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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 213 War Commission from Yuyin (5k) (please subscribe and vote)

Water Country, Kirigakure Village, Mizukage Building, Mizukage Office.

The Third Mizukage was looking worriedly at the latest purchase list sent to him. When he looked at the last quotation number on it, his head began to hurt.

Since the Kingdom of Water is far away from the mainland, the two ninja wars did not affect the mainland of the Kingdom of Water, and the strength of Kirigakure Village was therefore well preserved.

But precisely because the Kingdom of Water is far away from the mainland and is afraid of a lot of disputes, the Daimyos of the Kingdom of Water implement a policy of isolation from the country and rarely have contact with the mainland. This results in Kirigakure Village rarely receiving a large number of commissions.

Kirigakure Village had been able to accept this before. After all, it could get a lot of funds from the daimyo, and the number of internal ninjas was not very large.

But everything changed after the Blood Mist Sect began to appear in Kirigakure Village.

The Blood Mist Sect has the support of the Daimyo, which is the intention of the Daimyo to intervene in Kirigakure.

In order to expand his influence in Kirigakure, the Daimyo began to reduce military support for Kirigakure Village. However, this part of the reduced funds was actually given to Kirigakure Village, but these funds were sent to the ninjas of the Blood Mist Sect.

Of course, the Third Mizukage did not want the daimyo to interfere in the affairs of Kirigakure Village. He himself was the most determined anti-Blood Mist faction.

Unfortunately, it was too late when he discovered the purpose of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water. The Blood Mist Sect had already taken root in Kirigakure Village and became stronger because of the support of the Daimyo.

As for the anti-Blood Mist ninjas, their strength is deteriorating day by day due to the lack of sufficient financial support in Kirigakure Village.

Now, the third generation Mizukage has begun to worry about the poor finances of Kirigakure Village.

“Bang bang~”

There was a knock on the door.

When the Third Mizukage heard the commotion, he immediately put down the shopping list in his hand and said, “Come in.”

The next moment, the door was opened, and a boy with purple eyes walked in. It was Gotachibana Yagura, one of the Third Mizukage’s right-hand men.

“Yakura, what’s wrong?”

The Third Mizukage asked with some confusion when he saw the person coming.

Logically speaking, Yagura should be helping him deal with some troublesome government affairs outings. Why did he come back?

“Lord Mizukage, there is a special guest whom I would like to invite you to meet.”

Gotachibana Yagura replied.

“Special guest? Missing.”

The Third Mizukage was worried about how to solve the current financial problems. He couldn’t think of meeting any special guests he didn’t know, so he decisively refused.

Goji Yagura was not surprised by this, nodded, and then added casually: “That man looks very rich, are you really not seeing him?”


When the Third Mizukage heard what Goju Yagura said, the squinted eyes on his face suddenly opened slightly, and he finally became a little interested.

After a while, under the leadership of Goju Yagura, the third generation Mizukage came to a wooden house in the forest outside Kirigakure Village.

“Yakura, where is the person?”

The Third Mizukage looked at the wooden house in front of him, his face suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly.

Relying on his good perception ability, he discovered that there was no one in the wooden house at all.

It’s not that he’s neurotic, it’s because the Blood Mist Sect’s infiltration is hard to guard against. Goji Yagura brought him here mysteriously, and he didn’t see anyone at all when he arrived. It looked like he was plotting against him.

Goji Yagura was also a little confused at this time, cursing that person in his heart for being unreliable.

Just when he was about to say something, he immediately raised his head, and the third generation Mizukage raised his head with him.

As soon as the two raised their heads, they saw a person slowly falling from the sky.

“Hattori Masashige, I didn’t expect you to be the rich one, but that’s right, your head is indeed valuable.”

When the Third Mizukage saw the coming person, he immediately became alert, made a fighting stance, stared at the opponent coldly, and said with an unkind look on his face.

Kumogakure Village is right next door to Kirigakure Village. Hattori Masashige did something good in Kumogakure Village not long ago. Of course he, the Third Mizukage, has received the news, and he also knows that Hattori Masashige’s bounty in the money exchange has been doubled. Several times, the total amount reached 1.5 billion, second only to Konoha’s genius ninja Kirito Tohsaka who has been in the limelight recently.

