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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 211 Whether the Ninja world is in chaos or not, Madara has the final say (7.2K) (Please subs

“Madara-sama, you are awake.”

Black Zetsu didn’t expect that Uchiha Madara would wake up. When he saw Uchiha Madara staring straight at him with the Sharingan with a terrifying look, he quickly said respectfully.

At the same time, it began to think about how to report to Uchiha Madara some recent events in the ninja world.

There is no way, the ninja world is really not peaceful recently, there are hundreds of millions of things happening.

“Hei Zetsu, has anything big happened recently?”

Uchiha Madara pondered for a moment and said coldly.

He had been awake for some time, and had learned some outside information from some Bai Jue, which made him feel a little disturbed.

However, Bai Jue is a fool, speaking without thinking, and unable to tell the complete and specific information. He needs to get more and more specific information from Hei Jue.

“Yes, Madara-sama, there are three major events that have happened in the ninja world recently. One is Danzo Shimura being killed, the other is Tohsaka Kirito becoming a jinchūriki, and the third is Kumogakure’s attack on Amegakure.”

Hei Jue heard what he said, thought about it in his mind, and then succinctly stated what he thought was a major event that had happened recently.

Each of these three things can be said to involve Uchiha Madara’s heart to a considerable extent, and may affect the implementation of the Eye of the Moon plan.

“That bed bug actually died. How did it die? Please tell me in detail.”

When Uchiha Madara heard the three major things that Black Zetsu said, his eyes widened slightly, and he was a little surprised. Especially the second thing, which made him feel that something was wrong, but he didn’t panic yet. Let’s start with The Death of Danzo to understand the current situation.

It was true that Shimura Danzo was a bedbug in his eyes, but he was a very useful bedbug, and now that he is dead, the situation in Konoha is hard to say.

In order to continue the decline of Konoha, he felt that it was necessary to clear up the specific circumstances of Bedbug’s death, and then think about how to deal with the situation in Konoha.

“The reason why Danzo died was because he touched the Senju clan’s inverse scale. He secretly passed on the information about the Senju Nōju’s outing to other ninja villages, which resulted in the Senju Nōju being attacked and killed many times. If Kirito Tohsaka hadn’t rescued him, he would have died several times.

However, his death was very strange. He died at the hands of a mysterious shadow-level master who mastered senjutsu. It was confirmed that this person was the one who killed the undead Kakuzu. He was in the process of killing Danzo. The secret technique of Earthly Resentment and Yu was used.

This person should have been invited by the Senju clan to deal with Danzo, because on the day of the incident, Senju Mooka specially invited the clan leaders and talkers of the major ninja clans in Konoha to attend a banquet in the Senju clan’s land, which led to the destruction of Konoha Prison. When it comes to the attack, Konoha can’t stop the men from coming to support in a short time. “

Black Zetsu recalled his detailed investigation into Danzo’s death and spoke in detail.

It’s been almost a month since Danzo, the bug, died. Through Bai Zetsu, he basically investigated the cause and process of Danzo’s death. The only one he couldn’t find out was the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse.

The mysterious shadow-level powerhouse seemed to have disappeared, disappearing again in the ninja world and never appeared again.

Even if he secretly asked Bai Jue to keep an eye on the Thousand Hands clan, that mysterious shadow-level powerhouse had never contacted the Thousand Hands clan.

“Is the shadow-level powerhouse who masters the magic from the Three Holy Lands? Also, what do you think of that person’s strength?”

When Uchiha Madara heard the word senjutsu, he immediately became interested. He temporarily put aside Danzo’s death and asked about the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse.

In this world, apart from Sharingan and Wood Release, the only other power that can attract his attention is Senjutsu.

He was defeated at the hands of Senju Hashirama, who mastered both wood escape and senjutsu.

Later, he went to look for immortal magic, but unfortunately he failed to do so.

Because magic is not only difficult to learn, but also difficult to access.

