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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 220 The Steady Third Generation Fengying


Shukaku’s claws and iron sand fists collided with the two giants, and a jellyfish-like air wave burst out instantly, followed by a huge vibration sound, causing many nearby ninjas to cover their ears in pain.

Shukaku’s power is undoubtedly very powerful. With that claw, even if the ground is made of steel, a big hole will be immediately punched out.

But the fist made of iron sand is extremely strong, and is firmly rooted in the sand below like the roots of an old tree. Finally, the power from Shukaku’s claws is cleverly dispersed into the surrounding sand, making it very smooth. to block Shukaku’s claw attack.

“The Third Kazekage!”

Shukaku looked at the iron fist blocking its claws below, and it realized who was coming, and immediately shouted angrily.

In the past ten years, this hateful guy has been suppressing it and has a very bad attitude towards it. He has always described it as an animal.

At least half of its hatred for Sunagakure came from this hateful human.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

Shukaku immediately began to search seriously for the location of the Third Kazekage.

But the next moment, a big black snake emerged from the sand dune behind it, quickly pounced on it, and wrapped its entire body tightly with its huge and long body.

This big black snake is composed of a large amount of iron sand. On top of its head, the Third Kazekage is standing. At this time, he is looking down at Shukaku opposite, with deep disdain in his eyes.

As a ninja who can easily suppress Shukaku many times, in his eyes, Shukaku is just a beast that has power but doesn’t know how to use it. As long as he is a little serious, there is no danger.

Shukaku became angry when he saw the Third Kazekage and opened his mouth without saying anything.

An air cannon formed from a large amount of highly condensed Wind Release Chakra was instantly released from its big mouth, quickly hitting the head of the Iron Sand Serpent and the Third Kazekage, and then destroying them.

Wind Escape·Practice blank bullets!

The big iron sand snake did not collapse without its head. Instead, it quickly gathered the iron sand scattered around to reassemble the snake’s head.

The Third Kazekage also reappeared on the snake head.

Magnetic Escape·Iron Sand Clone Technique!

“Sure enough, he is still a beast that only knows how to destroy, and he is still so frizzy. Tohsaka Kirito, come out. I know you can’t be controlled by such a beast that has power but doesn’t know how to use it. Come out and talk to me. Let’s talk, Sunagakure and Konoha are currently in peace talks, there is no need for us to reach this stage.”

On the Iron Sand Serpent, the Third Kazekage spoke with an angry tone.

When Shukaku heard the Third Kazekage scolding him, the already huge anger in his heart grew stronger. But before it could open its mouth, the iron sand snake wrapped around it melted away. A large amount of iron sand covered its body and closed its mouth. All sealed.

For a moment, Shukaku was wrapped in the iron sand of the Third Kazekage and was temporarily unable to move.

At the same time, the sand clouds on the ground and other sand clouds that survived the sandstorm created by Shukaku were flying into the air with the help of clouds of iron sand, preparing to escape from the encirclement of Konoha ninjas.

At this moment, most of the Konoha ninjas on the battlefield were focused on the Third Kazekage, who appeared in a high-profile manner. They noticed the departure of Sha Yun and other Suna ninjas, but not many people were willing to pay attention.

Until a voice appeared in their hearts: “Leave all those people to me.”

When all the Konoha ninjas heard this voice, Chizuru was the first to take action. She instantly used the secret technique of lightning, turning into a bolt of lightning and heading straight towards Shayun and the others.

Next came Naoki and Rei, one burst out of the four gates and rushed into the sky with a ball of green chakra flame, and the other grew a pair of lifelike chakra wings and flew into the air.

As the three of them took action, other Konoha ninjas also used their own methods to rush towards Sha Yun and others, or directly used powerful ninjutsu to carry out long-range attacks.


The Third Kazekage noticed the movements of the Konoha ninjas, and he suddenly let out a cold and bone-chilling snort.

A large stream of black iron sand gushes out from the sand and turns into a wave of iron sand that surges in all directions. Many Konoha ninjas walking on the ground and a large number of ninjutsu are swallowed up by this wave of iron sand.

Only a few Konoha ninjas could continue to move forward against the tide of iron sand.

Seeing that a small number of Konoha’s elite ninjas were approaching Sha Yun and other scarred people, the Third Kazekage prepared to continue the attack.

Sunagakure definitely suffered heavy losses this time. Ninety percent of the nearly 3,000 Sunagakure in the base camp died in the sandstorm created by Shukaku.

As the Kazekage, he must bring back the remaining Sand Ninja here.

If possible, he also planned to kill a group of Konoha’s elite ninjas.

