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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 214 Peace talks?

Naturally, Kirito would not let the White Zetsu clone stay in the Kingdom of Water forever. He controlled the White Zetsu clone to leave a shadow clone with enough chakra to last for a week in Kirigakure Village, and then quickly flew back to the Hidden Rain Village.

Relying on a shadow clone left in Yuyin Village to handle daily affairs, he has learned about Yuyin’s current situation.

Not good, very bad.

Kumogakure is worthy of being a ninja village born of bandits. All of them are born robbers. They are very talented in burning, killing and looting, and their methods are very dark. They don’t have the sense of honor of the great ninja village who cares about their reputation and does not attack the weak. As soon as he takes action, he will be beaten to death.

Because of this, many villages and cities in the Kingdom of Rain have been reduced to white land, and even the farmland used for farming has not been spared. There is a complete trend of extermination.

If Kumogakure continues like this, the Kingdom of Rain will be over in less than a month.

Ame Hidden Village, the underground Abyssal Division base camp. As soon as Kirito controlled the White Zetsu clone to return to the Abube leader’s office, a purple-haired girl who was in a hurry rushed in. It was Hattori Masashige’s secretary played by the White Zetsu clone. Purple.

As a ninja with excellent perception, Murasato sensed Kirito when he first came back.

“Master Masaki, you are back. Master Hanzo told me, please go see him immediately.”

Murasaki said to Kirito with a worried look on his face.

“Don’t worry, take it easy. It’s useless for you to be anxious. It’s better to calm down and do your work. Don’t be too tired. Take a proper rest. If you fall down, my work will be heavy again.”

Kirito looked at the dark circles on Murasaki’s face and persuaded her.

After saying that, he patted Zi Li on the shoulder and continued: “Don’t worry, I will still be there to carry you if the sky falls. As long as I am here, the Kingdom of Rain and the Hidden Rain Village will not be destroyed.”

The next moment, without waiting for Zi Li to say anything, he used the water teleportation technique to disappear from where he was.

Seeing this, Zi Li closed her mouth immediately, and then the anxiety on her face not only did not diminish due to Kirito’s comfort, but instead became more intense, with deep worry in her eyes.

Kirito knew where Hanzo was now, and not long after, he arrived at the highest point in the central tower of Amegakure Village.

Sanshouyu Hanzo was standing here quietly in the rain.

“Zhengcheng, the Kingdom of Rain is crying again.”

As Kirito approached, Hanzo spoke, his voice revealing deep sadness and exhaustion.

Three days have passed since Kumogakure launched his revenge. During these three days, he was like a firefighter putting out fires all over the Rain Country. However, despite his great strength, he was unable to curb the atrocities Kumogakure inflicted in the Rain Country.

Seeing the common people of the Land of Rain and the young rain ninjas who had not yet grown up die in droves under Kumogakure’s butcher knife, even though Hanzo had long been used to the separation of life and death, he still felt as if his heart was cut by a knife. Sad.

“We are in a crucial place in troubled times, but we have no way to protect ourselves. The fate of Amegakure and the Country of Rain has long been determined. Is there still no news from Iwagakure and Konoha?”

Kirito sighed after hearing this.

“Do you think your raid on Cloud Hidden Village was right?”

Hanzo did not mention the matter of supporting Iwagakure and Konoha. He turned around and asked Kirito coldly.

The reason why Kumogakure is so crazy in the Land of Rain is precisely because of Kirito’s riot in Kumogakure Village.

Hanzo now regrets that he should not have agreed to Kirito’s raid on Kumogakure to establish his authority.

Kirito was silent and did not immediately answer Hanzo’s question, but looked towards the Amegakure Village.

Because of the atrocities Kumogakure committed in various parts of the Rain Country, a large number of refugees from all over the Rain Country are now pouring into the Rain Hidden Village.

At this time, no place in the Kingdom of Rain is safer than Hidden Rain Village.

Although Yuyin Village is large, it is also very crowded with nearly a million refugees pouring in at once, so more refugees are excluded from Yuyin Village, and finally a large temporary camp is formed.

The Country of Rain is a country plagued by disasters. For a long time, capable citizens have basically escaped from the Country of Rain, leaving behind only those who have no ability and are unable to leave their homeland.

Perhaps it is because of this that the national characters left behind are generally very tough. They are like weeds on the wasteland. As long as they are given a little sunshine and rain, they can continue to grow vigorously.

Therefore, although most of the people in the refugee camp outside Yuyin Village are in ragged clothes, their mental state is still very good, and there is still a brilliance called hope in their eyes.

“Look at those people below. You should understand what I did, right?”