There is no way, human beings themselves do not have a complete inheritance of celestial arts. If human ninjas want to learn celestial arts, they can only go to the three holy places where they master the inheritance of celestial arts.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to go to the Three Holy Lands to learn immortal arts. It wasn’t that he was afraid of the three Immortals in the Three Holy Lands, but he just didn’t want to expose his identity.

But relying on self-study, he personally could not do it.

Therefore, he believed that the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse learned the magic from a certain spiritual beast holy land, and then wanted to use this to find the true identity of the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse.

“It is very likely that he is a ninja who has practiced well in Ryūchi Cave. As far as I know, among the three holy places, the only one who has a contract with the Shigebone Forest is Senju Tsunade, the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, and the contract with the toads at Mt. Miaomu. The only one who had the contract was Jiraiya, and the more famous contractors of the group of snakes in Ryūchi Cave were Orochimaru and the Third Kazekage.

Among the three holy places, Immortal Slug has a gentle personality and is uncontested. Its contractors have always been very rare, and the group of toads in Miaomu Mountain have always been the ones who take care of the dishes, not the ones that the stinky toad predicted. They will not grant a psychic contract.

Only the snakes in Ryūchi Cave have no taboos. They are open to anyone who desires power. They have a lot of contractors in the ninja world. According to my investigation, the mysterious shadow-level strongman is probably from a small ninja village. People, maybe even bounty hunters who are greedy for money.

This man is very strong. Even the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is no match for him, but he certainly cannot beat Madara-sama. “

Black Zetsu was asked by Uchiha Madara about the mysterious Kage level powerhouse, and felt a little headache, so he had to bite the bullet and tell what he had found out.

The three holy places are all transcendent existences in the ninja world. Bai Zetsu’s concealment ability is very powerful, but the three immortals of the three holy places are not vegetarians. They are the top existences in the ninja world. Once Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama Whether they can be defeated is still unknown.

In order to seek stability, Hei Jue never pays attention to the three holy places. At most, he starts with their contractors outside.

It’s just a pity that although he has always had contractors paying attention to Longdi Cave, none of them can master the magic of immortality.

“Longdi Cave, that’s it. But that white snake is not easy to mess with. Don’t alarm the snake just yet. Hei Jue, you should be aware that this person is a hidden danger. You must always pay attention to this person’s movements. You must reveal his true identity. Dig it out, I have difficulty moving now, and I haven’t found a suitable puppet yet. If we can’t accurately find his identity and then eliminate him, it may affect our plan.”

Uchiha Madara said with some dissatisfaction as he listened to Black Zetsu telling some worthless information.

As he spoke, his Sharingan revealed an even more powerful mental pressure.

Black Jue suddenly trembled all over, with a ‘fearful’ look in his eyes.

After punishing Black Zetsu a little, Madara Uchiha withdrew his mental pressure and thought about how to target the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse.

This person is stronger than the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, which means that there are not many people in the current ninja world who are opponents of this person. If there is nothing to restrain this top powerhouse who is free from the five major ninja villages, then It’s so scary.

It is completely an uncontrollable hidden danger, and it may become a huge threat that seriously hinders his Eye of the Moon plan in the future. If possible, I would like to deal with it personally now.

“Yes, Madara-sama, I understand.”

Hei Jue climbed up from the ground tremblingly and said with awe.

“Now let’s talk about the situation in Konoha after Danzo’s death. Be specific.”

Uchiha Madara said coldly.

It was true that the guy named Hei Jue in front of him was his separated consciousness, but he always felt that this consciousness was not as loyal to him as those of White Jue.

But when he thought that Bai Jue was a heartless and brainless guy, he felt relieved about Black Jue.

“Danzo seemed to have been prepared for his death. Not long after his death, all the core members of the Roots he led immediately abandoned all their strongholds in the Country of Fire, then dispersed and evacuated the Country of Fire, and finally secretly returned to Taki The country has reunited and now has stabilized its position in the country of Taki.