Of course, the bounty amount is high, but if the teeth are not in good condition, the teeth may be broken and even the life may be lost in the end.

The information he learned from the anko buried in Kumogakure was that Hattori Masashige single-handedly suppressed the two Yuzuki Maru and killed more than 20 jounin. Finally, he was surrounded by more than 2,000 Kumo ninjas. The general destroyed nearly half of Yunyin Village.

Just from the literal meaning, you can see how terrifying this ninja from Hidden Rain Village is.

Now the other party is showing Iwagakure’s flying ninjutsu Earth Release and Super Light Heavy Rock Jutsu in front of them. They understand that he is giving them a blow and telling them that he has the ability to leave whenever he wants.

“Masari Hattori, this is our Mizukage-sama, you’d better be respectful and don’t do any tricks.”

Without saying a word, Goju Yagura held the strange hook-like weapon on his back in his hand, and then directly used the water mirror technique to create a Hattori Masashige, saying in a cold voice.

Under the control of Goju Yagura, Hattori Masashige created by the Water Mirror Jutsu also flew up and confronted the White Zetsu clone in the air.

“Who is this guy? My chakra was almost drained.”

At the same time, Goju Yagura was secretly frightened.

Although his water escape and water mirror technique is magical, it can temporarily create a clone of an enemy with similar abilities to the enemy, but the price is that the stronger the enemy is, the more chakra he consumes.

He himself has a lot of chakra, even if he doesn’t reach the tailed beast level, it’s not much different.

But that’s it, the water mirror technique he just used almost drained his chakra dry.

It can be seen that the strength of the guy named Hattori Masashige in front of him is really terrifying, and he must be prepared carefully.

“This is Mr. Yagura’s famous Water Mirror Technique. It’s really magical. I feel like I’m facing a real version of myself. I’m really sorry. I asked you two to come here to meet like this out of caution. After all, this is you.” I was also afraid that the greeting gift I gave Mr. Yagura before was not enough and would make Mr. Yagura angry, so I had to make this move.”

Kirito glanced at ‘himself’ formed by the water mirror technique, and then said apologetically.

After saying that, he took out a scroll from his body and threw it to the Third Mizukage.

The third-generation Mizukage master was bold, and with Yagura watching beside him, he was not afraid of Hattori Masashige’s tricks. He directly caught the scroll with his hand, opened it, and narrowed his eyes wide again.

This scroll is a seal scroll, the seal inside is a knife, and the sealing technique uses a very ordinary seal.

He decisively injected chakra into the scroll and unlocked the seal on it.

“Bang~” sound.

A cloud of white smoke appeared, and a needle-like weapon fell into the hands of the Third Mizukage. This was exactly one of the five ninja swords that Kirigakure left outside.

“I hope this greeting gift can make Mr. Mizukage forgive me for my rudeness just now.”

Kirito said to the Third Mizukage with a smile.

The feeling of lost and found is indeed extremely gratifying.

The Third Mizukage was very satisfied with the meeting ceremony of Hattori Masashige played by Kirito at this time. Five of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen died at the hands of the White Fang Team, and the five precious Ninja Swords fell into the hands of Konoha people. .

He thought he had no chance to get back the five ninja swords, but he didn’t expect to get one of the missing ones from Hattori Masashige.

From this point of view, the meeting gift that Hattori Masashige just mentioned to Yagura is probably also a ninja sword. If this is the case, it is no wonder that Yagura convinced Hattori Masashige that he is a rich man.

The two ninja swords were presumably obtained by Masashige Hattori after being sold to the black market by members of the White Fang team. The other party must have spent a lot of money. After all, each of the seven ninja swords owned by Kirigakure is very precious and uses a lot of chakra. Metals, not to mention they all have different great features.

“Tell me, what did you want to do when you asked Yagura to ask me out?”

When the Third Mizukage heard what Kirito said, the hostility on his face disappeared a lot. He re-sealed the long knife and needle to the scroll, then put the scroll into his arms and said slowly.

“Then I’ll make a long story short. I hope Lord Mizukage will accept our Ugakure’s commission and send ninjas to help us Ugakure repel Kumogakure.”

Upon hearing this, Kirito immediately revealed the purpose of his meeting with the Third Mizukage.