But how could Kirito let the Third Kazekage get his wish? He sighed softly and suppressed Shukaku’s consciousness in an instant. Then with a thought, sand pillars suddenly rose up from the ground, trapping those trapped in the black iron sand. A large number of Konoha ninjas were rescued.

Not only that, the Iron Sand Cloud, which was dragging Sha Yun and other sand ninjas away, was grabbed by two huge hands of sand and could not continue to move.

At the same time, as a powerful chakra fluctuation appeared, all the iron sand trapped in Shukaku’s body was blown away.

The next moment, Shukaku’s huge body quickly disappeared, and Tohsaka Kirito, a jinchuriki, officially appeared in front of the Third Kazekage with a pair of iron sand wings.

“It’s our first time meeting you, Mr. Kazekage. What a pleasure it is to meet you.”

After Kirito appeared, he immediately greeted the Third Kazekage in a friendly manner, with a bright smile on his face.

But Kirito’s friendly greetings and bright smile were full of irony in the eyes of the Third Kazekage, which was very dazzling and heartbreaking.

A large number of resentful souls of Sunagakure were still looking at him in the yellow sand below. He was not in the mood to make excuses with Kirito and said loudly: “Tohsaka Kirito, are you really planning to let us Sunagakure fight to the death with you Konoha?” ?”

“You are joking, Kazekage-dono, weren’t we in Konoha fighting for our lives with your Sunagakure before? It was you Sunagakure who provoked us. Now that you are weak, why are you starting to bite back? It sounds like we are not willing to bite you. Ye bullies you like Sunagakure.

As the frontline commander of Konoha in the Kingdom of Wind, I have the unshirkable responsibility to eliminate you Sunagakure, and this time it was your Sunagakure people who took the initiative to sabotage the peace talks, so I had no choice but to take the initiative and destroy this frontline base camp of Sunagakure. “

When Kirito heard what the Third Kazekage said, he had a surprised expression on his face, and then said sarcastically.

From beginning to end, the war between Konoha and Sunagakure was initiated by Sunagakure. Konoha suffered deeply from it, and a large number of ninjas died for it. Countless Konoha ninjas on the front line hated Sunagakure.

Now, when they heard Kirito’s fearless sarcasm to the Third Kazekage, they all felt very happy. Their fear of the Third Kazekage was wiped away, and they all started to attack Sha Yun and the other Suna Ninja again.

In front of the Third Kazekage, they killed Sha Yun and other Sand Ninja one by one, leaving only those boneless guys kneeling on the ground with their hands raised.

Seeing this, the Third Kazekage almost died of anger.

But at this time, he did not take action to support Sha Yun and others, but focused all his attention on the Konoha boy in front of him.

When masters compete with each other, their moves are fatal, and the outcome may be determined in an instant.

Previously, when facing Shukaku, a tailed beast that was overwhelmed by anger, he still had the energy to rescue Shayun and the others, but now he faced a strong man of the same level who could forcibly suppress the tailed beast’s will. Unless he followed Shukaku, Crane was as stunned as he was, otherwise he wouldn’t have dared to be distracted in the slightest.

Besides, there was Orochimaru, a venomous snake, not far away, looking at him with eager eyes.

He has seen the power of this venomous snake with his own eyes, and the two little venomous snakes he taught are also here. How can he dare to be distracted again.

What makes him most helpless is that Chiyo is currently not in the village, so he is the only one here to face Konoha and others. No one can share the pressure for him. He is really under a lot of pressure now.

“Tohsaka Kirito, please don’t rant. We Sunagakure took the initiative to initiate peace talks with you Konoha. How could we take the initiative to destroy the peace talks? Your current behavior is destroying the peace between Sunagakure and Konoha. I advise you. You should stop immediately, otherwise the entire ninja world will not be able to tolerate you.”

The Third Kazekage finally suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to try to reason with Kirito, trying to threaten Kirito with the threat of sabotaging the peace talks.

It’s a pity that Kirito came prepared, and it was impossible for the Third Kazekage’s words to shake his half-hearted will.

The next moment, he suddenly turned into a purple human-shaped lightning and shot in a certain direction.

The Third Kazekage flying in the air saw the direction Kirito left, his expression suddenly changed, and then his whole body turned into a pile of iron sand and scattered from the air.

On the other side, on a sand dune more than ten kilometers away, the real Third Kazekage opened his eyes, and a chakra line on the finger of his left hand disappeared.

He is currently the only shadow-level expert left in Sand Hidden Village, so of course he cannot risk his life.

Therefore, when he went to support Sunagakure’s frontline base camp, he sent an iron sand puppet formed by combining puppetry and magnetic escape.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that he was controlling the iron sand puppet to fight Tohsaka Kirito from such a long distance, and that the other party would discover his location so quickly.