After the departure of the Roots, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately secretly formed a new Roots, with Mito Kaden and Koharu Kaden in charge. However, the real person responsible was his son Sarutobi Takashi, and Sarutobi Hiruzen cherished the old Roots. There is a lot of hostility, and it is visually obvious that important information has fallen into the hands of the old roots.

After Hiruzen Sarutobi did not have the card of Old Roots, his power in Konoha was greatly weakened. Recently, he has begun to have great conflicts with the power of the Senju clan, but as far as I understand, this should be the one behind him. The Sarutobi clan is secretly exerting their strength. Without Danzo, the Sarutobi clan now has to fight head-on with the Senju clan.

But it is a pity that no new Kage-level strongman has been born within the Sarutobi clan. It is no longer possible to fight against the Senju clan. Now it is even more impossible for Tohsaka Kirito to become a jinchuriki. Therefore, Sarutobi The Flying Clan has been a bit anxious recently, trying to kill Tohsaka Kirito with rumors.

According to my investigation, this rumor was a decision made by the Sarutobi clan behind Sarutobi Hiruzen’s back, and the executor was his son Sarutobi Takashi, but the real manipulator behind it was the old root. “

Black Jue thought for a while and briefly stated the information it knew.

The current situation in Konoha is obvious, that is, the death of Danzo triggered the conflict between the two major groups of the Senju clan and the Sarutobi clan. In the past, Danzo and his roots served as a buffer zone between the two, but now this buffer zone The belt is gone, and the contradiction has moved from the dark side to the bright side.

The most important thing is that after Danzo’s death, the roots left Konoha, causing great damage to the forces headed by the Sarutobi clan. The Senju clan had one more mysterious shadow-level strongman who could defeat the third generation. The balance of power between the two countries has reversed.

In the past, the forces headed by the Sarutobi clan could steadily suppress the forces headed by the Senju clan, but now there is a reversal, especially when Tohsaka Kirito becomes a one-tail jinchūriki and shows amazing strength. The fragile balance that had remained between them was completely broken.

“Hmph, it’s such a boring trick of infighting. After Hashirama and that white-haired boy died, Konoha is really getting better and better, but from the current point of view, the situation of the Sarutobi clan is not good. If we don’t work hard, Konoha will Sooner or later it will be controlled by the Thousand Hands clan again.”

Uchiha Madara is an experienced man and is also a master of conspiracy. Based on Black Zetsu’s description of Konoha’s situation, he quickly understood Konoha’s current situation and sneered.

At the same time, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Because he doesn’t want to see Konoha being controlled by the Senju clan again in the future. The Senju clan seems to be in decline now. It doesn’t even have a true shadow-level strongman. The only two remaining shadow-level strongmen are from outsiders. It’s hard to say whether one of them is of the same mind as them.

However, the reputation of the Senju Clan is still there. As long as the Senju Clan regains power and has the backing of a shadow-level powerhouse, all forces in Konoha will soon be reunited. Even the Uchiha Clan will be reunited by all Konoha clans. Accepted by the tribe.

At that time, Konoha, a big tree that was gradually dying, will regain its new vitality.

A Konoha that was heading for recovery and even stronger was not what he wanted to see.

“Madara-sama, in your opinion, if the situation continues, the Sarutobi clan is destined to be suppressed by the Senju clan. The new Hokage will be from the Senju clan. This will definitely not be conducive to your plan, Madara-sama. Do you think we What should we do next?”

Black Zetsu flattered appropriately.

The situation in Konoha has reached a very bad point.

If it weren’t for the sake of stability, it would have been used to dormant. It wanted to jump out and help the Sarutobi clan, but there was Uchiha Madara stuck between it and the Sarutobi clan. It had to borrow Uchiha Madara’s hand to help. To the Sarutobi clan.

“You said that the rumors spread by the Sarutobi clan were caused by the roots led by Bugs. What’s going on? Bugs is dead. Didn’t the old roots not only not weaken after leaving Konoha, but also become stronger?”

Uchiha Madara didn’t immediately answer Black Zetsu’s question and asked about the old roots.