This is Kirito’s true purpose to pull Kirigakure, who is far away overseas, into the water and share Kirigakure’s hatred.

The current situation in Amegakure is very difficult. As expected, Kumogakure began to retaliate against Amegakure and the Kingdom of Rain. A large number of Kumogakure ninjas burned, killed and looted in the Kingdom of Rain, which had a slight impact on the people’s livelihood and economy of the Kingdom of Rain. .

However, Yugakure was determined to kill the thief but was powerless to do so, and could not stop Yugakure’s atrocities at all.

For this reason, he and Sansho Hanzo discussed finding external forces to help. Sunagakure was the first to be excluded by them. The only ones who can fight against Kumogakure in the ninja world are Iwagakure, Konoha and Kirigakure.

Both he and Hanzo have already sent requests for help to these three ninja villages.

However, in his opinion, it is difficult to count on Iwagakure and Konoha, because the two major ninja villages essentially do not want to have a powerful neighbor next to them. Only Kirigakure, who is far away overseas, is most likely to take action.

He was aware of Kirigakure’s current situation.

Because Kirigakure rarely interferes in mainland affairs, and his reputation in the mainland is much smaller than that of the other four major ninja villages, so the number of commissions received is the smallest among the five major ninja villages. In addition, Kirigakure is now receiving deliberate suppression from the daimyo. The finances are not very promising.

In this way, the high reward should be quite attractive to Kirigakure.

“War commission? I’m sorry, Kirigakure doesn’t intend to intervene in the war between you and Kumogakure.”

When the Third Mizukage heard Kirito’s words, he immediately understood Kirito’s plan and chose to refuse without hesitation.

Are you kidding me? They, Kirigakure, are poor now, but not so poor that they can be bribed and used as gunmen.

They have been fighting with Yunyin for many years, and they are well aware of the difficulty and character of these black barbarians. If they offend them, there will definitely be no good results.

To be honest, they are in a lot of chaos inside Kirigakure right now. He, the Third Mizukage, wants to integrate his forces to support Kirigakure, but he may not be able to do it, because what he wants to do, the group of Blood Mist ninjas always follow him. sing a different tune.

“How about 10 billion?”

The next moment, a number popped out of Kirito’s mouth that made both the Third Mizukage and Goju Yagura slightly excited.

10 billion, this is not a small number. An S-level ninja mission only costs over 10 to 20 million. This amount of money is enough to hire a large group of high-quality desperadoes to work for Yugakure.

“Stop talking, there is no way Kirigakure will intervene in your war.”

The Third Mizukage took a deep breath and refused again, but the hand behind his back could not help but clenched slightly.

“12 billion, this is the largest offer our village can give.”

When Kirito saw that the Third Mizukage refused again, he decisively added money.

The Country of Rain is at the center of the Shinobi World and borders many countries. It is indeed a very suitable place for economic development. As long as the rulers relax their restrictions on businessmen a little and provide a more stable environment, the economic potential that will emerge is amazing.

In just over a year, more than a dozen well-known large companies in the ninja world have been born in the Kingdom of Rain. Small and medium-sized companies continue to flock in like bamboo shoots after spring. The economy is developing very rapidly. This is also a good thing for those who rule the Kingdom of Rain. Yuyin brings extremely rich wealth.

Although 12 billion is a lot, for the current Yuyin, it is actually not bad and not too much.

If 12 billion can be used to ask Kirigakure to take action to prevent Kirigakure from continuing to destroy the country of rain, it will definitely be profitable for Kirigakure.

“No, Kirigakure can’t take action.”

The Third Mizukage hesitated for a moment, suppressed the greed in his heart, and refused again.

“15 billion, no more.”

Kirito noticed the Third Mizukage’s hesitation and knew that the other party was already attracted. He gritted his teeth, pretending to be in pain, and increased the price again.

“Fuck, is Yu Yin so rich?”

The Third Mizukage was shocked to see Kirito suddenly adding 3 billion.

15 billion, which is quite close to the annual income that Kirigakure Village has received from entrustment in recent years. With this order, Kirigakure can have a good year this year.

The Third Mizukage was worried about money. Kirito gave him so much money all at once, and he couldn’t bear it anymore.

But reason finally prevailed.

As a Mizukage, he can’t be blind to money. He needs to consider all aspects except the fundamental interests of the village.