Kirito relied on his Byakugan to take in a panoramic view of the situation in the refugee camp, and then spoke to Hanzo.

When Hanzo heard Kirito say this, he felt bitter inside.

How could he not understand what Kirito said.

The news about Hattori Masashige leading fifty rain ninjas to raid the Cloud Hidden Village has long been spread in the Country of Rain. This incident naturally greatly boosted the morale of the Country of Rain. The reason why the Rain Hidden Village has not been attacked by the Clouds until now The collapse of the hidden fight was the result of Hattori Masashige’s mention.

Many Rain Ninjas and people from the Rain Kingdom believe that they still have hope of victory and have not completely lost hope in this war.

It’s just that when the power of the two sides is seriously imbalanced, the improvement of morale cannot affect the outcome at all, but only increases casualties.

“Hanzo, do you think that if I hadn’t raided Kumogakure, Kumogakure wouldn’t have dealt with the Rain Country like now?”

Seeing that Hanzo was silent, Kirito knew that Hanzo didn’t agree with what he said, so he asked instead.

The purpose of Kumogakure’s invasion of the Rain Country has long been known to everyone.

It was just a plan to step on Amegakure’s shoulders to boost morale so that he could deal with Konoha.

But how can things like war be so easy to control? As Yunyin fought, his purpose began to change.

Because they discovered that the Country of Rain was richer than they thought, they originally only wanted to defeat Raingakure and use this to boost their morale to attack Konoha, but instead they focused on plundering.

There were early signs of this. After Kumogakure broke through the Amegakure fortress on the border, he began to plunder wealthy border towns. It was like locusts passing through the border. Several wealthy border towns were destroyed by them. It was difficult to rebuild them. Know how long it will take.

“At least it won’t be as cruel as it is now.”

Hanzo retorted.

“So you are going to let Yugakure live on his knees!”

Kirito said coldly.

“I didn’t say that, I just think we shouldn’t use such drastic measures to deal with Kumogakure. Admit it, you did something wrong. Kumogakure is not Konoha. Fighting them will only make them more ruthless. , you clearly know very well that our Yuyin invisible board is small and cannot consume them.”

Hanzo stepped forward, angrily pulled out Kirito’s collar, and yelled.

“I didn’t expect that the man who dared to draw a sword against Konoha would turn out like this. You really are getting more and more timid as you live, Hanzo, so what if you can’t use it up? Amegakure’s blood cannot be lost.

Do you think the three major powers around us will let us develop our strength? Even if Kumogakure doesn’t take action against us Yugakure now, Iwagakure, Konoha and Sunagakure will all take action against us sooner or later.

If we can’t teach Kumogakure a lesson this time and let other ninja villages understand the bloody nature of our Umogakure and the price of completely angering us, if we Yugakure doesn’t even have the bloody character, we will face Iwagakure and Konoha and Sunagakure no longer have any room for resistance. Is this what you want to see? “

Kirito pushed Hanzo away and mocked.

“What you do will only accelerate Amegakure into the abyss. Those great ninja villages will not let you go.”

Hanzo rushed forward, punched Kirito hard in the face, and cursed.

“Let them come. Even if you die, I won’t die either.”

Kirito retaliated unceremoniously and punched Hanzo hard in the face, knocking him to the ground.

For a moment, the two most powerful people in Yuyin Village were fighting like children, beating each other in the face until they both fell down with bruises and swollen faces.

“Masashige, Amagakure is hopeless. Neither Iwagakure nor Konoha are willing to take action. Sunagakure even took the opportunity to take advantage of us.”

Hanzo was lying on the ground, his face covered with rain, he covered his face with his hands and said in pain.

Without any reinforcements, Hanzo, who knew that Yugakure was currently out of strength, could not see any hope of victory, and he was almost desperate.

“I had no intention of counting on them. At this time, it would be good if Iwagakure and Konoha didn’t add insult to injury. But don’t jump to conclusions so quickly. I have contacted Kirigakure. I think there is great hope. As long as Kirigakure is willing to take action, we can There is hope.”

When Kirito heard Hanzo say that Iwagakure and Konoha were unwilling to take action, he felt no fluctuation in his heart and comforted him.

When Hanzo heard that Kirigakure was having a show, he immediately got up from the ground and said excitedly: “Really?”

“Well, there is a high probability that Kirigakure will take action, because Yugakure is very close to them, and I also deliberately showed off my wealth in front of them. I am sure that they are absolutely unwilling to let Yugakure swallow up Yugakure’s wealth and grow, and then threaten themselves. .