His current state is not suitable for directly intervening in Konoha’s affairs. He must find a suitable tool, and the old root is a very good tool.

“Yes, Madara-sama, before he died, Danzo had been studying a forbidden technique called Earth Reincarnation. Now the Old Roots have made breakthroughs in this forbidden technique. They used this forbidden technique to create many powerful ones. The dirt puppet, and I don’t think Danzo died in the true sense.”

Black Zetsu understood that Uchiha Madara was planning to attack the old roots, and immediately told the information it had collected so far about the old roots.

“Reincarnation from dirty soil, huh, it’s the forbidden technique of that white-haired boy again. Although this forbidden technique of playing with the dead is abominable, it does have its own uniqueness. No wonder the strength of the old roots has not declined but increased. Your guess is very likely. Then It’s possible that the bed bug wasn’t really dead, but came back to life in another way.”

When Uchiha Madara heard this, he instantly understood what Black Zetsu meant, and sneered, his Sharingan quietly lighting up with a captivating red light.

He got a little excited.

“Madara-sama, please give me an order. An excellent forbidden technique like the Reincarnation of the Earth should not be mastered by a bug, but should be mastered by the great you.”

Black Jue began to fire.

The art of reincarnation from the dirty earth was initially disdainful, because the dirty earth puppets summoned by this forbidden art were just some useless cannon fodder. But since he used Bai Jue to discover the old roots, he has made a breakthrough in this forbidden art. With the progress of sex, the summoned dirt puppet is close to its original strength, and it is tempted.

How could it not see the potential of this forbidden technique with its eyesight? Once it masters this forbidden technique, it is equivalent to holding a powerful undead army, and it is still unkillable.

With this forbidden technique, they have the confidence to challenge the entire ninja world without having to secretly capture tailed beasts.

“You are right. Bedbug is indeed not worthy of mastering this forbidden art that plays with life and death. Only the truly strong are qualified to master it.”

Uchiha Madara nodded with satisfaction.

Of course he could also think of things that Hei Jue thought of.

Therefore, he was indeed very interested in the groundbreaking forbidden art of Old Roots.

“Master Madara, let’s take action now. I know where the true location of the old root is. As long as you are willing to take action, you will definitely be able to capture it.”

Black Zetsu couldn’t help but get a little excited when he saw Uchiha Madara agreed to seize the dirt reincarnation technique from the old roots.

“Mom, I seem to have seen the day when I will be reunited with you.”

Black Jue thought with great anticipation.

“Why are you anxious? Bedbugs can’t run away. Besides, taking down the old roots of the bedbug is still far from realizing our plan. Moreover, my eyes are far from mature. Tell me about Tohsaka Kirito. More than bed bugs, he is our biggest obstacle right now.”

Uchiha Madara immediately poured cold water on him and said coldly.

Danzo Shimura’s bedbug is just a scabies disease. Now that they have grasped the location of the old roots, catching this bedbug is just a piece of cake. At the moment, he should focus on Tohsaka Kirito.

The growth rate of this little ninja really exceeded his imagination. When he woke up again, the opponent had actually become a one-tail jinchuriki.

“Madara-sama, what you are trying to teach us is that Tohsaka Kirito is indeed a serious problem for us. This person grows up too fast. At only 11 years old, he already has the strength of a shadow level, and he even killed someone by himself. Sunagakure’s shadow-level strongman Ebizo and one of Sunagakure’s original jinchūriki Bunfu were captured.

With his ability, it is only a matter of time before he can tame the First One. Once he successfully controls the First One, no one in the ninja world can be his opponent except you. “

Black Zetsu was slightly annoyed when Uchiha Madara poured cold water on him, but he quickly calmed down and respectfully told Uchiha Madara the information about Tohsaka Kirito.

Next, he also explained some of the ninjutsu and blood succession limits that Tohsaka Kirito showed in the war with Sunagakure to Uchiha Madara one by one.

