the initiative will always be in the hands of that side. If the other side has no means of checks and balances, it will always suffer.

Then, Hei Ze started to have a headache.

The sudden rise of Hattori Masashige makes him feel very uncomfortable now. The script he originally carefully prepared for Nagato may need to be significantly changed.

“Damn Yugakure, we must destroy them.”

“That’s right, destroy the Rain Hidden and the Country of Rain, and let them feel the pain of their home being destroyed.”

“No, not only do I want to destroy the Rain Hidden Village and the rectified ones, I also want to kill all the Rain ninjas.”

Suddenly, a group of nearby cloud ninjas with red eyes were talking to each other, which attracted Black Zetsu’s attention.

Because their homes were destroyed and their relatives and friends died unexpectedly, these Kumo ninjas were now in a state of rage, and they kept saying all kinds of revengeful speeches against Amegakure and the Land of Rain, with deep hatred revealed in their voices.

This kind of talk of great revenge is very popular among Kumogakure, and countless Kumo ninjas and villagers have agreed with it.

“But judging from Kumogakure’s temper, what Hattori Masashige does now will definitely anger Kumogakure completely. He may lose his mind and take the same revenge in the Land of Rain. If this is the case, it will also affect my plan. Advantageously, a stable Amegakure Village is not suitable for Nagato’s healthy growth.”

Hei Jue listened to the hateful words of these people. His headache suddenly disappeared, his mood became better, and he sneered in his heart.

Human beings are indeed a bunch of stupid creatures. They never remember lessons. Their injuries have not yet healed, and they are so quickly dominated by hatred.

This is the best, and there is no need for it to spend any time secretly provoking it.

But just in case, it would be better to let some Bai Jue use disguise skills to disguise some villagers and spread revengeful remarks in Yunyin Village.

Presumably under the overwhelming public opinion for revenge, the Third Raikage would be happy to launch a great revenge in the Land of Rain.

As soon as he thought about this, Hei Jue’s mood became even better, and he happily controlled Bai Jue to use the Mayfly Technique to drill into the ground.

Not long after, in a dark underground cave, Hei Jue emerged from the ground in front of a stone chair.

The next moment, a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan opened in the darkness, emitting a captivating red light and powerful pressure, staring at Black Zetsu who had just emerged from the ground.

Uchiha Madara woke up again.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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