Finally, a big battle is needed to reshuffle the cards within Kirigakure. “

Kirito nodded pretendingly to boost Hanzo’s morale.

Hattori Masashige, played by Kirito using a clone of White Zetsu, established the Abube in Amegakure Village to engage in intelligence. Coupled with the intelligence network of the Night Organization, he understands the current chaotic situation within Kirigakure better than in his previous life.

With the support of the Daimyos of the Kingdom of Water, the Blood Mist Sect has become able to compete with the anti-Blood Mist Sect despite its shadow-level combat power.

If the Third Mizukage is not determined to carry out the purge, the Blood Mist Sect will take power sooner or later.

This is the helplessness of the Shadow of a Village. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. He has no strength, but is restrained by various things. He cannot easily take action. He can only secretly use various reasons to eradicate dissidents behind his back.

“That’s good, that’s good. As long as Kirigakure takes action, we really have hope.”

Hanzo said happily as if he was relieved when he received a positive answer.

During the days when Hattori Masashige was away, the pressure of the Rain Country was all on him alone. He thought he could handle it, but Kumogakure’s power really made him feel intimidated.

There was no other reason. In this war, his greatest personal advantage was completely unable to be used on the battlefield. The Third Raikage was too strong, and the ninjutsu he mastered was very restrained. His best assassination technique was on the opponent’s side. In front of the secondary thunder armor, it is of no use at all.

The most he could do was contain the Third Raikage on the battlefield, and he still risked his life to contain him.

And Kumogakure is different from Konoha. The people of Kumogakure are very united and full of blood.

Facing such an opponent, Hanzo really couldn’t see any hope of defeating Kumogakure.

“You should go and take a rest first. I’m back. You can share half of the pressure with me. I will lead the Yuanbu people to assist you with all my strength.”

Seeing that Hanzo was finally relieved, Kirito patted his shoulder with his hand and said sincerely.

After saying that, he turned and left.

Hanzo looked at Kirito’s back, a strange color suddenly flashed in his eyes, and finally he closed his eyes and said loudly: “Don’t die.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kirito used the teleportation technique and disappeared.

“I hope your choice is right.”

Seeing this, Hanzo’s eyes flickered and he murmured.

The next moment, he waved his hand, and two Amegakure Anbu exuding a fierce aura appeared in front of Hanzo. The two stared at Hanzo coldly.

Hanzo looked at the two Amegakure Anbu and remained silent for a moment.

Suddenly, a faint blue sword light appeared.

A flower of blood suddenly spattered from the necks of the two Amegaku Anbu, looking at Hanzo with incredulous eyes. One of them pointed at Hanzo. He wanted to speak, but in the end he spit out blood bubbles, and then fell down with a look of reluctance.

“Who gave me hope again? This is your fate.”

Hanzo looked at the two corpses that were rapidly losing life in front of him and said expressionlessly.

Then, he touched a seal and used some kind of fire escape ninjutsu to burn the two bodies to ashes.

. . .

On the other side, within the Kingdom of Wind, in Konoha’s temporary battlefield base camp in an oasis.

Kirito put down the latest order book from Konoha and said with some displeasure: “What on earth does this fellow Sandai want to do? At this time, instead of pursuing the victory to attack Sunagakure, I was allowed to stay here quietly. , it’s really difficult to handle.”

Through the White Zetsu clone, he already knew about Sunagakure’s invasion of Rain Country.

Regarding this, the first time he got the news was to request the Third Generation to send troops to attack Sunagakure.

Sunagakure has been beaten badly by him recently, and he can only passively defend himself. Now he actually has the intention to go to the Land of Rain to steal chickens. He simply doesn’t take him seriously.

Since Sunagakure still dares to risk his life and divide his troops to invade the country of rain, he will certainly not miss this good opportunity to deal with Sunagakure severely.

To be honest, with his current ability, he might not be able to destroy Sunagakure alone, but it would be no problem to hurt it.

The reason is that the one-tailed Shukaku in his body hates Sunagakure very much, and will actively provide chakra when hearing about the attack on Sunagakure, so that he does not have to worry too much about the consumption of chakra.

Unfortunately, he was determined to teach Sunagakure a lesson, but the third generation rejected his request to send troops. The reason given was that Sunagakure had already sent people to Konoha to discuss the matter, and it was not appropriate to continue to increase the conflict between Konoha and Sunagakure.

“What a good move, Sunagakure. You used peace talks to avoid being beaten.”

Kirito manipulated the sand to create a sand sculpture of the Hidden Sand Village on the ground, and sneered.

The next moment, he crushed the sand sculpture in the Hidden Sand Village with his feet, revealing a fierce look in his eyes.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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