“This boy has become a traitor. If you want to get rid of him, it is useless to rely on conspiracy. You must find his weakness, force him to join the game automatically, and then kill him with strong strength.”

After hearing the information about Tohsaka Kirito told by Black Zetsu, Uchiha Madara frowned and sighed.

The sealing technique that is enough to seal the tailed beast, the spiritualization technique with super-powerful perception, the shadow-level puppet technique, the blood dragon eye blood succession limit, the thunder escape that reaches the mysterious realm, and now the power of the one-tailed Shukaku.

The sum of these powers, coupled with Kirito’s age, is enough to make Uchiha Madara feel ashamed and under tremendous pressure.

The climate has become such that even he would find it difficult to strangle Kirito anymore.

“It’s unbelievable that Lei Dun, who has reached the mysterious realm, has reached it at such an age. Has he been practicing since his mother’s womb?”

Uchiha Madara complained in his mind.

In the past, he thought it was not difficult to kill Kirito, but it was different now. According to what Black Zetsu had just said, Kirito had mastered a ninjutsu that could transform his body into thunder. He immediately realized that this ninjutsu could Make Kirito invincible.

Perhaps this jutsu consumes a lot of chakra, but now that Kirito has one tail, he has obviously solved the problem of insufficient chakra.

“Madara-sama, this boy actually has many weaknesses. We can start with the people around him, such as the boy named Senju Nawaki. If Tohsaka Kirito hadn’t rescued him many times, the grandson of Senju Hashirama would have been there long ago. He died because of Danzo’s conspiracy.”

Black Zetsu saw that Uchiha Madara had finally let go of his pride and was planning to take action against Tohsaka Kirito, so he immediately paid attention.

“The Senju Rope Tree, Hashirama’s grandson?”

Uchiha Madara was a little hesitant when he heard what Black Zetsu said.

Black Zetsu knew that this was Uchiha Madara’s arrogance at work again, and quickly reminded:

“Madara-sama, although this kid is relatively stupid, he already has the strength of a jounin and has mastered the eight gates of armor shielding. He has now opened the fifth gate. Once he opens the fifth gate, he will have the strength to surpass the elite jounin. Let’s let it go If he continues to grow, he might become Kirito Tohsaka again.

You should be aware of the potential of the Eight Gates of Armor. This kid is the descendant of the Senju Clan and the Uzumaki Clan. He is very suitable for practicing this forbidden body art. If he practices this forbidden body art to the gate of death in the future, That must be a terrifying enemy. “

As soon as Hei Zetsu said these words, Uchiha Madara immediately recalled a certain ninja with bloody steam coming out of his body. He felt a chill in his heart, and then nodded silently.

Indeed, once a ninja who practices the Eight Gates of Armor opens the door to death, even he has to be prepared, because if he is not careful, he will be beaten to a pulp by the opponent’s powerful physical attack in a short time.

This forbidden physical technique released at the cost of life deserves his attention.

In this way, he really couldn’t treat Thousand-Armed Rope Tree as a child.

A Tohsaka Kirito is already troublesome enough, but if there is another Senju Roju who controls the gate of death, he may not be able to bear it.

“Madara-sama is wise. If we get rid of Tohsaka Kirito and Senju Noju, then the Senju clan in Konoha will definitely collapse immediately. By then, there will be no need for us to add fuel to the flames. The Sarutobi clan will be the Senju clan.” With the strength of the leader of the clan fighting to death, Konoha will return to what we want to see.”

Black Zetsu was relieved to see that Uchiha Madara was no longer brain-dead due to arrogance this time.

Uchiha Madara is fine now, but he still can’t let go of the arrogance in his heart. This is a disease. How long has it been? Don’t he still know his identity? In fact, he is living in darkness just like Danzo. The mouse of the world is just that he is stronger.

But mice are mice, and since they want to go against the whole world, they should stop being pretentious.