“This kid’s perception is too terrifying.”

The Third Kazekage stood up from the ground, stared in a certain direction, and secretly screamed that something was wrong.

A few seconds later, a purple human-shaped lightning appeared in his eyes, then stopped in mid-air in front of him, reappeared Kirito’s true appearance, and continued to stay in mid-air.

Thunder Escape·Thunder Transformation Technique.

After this period of repeated research and practice, Kirito is now almost able to master the free switching of this ninjutsu. He has also developed a magnetic escape flying ninjutsu with the help of this ninjutsu that turns thunder into form.

The principle is to use the art of thunder to form a strong electromagnetic force inside your body, and magnetize your body, thereby using the electromagnetic force to offset your own gravity, and finally allow you to truly fly.

Kirito looked down at the Third Kazekage. He didn’t talk nonsense. He launched an attack as soon as he came up. A golden laser suddenly shot out from the index finger of his right hand and penetrated the Third Kazekage’s head.

Lan Dun·Laser Technique!

This was the first ninjutsu he developed after forming the Arashi Release Blood Succession Limit.

The principle is to form Arashi’s chakra into a highly penetrating energy beam. This ninjutsu not only does not require seals, but also has excellent power and speed. Most importantly, it also has the characteristics of Arashi’s, which can be like water. Control with the same freedom.

The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of chakra.

Before Kirito became the One-Tail Jinchuuriki, with his normal amount of chakra, if he released it five times, the chakra in his body would have bottomed out.

Kirito watched the Third Kazekage being easily shot through the head by his newly invented Arashi Release Ninjutsu. There was not much expression of joy on his face, and he sighed: “Your Majesty Kazekage, I think you, as the Kage of a Village, are not brave enough.” You should be older, you don’t like fighting with me face to face so much? I’m only 11 years old, still a child.”

The next moment, the Third Kazekage, whose head was pierced by the laser, said: “Konoha kid, please stop showing off your talent. I admit that you are very powerful, and I am ashamed of myself. But you want to kill me, and you are still far away.” point.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of iron sand suddenly emerged from the air, and then the shuriken formed by a large amount of iron sand shot at Kirito at high speed.

Kirito did not dodge this, and let a large number of shurikens come at him.

As a result, all the shurikens penetrated through his body, leaving him unscathed.

At the same time, one kilometer away, deep underground, the Third Kazekage, who was wrapped in a large amount of iron sand, looked at Kirito’s performance through the eyes formed by the third eye on the iron sand puppet, and his heart became heavier and heavier. , his face became increasingly ugly.

In addition to being proficient in Magnetic Escape, he is also proficient in Earth Escape, Wind Escape, Thunder Escape and Puppet Escape.

After he witnessed Kirito using an iron sand puppet before, he quickly realized that he would probably not be Kirito’s opponent. Now that he saw Kirito using the Arashi Release Ninjutsu with his own eyes, he was even more certain of this.

His eyesight is not bad. When he was young, he also met ninjas who used Arashiden. Therefore, he could tell at a glance that the ninjutsu Kirito just used was a Arashiden ninjutsu that he had never seen before.

He was shocked and afraid of this.

Fortunately, he dived underground as soon as he discovered Kirito coming towards him, leaving only an iron sand puppet on the ground to confuse the enemy. Otherwise, he would have died just now if he had left the main body on the ground carelessly.

The Arashi Release Ninjutsu that Kirito just released was so fast that he was hit before he could react.

He felt scared just thinking about it now.

Because this means that Kirito already has the ability to kill him instantly. If it were an ordinary shadow-level strongman, if he didn’t know that Kirito knew this Arashi Release Ninjutsu, he might be beaten by Kirito with this Arashi Release Ninjutsu from the very beginning. died.

Even if it is clear, if there is no necessary defense means, it is still a death.

“This is boring, aren’t you? Do you plan to force me to attack Sunagakure Village?”

Hearing this, Kirito sighed again.

Relying on the spiritual transformation technique, he naturally knew where the Third Kazekage was.

This old guy is a very thief. He has been moving underground. His real body is already one kilometer away. It is obvious that he does not intend to fight him seriously.

And his main target tonight is the Third Kazekage. As long as he kills the opponent, he can not only gain a lot of combat achievements and precious strengthening points, but also completely break Sunagakure’s backbone, causing Sunagakure to suffer for a long time. None of them could pose a threat to Konoha.

Unfortunately, the Third Kazekage was much more stable than he thought. He was not as careless as in the original plot, and was plotted with poison by the young Scorpion, and finally died a cowardly death.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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