After all, Kumogakure is not a soft persimmon. If Kirigakure intervenes in the war in the Kingdom of Rain, they may not be able to defeat Kumogakure.

“Your Excellency Mizukage, it’s only three things. Please think about it carefully. Our Yugakure’s requirements are not high. We only hope that your village can contain Yugakure. You don’t even need to directly participate in the war, as long as you bring enough pressure to Yugakure. That’s it.”

Without waiting for the Third Mizukage to speak, Kirito continued to seduce.

When the Third Mizukage heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he hid the decision he had just made.

He understood what Kirito meant just now. Not participating in the war would put enough pressure on Kirigakure. In fact, this was not a difficult task for Kirigakure. If he could earn the 15 billion without sacrificing blood, think about those people from the Blood Mist Sect. You’ll be excited too.

“I still need to think about what you’re talking about. After all, this matter is of great importance, even if I can’t completely make the decision.”

The more the Third Mizukage thought about it, the more he felt that this deal could be done, but he still did not agree immediately and gave an ambiguous answer.

“Of course, I understand your difficulties, but please give me an accurate answer as soon as possible. You can afford to wait, but we Yuyin cannot afford to wait. Maybe after a while, we Yuyin will not be able to offer this price. , those Kumogakure are all bandits.”

Kirito didn’t expect the Third Mizukage to give him an immediate reply from the beginning, so he pretended to be anxious.

“Indeed, those black barbarians are all bandits. Give me two days and I will definitely give you an accurate answer within two days.”

The Third Mizukage agreed with Kirito’s evaluation of Kumogakure and replied with a solemn expression.

“Please, I’m here waiting for your good news.”

Kirito said gratefully.

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew up and quickly flew high into the sky, disappearing in front of the Third Mizukage and Goju Yagura.

“Yakura, do you think it’s worthwhile for us to intervene in the battle between Amegakure and Kumogakure?”

Seeing Hattori Masashige leaving, the Third Mizukage suddenly spoke.

Yagura didn’t dare to speak nonsense. He thought for a while and replied:

“There are pros and cons. We Kirigakure have been closed for a long time. People are forgetful creatures. If we Kirigakure no longer do anything, the mainlanders will lack respect for us.

Ugakure has issued a war commission to us. This is a good opportunity for me to legitimately intervene in the mainland war. If I can help Umogakure repel Kumogakure, then our Kirigakure will definitely become famous, and we may be able to receive similar requests from Ume Country in the future. This kind of war commission greatly eases our dependence on daimyo funds.

But the downside is that it will seriously intensify the conflict between us and Kirigakure. You know how revengeful those black barbarians are. When they calm down, they will definitely take action against us Kirigakure. When the time comes, our Kirigakure says You may suffer heavy losses, and in the end the gains outweigh the losses. “

Yagura’s answer was quite pertinent, and the third Mizukage showed an expression of appreciation after hearing it.

At the same time, he already had the answer in his heart, which was to accept Yuyin’s war commission.

There was no other reason. Yagura’s words just now truly spoke to his heart when he said that Kirigakure could greatly ease his dependence on daimyo funds.

Kirigakure will now split into the Blood Mist Faction and the Anti-Blood Mist Faction. The reason is that there is not enough money to cause trouble. Kirigakure’s development is now too dependent on the daimyo’s funds. If you want to reverse this situation, Kirigakure must find a new one. Sources of funds.

Using war to build a reputation and attract more people to come to Kirigakure to release tasks is a very good way to make money.

And once the people of the Blood Mist Sect are willing to agree, he can use the Mizukage’s authority to secretly get rid of those ninjas who usually dare to confront him.

In Kirigakure, it was difficult for him to attack these Blood Mist ninjas, but it was different outside. He could use enemies to get rid of these guys.

“Perhaps we can learn from Yu Yin. This little Yu Yin can actually spend so much money at once. He must have a clever plan to make money.”

The Third Mizukage suddenly thought of Hattori Masashige’s wealthy appearance just now in his mind.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Goji Yagura beside him, showing a meaningful look in his eyes, which immediately made Goji Yagura feel nervous.

“Yakura, how long has it been since you went to the mainland?”

The Third Mizukage asked Gotachibana Yagura with a smile.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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