Look at Danzo. Although this bug is weak, his consciousness is much higher than that of Uchiha Madara. If the bug was not the reincarnation of Indra and he was not a descendant of Otsutsuki, he would not be able to control the power of the Samsara Eye. , he wanted Danzo to be replaced by Uchiha Madara.

Looking at the stupid things Uchiha Madara did, if he had been willing to deal with Tohsaka Kirito before, he wouldn’t be so troublesome now.

This is all the fault of Uchiha Madara’s arrogance.

“Let’s not talk about this for now. Tell me about the war between Kumogakure and Amegakure. What’s going on?”

Uchiha Madara was still somewhat conflicted about the decision he had just made to bully the younger ones, and said with some annoyance.

Black Zetsu understood Uchiha Madara’s mood and knew that Uchiha Madara needed some time to adapt to the lower limit of his continued decline. He changed the subject very cooperatively and replied: “The reason why Kumogakure attacked Amegakure is because Kumogakure and Sunagakure reached an agreement. Secret cooperation, but the premise is Hattori Masashige’s head, but Kumogakure actually also wants to seize the wealth of the Rain Country, and by the way, he wants to boost morale through a big victory, and then cooperate with Sunagakure to attack Konoha.”

“Hmph, it seems that the top leaders of other major countries also see that the current situation in Konoha is not good for them, and want to eliminate Konoha as soon as possible.”

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly.

“Madara-sama has a burning gaze, but Kumogakure made a miscalculation this time. Hattori Masashige is difficult to deal with. Not long ago, he just led fifty Yugakure jounin to raid Kumogakure Village, causing heavy losses to Kumogakure Village. In the end, He even managed to escape with some of his men.”

Black Zetsu said flatteringly, telling in detail what Hattori Masashige did in Kumogakure Village not long ago.

“I didn’t expect that this person’s strength would improve so quickly. Even he has Kage-level strength, and he also masters the tricky flying ninjutsu.”

Uchiha Madara sighed when he learned that Hattori Masashige had just done something big.

This ninja world is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. He just took a short nap, and new shadow-level experts appeared one after another in this ninja world, and each of them was quite troublesome.

The mysterious Kage-level powerhouse who mastered senjutsu, the One-Tail Jinchuuriki Tohsaka Kirito, and now there is another Hattori Masashige who masters flying ninjutsu.

“Sir, there is no need to worry. Hattori Masashige probably won’t be able to succeed. Kumogakure has suffered such a big loss this time. With Kumogakure’s personality, he will definitely take revenge, and the Land of Rain will soon be reduced to one piece. In ruins, Amegakure may be destroyed. By then, Hattori Masashi is considered immortal, and he won’t be able to do much on his own.”

Hei Jue grinned and said with a sinister smile.

As it spoke, it seemed as if it had seen the Land of Rain being razed to the ground by the enraged Kumo ninja.

“Hmm~, it’s very possible. In this way, my eye host will have a good growth environment, and maybe I can harvest a good chess piece.”

Uchiha Madara’s eyes lit up and he said with interest.

He knew Hattori Masashige personally well. He knew from “The Will of Rain” written by this person that the things he cherished in his heart were the Amegakure Village and the Country of Rain. The destruction of things will definitely make him fall into darkness.

This is a good opportunity.

If he can subdue Hattori Masashige, then his layout in the Kingdom of Rain will be alive, and he can rest assured that his eye host can grow up in the Kingdom of Rain in the future.

“Madara-sama, Hattori Masashige is a very strong-willed person. If you want to completely destroy his will, I think an unforgettable betrayal is needed. What do you think?”

When Black Zetsu heard Uchiha Madara say this, he immediately understood that Uchiha Madara wanted to conquer Hattori Masashige, so he was very discerning and praised him, and said something that revealed deep viciousness.

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Madara took a deep look at Black Zetsu.

Betrayal is indeed needed.

When something you hold dear is destroyed and betrayed by someone you trust, no matter how strong that person’s will is, they will surely fall apart and eventually sink into darkness.


Uchiha Madara closed his eyes and let out a sigh.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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